FormalGrammars- (Context-free) grammars in formal language theory

Safe HaskellNone




We define a simple domain-specific language for context-free languages.

TODO we still need to make sure to handle NTs correctly. It should be that we write [X,Y] in multidim cases and then we check in rules if [X,Y] is available ... of course for [X,eps] we then need to check if eps is an epsilon symbol.



data GrammarEnv Source

The environment captures both the current grammar we work with (current) as well as everything we have parsed until now (env).




_current :: Grammar

The grammar declaration we currently evaluate

_env :: Map String Grammar

grammars within the environment

_emit :: Seq Grammar

sequence of grammars to emit (in order)

_verbose :: Bool

emit lots of informative messages

parseEverything :: Parse m () -> Parse m (Seq Grammar) Source

Parse everything in the grammar source. The additional argument, normally empty :: Alternative f a, allows for providing additional parsing capabilities -- e.g. for grammar products..

parseGrammar :: Parse m () Source

The basic parser, which generates a grammar from a description.

setIndices :: Parse m [Index] Source

Collect all indices and set them as active

parseEmitGrammar :: Parse m () Source

Which of the intermediate grammar to actually emit as code or text in TeX. Single line: Emit: KnownGrammarName

parseNormStartEps :: Parse m () Source

Normalize start and epsilon rules in a known Source:, thereby generating a new grammar.

parseOutside :: Parse m () Source

Try to generate an outside grammar from an inside grammar. The From: name is looked up in the environment.

Outside: NAME
From: (inside)NAME

parseCommands :: Parse m () Source

Some additional commands that change the parsing state.

TODO MonoidOfPairs should generate an adapter function that turns any 2-tape eval function into its k-tape version. This means collecting all name pairs, then emitting the corresponding adapter. We'll also need a monoidal function for combining pairs. (this is along the lines of sum-of-pairs).

Helper parsers

parseSyntacticDecl :: EvalReq -> Parse m SynTermEps Source

Parses a syntactic (or non-terminal) symbol (for the corresponding index type). Cf. parseSynTermDecl.

parseSynTermDecl :: EvalReq -> Parse m SynTermEps Source

Parses a syntactic terminal declaration; an inside syntactic variable in an outside context.

parseStartSym :: Parse m Symbol Source

The syntactic variable here needs to either have no index at all, have a grammar-based index, or have a fully calculated index.

data EvalReq Source



Happens when we actually emit a grammar product (in development)


Happens when we work through the rules


Happens when we encounter N: and define a symbol


Happens when we define grammar-global parameters

parseIndex :: EvalReq -> Stately m [Index] Source

Parses indices { ... } within curly brackets (braces).

When parsing the EvalSymb case, indexed symbols are being created.

Parsing in rules is handled via EvalRule and actually requires us saying which explicit index we use.

knownSymbol :: EvalReq -> Stately m Symbol Source

Parses an already known symbol, either syntactic or terminal.

TODO Correctly parse inside-syntactics in outside grammars? Do we want this explicitly?

updateSplitCounts :: [Symbol] -> [Symbol] Source

For split syntactic variables used in split manner (i.e. @S -> X Y X Y)

TODO error control!

expandIndexed :: Rule -> Parse m [Rule] Source

Once we have parsed a rule, we still need to extract all active indices in the rule, and enumerate over them. This will finally generate the set of rules we are interested in.

data Result a :: * -> *

The result of parsing. Either we succeeded or something went wrong.


Success a 
Failure Doc