Flint2- Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Univariate polynomials over the rational numbers

Memory management

fmpq_poly_init :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_init poly

Initialises the polynomial for use. The length is set to zero.

fmpq_poly_init2 :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_init2 poly alloc

Initialises the polynomial with space for at least alloc coefficients and set the length to zero. The alloc coefficients are all set to zero.

fmpq_poly_realloc :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_realloc poly alloc

Reallocates the given polynomial to have space for alloc coefficients. If alloc is zero then the polynomial is cleared and then reinitialised. If the current length is greater than alloc then poly is first truncated to length alloc. Note that this might leave the rational polynomial in non-canonical form.

fmpq_poly_fit_length :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_fit_length poly len

If len is greater than the number of coefficients currently allocated, then the polynomial is reallocated to have space for at least len coefficients. No data is lost when calling this function. The function efficiently deals with the case where fit_length is called many times in small increments by at least doubling the number of allocated coefficients when len is larger than the number of coefficients currently allocated.

_fmpq_poly_set_length :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_set_length poly len

Sets the length of the numerator polynomial to len, demoting coefficients beyond the new length. Note that this method does not guarantee that the rational polynomial is in canonical form.

fmpq_poly_clear :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_clear poly

Clears the given polynomial, releasing any memory used. The polynomial must be reinitialised in order to be used again.

_fmpq_poly_normalise :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_normalise poly

Sets the length of poly so that the top coefficient is non-zero. If all coefficients are zero, the length is set to zero. Note that this function does not guarantee the coprimality of the numerator polynomial and the integer denominator.

_fmpq_poly_canonicalise :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_canonicalise poly den len

Puts (poly, den) of length len into canonical form.

It is assumed that the array poly contains a non-zero entry in position len - 1 whenever len > 0. Assumes that den is non-zero.

fmpq_poly_canonicalise :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_canonicalise poly

Puts the polynomial poly into canonical form. Firstly, the length is set to the actual length of the numerator polynomial. For non-zero polynomials, it is then ensured that the numerator and denominator are coprime and that the denominator is positive. The canonical form of the zero polynomial is a zero numerator polynomial and a one denominator.

_fmpq_poly_is_canonical :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_is_canonical poly den len

Returns whether the polynomial is in canonical form.

fmpq_poly_is_canonical :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_is_canonical poly

Returns whether the polynomial is in canonical form.

Polynomial parameters

fmpq_poly_degree :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CLong Source #

fmpq_poly_degree poly

Returns the degree of poly, which is one less than its length, as a slong.

fmpq_poly_length :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CLong Source #

fmpq_poly_length poly

Returns the length of poly.

Accessing the numerator and denominator

fmpq_poly_numref :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO (Ptr CFmpz) Source #

fmpq_poly_numref poly

Returns a reference to the numerator polynomial as an array.

Note that, because of a delayed initialisation approach, this might be NULL for zero polynomials. This situation can be salvaged by calling either fmpq_poly_fit_length or fmpq_poly_realloc.

This function is implemented as a macro returning (poly)->coeffs.

fmpq_poly_denref :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO (Ptr CFmpz) Source #

fmpq_poly_denref poly

Returns a reference to the denominator as a fmpz_t. The integer is guaranteed to be properly initialised.

This function is implemented as a macro returning (poly)->den.

fmpq_poly_get_numerator :: Ptr CFmpzPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_numerator res poly

Sets res to the numerator of poly, e.g. the primitive part as an fmpz_poly_t if it is in canonical form .

fmpq_poly_get_denominator :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_denominator den poly

Sets res to the denominator of poly.

Random testing

fmpq_poly_randtest :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_randtest f state len bits

Sets \(f\) to a random polynomial with coefficients up to the given length and where each coefficient has up to the given number of bits. The coefficients are signed randomly. One must call flint_randinit before calling this function.

fmpq_poly_randtest_unsigned :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_randtest_unsigned f state len bits

Sets \(f\) to a random polynomial with coefficients up to the given length and where each coefficient has up to the given number of bits. One must call flint_randinit before calling this function.

fmpq_poly_randtest_not_zero :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFRandState -> CLong -> CFBitCnt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_randtest_not_zero f state len bits

As for fmpq_poly_randtest except that len and bits may not be zero and the polynomial generated is guaranteed not to be the zero polynomial. One must call flint_randinit before calling this function.

Assignment, swap, negation

fmpq_poly_set :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set poly1 poly2

Sets poly1 to equal poly2.

fmpq_poly_set_si :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_si poly x

Sets poly to the integer \(x\).

fmpq_poly_set_ui :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_ui poly x

Sets poly to the integer \(x\).

fmpq_poly_set_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_fmpz poly x

Sets poly to the integer \(x\).

fmpq_poly_set_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpq -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_fmpq poly x

Sets poly to the rational \(x\), which is assumed to be given in lowest terms.

fmpq_poly_set_fmpz_poly :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpzPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_fmpz_poly rop op

Sets the rational polynomial rop to the same value as the integer polynomial op.

fmpq_poly_set_nmod_poly :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CNModPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_nmod_poly rop op

Sets the coefficients of rop to the residues in op, normalised to the interval \(-m/2 \le r < m/2\) where \(m\) is the modulus.

fmpq_poly_get_nmod_poly :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_nmod_poly rop op

Sets the coefficients of rop to the coefficients in the denominator ofop, reduced by the modulus of rop. The result is multiplied by the inverse of the denominator of op. It is assumed that the reduction of the denominator of op is invertible.

fmpq_poly_get_nmod_poly_den :: Ptr CNModPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CInt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_nmod_poly_den rop op den

Sets the coefficients of rop to the coefficients in the denominator of op, reduced by the modulus of rop. If den == 1, the result is multiplied by the inverse of the denominator of op. In this case it is assumed that the reduction of the denominator of op is invertible.

fmpq_poly_zero :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_zero poly

Sets poly to zero.

fmpq_poly_one :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_one poly

Sets poly to the constant polynomial \(1\).

fmpq_poly_neg :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_neg poly1 poly2

Sets poly1 to the additive inverse of poly2.

fmpq_poly_inv :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_inv poly1 poly2

Sets poly1 to the multiplicative inverse of poly2 if possible. Otherwise, if poly2 is not a unit, leaves poly1 unmodified and calls abort.

fmpq_poly_swap :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_swap poly1 poly2

Efficiently swaps the polynomials poly1 and poly2.

fmpq_poly_truncate :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_truncate poly n

If the current length of poly is greater than \(n\), it is truncated to the given length. Discarded coefficients are demoted, but they are not necessarily set to zero.

fmpq_poly_set_trunc :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_trunc res poly n

Sets res to a copy of poly, truncated to length n.

fmpq_poly_get_slice :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_slice rop op i j

Returns the slice with coefficients from \(x^i\) (including) to \(x^j\) (excluding).

fmpq_poly_reverse :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_reverse res poly n

This function considers the polynomial poly to be of length \(n\), notionally truncating and zero padding if required, and reverses the result. Since the function normalises its result res may be of length less than \(n\).

Getting and setting coefficients

fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpz x poly n

Retrieves the \(n`th coefficient of the numerator of \)poly`.

fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_get_coeff_fmpq x poly n

Retrieves the \(n`th coefficient of \)poly`, in lowest terms.

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_si :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_si poly n x

Sets the \(n`th coefficient in \)poly to the integer :math:`x.

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_ui :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_ui poly n x

Sets the \(n`th coefficient in \)poly to the integer :math:`x.

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpz poly n x

Sets the \(n`th coefficient in \)poly to the integer :math:`x.

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpq -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_set_coeff_fmpq poly n x

Sets the \(n`th coefficient in \)poly to the rational :math:`x.


fmpq_poly_equal :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_equal poly1 poly2

Returns \(1\) if poly1 is equal to poly2, otherwise returns~`0`.

_fmpq_poly_equal_trunc :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_equal_trunc poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

Return \(1\) if poly1 and poly2 notionally truncated to length \(n\) are equal, otherwise returns~`0`.

fmpq_poly_equal_trunc :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_equal_trunc poly1 poly2 n

Return \(1\) if poly1 and poly2 notionally truncated to length \(n\) are equal, otherwise returns~`0`.

_fmpq_poly_cmp :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_cmp lpoly lden rpoly rden len

Compares two non-zero polynomials, assuming they have the same length len > 0.

The polynomials are expected to be provided in canonical form.

fmpq_poly_cmp :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_cmp left right

Compares the two polynomials left and right.

Compares the two polynomials left and right, returning \(-1\), \(0\), or \(1\) as left is less than, equal to, or greater than right. The comparison is first done by the degree, and then, in case of a tie, by the individual coefficients from highest to lowest.

fmpq_poly_is_one :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_is_one poly

Returns \(1\) if poly is the constant polynomial~`1`, otherwise returns \(0\).

fmpq_poly_is_zero :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_is_zero poly

Returns \(1\) if poly is the zero polynomial, otherwise returns \(0\).

fmpq_poly_is_gen :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_is_gen poly

Returns \(1\) if poly is the degree \(1\) polynomial \(x\), otherwise returns \(0\).

Addition and subtraction

_fmpq_poly_add :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_add rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2

Forms the sum (rpoly, rden) of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2), placing the result into canonical form.

Assumes that rpoly is an array of length the maximum of len1 and len2. The input operands are assumed to be in canonical form and are also allowed to be of length~`0`.

(rpoly, rden) and (poly1, den1) may be aliased, but (rpoly, rden) and (poly2, den2) may not be aliased.

_fmpq_poly_add_can :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CInt -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_add_can rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 can

As per _fmpq_poly_add except that one can specify whether to canonicalise the output or not. This function is intended to be used with weak canonicalisation to prevent explosion in memory usage. It exists for performance reasons.

fmpq_poly_add :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_add res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the sum of poly1 and poly2, using Henrici's algorithm.

fmpq_poly_add_can :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CInt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_add_can res poly1 poly2 can

As per fmpq_poly_add except that one can specify whether to canonicalise the output or not. This function is intended to be used with weak canonicalisation to prevent explosion in memory usage. It exists for performance reasons.

_fmpq_poly_add_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_add_series rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

As per _fmpq_poly_add but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\). If \(n\) is less than len1 or len2 then the output only needs space for \(n\) coefficients. We require \(n \geq 0\).

_fmpq_poly_add_series_can :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CInt -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_add_series_can rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n can

As per _fmpq_poly_add_can but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\). If \(n\) is less than len1 or len2 then the output only needs space for \(n\) coefficients. We require \(n \geq 0\).

fmpq_poly_add_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_add_series res poly1 poly2 n

As per fmpq_poly_add but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\).

fmpq_poly_add_series_can :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> CInt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_add_series_can res poly1 poly2 n can

As per fmpq_poly_add_can but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\).

_fmpq_poly_sub :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sub rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2

Forms the difference (rpoly, rden) of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2), placing the result into canonical form.

Assumes that rpoly is an array of length the maximum of len1 and len2. The input operands are assumed to be in canonical form and are also allowed to be of length~`0`.

(rpoly, rden) and (poly1, den1, len1) may be aliased, but (rpoly, rden) and (poly2, den2, len2) may not be aliased.

_fmpq_poly_sub_can :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CInt -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sub_can rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 can

As per _fmpq_poly_sub except that one can specify whether to canonicalise the output or not. This function is intended to be used with weak canonicalisation to prevent explosion in memory usage. It exists for performance reasons.

fmpq_poly_sub :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sub res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the difference of poly1 and poly2, using Henrici's algorithm.

fmpq_poly_sub_can :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CInt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sub_can res poly1 poly2 can

As per _fmpq_poly_sub except that one can specify whether to canonicalise the output or not. This function is intended to be used with weak canonicalisation to prevent explosion in memory usage. It exists for performance reasons.

_fmpq_poly_sub_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sub_series rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

As per _fmpq_poly_sub but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\). If \(n\) is less than len1 or len2 then the output only needs space for \(n\) coefficients. We require \(n \geq 0\).

_fmpq_poly_sub_series_can :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> CInt -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sub_series_can rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n can

As per _fmpq_poly_sub_can but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\). If \(n\) is less than len1 or len2 then the output only needs space for \(n\) coefficients. We require \(n \geq 0\).

fmpq_poly_sub_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sub_series res poly1 poly2 n

As per fmpq_poly_sub but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\).

fmpq_poly_sub_series_can :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> CInt -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sub_series_can res poly1 poly2 n can

As per fmpq_poly_sub_can but the inputs are first notionally truncated to length \(n\).

Scalar multiplication and division

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_si :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_si rpoly rden poly den len c

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to the product of \(c\) of (poly, den, len).

If the input is normalised, then so is the output, provided it is non-zero. If the input is in lowest terms, then so is the output. However, even if neither of these conditions are met, the result will be (mathematically) correct.

Supports exact aliasing between (rpoly, den) and (poly, den).

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_ui :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_ui rpoly rden poly den len c

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to the product of \(c\) of (poly, den, len).

If the input is normalised, then so is the output, provided it is non-zero. If the input is in lowest terms, then so is the output. However, even if neither of these conditions are met, the result will be (mathematically) correct.

Supports exact aliasing between (rpoly, den) and (poly, den).

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz rpoly rden poly den len c

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to the product of \(c\) of (poly, den, len).

If the input is normalised, then so is the output, provided it is non-zero. If the input is in lowest terms, then so is the output. However, even if neither of these conditions are met, the result will be (mathematically) correct.

Supports exact aliasing between (rpoly, den) and (poly, den).

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpq rpoly rden poly den len r s

Sets (rpoly, rden) to the product of \(r/s\) and (poly, den, len), in lowest terms.

Assumes that (poly, den, len) and \(r/s\) are provided in lowest terms. Assumes that rpoly is an array of length len. Supports aliasing of (rpoly, den) and (poly, den). The fmpz_t's \(r\) and \(s\) may not be part of (rpoly, rden).

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_si :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_si rop op c

Sets rop to \(c\) times op.

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_ui :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_ui rop op c

Sets rop to \(c\) times op.

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz rop op c

Sets rop to \(c\) times op. Assumes that the fmpz_t c is not part of rop.

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CMpq -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_scalar_mul_fmpq rop op c

Sets rop to \(c\) times op.

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_fmpz rpoly rden poly den len c

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to (poly, den, len) divided by \(c\), in lowest terms.

Assumes that len is positive. Assumes that \(c\) is non-zero. Supports aliasing between (rpoly, rden) and (poly, den). Assumes that \(c\) is not part of (rpoly, rden).

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_si :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_si rpoly rden poly den len c

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to (poly, den, len) divided by \(c\), in lowest terms.

Assumes that len is positive. Assumes that \(c\) is non-zero. Supports aliasing between (rpoly, rden) and (poly, den).

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_ui :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_ui rpoly rden poly den len c

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to (poly, den, len) divided by \(c\), in lowest terms.

Assumes that len is positive. Assumes that \(c\) is non-zero. Supports aliasing between (rpoly, rden) and (poly, den).

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_scalar_div_fmpq rpoly rden poly den len r s

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to (poly, den, len) divided by \(r/s\), in lowest terms.

Assumes that len is positive. Assumes that \(r/s\) is non-zero and in lowest terms. Supports aliasing between (rpoly, rden) and (poly, den). The fmpz_t's \(r\) and \(s\) may not be part of (rpoly, poly).

fmpq_poly_scalar_div_si :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_scalar_div_si rop op c

Sets rop to op divided by the scalar c.


_fmpq_poly_mul :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_mul rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2

Sets (rpoly, rden, len1 + len2 - 1) to the product of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2). If the input is provided in canonical form, then so is the output.

Assumes len1 >= len2 > 0. Allows zero-padding in the input. Does not allow aliasing between the inputs and outputs.

fmpq_poly_mul :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_mul res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2.

_fmpq_poly_mullow :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_mullow rpoly rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

Sets (rpoly, rden, n) to the low \(n\) coefficients of (poly1, den1) and (poly2, den2). The output is not guaranteed to be in canonical form.

Assumes len1 >= len2 > 0 and 0 < n <= len1 + len2 - 1. Allows for zero-padding in the inputs. Does not allow aliasing between the inputs and outputs.

fmpq_poly_mullow :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_mullow res poly1 poly2 n

Sets res to the product of poly1 and poly2, truncated to length~`n`.

fmpq_poly_addmul :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_addmul rop op1 op2

Adds the product of op1 and op2 to rop.

fmpq_poly_submul :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_submul rop op1 op2

Subtracts the product of op1 and op2 from rop.


_fmpq_poly_pow :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_pow rpoly rden poly den len e

Sets (rpoly, rden) to (poly, den)^e, assuming e, len > 0. Assumes that rpoly is an array of length at least e * (len - 1) + 1. Supports aliasing of (rpoly, den) and (poly, den).

fmpq_poly_pow :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_pow res poly e

Sets res to poly^e, where the only special case \(0^0\) is defined as \(1\).

_fmpq_poly_pow_trunc :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_pow_trunc res rden f fden flen exp len

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to (poly, den)^e truncated to length len, where len is at most e * (flen - 1) + 1.

fmpq_poly_pow_trunc :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_pow_trunc res poly e n

Sets res to poly^e truncated to length n.


fmpq_poly_shift_left :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_shift_left res poly n

Set res to poly shifted left by \(n\) coefficients. Zero coefficients are inserted.

fmpq_poly_shift_right :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_shift_right res poly n

Set res to poly shifted right by \(n\) coefficients. If \(n\) is equal to or greater than the current length of poly, res is set to the zero polynomial.

Euclidean division

_fmpq_poly_divrem :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpzPreInvN -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_divrem Q q R r A a lenA B b lenB inv

Finds the quotient (Q, q) and remainder (R, r) of the Euclidean division of (A, a) by (B, b).

Assumes that lenA >= lenB > 0. Assumes that \(R\) has space for lenA coefficients, although only the bottom lenB - 1 will carry meaningful data on exit. Supports no aliasing between the two outputs, or between the inputs and the outputs.

An optional precomputed inverse of the leading coefficient of \(B\) from fmpz_preinvn_init can be supplied. Otherwise inv should be NULL.

fmpq_poly_divrem :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_divrem Q R poly1 poly2

Finds the quotient \(Q\) and remainder \(R\) of the Euclidean division of poly1 by poly2.

_fmpq_poly_div :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpzPreInvN -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_div Q q A a lenA B b lenB inv

Finds the quotient (Q, q) of the Euclidean division of (A, a) by (B, b).

Assumes that lenA >= lenB > 0. Supports no aliasing between the inputs and the outputs.

An optional precomputed inverse of the leading coefficient of \(B\) from fmpz_preinvn_init can be supplied. Otherwise inv should be NULL.

fmpq_poly_div :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_div Q poly1 poly2

Finds the quotient \(Q\) and remainder \(R\) of the Euclidean division of poly1 by poly2.

_fmpq_poly_rem :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpzPreInvN -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_rem R r A a lenA B b lenB inv

Finds the remainder (R, r) of the Euclidean division of (A, a) by (B, b).

Assumes that lenA >= lenB > 0. Supports no aliasing between the inputs and the outputs.

An optional precomputed inverse of the leading coefficient of \(B\) from fmpz_preinvn_init can be supplied. Otherwise inv should be NULL.

fmpq_poly_rem :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_rem R poly1 poly2

Finds the remainder \(R\) of the Euclidean division of poly1 by poly2.


_fmpq_poly_powers_precompute :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO (Ptr CFmpqPoly) Source #

_fmpq_poly_powers_precompute B denB len

Computes 2*len - 1 powers of \(x\) modulo the polynomial \(B\) of the given length. This is used as a kind of precomputed inverse in the remainder routine below.

fmpq_poly_powers_precompute :: Ptr CFmpqPolyPowersPrecomp -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_powers_precompute pinv poly

Computes 2*len - 1 powers of $x$ modulo the polynomial $B$ of the given length. This is used as a kind of precomputed inverse in the remainder routine below.

_fmpq_poly_powers_clear :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_powers_clear powers len

Clean up resources used by precomputed powers which have been computed by _fmpq_poly_powers_precompute.

fmpq_poly_powers_clear :: Ptr CFmpqPolyPowersPrecomp -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_powers_clear pinv

Clean up resources used by precomputed powers which have been computed by fmpq_poly_powers_precompute.

_fmpq_poly_rem_powers_precomp :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_rem_powers_precomp A denA m B denB n powers

Set \(A\) to the remainder of \(A\) divide \(B\) given precomputed powers mod \(B\) provided by _fmpq_poly_powers_precompute. No aliasing is allowed.

This function is only faster if \(m \leq 2*n - 1\).

The output of this function is not canonicalised.

fmpq_poly_rem_powers_precomp :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPolyPowersPrecomp -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_rem_powers_precomp R A B B_inv

Set \(R\) to the remainder of \(A\) divide \(B\) given precomputed powers mod \(B\) provided by fmpq_poly_powers_precompute.

This function is only faster if A->length <= 2*B->length - 1.

The output of this function is not canonicalised.

Divisibility testing

_fmpq_poly_divides :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_divides qpoly qden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2

Return \(1\) if (poly2, den2, len2) divides (poly1, den1, len1) and set (qpoly, qden, len1 - len2 + 1) to the quotient. Otherwise return \(0\). Requires that qpoly has space for len1 - len2 + 1 coefficients and that len1 >= len2 > 0.

fmpq_poly_divides :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_divides q poly1 poly2

Return \(1\) if poly2 divides poly1 and set q to the quotient. Otherwise return \(0\).

fmpq_poly_remove :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CLong Source #

fmpq_poly_remove q poly1 poly2

Sets q to the quotient of poly1 by the highest power of poly2 which divides it, and returns the power. The divisor poly2 must not be constant or an exception is raised.

Power series division

_fmpq_poly_inv_series_newton :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_inv_series_newton rpoly rden poly den len n

Computes the first \(n\) terms of the inverse power series of (poly, den, len) using Newton iteration.

The result is produced in canonical form.

Assumes that \(n \geq 1\) and that poly has non-zero constant term. Does not support aliasing.

fmpq_poly_inv_series_newton :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_inv_series_newton res poly n

Computes the first \(n\) terms of the inverse power series of poly using Newton iteration, assuming that poly has non-zero constant term and \(n \geq 1\).

_fmpq_poly_inv_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_inv_series rpoly rden poly den n

Computes the first \(n\) terms of the inverse power series of (poly, den, len).

The result is produced in canonical form.

Assumes that \(n \geq 1\) and that poly has non-zero constant term. Does not support aliasing.

fmpq_poly_inv_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_inv_series res poly n

Computes the first \(n\) terms of the inverse power series of poly, assuming that poly has non-zero constant term and \(n \geq 1\).

_fmpq_poly_div_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_div_series Q denQ A denA lenA B denB lenB n

Divides (A, denA, lenA) by (B, denB, lenB) as power series over \(\mathbb{Q}\), assuming \(B\) has non-zero constant term and that all lengths are positive.

Aliasing is not supported.

This function ensures that the numerator and denominator are coprime on exit.

fmpq_poly_div_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_div_series Q A B n

Performs power series division in \(\mathbb{Q}[[x]] / (x^n)\). The function considers the polynomials \(A\) and \(B\) as power series of length~`n` starting with the constant terms. The function assumes that \(B\) has non-zero constant term and \(n \geq 1\).

Greatest common divisor

_fmpq_poly_gcd :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_gcd G denG A lenA B lenB

Computes the monic greatest common divisor \(G\) of \(A\) and \(B\).

Assumes that \(G\) has space for \(\operatorname{len}(B)\) coefficients, where \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) > 0\).

Aliasing between the output and input arguments is not supported.

Does not support zero-padding.

fmpq_poly_gcd :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_gcd G A B

Computes the monic greatest common divisor \(G\) of \(A\) and \(B\).

In the the special case when \(A = B = 0\), sets \(G = 0\).

_fmpq_poly_xgcd :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_xgcd G denG S denS T denT A denA lenA B denB lenB

Computes polynomials \(G\), \(S\), and \(T\) such that \(G = \gcd(A, B) = S A + T B\), where \(G\) is the monic greatest common divisor of \(A\) and \(B\).

Assumes that \(G\), \(S\), and \(T\) have space for \(\operatorname{len}(B)\), \(\operatorname{len}(B)\), and \(\operatorname{len}(A)\) coefficients, respectively, where it is also assumed that \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) > 0\).

Does not support zero padding of the input arguments.

fmpq_poly_xgcd :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpzPoly -> Ptr CFmpzPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_xgcd G S T A B

Computes polynomials \(G\), \(S\), and \(T\) such that \(G = \gcd(A, B) = S A + T B\), where \(G\) is the monic greatest common divisor of \(A\) and \(B\).

Corner cases are handled as follows. If \(A = B = 0\), returns \(G = S = T = 0\). If \(A \neq 0\), \(B = 0\), returns the suitable scalar multiple of \(G = A\), \(S = 1\), and \(T = 0\). The case when \(A = 0\), \(B \neq 0\) is handled similarly.

_fmpq_poly_lcm :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_lcm L denL A lenA B lenB

Computes the monic least common multiple \(L\) of \(A\) and \(B\).

Assumes that \(L\) has space for \(\operatorname{len}(A) + \operatorname{len}(B) - 1\) coefficients, where \(\operatorname{len}(A) \geq \operatorname{len}(B) > 0\).

Aliasing between the output and input arguments is not supported.

Does not support zero-padding.

fmpq_poly_lcm :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_lcm L A B

Computes the monic least common multiple \(L\) of \(A\) and \(B\).

In the special case when \(A = B = 0\), sets \(L = 0\).

_fmpq_poly_resultant :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_resultant rnum rden poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2

Sets (rnum, rden) to the resultant of the two input polynomials.

Assumes that len1 >= len2 > 0. Does not support zero-padding of the input polynomials. Does not support aliasing of the input and output arguments.

fmpq_poly_resultant :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_resultant r f g

Returns the resultant of \(f\) and \(g\).

Enumerating the roots of \(f\) and \(g\) over \(\bar{\mathbf{Q}}\) as \(r_1, \dotsc, r_m\) and \(s_1, \dotsc, s_n\), respectively, and letting \(x\) and \(y\) denote the leading coefficients, the resultant is defined as

\[`\] \[x^{\deg(f)} y^{\deg(g)} \prod_{1 \leq i, j \leq n} (r_i - s_j).\]

We handle special cases as follows: if one of the polynomials is zero, the resultant is zero. Note that otherwise if one of the polynomials is constant, the last term in the above expression is the empty product.

fmpq_poly_resultant_div :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_resultant_div r f g div nbits

Returns the resultant of \(f\) and \(g\) divided by div under the assumption that the result has at most nbits bits. The result must be an integer.

Derivative and integral

_fmpq_poly_derivative :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_derivative rpoly rden poly den len

Sets (rpoly, rden, len - 1) to the derivative of (poly, den, len). Does nothing if len <= 1. Supports aliasing between the two polynomials.

fmpq_poly_derivative :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_derivative res poly

Sets res to the derivative of poly.

_fmpq_poly_nth_derivative :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CULong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_nth_derivative rpoly rden poly den n len

Sets (rpoly, rden, len - n) to the nth derivative of (poly, den, len). Does nothing if len <= n. Supports aliasing between the two polynomials.

fmpq_poly_nth_derivative :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_nth_derivative res poly n

Sets res to the nth derivative of poly.

_fmpq_poly_integral :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_integral rpoly rden poly den len

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to the integral of (poly, den, len - 1). Assumes len >= 0. Supports aliasing between the two polynomials. The output will be in canonical form if the input is in canonical form.

fmpq_poly_integral :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_integral res poly

Sets res to the integral of poly. The constant term is set to zero. In particular, the integral of the zero polynomial is the zero polynomial.

Square roots

_fmpq_poly_sqrt_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sqrt_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the square root of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 1. Does not support aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_sqrt_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sqrt_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the square root of f to order n > 1. Requires f to have constant term 1.

_fmpq_poly_invsqrt_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_invsqrt_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the inverse square root of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 1. Does not support aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_invsqrt_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_invsqrt_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the inverse square root of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 1.

Power sums

_fmpq_poly_power_sums :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_power_sums res rden poly len n

Compute the (truncated) power sums series of the polynomial (poly,len) up to length \(n\) using Newton identities.

fmpq_poly_power_sums :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_power_sums res poly n

Compute the (truncated) power sum series of the monic polynomial poly up to length \(n\) using Newton identities. That is the power series whose coefficient of degree \(i\) is the sum of the \(i\)-th power of all (complex) roots of the polynomial poly.

_fmpq_poly_power_sums_to_poly :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_power_sums_to_poly res poly den len

Compute an integer polynomial given by its power sums series (poly,den,len).

fmpq_poly_power_sums_to_fmpz_poly :: Ptr CFmpzPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_power_sums_to_fmpz_poly res Q

Compute the integer polynomial with content one and positive leading coefficient given by its power sums series Q.

fmpq_poly_power_sums_to_poly :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_power_sums_to_poly res Q

Compute the monic polynomial from its power sums series Q.

Transcendental functions

_fmpq_poly_log_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_log_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the logarithm of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 1. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_log_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_log_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the logarithm of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 1.

_fmpq_poly_exp_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_exp_series g gden h hden hlen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the exponential function of (h, hden, hlen). Assumes n > 0, hlen > 0 and that (h, hden, hlen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_exp_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_exp_series res h n

Sets res to the series expansion of the exponential function of h to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_exp_expinv_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_exp_expinv_series res1 res1den res2 res2den h hden hlen n

The same as fmpq_poly_exp_series, but simultaneously computes the exponential (in res1, res1den) and its multiplicative inverse (in res2, res2den). Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_exp_expinv_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_exp_expinv_series res1 res2 h n

The same as fmpq_poly_exp_series, but simultaneously computes the exponential (in res1) and its multiplicative inverse (in res2).

_fmpq_poly_atan_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_atan_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the inverse tangent of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_atan_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_atan_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the inverse tangent of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_atanh_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_atanh_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the inverse hyperbolic tangent of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_atanh_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_atanh_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the inverse hyperbolic tangent of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_asin_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_asin_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the inverse sine of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_asin_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_asin_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the inverse sine of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_asinh_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_asinh_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the inverse hyperbolic sine of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_asinh_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_asinh_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the inverse hyperbolic sine of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_tan_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_tan_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the tangent function of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Does not support aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_tan_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_tan_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the tangent function of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_sin_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sin_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the sine of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_sin_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sin_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the sine of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_cos_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_cos_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the cosine of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_cos_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_cos_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the cosine of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_sin_cos_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sin_cos_series s sden c cden f fden flen n

Sets (s, sden, n) to the series expansion of the sine of (f, fden, flen), and (c, cden, n) to the series expansion of the cosine. Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_sin_cos_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sin_cos_series res1 res2 f n

Sets res1 to the series expansion of the sine of f to order n > 0, and res2 to the series expansion of the cosine. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_sinh_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sinh_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the hyperbolic sine of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Does not support aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_sinh_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sinh_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the hyperbolic sine of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_cosh_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_cosh_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the hyperbolic cosine of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Does not support aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_cosh_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_cosh_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the hyperbolic cosine of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_sinh_cosh_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_sinh_cosh_series s sden c cden f fden flen n

Sets (s, sden, n) to the series expansion of the hyperbolic sine of (f, fden, flen), and (c, cden, n) to the series expansion of the hyperbolic cosine. Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Supports aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_sinh_cosh_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_sinh_cosh_series res1 res2 f n

Sets res1 to the series expansion of the hyperbolic sine of f to order n > 0, and res2 to the series expansion of the hyperbolic cosine. Requires f to have constant term 0.

_fmpq_poly_tanh_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_tanh_series g gden f fden flen n

Sets (g, gden, n) to the series expansion of the hyperbolic tangent of (f, fden, flen). Assumes n > 0 and that (f, fden, flen) has constant term 0. Does not support aliasing between the input and output polynomials.

fmpq_poly_tanh_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_tanh_series res f n

Sets res to the series expansion of the hyperbolic tangent of f to order n > 0. Requires f to have constant term 0.

Orthogonal polynomials

_fmpq_poly_legendre_p :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpz -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_legendre_p coeffs den n

Sets coeffs to the coefficient array of the Legendre polynomial \(P_n(x)\), defined by \((n+1) P_{n+1}(x) = (2n+1) x P_n(x) - n P_{n-1}(x)\), for \(n\ge0\). Sets den to the overall denominator. The coefficients are calculated using a hypergeometric recurrence. The length of the array will be n+1. To improve performance, the common denominator is computed in one step and the coefficients are evaluated using integer arithmetic. The denominator is given by \(\gcd(n!,2^n) = 2^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor + \lfloor n/4 \rfloor + \ldots}.\) See fmpz_poly for the shifted Legendre polynomials.

fmpq_poly_legendre_p :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_legendre_p poly n

Sets poly to the Legendre polynomial \(P_n(x)\), defined by \((n+1) P_{n+1}(x) = (2n+1) x P_n(x) - n P_{n-1}(x)\), for \(n\ge0\). The coefficients are calculated using a hypergeometric recurrence. To improve performance, the common denominator is computed in one step and the coefficients are evaluated using integer arithmetic. The denominator is given by \(\gcd(n!,2^n) = 2^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor + \lfloor n/4 \rfloor + \ldots}.\) See fmpz_poly for the shifted Legendre polynomials.

_fmpq_poly_laguerre_l :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpz -> CULong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_laguerre_l coeffs den n

Sets coeffs to the coefficient array of the Laguerre polynomial \(L_n(x)\), defined by \((n+1) L_{n+1}(x) = (2n+1-x) L_n(x) - n L_{n-1}(x)\), for \(n\ge0\). Sets den to the overall denominator. The coefficients are calculated using a hypergeometric recurrence. The length of the array will be n+1.

fmpq_poly_laguerre_l :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_laguerre_l poly n

Sets poly to the Laguerre polynomial \(L_n(x)\), defined by \((n+1) L_{n+1}(x) = (2n+1-x) L_n(x) - n L_{n-1}(x)\), for \(n\ge0\). The coefficients are calculated using a hypergeometric recurrence.

_fmpq_poly_gegenbauer_c :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpz -> CULong -> Ptr CFmpq -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_gegenbauer_c coeffs den n a

Sets coeffs to the coefficient array of the Gegenbauer (ultraspherical) polynomial (C^{(alpha)}_n(x) = frac{(2alpha)_n}{n!}{}_2F_1left(-n,2alpha+n; alpha+frac12;frac{1-x}{2}right)), for integer \(n\ge0\) and rational \(\alpha>0\). Sets den to the overall denominator. The coefficients are calculated using a hypergeometric recurrence.

fmpq_poly_gegenbauer_c :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CULong -> Ptr CFmpq -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_gegenbauer_c poly n a

Sets poly to the Gegenbauer (ultraspherical) polynomial (C^{(alpha)}_n(x) = frac{(2alpha)_n}{n!}{}_2F_1left(-n,2alpha+n; alpha+frac12;frac{1-x}{2}right)), for integer \(n\ge0\) and rational \(\alpha>0\). The coefficients are calculated using a hypergeometric recurrence.


_fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpz rnum rden poly den len a

Evaluates the polynomial (poly, den, len) at the integer \(a\) and sets (rnum, rden) to the result in lowest terms.

fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpz :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpz res poly a

Evaluates the polynomial poly at the integer \(a\) and sets res to the result.

_fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpq rnum rden poly den len anum aden

Evaluates the polynomial (poly, den, len) at the rational (anum, aden) and sets (rnum, rden) to the result in lowest terms. Aliasing between (rnum, rden) and (anum, aden) is not supported.

fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpq :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpq -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_evaluate_fmpq res poly a

Evaluates the polynomial poly at the rational \(a\) and sets res to the result.


_fmpq_poly_interpolate_fmpz_vec :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_interpolate_fmpz_vec poly den xs ys n

Sets poly / den to the unique interpolating polynomial of degree at most \(n - 1\) satisfying \(f(x_i) = y_i\) for every pair \(x_i, y_i\) in xs and ys.

The vector poly must have room for n+1 coefficients, even if the interpolating polynomial is shorter. Aliasing of poly or den with any other argument is not allowed.

It is assumed that the \(x\) values are distinct.

This function uses a simple \(O(n^2)\) implementation of Lagrange interpolation, clearing denominators to avoid working with fractions. It is currently not designed to be efficient for large \(n\).

fmpq_poly_interpolate_fmpz_vec :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_interpolate_fmpz_vec poly xs ys n

Sets poly to the unique interpolating polynomial of degree at most \(n - 1\) satisfying \(f(x_i) = y_i\) for every pair \(x_i, y_i\) in xs and ys. It is assumed that the \(x\) values are distinct.


_fmpq_poly_compose :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_compose res den poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2

Sets (res, den) to the composition of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2), assuming len1, len2 > 0.

Assumes that res has space for (len1 - 1) * (len2 - 1) + 1 coefficients. Does not support aliasing.

fmpq_poly_compose :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_compose res poly1 poly2

Sets res to the composition of poly1 and poly2.

_fmpq_poly_rescale :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_rescale res denr poly den len anum aden

Sets (res, denr, len) to (poly, den, len) with the indeterminate rescaled by (anum, aden).

Assumes that len > 0 and that (anum, aden) is non-zero and in lowest terms. Supports aliasing between (res, denr, len) and (poly, den, len).

fmpq_poly_rescale :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpq -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_rescale res poly a

Sets res to poly with the indeterminate rescaled by \(a\).

Power series composition

_fmpq_poly_compose_series_horner :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_compose_series_horner res den poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

Sets (res, den, n) to the composition of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2) modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

Assumes that len1, len2, n > 0, that len1, len2 <= n, that (len1-1) * (len2-1) + 1 <= n, and that res has space for n coefficients. Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation uses the Horner scheme. The default fmpz_poly composition algorithm is automatically used when the composition can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_compose_series_horner :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_compose_series_horner res poly1 poly2 n

Sets res to the composition of poly1 and poly2 modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

This implementation uses the Horner scheme. The default fmpz_poly composition algorithm is automatically used when the composition can be performed over the integers.

_fmpq_poly_compose_series_brent_kung :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_compose_series_brent_kung res den poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

Sets (res, den, n) to the composition of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2) modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

Assumes that len1, len2, n > 0, that len1, len2 <= n, that (len1-1) * (len2-1) + 1 <= n, and that res has space for n coefficients. Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation uses Brent-Kung algorithm 2.1 [BrentKung1978]. The default fmpz_poly composition algorithm is automatically used when the composition can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_compose_series_brent_kung :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_compose_series_brent_kung res poly1 poly2 n

Sets res to the composition of poly1 and poly2 modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

This implementation uses Brent-Kung algorithm 2.1 [BrentKung1978]. The default fmpz_poly composition algorithm is automatically used when the composition can be performed over the integers.

_fmpq_poly_compose_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_compose_series res den poly1 den1 len1 poly2 den2 len2 n

Sets (res, den, n) to the composition of (poly1, den1, len1) and (poly2, den2, len2) modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

Assumes that len1, len2, n > 0, that len1, len2 <= n, that (len1-1) * (len2-1) + 1 <= n, and that res has space for n coefficients. Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation automatically switches between the Horner scheme and Brent-Kung algorithm 2.1 depending on the size of the inputs. The default fmpz_poly composition algorithm is automatically used when the composition can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_compose_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_compose_series res poly1 poly2 n

Sets res to the composition of poly1 and poly2 modulo \(x^n\), where the constant term of poly2 is required to be zero.

This implementation automatically switches between the Horner scheme and Brent-Kung algorithm 2.1 depending on the size of the inputs. The default fmpz_poly composition algorithm is automatically used when the composition can be performed over the integers.

Power series reversion

_fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange res den poly1 den1 len1 n

Sets (res, den) to the power series reversion of (poly1, den1, len1) modulo \(x^n\).

The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero. Assumes that \(n > 0\). Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation uses the Lagrange inversion formula. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange res poly n

Sets res to the power series reversion of poly1 modulo \(x^n\). The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero.

This implementation uses the Lagrange inversion formula. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

_fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast res den poly1 den1 len1 n

Sets (res, den) to the power series reversion of (poly1, den1, len1) modulo \(x^n\).

The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero. Assumes that \(n > 0\). Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation uses a reduced-complexity implementation of the Lagrange inversion formula. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_revert_series_lagrange_fast res poly n

Sets res to the power series reversion of poly1 modulo \(x^n\). The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero.

This implementation uses a reduced-complexity implementation of the Lagrange inversion formula. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

_fmpq_poly_revert_series_newton :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_revert_series_newton res den poly1 den1 len1 n

Sets (res, den) to the power series reversion of (poly1, den1, len1) modulo \(x^n\).

The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero. Assumes that \(n > 0\). Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation uses Newton iteration. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_revert_series_newton :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_revert_series_newton res poly n

Sets res to the power series reversion of poly1 modulo \(x^n\). The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero.

This implementation uses Newton iteration. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

_fmpq_poly_revert_series :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_revert_series res den poly1 den1 len1 n

Sets (res, den) to the power series reversion of (poly1, den1, len1) modulo \(x^n\).

The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero. Assumes that \(n > 0\). Does not support aliasing between any of the inputs and the output.

This implementation defaults to using Newton iteration. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

fmpq_poly_revert_series :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CLong -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_revert_series res poly n

Sets res to the power series reversion of poly1 modulo \(x^n\). The constant term of poly2 is required to be zero and the linear term is required to be nonzero.

This implementation defaults to using Newton iteration. The default fmpz_poly reversion algorithm is automatically used when the reversion can be performed over the integers.

Gaussian content

_fmpq_poly_content :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_content res poly den len

Sets res to the content of (poly, den, len). If len == 0, sets res to zero.

fmpq_poly_content :: Ptr CFmpq -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_content res poly

Sets res to the content of poly. The content of the zero polynomial is defined to be zero.

_fmpq_poly_primitive_part :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_primitive_part rpoly rden poly den len

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to the primitive part, with non-negative leading coefficient, of (poly, den, len). Assumes that len > 0. Supports aliasing between the two polynomials.

fmpq_poly_primitive_part :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_primitive_part res poly

Sets res to the primitive part, with non-negative leading coefficient, of poly.

_fmpq_poly_is_monic :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_is_monic poly den len

Returns whether the polynomial (poly, den, len) is monic. The zero polynomial is not monic by definition.

fmpq_poly_is_monic :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_is_monic poly

Returns whether the polynomial poly is monic. The zero polynomial is not monic by definition.

_fmpq_poly_make_monic :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO () Source #

_fmpq_poly_make_monic rpoly rden poly den len

Sets (rpoly, rden, len) to the monic scalar multiple of (poly, den, len). Assumes that len > 0. Supports aliasing between the two polynomials.

fmpq_poly_make_monic :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO () Source #

fmpq_poly_make_monic res poly

Sets res to the monic scalar multiple of poly whenever poly is non-zero. If poly is the zero polynomial, sets res to zero.


fmpq_poly_is_squarefree :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_is_squarefree poly

Returns whether the polynomial poly is square-free. A non-zero polynomial is defined to be square-free if it has no non-unit square factors. We also define the zero polynomial to be square-free.

Input and output

_fmpq_poly_set_str :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CString -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_set_str poly den str len

Sets (poly, den) to the polynomial specified by the null-terminated string str of len coefficients. The input format is a sequence of coefficients separated by one space.

The result is only guaranteed to be in lowest terms if all coefficients in the input string are in lowest terms.

Returns \(0\) if no error occurred. Otherwise, returns -1 in which case the resulting value of (poly, den) is undefined. If str is not null-terminated, calling this method might result in a segmentation fault.

fmpq_poly_set_str :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CString -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_set_str poly str

Sets poly to the polynomial specified by the null-terminated string str. The input format is the same as the output format of fmpq_poly_get_str: the length given as a decimal integer, then two spaces, then the list of coefficients separated by one space.

The result is only guaranteed to be in canonical form if all coefficients in the input string are in lowest terms.

Returns \(0\) if no error occurred. Otherwise, returns -1 in which case the resulting value of poly is set to zero. If str is not null-terminated, calling this method might result in a segmentation fault.

fmpq_poly_get_str :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CString Source #

fmpq_poly_get_str poly

Returns the string representation of poly.

fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CString -> IO CString Source #

fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty poly var

Returns the pretty representation of poly, using the null-terminated string var not equal to "\0" as the variable name.

_fmpq_poly_print :: Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_print poly den len

Prints the polynomial (poly, den, len) to stdout.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

fmpq_poly_print :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_print poly

Prints the polynomial to stdout.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value. foreign import ccall "fmpq_poly.h fmpq_poly_print"

fmpq_poly_print_pretty :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CString -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_print_pretty poly var

Prints the pretty representation of poly to stdout, using the null-terminated string var not equal to "\0" as the variable name.

In the current implementation always returns~`1`.

_fmpq_poly_fprint :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CFmpz -> Ptr CFmpz -> CLong -> IO CInt Source #

_fmpq_poly_fprint file poly den len

Prints the polynomial (poly, den, len) to the stream file.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

fmpq_poly_fprint :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_fprint file poly

Prints the polynomial to the stream file.

In case of success, returns a positive value. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

fmpq_poly_fprint_pretty :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> CString -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_fprint_pretty file poly var

Prints the pretty representation of poly to stdout, using the null-terminated string var not equal to "\0" as the variable name.

In the current implementation, always returns~`1`.

fmpq_poly_read :: Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_read poly

Reads a polynomial from stdin, storing the result in poly.

In case of success, returns a positive number. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.

fmpq_poly_fread :: Ptr CFile -> Ptr CFmpqPoly -> IO CInt Source #

fmpq_poly_fread file poly

Reads a polynomial from the stream file, storing the result in poly.

In case of success, returns a positive number. In case of failure, returns a non-positive value.