EdisonCore-1.3: A library of efficent, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations)

Copyright(c) Ross Paterson, Ralf Hinze 2006
Maintainerrobdockins AT fastmail DOT fm
Stabilityinternal (non-stable)
Portabilitynon-portable (MPTCs and functional dependencies)
Safe HaskellNone



A general sequence representation with arbitrary annotations, for use as a base for implementations of various collection types, as described in section 4 of

This data structure forms the basis of the Data.Edison.Seq.FingerSeq sequence data structure.

An amortized running time is given for each operation, with n referring to the length of the sequence. These bounds hold even in a persistent (shared) setting.



data FingerTree v a Source

Finger trees with element type a, annotated with measures of type v. The operations enforce the constraint Measured v a.


Measured v a => Measured v (FingerTree v a) Source 
(Measured v a, Eq a) => Eq (FingerTree v a) Source 
(Measured v a, Ord a) => Ord (FingerTree v a) Source 
(Measured v a, Show a) => Show (FingerTree v a) Source 
(Measured v a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (FingerTree v a) Source 
(Measured v a, CoArbitrary a) => CoArbitrary (FingerTree v a) Source 

data Split t a Source


Split t a t 

empty :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a Source

O(1). The empty sequence.

singleton :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a Source

O(1). A singleton sequence.

lcons :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a infixr 5 Source

O(1). Add an element to the left end of a sequence.

rcons :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a Source

O(1). Add an element to the right end of a sequence.

append :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a Source

O(log(min(n1,n2))). Concatenate two sequences.

fromList :: Measured v a => [a] -> FingerTree v a Source

O(n). Create a sequence from a finite list of elements.

toList :: FingerTree v a -> [a] Source

null :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a -> Bool Source

O(1). Is this the empty sequence?

lview :: (Measured v a, Monad m) => FingerTree v a -> m (a, FingerTree v a) Source

O(1). Analyse the left end of a sequence.

rview :: (Measured v a, Monad m) => FingerTree v a -> m (a, FingerTree v a) Source

O(1). Analyse the right end of a sequence.

split :: Measured v a => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> (FingerTree v a, FingerTree v a) Source

O(log(min(i,n-i))). Split a sequence at a point where the predicate on the accumulated measure changes from False to True.

takeUntil :: Measured v a => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a Source

dropUntil :: Measured v a => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a Source

splitTree :: Measured v a => (v -> Bool) -> v -> FingerTree v a -> Split (FingerTree v a) a Source

reverse :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a Source

O(n). The reverse of a sequence.

mapTree :: Measured v2 a2 => (a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2 Source

foldFT :: b -> (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> FingerTree v a -> b Source

reduce1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> FingerTree v a -> a Source

reduce1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> FingerTree v a -> a Source

strictWith :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a Source