{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.Text.ENIG.Detect where

import Data.Text.ENIG.Config
import Data.Text.ENIG.Data

import Data.Char

import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Data.Text.Normalize

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V

isLastConsonant :: Int -> Bool
isLastConsonant hangulCode =
  (head lastConsonantCodeList <= hangulCode) && (hangulCode <= last lastConsonantCodeList)

-- To avoid the issue with the first consonant, like 'ㄱ'.
isLastVowel :: Int -> Bool
isLastVowel hangulCode =
  (head vowelCodeList <= hangulCode) && (hangulCode <= last vowelCodeList)

-- Just for the last consonant 'ㄹ'
isLastR :: Int -> Bool
isLastR hangulCode = hangulCode == 4527

isHangul :: Int -> Bool
isHangul mHangulCode =
  (head hangulComponentCodeList <= mHangulCode) && (mHangulCode <= last hangulComponentCodeList)

getLastComponentCode :: Text -> Int
getLastComponentCode str = ord aComponent
    lastChar = T.singleton . T.last $ str
    aComponent = T.last . normalize NFKD $ lastChar