Safe Haskell | None |
- data LineCap
- data LineJoin
- data LineStyle = LineStyle {}
- data FontSlant
- data FontWeight
- data FontStyle = FontStyle {}
- defaultFontStyle :: FontStyle
- data HTextAnchor
- = HTA_Left
- | HTA_Centre
- | HTA_Right
- data VTextAnchor
- = VTA_Top
- | VTA_Centre
- | VTA_Bottom
- | VTA_BaseLine
- data TextSize = TextSize {}
- newtype FillStyle = FillStyleSolid {}
- type AlignmentFn = Point -> Point
- data AlignmentFns = AlignmentFns {}
- bitmapAlignmentFns :: AlignmentFns
- vectorAlignmentFns :: AlignmentFns
- line_width :: Lens' LineStyle Double
- line_join :: Lens' LineStyle LineJoin
- line_dashes :: Lens' LineStyle [Double]
- line_color :: Lens' LineStyle (AlphaColour Double)
- line_cap :: Lens' LineStyle LineCap
- font_weight :: Lens' FontStyle FontWeight
- font_slant :: Lens' FontStyle FontSlant
- font_size :: Lens' FontStyle Double
- font_name :: Lens' FontStyle String
- font_color :: Lens' FontStyle (AlphaColour Double)
The different supported line ends.
LineCapButt | Just cut the line straight. |
LineCapRound | Make a rounded line end. |
LineCapSquare | Make a square that ends the line. |
The different supported ways to join line ends.
LineJoinMiter | Extends the outline until they meet each other. |
LineJoinRound | Draw a circle fragment to connet line end. |
LineJoinBevel | Like miter, but cuts it off if a certain threshold is exceeded. |
Data type for the style of a line.
LineStyle | |
The possible slants of a font.
FontSlantNormal | Normal font style without slant. |
FontSlantItalic | With a slight slant. |
FontSlantOblique | With a greater slant. |
data FontWeight Source
The possible weights of a font.
FontWeightNormal | Normal font style without weight. |
FontWeightBold | Bold font. |
Eq FontWeight | |
Ord FontWeight | |
Show FontWeight | |
Default FontWeight | The default font weight. |
Data type for a font.
FontStyle | |
defaultFontStyle :: FontStyleSource
Deprecated: Use the according Data.Default instance!
The default font style.
data HTextAnchor Source
Possible horizontal anchor points for text.
data VTextAnchor Source
Possible vertical anchor points for text.
Text metrics returned by textSize
TextSize | |
Abstract data type for a fill style.
The contained Cairo action sets the required fill style in the Cairo rendering state.
type AlignmentFn = Point -> PointSource
A function to align points for a certain rendering device.
data AlignmentFns Source
Holds the point and coordinate alignment function.
AlignmentFns | |
bitmapAlignmentFns :: AlignmentFnsSource
Alignment to render good on raster based graphics.
vectorAlignmentFns :: AlignmentFnsSource
Alignment to render good on vector based graphics.