Chart-0.9: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots



Definitions of various types of Plots we can put on a 2D Chart.

Note that template haskell is used to derive accessor functions (see Data.Accessor) for each field of the following data types:

These accessors are not shown in this API documentation. They have the same name as the field, but with the trailing underscore dropped. Hence for data field f_::F in type D, they have type

   f :: Data.Accessor.Accessor D F



data Plot x y Source

Interface to control plotting on a 2D area.




plot_render_ :: PointMapFn x y -> CRender ()

Given the mapping between model space coordinates and device coordinates, render this plot into a chart.

plot_render_legend_ :: Rect -> CRender ()

Render a small sample of this plot into the given rectangle. This is for used to generate a the legend a chart.

plot_all_points_ :: [(x, y)]

All of the model space coordinates to be plotted. These are used to autoscale the axes where necessary.

class ToPlot a whereSource

a type class abstracting the conversion of a value to a Plot.


toPlot :: a x y -> Plot x ySource

data PlotPoints x y Source

Value defining a series of datapoints, and a style in which to render them


data PlotErrBars x y Source

When the error is symetric, we can simply pass in dx for the error

Value defining a series of error intervals, and a style in which to render them


data PlotLines x y Source

Value defining a series of (possibly disjointed) lines, and a style in which to render them




data PlotFillBetween x y Source

Value specifying a plot filling the area between two sets of Y coordinates, given common X coordinates.

data ErrPoint x y Source




ep_x :: ErrValue x
ep_y :: ErrValue y


(Show x, Show y) => Show (ErrPoint x y) 

symErrPoint :: (Num a, Num a1) => a -> a1 -> a -> a1 -> ErrPoint a a1Source

plot_lines_style :: forall x[aone] y[aonf]. T (PlotLines x[aone] y[aonf]) CairoLineStyleSource

plot_lines_values :: forall x[aone] y[aonf]. T (PlotLines x[aone] y[aonf]) ([] ([] ((,) x[aone] y[aonf])))Source

plot_render :: forall x[aonj] y[aonk]. T (Plot x[aonj] y[aonk]) (PointMapFn x[aonj] y[aonk] -> CRender ())Source

plot_render_legend :: forall x[aonj] y[aonk]. T (Plot x[aonj] y[aonk]) (Rect -> CRender ())Source

plot_all_points :: forall x[aonj] y[aonk]. T (Plot x[aonj] y[aonk]) ([] ((,) x[aonj] y[aonk]))Source

plot_points_style :: forall x[aonc] y[aond]. T (PlotPoints x[aonc] y[aond]) CairoPointStyleSource

plot_points_values :: forall x[aonc] y[aond]. T (PlotPoints x[aonc] y[aond]) ([] ((,) x[aonc] y[aond]))Source

plot_fillbetween_style :: forall x[aona] y[aonb]. T (PlotFillBetween x[aona] y[aonb]) CairoFillStyleSource

plot_fillbetween_values :: forall x[aona] y[aonb]. T (PlotFillBetween x[aona] y[aonb]) ([] ((,) x[aona] ((,) y[aonb] y[aonb])))Source

plot_errbars_line_style :: forall x[aon5] y[aon6]. T (PlotErrBars x[aon5] y[aon6]) CairoLineStyleSource

plot_errbars_tick_length :: forall x[aon5] y[aon6]. T (PlotErrBars x[aon5] y[aon6]) DoubleSource

plot_errbars_overhang :: forall x[aon5] y[aon6]. T (PlotErrBars x[aon5] y[aon6]) DoubleSource

plot_errbars_values :: forall x[aon5] y[aon6]. T (PlotErrBars x[aon5] y[aon6]) ([] (ErrPoint x[aon5] y[aon6]))Source