Safe Haskell | None |
This module implements a translation from the Carneades argumentation model into Dung's argumentation frameworks. Any cycle-free Carneades Argument Evaluation Structure (CAES) is handled. We also give a Haskell implementation of correspondence properties.
Translation is done according to the following algorithm (see also "Towards a framework for the implementation and verification of translations between argumentation models" by Bas van Gijzel and Henrik Nilsson)
- generatedArgs = emptyset.
- sortedArgs = Topological sort of arguments on its dependency graph.
- while sortedArgs != emptyset:
- Pick the first argument in sortedArgs. Remove all arguments from sortedArgs that have the same conclusion, c, and put them in argSet.
- Translate applicability part of arguments argSet, building on previously generatedArgs and put the generated arguments in tempArgs.
- argSet = emptyset
- Repeat the above three steps for the arguments for the opposite conclusion.
- Translate the acceptability part of c and the opposite conclusion based on arguments in tempArgs. Add the results and tempArgs to generatedArgs.
- tempArgs = emptyset
- type ConcreteArg = Either PropLiteral Argument
- type LConcreteArg = (Bool, ConcreteArg)
- type ConcreteAF = DungAF ConcreteArg
- type LConcreteAF = DungAF LConcreteArg
- translate :: CAES -> ConcreteAF
- translate' :: CAES -> LConcreteAF
- corApp :: CAES -> Bool
- corAcc :: CAES -> Bool
Basic types
type ConcreteArg = Either PropLiteral ArgumentSource
A concrete argument (in an argumentation framework) is either a Carneades propositional literal, or a Carneades argument.
type LConcreteArg = (Bool, ConcreteArg)Source
A labelled version of the concrete argument allowing a more efficient translation by keeping track of the translation status.
type ConcreteAF = DungAF ConcreteArgSource
An argumentation framework (AF) instantiated with ConcreteArg
type LConcreteAF = DungAF LConcreteArgSource
An argumentation framework (AF) instantiated with LConcreteArg
Translation functions
translate :: CAES -> ConcreteAFSource
Translation function. It translate an arbitrary cycle-free Carneades argument Evaluation Structure (CAES) into a Dung argumentation framework (instantiated with a ConcreteArg)
translate' :: CAES -> LConcreteAFSource
Mainly, for testing purposes. This function behaves exactly like translate
but retains the labels.
Correspondence properties
Informally, the correspondence properties below state that every argument and proposition in a CAES, after translation, will have a corresponding argument and keep the same acceptability status.
If the translation function is a correct implementation, the Haskell
implementation of the correspondence properties should always return
. However to constitute an actual (mechanised) proof we would
need to convert the translation and the implementation of the
correspondence properties in Haskell to a theorem prover like Agda.
See Section 4.4 of the paper for the formally stated properties.