{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP #-}
{- |
Module          : Foreign.C.Structs.Templates
Description     : Create C structs from Haskell
Copyright       : (c) Simon Plakolb, 2020
License         : MIT
Maintainer      : s.plakolb@gmail.com
Stability       : beta

This module exposes the template haskell framework to create Struct types.
module Foreign.C.Structs.Templates
    (structT, acs)

import Language.Haskell.TH

import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, poke, sizeOf, alignment)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Foreign.C.Structs.Utils (next, sizeof, fmax)

-- | All @StructN@ types and their instances of 'Storable' are declared using 'structT'.
-- It can theoretically create C structs with an infinite number of fields.
-- The parameter of 'structT' is the number of fields the struct type should have.
-- Its constructor and type will both be named @StructN@ where N is equal to the argument to 'structT'.
structT :: Int -> DecsQ
structT = return . zipWith ($) [structTypeT, storableInstanceT] . repeat

-- | Access function for fields of a @StructN@ where @N@ is the number of fields in the struct.
-- N is the first argument passed to 'acs', while the second is the field number.
-- The first field has number 1, the second 2 and so on.
-- > s = Struct4 1 2 3 4
-- > $(acs 4 3) s
acs :: Int -> Int -> ExpQ
acs big_n small_n = [| \struct -> $(caseE [| struct |] [m]) |]
    where m :: MatchQ
          m = match pat (normalB $ varE $ vrs !! (small_n-1)) []
          pat :: PatQ
          pat = conP str $ map varP $ take big_n vrs
          str = mkName $ "Struct" ++ show big_n
          vrs = fieldnames ""

-- Templating functions

structTypeT :: Int -> Dec
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
structTypeT nfields = DataD [] (sTypeN nfields) tyVars [constructor] deriv''
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 802
structTypeT nfields = DataD [] (sTypeN nfields) tyVars Nothing [constructor] deriv'
structTypeT nfields = DataD [] (sTypeN nfields) tyVars Nothing [constructor] [deriv]
    where tyVars    = map PlainTV $ take nfields $ fieldnames ""
          constructor = RecC (sTypeN nfields) $ take nfields records
          records     = zipWith defRec (getters nfields) (fieldnames "")
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
          defRec n t  = (,,) n NotStrict (VarT t)
          defRec n t  = (,,) n (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness) (VarT t)
          deriv'' = [''Show, ''Eq]
          deriv' = map ConT deriv''
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 800
          deriv = DerivClause Nothing deriv'

storableInstanceT :: Int -> Dec
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
storableInstanceT nfields = InstanceD cxt tp decs
storableInstanceT nfields = InstanceD Nothing cxt tp decs
    where vars = take nfields $ fieldnames ""
          storable = AppT $ ConT ''Storable
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
          cxt  = map (\v -> ClassP ''Storable [VarT v]) vars
          cxt  = map (storable . VarT) vars
          tp   = storable $ foldl AppT (ConT $ sTypeN nfields) $ map VarT vars

          decs = [ sizeOfT nfields
                 , alignmentT nfields
                 , peekT nfields
                 , pokeT nfields

-- Storable instance function temaples

sizeOfT :: Int -> Dec
sizeOfT nfields = FunD 'sizeOf [clause]
    where clause = Clause [VarP struct] (NormalB body) wheres
          body = AppE (AppE (VarE 'sizeof) $ alignments "a") (sizes "s")
          alignments = ListE . take nfields . map VarE . fieldnames
          sizes = ListE . take nfields . map VarE . fieldnames
          wheres = vals 'alignment nfields "a" ++ vals 'sizeOf nfields "s"

alignmentT :: Int -> Dec
alignmentT nfields = FunD 'alignment [clause]
     where clause = Clause [VarP struct] (NormalB body) wheres
           body = AppE (VarE 'fmax) (ListE $ take nfields $ map VarE $ fieldnames "")
           wheres = vals 'alignment nfields ""

peekT :: Int -> Dec
peekT nfields = FunD 'peek [clause]
          vars = take nfields $ fieldnames ""
          ptrs = tail $ take nfields $ fieldnames "_ptr"
          clause = Clause [VarP ptr] (NormalB body) []

          body = DoE $ initial ++ concat gotos ++ final
          initial = [ BindS (VarP $ head vars) (AppE (VarE 'peek) castPtr')
                    , BindS (VarP $ head ptrs) (AppE (AppE (VarE 'next) $ VarE ptr) $ VarE $ head vars)
          gotos = zipWith3 goto (tail vars) ptrs (tail ptrs)
          goto n p next_p = [bindVar' p n, bindPtr' next_p p (VarE n)]

          final = [ bindVar' (last ptrs) (last vars)
                  , NoBindS $ AppE (VarE 'return) $ foldl AppE (ConE (sTypeN nfields)) (map VarE vars)

pokeT :: Int -> Dec
pokeT nfields = FunD 'poke [clause]
          vars = take nfields $ fieldnames ""
          ptrs = tail $ take nfields $ fieldnames "_ptr"
          clause = Clause patterns (NormalB body) []

          patterns = [VarP ptr, ConP (sTypeN nfields) (map VarP vars)]
          body = DoE $ [init_poke, init_next] ++ concat gotos ++ [final]

          init_poke = NoBindS
                    $ AppE cast_poke_ptr (VarE $ head vars)
                    where  cast_poke_ptr = AppE (VarE 'poke) castPtr'
          init_next = bindPtr' (head ptrs) ptr (VarE $ head vars)

          gotos = zipWith3 goto (tail vars) ptrs $ tail ptrs
          goto n p next_p = [pokeVar' p var, bindPtr' next_p p var]
                where var = VarE n

          final = pokeVar' (last ptrs) (VarE $ last vars)

-- Helpers and Constants

sTypeN n = mkName ("Struct" ++ show n)
struct   = mkName "struct"
ptr      = mkName "ptr"
castPtr' = AppE (VarE 'castPtr) (VarE ptr)

fieldnames :: String -> [Name]
fieldnames s = map (mkName . (:s)) ['a'..'z']
getters    :: Int -> [Name]
getters n = map (mkName . (("s" ++ show n) ++))
          $  ["1st","2nd","3rd"]
          ++ [show n ++ "th" | n <- [4..]]

vals f n s = take n $ zipWith val (fieldnames s) (getters n)
    where val v getter = ValD (VarP v) (NormalB $ body getter) []
          body getter  = AppE (VarE f) $ AppE (VarE getter) $ VarE struct

bindVar' ptr var = BindS (VarP var) (AppE (VarE 'peek) $ VarE ptr)
pokeVar' ptr var = NoBindS
       $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'poke) $ VarE ptr) var
bindPtr' np pp var = BindS (VarP np)
       $ AppE next_ptr var
       where next_ptr = AppE (VarE 'next) $ VarE pp