BiGUL- The Bidirectional Generic Update Language

Safe HaskellNone



The module contains many examples, from easy to difficult, showing how to program in BiGUL.



alwaysFail :: BiGUL a b

alwaysFail = Fail "always fail"

the combinator Fail will always fail all the transformation, reporting the given error message.

>>> get alwaysFail "Please succeed"
Left fail: always fail
>>> put alwaysFail 23 False
Left fail: always fail

constSquare :: BiGUL Int Int

constSquare = Skip (\s -> s * s)

(Skip f) means that in the get direction, the view is fully computed by apply function f to the source. So in the put direction, the update is skipped and the source is unchanged. in the put direction, if (f source) /= view, an error is raised. the view is the square of the source.

>>> put constSquare 10 100
Right 10
>>> put constSquare 10 225
Left *** Exception blabla...
>>> get constSquare 5
Right 25

repFirst :: (Show a, Show b) => BiGUL (a, b) (a, ())

repFirst = Replace `Prod` Skip (const ())

the example shows a simplest case to chain basic constructors of BiGUL together. Prod is right associative with priority 1 (0 is the lowest, e.g. $ is 0) To use Prod, the source and view are assumed to be tuple. the first elements of both tuples are associated by Replace, the second by Skip.

>>> put repFirst (False, 9) (True, ())
Right (True,9)
>>> get repFirst (True, 3)
Right (True,())

repFirst' :: Show a => BiGUL (a, b) (a, ())

repFirst' = $(update [p| (x,_) |] [p| (x,()) |] [d| x = Replace |])

This is the repFirst example rewritten with syntactic sugar. The syntax is

$(update [p| source-pattern |] [p| view-pattern |] [d| updating-strategy |])

Source and view are decomposed by the patterns in the [p| ... |]. In this concrete example, the first elements of the tuple (both in the source and in the viwe) are bound to variable x, and they are sent to the combinator Replace as arguments by (x=Replace) in the [d| ... |] part. anything we want to perform Skip should be marked as underline(_) in the [p| source-pattern |] and it should not appear in the [d| ... |] part.

The source-pattern and view-pattern can be very different, for example:

$([p| Left x : _  |] [p| ((), x) |] [d| x = blabla... |])

where the source-pattern stands for a non-empty list of Either type, and we bind variable x to the inner part of the Left constructor. However the view is a tuple, and we bind the second element to x. The rearrangement for source and view is automatically done.

repFirstV2 :: (Show a, Show b) => BiGUL (a, b) a

repFirstV2 = RearrV PVar' (EDir DVar `EProd` EConst ()) repFirst

Skip to repFirstV2' if you want to use the syntactic sugar only.

In the previous example, suppose what we really want is that, the view has type a rather than (a,()). In order to do so, we can use RearrV, which first rearranges the view into the desired structure, and then uses another BiGUL program to perform the transformation.

The usage of RearrV is:

RearrV (old-pattern) (new-pattern) (bigul-program)

PVar means there is a variable (a hole to be update), and PVar' is the same as PVar except that it does not require the Eq constraint. In this concrete example, since the view is a single variable, the old-pattern is PVar'. DVar still means there is a variable. But DVar should be used in the second argument of the RearrV. Since there may be many variables in the old-pattern, we need to mark the origin of each variable in the new-pattern: where does it come from. In this concrete example, because there is only one variable in the old-pattern, a DVar is enough to locate it. Then we use EDir to make DVar becomes a direction, EProd it with a constant EConst (). A more complex situation about the new-pattern is in the repFirstV3 example.

repFirstV2' :: (Show a, Show b) => BiGUL (a, b) a

repFirstV2' = $(rearrV [| \v -> (v,()) |]) repFirst

It is difficult to use primitive combinators, especially when the problem becomes complex. Here we introduce another syntactic sugar:

$(rearrV [| \old-pattern -> new-pattern |]) bigul-program

When rearranging the view, it's possible to duplicate information:

$(rearrV [| \v -> (v,v)|]) bigul-program

but it's not allowed to drop information:

$(rearrV [| \(vl,vr) -> vl |]) bigul-program           -- this is WRONG

repFirstV3 :: Show a => BiGUL (a, b) a

repFirstV3 = RearrS (PVar' `PProd` PVar') (EDir (DLeft DVar)) Replace

The function produces exactly the same result as repFirstV2. The difference is that, instead of using RearrV to rearrange the view into a tuple, here we use RearrS to rearrange the source into a single value of type a, and then simply use Replace to update the source.

The usage of RearrS is:

RearrS (old-pattern) (new-pattern) (bigul-program)

The original source is a tuple, that is to say, there are two variables. So the old-pattern is (PVar' `Prod` PVar'). In the new-pattern, We need to tell BiGUL that, it is the first element of the tuple, i.e. the left element, we want to update. This is achieved by (DLeft DVar). Finally, we convert it into a direction using EDir.

repFirstV3' :: Show a => BiGUL (a, b) a

repFirstV3' = $(rearrS [| \(l, _) -> l |]) Replace

The syntactic sugar version for repFirstV3. The usage of the syntactic sugar is basically the same as $(rearrV ...):

$(rearrS [| \old-pattern -> new-pattern |]) bigul-program

repFirstV4 :: (Show a, Show b) => BiGUL (a, b) (a, ())

repFirstV4 = Dep (const ()) ($(rearrS [| \(l, _) -> l |]) Replace)

Yet another version of repFirst. This artificial example briefly introduces the constructor Dep, which is rather seldom used. Dep can be used to add or eliminate information on the view. In this concrete example, since the second element of the view is a unit (()), it can be produced from any existing view v by (const ()), which is equivalent to (v -> const () v). Now we can consider a bidirectional transformation f

($(rearrS [| \(l, _) -> l |]) Replace)

which is between source (a,b) and view a only. Then both the transformation f and the function (const ()) are passed to Dep to finally produce the transformation between (a, b) and (a, ())

replaceMin :: BiGUL (Int, Int) Int

 Case  [ $(normal [| \(a,b) c -> a <= b && c <= b |]
                  [|\(a,b) -> a <= b |])
           $(update [p| (a,_) |] [p| a |] [d| a = Replace  |])
       , $(normal [| \(a,b) c -> b < a  && c < a  |]
                  [|\(a,b) -> b < a |])
           $(update [p| (_,b) |] [p| b |] [d| b = Replace  |])
       , $(normal [|\ _ _ -> True|]
                  [|\(a,b) -> False |])
           (Fail "the source view are not consistent.")

Here we introduce the Case combinator, which is extremely useful. Case resembles the conditional branch in most languages. In this concrete example, the Case combinator enables us to do the following: Suppose the source is (a,b) and the view is c, if (a <= b && c <= b), then we replace a with c; if (b < a && c < a), then we replace b with c; otherwise, the program fails. Because in this case once the minimum element in the source is replaced, it is no longer the minimum element.

The general structure for Case is:

Case [ $(normal   [| enteringCond1  :: s -> v -> Bool |] [|exitCond1 :: s -> Bool |]) $
         (bx1 :: BiGUL s v)
     , $(adaptive [| enteringCond1' :: s -> v -> Bool |]) $
         (f1 :: s -> v -> s)
     , ...
     , $(normal   [| enteringCondn  :: s -> v -> Bool |] [|exitCond1 :: s -> Bool |]) $
        (bxn :: BiGUL s v)
     , ...
     , $(adaptive [| enteringCondm' :: s -> v -> Bool |]) $
        (fm :: s -> v -> s)
    :: BiGUL s v

It contains a sequence of cases. For each case, it is either normal or adaptive. For the normal case, if the condition is satisfied, a corresponding putback transformation is applied. For the adaptive case, if the condition is satisfied, a function is used to update the source with the view so that for the next step one of the normal cases can be applied. Note that if adaptation does not lead the source and the view to a normal case, an error will be reported at runtime. The example for adaptive branch is in the next example.

Note that $(normal ... ...) takes two predicates. The first one is the entering-condition while the second one is the exit-condition. The predicate for entering-condition is very general, and we can use any function f of type (s -> v -> Bool) to examine the source and view. If the condition is matched, then the BiGUL program after the predicate is executed. If the condition is not satisfied, the next branch is tried. The predicate for exit-condition checks the source only. The exit-condition in different branches should be always NOT overlapped. Eg: (a <= b), (b < a), (False) are not overlapped.

Note: instead of a general function, we can use patterns for predicate. The syntax is:

$(normalSV [p| source-pattern |] [p| view-pattern |] [| exitCond |] )
$(adaptiveSV [p| source-pattern |] [p| view-pattern |])

For example:

$(normalSV [p| Left _:_ |] [p| [] |]
           [| exitCond |] )

states that the source is a non-empty list with the first element in a Left constructor, and the view is an empty list. This feature is heavily used in the naiveMap example.

Please avoid using variables in the pattern-predicate: always use an underline.

>>> put replaceMin (2,7) 4
Right (4,7)
>>> put replaceMin (2,7) 10
Left fail: the source view are not consistent.
>>> get replaceMin (2,7)
Right 2

lensLength :: a -> BiGUL [a] Int

lensLength def =
  Case [ $(adaptive [| \s v -> length s /= v |])
           (\s v -> let ls = length s
                    in  if ls > v then drop (ls - v) s
                                  else replicate (v - ls) def ++ s)
       , $(normal [|\s v -> length s == v |]
                  [| const True |])
           (Skip length)

In this example, the source is any list and the view is the length of the source. Note that The function is not a lens: we should provide the function with a default value to make it a lens. The default value is used to generate new elements and thus expand the source, when the view is greater than the length of the source. If the view is less than the length of the source, the source will be shortened.

Here we introduce the adaptive branch of Case, which takes a predicate (just like Normal branch), and a function (f :: s -> v -> s) that is used to create a new source. Adaptive branch can be placed anywhere in a Case. Once the adaptive branch is executed and the new source is created, the whole Case will be re-executed from the first branch. If again an adaptive branch is matched, an error is thrown.

Another point is that, adaptive branch is chosen in the put direction only. In the get direction, it will never be chosen.

>>> put (lensLength 10) [2,2,1] 2
Right [2,1]
>>> put (lensLength 10) [2,2,1] 6
Right [10,10,10,2,2,1]
>>> get (lensLength undefined) [1..10]
Right 10

lensLength' :: a -> BiGUL [a] Int

lensLength' def = emb length p
  where p = \s v -> let ls = length s
                    in  if ls > v then drop (ls - v) s
                                  else replicate (v - ls) def ++ s

In fact what lensLength expresses is just that: We have two functions g and p, g is used to do the get (by a Normal branch), while p is used to do the put (by an Adaptive branch). this intention can be expressed in a more simple and modular way: using the emb (embed) function. the definition of emb can be found in the next example.

(==>) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b

(==>) = ($)

make it more elegant to write ($). Later we may use (==>) instead of ($).

emb :: Eq v => (s -> v) -> (s -> v -> s) -> BiGUL s v

emb g p = Case
  [ $(normal [| \s v -> g s == v |] [p| _ |])
    ==> Skip g
  , $(adaptive [| \s v -> True |])
    ==> p

emb g p: invoke g to do the get, and invoke p to do the put.

lensSucc :: BiGUL Int Int

lensSucc = emb (flip (+) 1) (\_ v -> v - 1)

Sometimes emb is useful. For instance, Int is a primitive datatype without any constructor in Haskell, and cannot be manipulated in a way like list in ReaarV or RearrS. For list, we can write (x:xs) -> (x:x:xs) using its constructor. But we cannot decompose Int. Making use of emb, we can manipulate basic operations for Int, whose well-behavedness should be proved by hand. (But here, the well-behavedness is easily seen.)

>>> put lensSucc 0 10
Right 9
>>> get lensSucc 8
Right 9

naiveMap :: (Show a, Show b) => BiGUL a b -> BiGUL [a] [b]

naiveMap b =
  Case  [ $(normalSV [p| _:_ |] [p| _:_ |]
                     [p| _:_ |])
          ==> $(update [p| x:xs |] [p| x:xs |] [d| x = b; xs = naiveMap b |])
        , $(adaptiveSV [p| _:_ |] [p| [] |] ) (\_ _ -> [])
        , $(normalSV [p| [] |] [p| _:_ |]
                     [| const False |])
          ==> (Fail "length of the view should be less than that of the source.")
        , $(normalSV [p| [] |] [p| [] |]
                     [p| [] |])
          ==> $(update [p| [] |] [p| [] |] [d| |])

A naive map function, which takes a BiGUL program and yields another BiGUL program working on list. The first branch deals with recursive condition. The second branch handles the boundary conditions where the source list is longer than the view list: drop all the remaining elements in the source list and thus make it an empty list. The third branch will throw an error when the view list is longer than the source list. The last branch is the termination condition: both the source and view reach the empty constructor.

(For the sake of completeness.) In fact normalSV means that we use separate condition for source and view. So we can still use a general function in the predicate:

$(normalSV [| \s -> case s of _:_ -> True; _ -> False |] [p| _:_  |] [p| _:_ |])
>>> put (naiveMap lensSucc) [1,2,3,4] [7,8,9]
Right [6,7,8]
>>> get (naiveMap (lensLength undefined)) ["123", "xyz"]
Right [3,3]
>>> get (naiveMap replaceMin) [(3,9), (-2,10),(10,2)]
Right [3,-2,2]

compose :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => BiGUL a b -> BiGUL b c -> BiGUL a c

compose = Compose

The last combinator we are going to introduce is Compose, which takes two BiGUL programs and behaves like "function composition".

Given two BiGUL programs,

f :: BiGUL a b, g :: BiGUL b c

we have

f `Compose` g :: BiGUL a c

In the get direction, the semantics of get (f `Compose` g) s is: (suppose the function get and put always return a value rather than a value wrapped in Right.)

get g (get f s)

In the put direction, the semantics of put (f `Compose` g) s v is a little bit complex:

put f s (put g (get f s) v)

Let us make it more clear:

let a = get f s
    b = put g a v
in  put f s b

Check the type of these transformations by yourself will help you understand deeper.

Let us try some examples:

>>> put ((naiveMap replaceMin) `compose` (naiveMap lensSucc)) [(1,-1),(-2,2)] [-8, 1]
Right [(1,-9),(0,2)]
>>> get ((naiveMap replaceMin) `compose` (naiveMap lensSucc)) [(1,-1),(-2,2)]
Right [0,-1]

mapFusion :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => BiGUL a b -> BiGUL b c -> BiGUL [a] [c]

The last example in this tutorial is a simple map-map fusion. It makes the composition of two map functions run more efficiently, compared to using Compose combinator.

In the get direction, (get (f `Compose` g)) traverse the list twice, while (get (mapFusion f g)) traverse the list only once. And in the put direction, (put f `Compose` g) traverse the two lists up to five times (get counts up once, two put count up four times, since a put takes two lists as argument), while (put mapFusion f g) traverses the lists only twice.

Compare the following result (in GHCI)

t1 :: Int
t1 = last $ fromRight $ put (naiveMap lensSucc `Compose` naiveMap lensSucc) [1..100000] [2..20001]
t2 :: Int
t2 = last $ fromRight $ put (mapFusion lensSucc lensSucc) [1..100000] [2..20001]
fromRight (Right x) = x
>>> t1
(1.24 secs, 512,471,456 bytes)
>>> t2
(0.23 secs, 122,920,792 bytes)

More examples can be found in the list library of BiGUL.