Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Logically consistent comparison of floating point numbers.



asFinite :: Double -> Maybe Double Source #

Return Just x if it's a finite number, otherwise return Nothing.

isSafeInteger :: Double -> Bool Source #

Checks whether or not the Double is within a safe range of operation.

doubleDenotEq :: Double -> Double -> Bool Source #

Denotational equality for floating point numbers, checks bitwise equality.

NOTE: Denotational equality distinguishes NaNs, so its results may vary depending on the architecture and compilation flags. Unfortunately, this is a problem with floating-point numbers in general.

doubleDenotOrd :: Double -> Double -> Ordering Source #

I guess "denotational orderings" are now a thing? The point is that we need an Ord instance which provides a total ordering, and is consistent with the denotational equality.

NOTE: The ordering induced via doubleToWord64 is total, and is consistent with doubleDenotEq. However, it is *deeply* unintuitive. For one, it considers all negative numbers to be larger than positive numbers.

doubleToRatio :: Double -> (Integer, Integer) Source #

Decode a Double to an integer ratio.

ratioToDouble :: Integer -> Integer -> Double Source #

Encode an integer ratio as a double.

doubleDecode :: Double -> Maybe (Integer, Integer) Source #

Decode a Double to its mantissa and its exponent, normalised such that the mantissa is the smallest possible number without loss of accuracy.

doubleEncode :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Double Source #

Encode a mantissa and an exponent as a Double.

toStringWithoutDotZero :: Double -> String Source #

Remove suffix .0 from printed floating point number.