{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.Serialise.Instances.Common (SerialisedRange(..)) where

import Control.Monad              ( (<=<) )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class     ( MonadIO(..) )
import Control.Monad.Except       ( MonadError(..) )
import Control.Monad.Reader       ( MonadReader(..), asks )
import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( gets, modify )

import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Int (Int32)

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Strict.Tuple (Pair(..))
import qualified Data.Text      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Typeable
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap

import Data.Void

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Syntax.Position as P
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.TopLevelModuleName
import Agda.Interaction.FindFile

import Agda.TypeChecking.Serialise.Base

import Agda.Utils.BiMap (BiMap)
import qualified Agda.Utils.BiMap as BiMap
import qualified Agda.Utils.Empty as Empty
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import qualified Agda.Utils.HashTable as H
import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1)
import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
import Agda.Utils.List2 (List2(List2))
import qualified Agda.Utils.List2 as List2
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict as Strict
import Agda.Utils.Trie (Trie(..))
import Agda.Utils.WithDefault

import Agda.Utils.Impossible
import Agda.Utils.CallStack

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} EmbPrj String where
  icod_ :: String -> S Int32
icod_   = String -> S Int32
  value :: Int32 -> R String
value Int32
i = (forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Int32
i) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> Array Int32 String

instance EmbPrj TL.Text where
  icod_ :: Text -> S Int32
icod_   = forall k.
(Eq k, Hashable k) =>
(Dict -> HashTable k Int32)
-> (Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse) -> k -> S Int32
icodeX Dict -> HashTable Text Int32
lTextD Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse
  value :: Int32 -> R Text
value Int32
i = (forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Int32
i) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> Array Int32 Text

instance EmbPrj T.Text where
  icod_ :: Text -> S Int32
icod_   = forall k.
(Eq k, Hashable k) =>
(Dict -> HashTable k Int32)
-> (Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse) -> k -> S Int32
icodeX Dict -> HashTable Text Int32
sTextD Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse
  value :: Int32 -> R Text
value Int32
i = (forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Int32
i) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> Array Int32 Text

instance EmbPrj Integer where
  icod_ :: Integer -> S Int32
icod_   = Integer -> S Int32
  value :: Int32 -> R Integer
value Int32
i = (forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Int32
i) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> Array Int32 Integer

instance EmbPrj Word64 where
  icod_ :: Word64 -> S Int32
icod_ Word64
i = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' (forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32) (Word64 -> Int32
int32 Word64
q) (Word64 -> Int32
int32 Word64
    where (Word64
q, Word64
r) = forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)
quotRem Word64
i (Word64
2forall a b. (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
          int32 :: Word64 -> Int32
          int32 :: Word64 -> Int32
int32 = forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

  value :: Int32 -> R Word64
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R Word64
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R Word64
valu [Int32
a, Int32
b] = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64
n forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
mod (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int32
a) Word64
n forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
mod (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int32
b) Word64
    valu Node
_      = forall a. R a
    n :: Word64
n = Word64
2forall a b. (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a

instance EmbPrj Int32 where
  icod_ :: Int32 -> S Int32
icod_ Int32
i = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  value :: Int32 -> R Int32
value Int32
i = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

instance EmbPrj Int where
  icod_ :: Int -> S Int32
icod_ Int
i = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
  value :: Int32 -> R Int
value Int32
i = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int32

instance EmbPrj Char where
  icod_ :: Char -> S Int32
icod_ Char
c = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. Enum a => a -> Int
fromEnum Char
  value :: Int32 -> R Char
value Int32
i = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (forall a. Enum a => Int -> a
toEnum forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. Num a => Integer -> a
fromInteger forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger Int32

instance EmbPrj Double where
  icod_ :: Double -> S Int32
icod_   = Double -> S Int32
  value :: Int32 -> R Double
value Int32
i = (forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Int32
i) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> Array Int32 Double

instance EmbPrj Void where
  icod_ :: Void -> S Int32
icod_ = forall a. Void -> a
  value :: Int32 -> R Void
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {p} {a}. p -> R a
valu where valu :: p -> R a
valu p
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj () where
  icod_ :: () -> S Int32
icod_ () = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' ()

  value :: Int32 -> R ()
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. [a] -> R ()
valu where
    valu :: [a] -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains ())) (R (CoDomain ()))
valu [] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN ()
    valu [a]
_  = forall a. R a

instance (EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => EmbPrj (a, b) where
  icod_ :: (a, b) -> S Int32
icod_ (a
a, b
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' (,) a
a b

  value :: Int32 -> R (a, b)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN (,)

instance (EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => EmbPrj (Pair a b) where
  icod_ :: Pair a b -> S Int32
icod_ (a
a :!: b
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a b. a -> b -> Pair a b
(:!:) a
a b

  value :: Int32 -> R (Pair a b)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a b. a -> b -> Pair a b

instance (EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b, EmbPrj c) => EmbPrj (a, b, c) where
  icod_ :: (a, b, c) -> S Int32
icod_ (a
a, b
b, c
c) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' (,,) a
a b
b c

  value :: Int32 -> R (a, b, c)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN (,,)

instance (EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => EmbPrj (Either a b) where
  icod_ :: Either a b -> S Int32
icod_ (Left  a
x) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left a
  icod_ (Right b
x) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right b

  value :: Int32 -> R (Either a b)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a} {b}. (EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => Node -> R (Either a b)
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R (Either a b)
valu [Int32
0, Int32
x] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left  Int32
    valu [Int32
1, Int32
x] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right Int32
    valu Node
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (Maybe a) where
  icod_ :: Maybe a -> S Int32
icod_ Maybe a
Nothing  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. Maybe a
  icod_ (Just a
x) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a

  value :: Int32 -> R (Maybe a)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}.
EmbPrj a =>
Node -> ExceptT TypeError (StateT St IO) (Maybe a)
valu where
    valu :: Node
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains (Maybe a))) (R (CoDomain (Maybe a)))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a. Maybe a
    valu [Int32
x] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Int32
    valu Node
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (Strict.Maybe a) where
  icod_ :: Maybe a -> S Int32
icod_ Maybe a
m = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode (forall lazy strict. Strict lazy strict => strict -> lazy
Strict.toLazy Maybe a
  value :: Int32 -> R (Maybe a)
value Int32
m = forall lazy strict. Strict lazy strict => lazy -> strict
Strict.toStrict forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance EmbPrj Bool where
  icod_ :: Bool -> S Int32
icod_ Bool
True  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Bool
  icod_ Bool
False = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Bool

  value :: Int32 -> R Bool
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> R Bool
valu where
    valu :: [a] -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains Bool)) (R (CoDomain Bool))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Bool
    valu [a
0] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Bool
    valu [a]
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj FileType where
  icod_ :: FileType -> S Int32
icod_ FileType
AgdaFileType = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN'  FileType
  icod_ FileType
MdFileType   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 FileType
  icod_ FileType
RstFileType  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 FileType
  icod_ FileType
TexFileType  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
2 FileType
  icod_ FileType
OrgFileType  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
3 FileType

  value :: Int32 -> R FileType
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
    []  -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FileType
0] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FileType
1] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FileType
2] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FileType
3] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FileType
_   -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Cubical where
  icod_ :: Cubical -> S Int32
icod_ Cubical
CErased = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN'  Cubical
  icod_ Cubical
CFull   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Cubical

  value :: Int32 -> R Cubical
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
    []  -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Cubical
0] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Cubical
_   -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Language where
  icod_ :: Language -> S Int32
icod_ Language
WithoutK    = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN'  Language
  icod_ Language
WithK       = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Language
  icod_ (Cubical Cubical
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Cubical -> Language
Cubical Cubical

  value :: Int32 -> R Language
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
    []     -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Language
0]    -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Language
1, Int32
a] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Cubical -> Language
Cubical Int32
_      -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (Position' a) where
  icod_ :: Position' a -> S Int32
icod_ (P.Pn a
file Int32
pos Int32
line Int32
col) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. a -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Position' a
P.Pn a
file Int32
pos Int32
line Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R (Position' a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a. a -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Position' a

instance Typeable b => EmbPrj (WithDefault b) where
  icod_ :: WithDefault b -> S Int32
icod_ = \case
    WithDefault b
Default -> forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall (b :: Bool). WithDefault b
    Value Bool
b -> forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall (b :: Bool). Bool -> WithDefault b
Value Bool

  value :: Int32 -> R (WithDefault b)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
    []  -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall (b :: Bool). WithDefault b
a] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall (b :: Bool). Bool -> WithDefault b
Value Int32
_ -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj TopLevelModuleName where
  icod_ :: TopLevelModuleName -> S Int32
icod_ (TopLevelModuleName Range
a ModuleNameHash
b TopLevelModuleNameParts
c) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Range
-> ModuleNameHash -> TopLevelModuleNameParts -> TopLevelModuleName
TopLevelModuleName Range
a ModuleNameHash
b TopLevelModuleNameParts

  value :: Int32 -> R TopLevelModuleName
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN Range
-> ModuleNameHash -> TopLevelModuleNameParts -> TopLevelModuleName

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} EmbPrj a => EmbPrj [a] where
  icod_ :: [a] -> S Int32
icod_ [a]
xs = Node -> S Int32
icodeNode forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode [a]
  value :: Int32 -> R [a]
value    = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase (forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
--   icode []       = icode0'
--   icode (x : xs) = icode2' x xs
--   value = vcase valu where valu []      = valu0 []
--                            valu [x, xs] = valu2 (:) x xs
--                            valu _       = malformed

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (List1 a) where
  icod_ :: List1 a -> S Int32
icod_ = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icod_ forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
  value :: Int32 -> R (List1 a)
value = forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe forall a. R a
malformed forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. [a] -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)
List1.nonEmpty forall (m :: * -> *) b c a.
Monad m =>
(b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
<=< forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (List2 a) where
  icod_ :: List2 a -> S Int32
icod_ = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icod_ forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall l. IsList l => l -> [Item l]
  value :: Int32 -> R (List2 a)
value = forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe forall a. R a
malformed forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. [a] -> Maybe (List2 a)
List2.fromListMaybe forall (m :: * -> *) b c a.
Monad m =>
(b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
<=< forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a

instance (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v, EmbPrj (BiMap.Tag v)) =>
         EmbPrj (BiMap k v) where
  icod_ :: BiMap k v -> S Int32
icod_ BiMap k v
m = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode (forall k v. BiMap k v -> ([(k, v)], [(Tag v, k)])
BiMap.toDistinctAscendingLists BiMap k v
  value :: Int32 -> R (BiMap k v)
value Int32
m = forall k v. ([(k, v)], [(Tag v, k)]) -> BiMap k v
BiMap.fromDistinctAscendingLists forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

-- | Encode a list of key-value pairs as a flat list.
mapPairsIcode :: (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => [(k, v)] -> S Int32
mapPairsIcode :: forall k v. (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => [(k, v)] -> S Int32
mapPairsIcode [(k, v)]
xs = Node -> S Int32
icodeNode forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< forall {a} {a}.
(EmbPrj a, EmbPrj a) =>
Node -> [(a, a)] -> ReaderT Dict IO Node
convert [] [(k, v)]
xs where
  -- As we need to call `convert' in the tail position, the resulting list is
  -- written (and read) in reverse order, with the highest pair first in the
  -- resulting list.
  convert :: Node -> [(a, a)] -> ReaderT Dict IO Node
convert Node
ys [] = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Node
  convert Node
ys ((a
start, a
entry):[(a, a)]
xs) = do
start <- forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode a
entry <- forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode a
    Node -> [(a, a)] -> ReaderT Dict IO Node
convert (Int32
startforall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
entryforall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
ys) [(a, a)]

mapPairsValue :: (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => [Int32] -> R [(k, v)]
mapPairsValue :: forall k v. (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => Node -> R [(k, v)]
mapPairsValue = forall {a} {b}.
(EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) =>
[(a, b)] -> Node -> ExceptT TypeError (StateT St IO) [(a, b)]
convert [] where
  convert :: [(a, b)] -> Node -> ExceptT TypeError (StateT St IO) [(a, b)]
convert [(a, b)]
ys [] = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return [(a, b)]
  convert [(a, b)]
ys (Int32
xs) = do
start <- forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32
entry <- forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32
    [(a, b)] -> Node -> ExceptT TypeError (StateT St IO) [(a, b)]
convert ((a
start, b
entry)forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:[(a, b)]
ys) Node
  convert [(a, b)]
_ Node
_ = forall a. R a

instance (Ord a, EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => EmbPrj (Map a b) where
  icod_ :: Map a b -> S Int32
icod_ Map a b
m = forall k v. (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => [(k, v)] -> S Int32
mapPairsIcode (forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toAscList Map a b
  value :: Int32 -> R (Map a b)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall k a. [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Map.fromDistinctAscList forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall k v. (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => Node -> R [(k, v)]

instance (Ord a, EmbPrj a) => EmbPrj (Set a) where
  icod_ :: Set a -> S Int32
icod_ Set a
s = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode (forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toAscList Set a
  value :: Int32 -> R (Set a)
value Int32
s = forall a. [a] -> Set a
Set.fromDistinctAscList forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance EmbPrj IntSet where
  icod_ :: IntSet -> S Int32
icod_ IntSet
s = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode (IntSet -> [Int]
IntSet.toAscList IntSet
  value :: Int32 -> R IntSet
value Int32
s = [Int] -> IntSet
IntSet.fromDistinctAscList forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance (Ord a, EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => EmbPrj (Trie a b) where
  icod_ :: Trie a b -> S Int32
icod_ (Trie Maybe b
a Map a (Trie a b)
b)= forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall k v. Maybe v -> Map k (Trie k v) -> Trie k v
Trie Maybe b
a Map a (Trie a b)

  value :: Int32 -> R (Trie a b)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall k v. Maybe v -> Map k (Trie k v) -> Trie k v

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (Seq a) where
  icod_ :: Seq a -> S Int32
icod_ Seq a
s = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode (forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
Fold.toList Seq a
  value :: Int32 -> R (Seq a)
value Int32
s = forall a. [a] -> Seq a
Seq.fromList forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (P.Interval' a) where
  icod_ :: Interval' a -> S Int32
icod_ (P.Interval Position' a
p Position' a
q) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. Position' a -> Position' a -> Interval' a
P.Interval Position' a
p Position' a

  value :: Int32 -> R (Interval' a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a. Position' a -> Position' a -> Interval' a

instance EmbPrj RangeFile where
  icod_ :: RangeFile -> S Int32
icod_ (RangeFile AbsolutePath
_ Maybe TopLevelModuleName
Nothing)  = forall a. HasCallStack => a
  icod_ (RangeFile AbsolutePath
_ (Just TopLevelModuleName
a)) = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode TopLevelModuleName

  value :: Int32 -> R RangeFile
value Int32
r = do
m :: TopLevelModuleName
            <- forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32
mf      <- forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> ModuleToSource
incs    <- forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets St -> [AbsolutePath]
    (Either FindError SourceFile
r, ModuleToSource
mf) <- forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [AbsolutePath]
-> TopLevelModuleName
-> ModuleToSource
-> IO (Either FindError SourceFile, ModuleToSource)
findFile'' [AbsolutePath]
incs TopLevelModuleName
m ModuleToSource
    forall s (m :: * -> *). MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
modify forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \St
s -> St
s { modFile :: ModuleToSource
modFile = ModuleToSource
mf }
    case Either FindError SourceFile
r of
      Left FindError
err -> forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TopLevelModuleName -> FindError -> TypeError
findErrorToTypeError TopLevelModuleName
m FindError
      Right SourceFile
f  -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AbsolutePath -> Maybe TopLevelModuleName -> RangeFile
RangeFile (SourceFile -> AbsolutePath
srcFilePath SourceFile
f) (forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TopLevelModuleName

-- | Ranges are always deserialised as 'noRange'.

instance EmbPrj Range where
  icod_ :: Range -> S Int32
icod_ Range
_ = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' ()
  value :: Int32 -> R Range
value Int32
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a. Range' a

-- | Ranges that should be serialised properly.

newtype SerialisedRange = SerialisedRange { SerialisedRange -> Range
underlyingRange :: Range }

instance EmbPrj SerialisedRange where
  icod_ :: SerialisedRange -> S Int32
icod_ (SerialisedRange Range
r) =
    forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' (forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: SrcFile -> [IntervalWithoutFile] -> SerialisedRange)
            (Range -> SrcFile
P.rangeFile Range
r) (forall a. Range' a -> [IntervalWithoutFile]
P.rangeIntervals Range

  value :: Int32 -> R SerialisedRange
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R SerialisedRange
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R SerialisedRange
valu [Int32
a, Int32
b] = Range -> SerialisedRange
SerialisedRange forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a. a -> [IntervalWithoutFile] -> Range' a
P.intervalsToRange Int32
a Int32
    valu Node
_      = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj C.Name where
  icod_ :: Name -> S Int32
icod_ (C.NoName Range
a NameId
b)     = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Range -> NameId -> Name
C.NoName Range
a NameId
  icod_ (C.Name Range
r NameInScope
nis NameParts
xs)  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Range -> NameInScope -> NameParts -> Name
C.Name Range
r NameInScope
nis NameParts

  value :: Int32 -> R Name
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R Name
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R Name
valu [Int32
0, Int32
a, Int32
b]       = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Range -> NameId -> Name
C.NoName Int32
a Int32
    valu [Int32
1, Int32
r, Int32
nis, Int32
xs] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Range -> NameInScope -> NameParts -> Name
C.Name   Int32
r Int32
nis Int32
    valu Node
_               = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj NamePart where
  icod_ :: NamePart -> S Int32
icod_ NamePart
Hole   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' NamePart
  icod_ (Id String
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' String -> NamePart
Id String

  value :: Int32 -> R NamePart
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R NamePart
valu where
    valu :: Node
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains NamePart)) (R (CoDomain NamePart))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN NamePart
    valu [Int32
a] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN String -> NamePart
Id Int32
    valu Node
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj NameInScope where
  icod_ :: NameInScope -> S Int32
icod_ NameInScope
InScope    = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' NameInScope
  icod_ NameInScope
NotInScope = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 NameInScope

  value :: Int32 -> R NameInScope
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> R NameInScope
valu where
    valu :: [a]
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains NameInScope)) (R (CoDomain NameInScope))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN NameInScope
    valu [a
0] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN NameInScope
    valu [a]
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj C.QName where
  icod_ :: QName -> S Int32
icod_ (Qual    Name
a QName
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Name -> QName -> QName
Qual Name
a QName
  icod_ (C.QName Name
a  ) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Name -> QName
C.QName Name

  value :: Int32 -> R QName
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R QName
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R QName
valu [Int32
a, Int32
b] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Name -> QName -> QName
Qual    Int32
a Int32
    valu [Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Name -> QName
C.QName Int32
    valu Node
_      = forall a. R a

instance (EmbPrj a, EmbPrj b) => EmbPrj (ImportedName' a b) where
  icod_ :: ImportedName' a b -> S Int32
icod_ (ImportedModule b
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 forall n m. m -> ImportedName' n m
ImportedModule b
  icod_ (ImportedName a
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
2 forall n m. n -> ImportedName' n m
ImportedName a

  value :: Int32 -> R (ImportedName' a b)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {m} {n}.
(EmbPrj m, EmbPrj n) =>
Node -> R (ImportedName' n m)
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R (ImportedName' n m)
valu [Int32
1, Int32
a] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall n m. m -> ImportedName' n m
ImportedModule Int32
    valu [Int32
2, Int32
a] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall n m. n -> ImportedName' n m
ImportedName Int32
    valu Node
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Associativity where
  icod_ :: Associativity -> S Int32
icod_ Associativity
LeftAssoc  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Associativity
  icod_ Associativity
RightAssoc = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Associativity
  icod_ Associativity
NonAssoc   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
2 Associativity

  value :: Int32 -> R Associativity
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> R Associativity
valu where
    valu :: [a]
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains Associativity))
     (R (CoDomain Associativity))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Associativity
    valu [a
1] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Associativity
    valu [a
2] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Associativity
    valu [a]
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj FixityLevel where
  icod_ :: FixityLevel -> S Int32
icod_ FixityLevel
Unrelated   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' FixityLevel
  icod_ (Related Double
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Double -> FixityLevel
Related Double

  value :: Int32 -> R FixityLevel
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R FixityLevel
valu where
    valu :: Node
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains FixityLevel)) (R (CoDomain FixityLevel))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FixityLevel
    valu [Int32
a] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Double -> FixityLevel
Related Int32
    valu Node
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Fixity where
  icod_ :: Fixity -> S Int32
icod_ (Fixity Range
a FixityLevel
b Associativity
c) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Range -> FixityLevel -> Associativity -> Fixity
Fixity Range
a FixityLevel
b Associativity

  value :: Int32 -> R Fixity
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN Range -> FixityLevel -> Associativity -> Fixity

instance EmbPrj Fixity' where
  icod_ :: Fixity' -> S Int32
icod_ (Fixity' Fixity
a Notation
b Range
r) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' (\ Fixity
a Notation
b -> Fixity -> Notation -> Range -> Fixity'
Fixity' Fixity
a Notation
b Range
r) Fixity
a Notation
b  -- discard theNameRange

  value :: Int32 -> R Fixity'
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN (\ Fixity
f Notation
n -> Fixity -> Notation -> Range -> Fixity'
Fixity' Fixity
f Notation
n forall a. Range' a

instance EmbPrj BoundVariablePosition where
  icod_ :: BoundVariablePosition -> S Int32
icod_ (BoundVariablePosition Int
a Int
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Int -> Int -> BoundVariablePosition
BoundVariablePosition Int
a Int

  value :: Int32 -> R BoundVariablePosition
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN Int -> Int -> BoundVariablePosition

instance EmbPrj NotationPart where
  icod_ :: NotationPart -> S Int32
icod_ (VarPart Range
a Ranged BoundVariablePosition
b)  = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Range -> Ranged BoundVariablePosition -> NotationPart
VarPart Range
a Ranged BoundVariablePosition
  icod_ (HolePart Range
a NamedArg (Ranged Int)
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Range -> NamedArg (Ranged Int) -> NotationPart
HolePart Range
a NamedArg (Ranged Int)
  icod_ (WildPart Ranged BoundVariablePosition
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
2 Ranged BoundVariablePosition -> NotationPart
WildPart Ranged BoundVariablePosition
  icod_ (IdPart RString
a)     = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' RString -> NotationPart
IdPart RString

  value :: Int32 -> R NotationPart
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R NotationPart
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R NotationPart
valu [Int32
0, Int32
a, Int32
b] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Range -> Ranged BoundVariablePosition -> NotationPart
VarPart Int32
a Int32
    valu [Int32
1, Int32
a, Int32
b] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Range -> NamedArg (Ranged Int) -> NotationPart
HolePart Int32
a Int32
    valu [Int32
2, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Ranged BoundVariablePosition -> NotationPart
WildPart Int32
    valu [Int32
a]       = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN RString -> NotationPart
IdPart Int32
    valu Node
_         = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj MetaId where
  icod_ :: MetaId -> S Int32
icod_ (MetaId Word64
a ModuleNameHash
b) = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode (Word64
a, ModuleNameHash

  value :: Int32 -> R MetaId
value Int32
m = forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry Word64 -> ModuleNameHash -> MetaId
MetaId forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance EmbPrj A.QName where
  icod_ :: QName -> S Int32
icod_ n :: QName
n@(A.QName ModuleName
a Name
b) = forall a.
(Ord a, Hashable a) =>
(Dict -> HashTable a Int32)
-> (Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse) -> a -> S Int32 -> S Int32
icodeMemo Dict -> HashTable QNameId Int32
qnameD Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse
qnameC (QName -> QNameId
qnameId QName
n) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' ModuleName -> Name -> QName
A.QName ModuleName
a Name

  value :: Int32 -> R QName
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN ModuleName -> Name -> QName

instance EmbPrj A.AmbiguousQName where
  icod_ :: AmbiguousQName -> S Int32
icod_ (A.AmbQ List1 QName
a) = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode List1 QName
  value :: Int32 -> R AmbiguousQName
value Int32
n          = List1 QName -> AmbiguousQName
A.AmbQ forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance EmbPrj A.ModuleName where
  icod_ :: ModuleName -> S Int32
icod_ (A.MName [Name]
a) = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode [Name]
  value :: Int32 -> R ModuleName
value Int32
n           = [Name] -> ModuleName
A.MName forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
`fmap` forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a
value Int32

instance EmbPrj A.Name where
  icod_ :: Name -> S Int32
icod_ (A.Name NameId
a Name
b Name
c Range
d Fixity'
e Bool
f) = forall a.
(Ord a, Hashable a) =>
(Dict -> HashTable a Int32)
-> (Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse) -> a -> S Int32 -> S Int32
icodeMemo Dict -> HashTable NameId Int32
nameD Dict -> IORef FreshAndReuse
nameC NameId
a forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' (\ NameId
a Name
b Name
c -> NameId -> Name -> Name -> Range -> Fixity' -> Bool -> Name
A.Name NameId
a Name
b Name
c forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SerialisedRange -> Range
underlyingRange) NameId
a Name
b Name
c (Range -> SerialisedRange
SerialisedRange Range
d) Fixity'
e Bool

  value :: Int32 -> R Name
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN (\NameId
a Name
b Name
c SerialisedRange
d -> NameId -> Name -> Name -> Range -> Fixity' -> Bool -> Name
A.Name NameId
a Name
b Name
c (SerialisedRange -> Range
underlyingRange SerialisedRange

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (C.FieldAssignment' a) where
  icod_ :: FieldAssignment' a -> S Int32
icod_ (C.FieldAssignment Name
a a
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. Name -> a -> FieldAssignment' a
C.FieldAssignment Name
a a

  value :: Int32 -> R (FieldAssignment' a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a. Name -> a -> FieldAssignment' a

instance (EmbPrj s, EmbPrj t) => EmbPrj (Named s t) where
  icod_ :: Named s t -> S Int32
icod_ (Named Maybe s
a t
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall name a. Maybe name -> a -> Named name a
Named Maybe s
a t

  value :: Int32 -> R (Named s t)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall name a. Maybe name -> a -> Named name a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (Ranged a) where
  icod_ :: Ranged a -> S Int32
icod_ (Ranged Range
r a
x) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. Range -> a -> Ranged a
Ranged Range
r a

  value :: Int32 -> R (Ranged a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a. Range -> a -> Ranged a

instance EmbPrj ArgInfo where
  icod_ :: ArgInfo -> S Int32
icod_ (ArgInfo Hiding
h Modality
r Origin
o FreeVariables
fv Annotation
ann) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Hiding
-> Modality -> Origin -> FreeVariables -> Annotation -> ArgInfo
ArgInfo Hiding
h Modality
r Origin
o FreeVariables
fv Annotation

  value :: Int32 -> R ArgInfo
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN Hiding
-> Modality -> Origin -> FreeVariables -> Annotation -> ArgInfo

instance EmbPrj ModuleNameHash where
  icod_ :: ModuleNameHash -> S Int32
icod_ (ModuleNameHash Word64
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Word64 -> ModuleNameHash
ModuleNameHash Word64

  value :: Int32 -> R ModuleNameHash
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN Word64 -> ModuleNameHash

instance EmbPrj NameId where
  icod_ :: NameId -> S Int32
icod_ (NameId Word64
a ModuleNameHash
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Word64 -> ModuleNameHash -> NameId
NameId Word64
a ModuleNameHash

  value :: Int32 -> R NameId
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN Word64 -> ModuleNameHash -> NameId

instance (Eq k, Hashable k, EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => EmbPrj (HashMap k v) where
  icod_ :: HashMap k v -> S Int32
icod_ HashMap k v
m = forall k v. (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => [(k, v)] -> S Int32
mapPairsIcode (forall k v. HashMap k v -> [(k, v)]
HMap.toList HashMap k v
  value :: Int32 -> R (HashMap k v)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
HMap.fromList forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall k v. (EmbPrj k, EmbPrj v) => Node -> R [(k, v)]

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (WithHiding a) where
  icod_ :: WithHiding a -> S Int32
icod_ (WithHiding Hiding
a a
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. Hiding -> a -> WithHiding a
WithHiding Hiding
a a

  value :: Int32 -> R (WithHiding a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a. Hiding -> a -> WithHiding a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (Arg a) where
  icod_ :: Arg a -> S Int32
icod_ (Arg ArgInfo
i a
e) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall e. ArgInfo -> e -> Arg e
Arg ArgInfo
i a

  value :: Int32 -> R (Arg a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall e. ArgInfo -> e -> Arg e

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (HasEta' a) where
  icod_ :: HasEta' a -> S Int32
icod_ HasEta' a
YesEta    = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. HasEta' a
  icod_ (NoEta a
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. a -> HasEta' a
NoEta a

  value :: Int32 -> R (HasEta' a)
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}.
EmbPrj a =>
Node -> ExceptT TypeError (StateT St IO) (HasEta' a)
valu where
    valu :: Node
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains (HasEta' a))) (R (CoDomain (HasEta' a)))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a. HasEta' a
    valu [Int32
a] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN forall a. a -> HasEta' a
NoEta Int32
    valu Node
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj PatternOrCopattern

instance EmbPrj Induction where
  icod_ :: Induction -> S Int32
icod_ Induction
Inductive   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Induction
  icod_ Induction
CoInductive = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Induction

  value :: Int32 -> R Induction
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> R Induction
valu where
    valu :: [a]
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains Induction)) (R (CoDomain Induction))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Induction
    valu [a
1] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Induction
    valu [a]
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Hiding where
  icod_ :: Hiding -> S Int32
icod_ Hiding
Hidden                = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Hiding
NotHidden             = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ (Instance Overlappable
NoOverlap)  = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ (Instance Overlappable
YesOverlap) = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Hiding
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Hiding
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Hiding
  value Int32
2 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Overlappable -> Hiding
Instance Overlappable
  value Int32
3 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Overlappable -> Hiding
Instance Overlappable
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Q0Origin where
  icod_ :: Q0Origin -> S Int32
icod_ = \case
Q0Inferred -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
    Q0 Range
_       -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
    Q0Erased Range
_ -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Q0Origin
value = \case
0 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Q0Origin
1 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Range -> Q0Origin
Q0       forall a. Range' a
2 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Range -> Q0Origin
Q0Erased forall a. Range' a
_ -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Q1Origin where
  icod_ :: Q1Origin -> S Int32
icod_ = \case
Q1Inferred -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
    Q1 Range
_       -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
    Q1Linear Range
_ -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Q1Origin
value = \case
0 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Q1Origin
1 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Range -> Q1Origin
Q1       forall a. Range' a
2 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Range -> Q1Origin
Q1Linear forall a. Range' a
_ -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj QωOrigin where
  icod_ :: QωOrigin -> S Int32
icod_ = \case
QωInferred -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
    Qω Range
_       -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
    QωPlenty Range
_ -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R QωOrigin
value = \case
0 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ QωOrigin
1 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Range -> QωOrigin
Qω       forall a. Range' a
2 -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Range -> QωOrigin
QωPlenty forall a. Range' a
_ -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Quantity where
  icod_ :: Quantity -> S Int32
icod_ = \case
    Quantity0 Q0Origin
a -> forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Q0Origin -> Quantity
Quantity0 Q0Origin
    Quantity1 Q1Origin
a -> forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Q1Origin -> Quantity
Quantity1 Q1Origin
    Quantityω QωOrigin
a -> forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN'  QωOrigin -> Quantity
Quantityω QωOrigin
a  -- default quantity, shorter code

  value :: Int32 -> R Quantity
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
0, Int32
a] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Q0Origin -> Quantity
Quantity0 Int32
1, Int32
a] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Q1Origin -> Quantity
Quantity1 Int32
a]    -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN QωOrigin -> Quantity
Quantityω Int32
_      -> forall a. R a

-- -- ALT: forget quantity origin when serializing?
-- instance EmbPrj Quantity where
--   icod_ Quantity0 = return 0
--   icod_ Quantity1 = return 1
--   icod_ Quantityω = return 2

--   value 0 = return Quantity0
--   value 1 = return Quantity1
--   value 2 = return Quantityω
--   value _ = malformed

instance EmbPrj Cohesion where
  icod_ :: Cohesion -> S Int32
icod_ Cohesion
Flat       = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Cohesion
Continuous = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Cohesion
Squash     = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Cohesion
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Cohesion
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Cohesion
  value Int32
2 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Cohesion
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Modality where
  icod_ :: Modality -> S Int32
icod_ (Modality Relevance
a Quantity
b Cohesion
c) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Relevance -> Quantity -> Cohesion -> Modality
Modality Relevance
a Quantity
b Cohesion

  value :: Int32 -> R Modality
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
a, Int32
b, Int32
c] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Relevance -> Quantity -> Cohesion -> Modality
Modality Int32
a Int32
b Int32
_ -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Relevance where
  icod_ :: Relevance -> S Int32
icod_ Relevance
Relevant       = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Relevance
Irrelevant     = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Relevance
NonStrict      = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Relevance
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Relevance
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Relevance
  value Int32
2 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Relevance
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Annotation where
  icod_ :: Annotation -> S Int32
icod_ (Annotation Lock
l) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Lock -> Annotation
Annotation Lock

  value :: Int32 -> R Annotation
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
l] -> forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Lock -> Annotation
Annotation Int32
_ -> forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Lock where
  icod_ :: Lock -> S Int32
icod_ Lock
IsNotLock = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Lock
IsLock    = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Lock
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Lock
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Lock
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Origin where
  icod_ :: Origin -> S Int32
icod_ Origin
UserWritten = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Origin
Inserted    = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Origin
Reflected   = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Origin
CaseSplit   = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ Origin
Substitution = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R Origin
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Origin
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Origin
  value Int32
2 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Origin
  value Int32
3 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Origin
  value Int32
4 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Origin
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj a => EmbPrj (WithOrigin a) where
  icod_ :: WithOrigin a -> S Int32
icod_ (WithOrigin Origin
a a
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' forall a. Origin -> a -> WithOrigin a
WithOrigin Origin
a a

  value :: Int32 -> R (WithOrigin a)
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN forall a. Origin -> a -> WithOrigin a

instance EmbPrj FreeVariables where
  icod_ :: FreeVariables -> S Int32
icod_ FreeVariables
UnknownFVs   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' FreeVariables
  icod_ (KnownFVs IntSet
a) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' IntSet -> FreeVariables
KnownFVs IntSet

  value :: Int32 -> R FreeVariables
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R FreeVariables
valu where
    valu :: Node
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains FreeVariables))
     (R (CoDomain FreeVariables))
valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN FreeVariables
    valu [Int32
a] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN IntSet -> FreeVariables
KnownFVs Int32
    valu Node
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj ConOrigin where
  icod_ :: ConOrigin -> S Int32
icod_ ConOrigin
ConOSystem = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ ConOrigin
ConOCon    = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ ConOrigin
ConORec    = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ ConOrigin
ConOSplit  = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R ConOrigin
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ConOrigin
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ConOrigin
  value Int32
2 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ConOrigin
  value Int32
3 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ConOrigin
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj ProjOrigin where
  icod_ :: ProjOrigin -> S Int32
icod_ ProjOrigin
ProjPrefix  = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ ProjOrigin
ProjPostfix = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32
  icod_ ProjOrigin
ProjSystem  = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int32

  value :: Int32 -> R ProjOrigin
value Int32
0 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ProjOrigin
  value Int32
1 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ProjOrigin
  value Int32
2 = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ProjOrigin
  value Int32
_ = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Agda.Syntax.Literal.Literal where
  icod_ :: Literal -> S Int32
icod_ (LitNat    Integer
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Integer -> Literal
LitNat Integer
  icod_ (LitFloat  Double
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Double -> Literal
LitFloat Double
  icod_ (LitString Text
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
2 Text -> Literal
LitString Text
  icod_ (LitChar   Char
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
3 Char -> Literal
LitChar Char
  icod_ (LitQName  QName
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
5 QName -> Literal
LitQName QName
  icod_ (LitMeta   TopLevelModuleName
a MetaId
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
6 TopLevelModuleName -> MetaId -> Literal
LitMeta TopLevelModuleName
a MetaId
  icod_ (LitWord64 Word64
a)   = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
7 Word64 -> Literal
LitWord64 Word64

  value :: Int32 -> R Literal
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R Literal
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R Literal
valu [Int32
a]       = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Integer -> Literal
LitNat    Int32
    valu [Int32
1, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Double -> Literal
LitFloat  Int32
    valu [Int32
2, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Text -> Literal
LitString Int32
    valu [Int32
3, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Char -> Literal
LitChar   Int32
    valu [Int32
5, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN QName -> Literal
LitQName  Int32
    valu [Int32
6, Int32
a, Int32
b] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN TopLevelModuleName -> MetaId -> Literal
LitMeta   Int32
a Int32
    valu [Int32
7, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Word64 -> Literal
LitWord64 Int32
    valu Node
_            = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj IsAbstract where
  icod_ :: IsAbstract -> S Int32
icod_ IsAbstract
AbstractDef = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 IsAbstract
  icod_ IsAbstract
ConcreteDef = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' IsAbstract

  value :: Int32 -> R IsAbstract
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> R IsAbstract
valu where
    valu :: [a]
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains IsAbstract)) (R (CoDomain IsAbstract))
valu [a
0] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN IsAbstract
    valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN IsAbstract
    valu [a]
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj Delayed where
  icod_ :: Delayed -> S Int32
icod_ Delayed
Delayed    = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 Delayed
  icod_ Delayed
NotDelayed = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' Delayed

  value :: Int32 -> R Delayed
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase forall {a}. (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> R Delayed
valu where
    valu :: [a]
-> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains Delayed)) (R (CoDomain Delayed))
valu [a
0] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Delayed
    valu []  = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Delayed
    valu [a]
_   = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj SrcLoc where
  icod_ :: SrcLoc -> S Int32
icod_ (SrcLoc String
p String
m String
f Int
sl Int
sc Int
el Int
ec) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SrcLoc
SrcLoc String
p String
m String
f Int
sl Int
sc Int
el Int
  value :: Int32 -> R SrcLoc
value = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t), All EmbPrj (CoDomain t : Domains t)) =>
t -> Int32 -> R (CoDomain t)
valueN String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SrcLoc

instance EmbPrj CallStack where
  icod_ :: CallStack -> S Int32
icod_ = forall a. EmbPrj a => a -> S Int32
icode forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CallStack -> [(String, SrcLoc)]
  value :: Int32 -> R CallStack
value = forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap [(String, SrcLoc)] -> CallStack
fromCallSiteList forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. EmbPrj a => Int32 -> R a

instance EmbPrj Impossible where
  icod_ :: Impossible -> S Int32
icod_ (Impossible CallStack
a)              = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
0 CallStack -> Impossible
Impossible CallStack
  icod_ (Unreachable CallStack
a)             = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 CallStack -> Impossible
Unreachable CallStack
  icod_ (ImpMissingDefinitions [String]
a String
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
2 [String] -> String -> Impossible
ImpMissingDefinitions [String]
a String

  value :: Int32 -> R Impossible
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R Impossible
valu where
    valu :: Node -> R Impossible
valu [Int32
0, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN CallStack -> Impossible
Impossible  Int32
    valu [Int32
1, Int32
a]    = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN CallStack -> Impossible
Unreachable Int32
    valu [Int32
2, Int32
a, Int32
b] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN [String] -> String -> Impossible
ImpMissingDefinitions Int32
a Int32
    valu Node
_         = forall a. R a

instance EmbPrj ExpandedEllipsis where
  icod_ :: ExpandedEllipsis -> S Int32
icod_ ExpandedEllipsis
NoEllipsis = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN' ExpandedEllipsis
  icod_ (ExpandedEllipsis Range
a Int
b) = forall t.
(ICODE t (IsBase t), Currying (Domains t) (S Int32),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
Int32 -> t -> Arrows (Domains t) (S Int32)
icodeN Int32
1 Range -> Int -> ExpandedEllipsis
ExpandedEllipsis Range
a Int

  value :: Int32 -> R ExpandedEllipsis
value = forall a. EmbPrj a => (Node -> R a) -> Int32 -> R a
vcase Node -> R ExpandedEllipsis
valu where
    valu :: Node
-> Arrows
     (Constant Int32 (Domains ExpandedEllipsis))
     (R (CoDomain ExpandedEllipsis))
valu []      = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN ExpandedEllipsis
    valu [Int32
b] = forall t.
(VALU t (IsBase t),
 Currying (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t)),
 All EmbPrj (Domains t)) =>
t -> Arrows (Constant Int32 (Domains t)) (R (CoDomain t))
valuN Range -> Int -> ExpandedEllipsis
ExpandedEllipsis Int32
a Int32
    valu Node
_       = forall a. R a