Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
Safe HaskellNone




setPragmaOptions :: PragmaOptions -> TCM () Source #

Sets the pragma options.

setCommandLineOptions :: CommandLineOptions -> TCM () Source #

Sets the command line options (both persistent and pragma options are updated).

Relative include directories are made absolute with respect to the current working directory. If the include directories have changed (thus, they are Left now, and were previously Right something), then the state is reset (completely, see setIncludeDirs) .

An empty list of relative include directories (Left []) is interpreted as ["."].

setCommandLineOptions' Source #


:: AbsolutePath

The base directory of relative paths.

-> CommandLineOptions 
-> TCM () 

setLibraryPaths Source #


:: AbsolutePath

The base directory of relative paths.

-> CommandLineOptions 
-> TCM CommandLineOptions 

addDefaultLibraries Source #


:: AbsolutePath

The base directory of relative paths.

-> CommandLineOptions 
-> TCM CommandLineOptions 

enableDisplayForms :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a Source #

Disable display forms.

disableDisplayForms :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a Source #

Disable display forms.

displayFormsEnabled :: MonadTCEnv m => m Bool Source #

Check if display forms are enabled.

setIncludeDirs Source #


:: [FilePath]

New include directories.

-> AbsolutePath

The base directory of relative paths.

-> TCM () 

Makes the given directories absolute and stores them as include directories.

If the include directories change, then the state is reset (completely, except for the include directories and stInteractionOutputCallback).

An empty list is interpreted as ["."].

withShowAllArguments :: ReadTCState m => m a -> m a Source #

Switch on printing of implicit and irrelevant arguments. E.g. for reification in with-function generation.

Restores all PragmaOptions after completion. Thus, do not attempt to make persistent PragmaOptions changes in a withShowAllArguments bracket.

withPragmaOptions :: ReadTCState m => (PragmaOptions -> PragmaOptions) -> m a -> m a Source #

Change PragmaOptions for a computation and restore afterwards.