Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines the notion of a scope and operations on scopes.


Scope representation

data Scope Source

A scope is a named collection of names partitioned into public and private names.

data ScopeInfo Source

The complete information about the scope at a particular program point includes the scope stack, the local variables, and the context precedence.

type LocalVars = [(Name, Name)] Source

Local variables.

Name spaces

data NameSpace Source

A NameSpace contains the mappings from concrete names that the user can write to the abstract fully qualified names that the type checker wants to read.




nsNames :: NamesInScope

Maps concrete names to a list of abstract names.

nsModules :: ModulesInScope

Maps concrete module names to a list of abstract module names.

data InScopeTag a where Source

Set of types consisting of exactly AbstractName and AbstractModule.

A GADT just for some dependent-types trickery.

class Eq a => InScope a where Source

Type class for some dependent-types trickery.

inNameSpace :: forall a. InScope a => NameSpace -> ThingsInScope a Source

inNameSpace selects either the name map or the module name map from a NameSpace. What is selected is determined by result type (using the dependent-type trickery).

Decorated names

data KindOfName Source

For the sake of parsing left-hand sides, we distinguish constructor and record field names from defined names.



Constructor name.


Record field name.


Ordinary defined name.


Name of a pattern synonym.

allKindsOfNames :: [KindOfName] Source

A list containing all name kinds.

data WhyInScope Source

Where does a name come from?

This information is solely for reporting to the user, see whyInScope.



Defined in this module.

Opened QName WhyInScope

Imported from another module.

Applied QName WhyInScope

Imported by a module application.

data AbstractName Source

A decoration of QName.




anameName :: QName

The resolved qualified name.

anameKind :: KindOfName

The kind (definition, constructor, record field etc.).

anameLineage :: WhyInScope

Explanation where this name came from.

data AbstractModule Source

A decoration of abstract syntax module names.




amodName :: ModuleName

The resolved module name.

amodLineage :: WhyInScope

Explanation where this name came from.

Operations on name and module maps.

Operations on name spaces

emptyNameSpace :: NameSpace Source

The empty name space.

mapNameSpace :: (NamesInScope -> NamesInScope) -> (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) -> NameSpace -> NameSpace Source

Map functions over the names and modules in a name space.

mapNameSpaceM :: Monad m => (NamesInScope -> m NamesInScope) -> (ModulesInScope -> m ModulesInScope) -> NameSpace -> m NameSpace Source

Map monadic function over a namespace.

General operations on scopes

emptyScope :: Scope Source

The empty scope.

emptyScopeInfo :: ScopeInfo Source

The empty scope info.

mapScope :: (NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope -> NamesInScope) -> (NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) -> Scope -> Scope Source

Map functions over the names and modules in a scope.

mapScope_ :: (NamesInScope -> NamesInScope) -> (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) -> Scope -> Scope Source

Same as mapScope but applies the same function to all name spaces.

mapScopeM :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope -> m NamesInScope) -> (NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> m ModulesInScope) -> Scope -> m Scope Source

Map monadic functions over the names and modules in a scope.

mapScopeM_ :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (NamesInScope -> m NamesInScope) -> (ModulesInScope -> m ModulesInScope) -> Scope -> m Scope Source

Same as mapScopeM but applies the same function to both the public and private name spaces.

zipScope :: (NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope -> NamesInScope -> NamesInScope) -> (NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) -> Scope -> Scope -> Scope Source

Zip together two scopes. The resulting scope has the same name as the first scope.

zipScope_ :: (NamesInScope -> NamesInScope -> NamesInScope) -> (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) -> Scope -> Scope -> Scope Source

Same as zipScope but applies the same function to both the public and private name spaces.

filterScope :: (Name -> Bool) -> (Name -> Bool) -> Scope -> Scope Source

Filter a scope keeping only concrete names matching the predicates. The first predicate is applied to the names and the second to the modules.

allNamesInScope :: InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope a Source

Return all names in a scope.

exportedNamesInScope :: InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope a Source

Returns the scope's non-private names.

mergeScope :: Scope -> Scope -> Scope Source

Merge two scopes. The result has the name of the first scope.

mergeScopes :: [Scope] -> Scope Source

Merge a non-empty list of scopes. The result has the name of the first scope in the list.

Specific operations on scopes

setScopeAccess :: NameSpaceId -> Scope -> Scope Source

Move all names in a scope to the given name space (except never move from Imported to Public).

addNamesToScope :: NameSpaceId -> Name -> [AbstractName] -> Scope -> Scope Source

Add names to a scope.

addNameToScope :: NameSpaceId -> Name -> AbstractName -> Scope -> Scope Source

Add a name to a scope.

addModuleToScope :: NameSpaceId -> Name -> AbstractModule -> Scope -> Scope Source

Add a module to a scope.

renameCanonicalNames :: Map QName QName -> Map ModuleName ModuleName -> Scope -> Scope Source

Rename the abstract names in a scope.

restrictPrivate :: Scope -> Scope Source

Restrict the private name space of a scope

removeOnlyQualified :: Scope -> Scope Source

Remove names that can only be used qualified (when opening a scope)

inScopeBecause :: (WhyInScope -> WhyInScope) -> Scope -> Scope Source

Add an explanation to why things are in scope.

publicModules :: ScopeInfo -> Map ModuleName Scope Source

Get the public parts of the public modules of a scope

flattenScope :: [[Name]] -> ScopeInfo -> Map QName [AbstractName] Source

Compute a flattened scope. Only include unqualified names or names qualified by modules in the first argument.

scopeLookup :: InScope a => QName -> ScopeInfo -> [a] Source

Look up a name in the scope

scopeLookup' :: forall a. InScope a => QName -> ScopeInfo -> [(a, Access)] Source

Inverse look-up

inverseScopeLookup :: Either ModuleName QName -> ScopeInfo -> Maybe QName Source

Find the shortest concrete name that maps (uniquely) to a given abstract name.

(Debug) printing

blockOfLines :: String -> [String] -> [String] Source

Add first string only if list is non-empty.

Boring instances