storablevector-0.2.7: Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString




A module containing semi-public StorableVector internals. This exposes the StorableVector representation and low level construction functions. Modules which extend the StorableVector system will need to use this module while ideally most users will be able to make do with the public interface modules.


The Vector type and representation

data Vector a Source

A space-efficient representation of a vector, supporting many efficient operations.

Instances of Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable


SV !(ForeignPtr a) !Int !Int 


Typeable1 Vector 
(Storable a, Eq a) => Eq (Vector a) 
Data a => Data (Vector a) 
(Storable a, Show a) => Show (Vector a) 
Storable a => Monoid (Vector a) 

Unchecked access

unsafeHead :: Storable a => Vector a -> aSource

A variety of head for non-empty Vectors. unsafeHead omits the check for the empty case, so there is an obligation on the programmer to provide a proof that the Vector is non-empty.

unsafeTail :: Storable a => Vector a -> Vector aSource

A variety of tail for non-empty Vectors. unsafeTail omits the check for the empty case. As with unsafeHead, the programmer must provide a separate proof that the Vector is non-empty.

unsafeLast :: Storable a => Vector a -> aSource

A variety of last for non-empty Vectors. unsafeLast omits the check for the empty case, so there is an obligation on the programmer to provide a proof that the Vector is non-empty.

unsafeInit :: Storable a => Vector a -> Vector aSource

A variety of init for non-empty Vectors. unsafeInit omits the check for the empty case. As with unsafeLast, the programmer must provide a separate proof that the Vector is non-empty.

unsafeIndex :: Storable a => Vector a -> Int -> aSource

Unsafe Vector index (subscript) operator, starting from 0, returning a single element. This omits the bounds check, which means there is an accompanying obligation on the programmer to ensure the bounds are checked in some other way.

unsafeTake :: Storable a => Int -> Vector a -> Vector aSource

A variety of take which omits the checks on n so there is an obligation on the programmer to provide a proof that 0 <= n <= length xs.

unsafeDrop :: Storable a => Int -> Vector a -> Vector aSource

A variety of drop which omits the checks on n so there is an obligation on the programmer to provide a proof that 0 <= n <= length xs.

Low level introduction and elimination

create :: Storable a => Int -> (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> IO (Vector a)Source

Wrapper of mallocForeignPtrArray.

createAndTrim :: Storable a => Int -> (Ptr a -> IO Int) -> IO (Vector a)Source

Given the maximum size needed and a function to make the contents of a Vector, createAndTrim makes the Vector. The generating function is required to return the actual final size (<= the maximum size), and the resulting byte array is realloced to this size.

createAndTrim is the main mechanism for creating custom, efficient Vector functions, using Haskell or C functions to fill the space.

createAndTrim' :: Storable a => Int -> (Ptr a -> IO (Int, Int, b)) -> IO (Vector a, b)Source

unsafeCreate :: Storable a => Int -> (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> Vector aSource

A way of creating Vectors outside the IO monad. The Int argument gives the final size of the Vector. Unlike createAndTrim the Vector is not reallocated if the final size is less than the estimated size.

fromForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> Int -> Vector aSource

O(1) Build a Vector from a ForeignPtr

toForeignPtr :: Vector a -> (ForeignPtr a, Int, Int)Source

O(1) Deconstruct a ForeignPtr from a Vector

withStartPtr :: Storable a => Vector a -> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO b) -> IO bSource

Run an action that is initialized with a pointer to the first element to be used.

incPtr :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Ptr aSource

inlinePerformIO :: IO a -> aSource

Just like unsafePerformIO, but we inline it. Big performance gains as it exposes lots of things to further inlining. Very unsafe. In particular, you should do no memory allocation inside an inlinePerformIO block. On Hugs this is just unsafePerformIO.