-- |
-- Module      :  Codec.Archive.Zip.Internal
-- Copyright   :  © 2016–present Mark Karpov
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Low-level, non-public concepts and operations.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}

module Codec.Archive.Zip.Internal
  ( PendingAction (..)
  , targetEntry
  , scanArchive
  , sourceEntry
  , crc32Sink
  , commit )

import Codec.Archive.Zip.CP437 (decodeCP437)
import Codec.Archive.Zip.Type
import Conduit (PrimMonad)
import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
import Control.Exception (bracketOnError, catchJust)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, MonadResource)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Conduit (ConduitT, (.|), ZipSink (..))
import Data.Digest.CRC32 (crc32Update)
import Data.Fixed (Fixed (..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, (!))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes, isNothing)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (><), (|>))
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time
import Data.Version
import Data.Void
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
import qualified Data.ByteString     as B
import qualified Data.Conduit        as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.BZlib  as BZ
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import qualified Data.Conduit.List   as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib   as Z
import qualified Data.Map.Strict     as M
import qualified Data.Sequence       as S
import qualified Data.Set            as E
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding  as T

-- Data types

-- | The sum type describes all possible actions that can be performed on
-- archive.

data PendingAction
  = SinkEntry CompressionMethod
              (ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) ())
    -- ^ Add entry given its 'Source'
  | CopyEntry FilePath EntrySelector EntrySelector
    -- ^ Copy an entry form another archive without re-compression
  | RenameEntry EntrySelector EntrySelector
    -- ^ Change name the entry inside archive
  | DeleteEntry EntrySelector
    -- ^ Delete entry from archive
  | Recompress CompressionMethod EntrySelector
    -- ^ Change compression method on an entry
  | SetEntryComment Text EntrySelector
    -- ^ Set comment for a particular entry
  | DeleteEntryComment EntrySelector
    -- ^ Delete comment of particular entry
  | SetModTime UTCTime EntrySelector
    -- ^ Set modification time of particular entry
  | AddExtraField Word16 ByteString EntrySelector
    -- ^ Add an extra field to specified entry
  | DeleteExtraField Word16 EntrySelector
    -- ^ Delete an extra filed of specified entry
  | SetArchiveComment Text
    -- ^ Set comment for entire archive
  | DeleteArchiveComment
    -- ^ Delete comment of entire archive
  | SetExternalFileAttributes Word32 EntrySelector
    -- ^ Set an external file attribute for specified entry

-- | Collection of maps describing how to produce entries in resulting
-- archive.

data ProducingActions = ProducingActions
  { paCopyEntry :: Map FilePath (Map EntrySelector EntrySelector)
  , paSinkEntry :: Map EntrySelector (ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) ())

-- | Collection of editing actions, that is, actions that modify already
-- existing entries.

data EditingActions = EditingActions
  { eaCompression   :: Map EntrySelector CompressionMethod
  , eaEntryComment  :: Map EntrySelector Text
  , eaDeleteComment :: Map EntrySelector ()
  , eaModTime       :: Map EntrySelector UTCTime
  , eaExtraField    :: Map EntrySelector (Map Word16 ByteString)
  , eaDeleteField   :: Map EntrySelector (Map Word16 ())
  , eaExtFileAttr   :: Map EntrySelector Word32 }

-- | Origin of entries that can be streamed into archive.

data EntryOrigin
  = GenericOrigin
  | Borrowed EntryDescription

-- | Type of file header: local or central directory.

data HeaderType
  = LocalHeader
  | CentralDirHeader
  deriving Eq

-- | Data descriptor representation.

data DataDescriptor = DataDescriptor
  { ddCRC32            :: Word32
  , ddCompressedSize   :: Natural
  , ddUncompressedSize :: Natural }

-- | A temporary data structure to hold Zip64 extra data field information.

data Zip64ExtraField = Zip64ExtraField
  { z64efUncompressedSize :: Natural
  , z64efCompressedSize   :: Natural
  , z64efOffset           :: Natural }

-- | MS-DOS date-time: a pair of 'Word16' (date, time) with the following
-- structure:
-- > DATE bit     0 - 4           5 - 8           9 - 15
-- >      value   day (1 - 31)    month (1 - 12)  years from 1980
-- > TIME bit     0 - 4           5 - 10          11 - 15
-- >      value   seconds*        minute          hour
-- >              *stored in two-second increments

data MsDosTime = MsDosTime
  { msDosDate :: Word16
  , msDosTime :: Word16 }

-- Constants

-- | “Version created by” to specify when writing archive data.

zipVersion :: Version
zipVersion = Version [4,6] []

-- Higher-level operations

-- | Scan the central directory of an archive and return its description
-- 'ArchiveDescription' as well as a collection of its entries.
-- This operation may fail with:
--     * @isAlreadyInUseError@ if the file is already open and cannot be
--     reopened;
--     * @isDoesNotExistError@ if the file does not exist;
--     * @isPermissionError@ if the user does not have permission to open
--     the file;
--     * 'ParsingFailed' when specified archive is something this library
--     cannot parse (this includes multi-disk archives, for example).
-- Please note that entries with invalid (non-portable) file names may be
-- missing in the list of entries. Files that are compressed with
-- unsupported compression methods are skipped as well. Also, if several
-- entries would collide on some operating systems (such as Windows, because
-- of its case-insensitivity), only one of them will be available, because
-- 'EntrySelector' is case-insensitive. These are the consequences of the
-- design decision to make it impossible to create non-portable archives
-- with this library.

  :: FilePath     -- ^ Path to archive to scan
  -> IO (ArchiveDescription, Map EntrySelector EntryDescription)
scanArchive path = withBinaryFile path ReadMode $ \h -> do
  mecdOffset <- locateECD path h
  case mecdOffset of
    Just ecdOffset -> do
      hSeek h AbsoluteSeek ecdOffset
      ecdSize <- subtract ecdOffset <$> hFileSize h
      ecdRaw  <- B.hGet h (fromIntegral ecdSize)
      case runGet getECD ecdRaw of
        Left  msg -> throwM (ParsingFailed path msg)
        Right ecd -> do
          hSeek h AbsoluteSeek $ fromIntegral (adCDOffset ecd)
          cdRaw <- B.hGet h $ fromIntegral (adCDSize ecd)
          case runGet getCD cdRaw of
            Left  msg -> throwM (ParsingFailed path msg)
            Right cd  -> return (ecd, cd)
    Nothing ->
      throwM (ParsingFailed path "Cannot locate end of central directory")

-- | Given location of archive and information about specific archive entry
-- 'EntryDescription', return 'Source' of its data. Actual data can be
-- compressed or uncompressed depending on the third argument.

  :: (PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m, MonadResource m)
  => FilePath          -- ^ Path to archive that contains the entry
  -> EntryDescription  -- ^ Information needed to extract entry of interest
  -> Bool              -- ^ Should we stream uncompressed data?
  -> ConduitT () ByteString m () -- ^ Source of uncompressed data
sourceEntry path EntryDescription {..} d =
  source .| CB.isolate (fromIntegral edCompressedSize) .| decompress
    source = CB.sourceIOHandle $ do
      h <- openFile path ReadMode
      hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral edOffset)
      localHeader <- B.hGet h 30
      case runGet getLocalHeaderGap localHeader of
        Left msg -> throwM (ParsingFailed path msg)
        Right gap -> do
          hSeek h RelativeSeek gap
          return h
    decompress = if d
      then decompressingPipe edCompression
      else C.awaitForever C.yield

-- | Undertake /all/ actions specified as the fourth argument of the
-- function. This transforms given pending actions so they can be performed
-- in one pass, and then they are performed in the most efficient way.

  :: FilePath          -- ^ Location of archive file to edit or create
  -> ArchiveDescription -- ^ Archive description
  -> Map EntrySelector EntryDescription -- ^ Current list of entires
  -> Seq PendingAction -- ^ Collection of pending actions
  -> IO ()
commit path ArchiveDescription {..} entries xs =
  withNewFile path $ \h -> do
    let (ProducingActions coping sinking, editing) =
          optimize (toRecreatingActions path entries >< xs)
        comment = predictComment adComment xs
    copiedCD <- M.unions <$> forM (M.keys coping) (\srcPath ->
      copyEntries h srcPath (coping ! srcPath) editing)
    let sinkingKeys = M.keys $ sinking `M.difference` copiedCD
    sunkCD   <- M.fromList <$> forM sinkingKeys (\selector ->
      sinkEntry h selector GenericOrigin (sinking ! selector) editing)
    writeCD h comment (copiedCD `M.union` sunkCD)

-- | Create a new file with the guarantee that in case of exception the old
-- file will be preserved intact. The file is only updated\/replaced if the
-- second argument finishes without exceptions.

  :: FilePath          -- ^ Name of file to create
  -> (Handle -> IO ()) -- ^ Action that writes to given 'Handle'
  -> IO ()
withNewFile fpath action =
  bracketOnError allocate release $ \(path, h) -> do
    action h
    hClose h
    renameFile path fpath
    allocate = openBinaryTempFile (takeDirectory fpath) ".zip"
    release (path, h) = do
      hClose h
      -- Despite using `bracketOnError` the file is not guaranteed to exist here
      -- since we could be interrupted with an async exception after the file has
      -- been renamed. Therefore, we silentely ignore `DoesNotExistError`.
      catchJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (removeFile path) (const $ pure ())

-- | Determine what comment in new archive will look like given its original
-- value and a collection of pending actions.

predictComment :: Maybe Text -> Seq PendingAction -> Maybe Text
predictComment original xs =
  case S.index xs <$> S.findIndexR (isNothing . targetEntry) xs of
    Nothing                      -> original
    Just DeleteArchiveComment    -> Nothing
    Just (SetArchiveComment txt) -> Just txt
    Just _                       -> Nothing

-- | Transform a map representing existing entries into a collection of
-- actions that re-create those entires.

  :: FilePath     -- ^ Name of the archive file where entires are found
  -> Map EntrySelector EntryDescription -- ^ Actual list of entires
  -> Seq PendingAction -- ^ Actions that recreate the archive entries
toRecreatingActions path entries = E.foldl' f S.empty (M.keysSet entries)
    f s e = s |> CopyEntry path e e

-- | Transform a collection of 'PendingAction's into 'ProducingActions' and
-- 'EditingActions'—data that describes how to create resulting archive.

  :: Seq PendingAction -- ^ Collection of pending actions
  -> (ProducingActions, EditingActions) -- ^ Optimized data
optimize = foldl' f
  ( ProducingActions M.empty M.empty
  , EditingActions   M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty)
    f (pa, ea) a = case a of
      SinkEntry m src s ->
        ( pa { paSinkEntry   = M.insert s src (paSinkEntry pa)
             , paCopyEntry   = M.map (M.filter (/= s)) (paCopyEntry pa) }
        , (clearEditingFor s ea)
             { eaCompression = M.insert s m (eaCompression ea) } )
      CopyEntry path os ns ->
        ( pa { paSinkEntry = M.delete ns (paSinkEntry pa)
             , paCopyEntry = M.alter (ef os ns) path (paCopyEntry pa) }
        , clearEditingFor ns ea )
      RenameEntry os ns ->
        ( pa { paCopyEntry = M.map (M.map $ re os ns) (paCopyEntry pa)
             , paSinkEntry = renameKey os ns (paSinkEntry pa) }
        , ea { eaCompression   = renameKey os ns (eaCompression ea)
             , eaEntryComment  = renameKey os ns (eaEntryComment ea)
             , eaDeleteComment = renameKey os ns (eaDeleteComment ea)
             , eaModTime       = renameKey os ns (eaModTime ea)
             , eaExtraField    = renameKey os ns (eaExtraField ea)
             , eaDeleteField   = renameKey os ns (eaDeleteField ea) } )
      DeleteEntry s ->
        ( pa { paSinkEntry = M.delete s (paSinkEntry pa)
             , paCopyEntry = M.map (M.delete s) (paCopyEntry pa) }
        , clearEditingFor s ea )
      Recompress m s ->
        (pa, ea { eaCompression = M.insert s m (eaCompression ea) })
      SetEntryComment txt s ->
        ( pa
        , ea { eaEntryComment  = M.insert s txt (eaEntryComment ea)
             , eaDeleteComment = M.delete s (eaDeleteComment ea) } )
      DeleteEntryComment s ->
        ( pa
        , ea { eaEntryComment  = M.delete s (eaEntryComment ea)
             , eaDeleteComment = M.insert s () (eaDeleteComment ea) } )
      SetModTime time s ->
        (pa, ea { eaModTime = M.insert s time (eaModTime ea) })
      AddExtraField n b s ->
        ( pa
        , ea { eaExtraField  = M.alter (ef n b) s (eaExtraField ea)
             , eaDeleteField = M.delete s (eaDeleteField ea) } )
      DeleteExtraField n s ->
        ( pa
        , ea { eaExtraField = M.alter (er n) s (eaExtraField ea)
             , eaDeleteField = M.alter (ef n ()) s (eaDeleteField ea) } )
      SetExternalFileAttributes b s ->
        ( pa
        , ea { eaExtFileAttr = M.insert s b (eaExtFileAttr ea) })
      _ -> (pa, ea)
    clearEditingFor s ea = ea
      { eaCompression   = M.delete s (eaCompression ea)
      , eaEntryComment  = M.delete s (eaEntryComment ea)
      , eaDeleteComment = M.delete s (eaDeleteComment ea)
      , eaModTime       = M.delete s (eaModTime ea)
      , eaExtraField    = M.delete s (eaExtraField ea)
      , eaDeleteField   = M.delete s (eaDeleteField ea)
      , eaExtFileAttr   = M.delete s (eaExtFileAttr ea) }
    re o n x = if x == o then n else x
    ef k v (Just m) = Just (M.insert k v m)
    ef k v Nothing  = Just (M.singleton k v)
    er k (Just m)   = let n = M.delete k m in
      if M.null n then Nothing else Just n
    er _ Nothing    = Nothing

-- | Copy entries from another archive and write them into the file
-- associated with given handle. This can throw 'EntryDoesNotExist' if there
-- is no such entry in that archive.

  :: Handle            -- ^ Opened 'Handle' of zip archive file
  -> FilePath          -- ^ Path to the file to copy the entries from
  -> Map EntrySelector EntrySelector
     -- ^ 'Map' from original name to name to use in new archive
  -> EditingActions    -- ^ Additional info that can influence result
  -> IO (Map EntrySelector EntryDescription)
     -- ^ Info to generate central directory file headers later
copyEntries h path m e = do
  entries <- snd <$> scanArchive path
  done    <- forM (M.keys m) $ \s ->
    case s `M.lookup` entries of
      Nothing -> throwM (EntryDoesNotExist path s)
      Just desc -> sinkEntry h (m ! s) (Borrowed desc)
        (sourceEntry path desc False) e
  return (M.fromList done)

-- | Sink entry from given stream into the file associated with given
-- 'Handle'.

  :: Handle            -- ^ Opened 'Handle' of zip archive file
  -> EntrySelector     -- ^ Name of entry to add
  -> EntryOrigin       -- ^ Origin of entry (can contain additional info)
  -> ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) () -- ^ Source of entry contents
  -> EditingActions    -- ^ Additional info that can influence result
  -> IO (EntrySelector, EntryDescription)
     -- ^ Info to generate central directory file headers later
sinkEntry h s o src EditingActions {..} = do
  currentTime <- getCurrentTime
  offset  <- hTell h
  let compressed = case o of
        GenericOrigin -> Store
        Borrowed ed -> edCompression ed
      compression = M.findWithDefault compressed s eaCompression
      recompression = compression /= compressed
      modTime = case o of
        GenericOrigin -> currentTime
        Borrowed ed -> edModTime ed
      extFileAttr = case o of
        GenericOrigin -> M.findWithDefault 0 s eaExtFileAttr
        Borrowed _ -> M.findWithDefault 0 s eaExtFileAttr
      oldExtraFields = case o of
        GenericOrigin -> M.empty
        Borrowed ed -> edExtraField ed
      extraField  =
        (M.findWithDefault M.empty s eaExtraField `M.union` oldExtraFields)
        `M.difference` M.findWithDefault M.empty s eaDeleteField
      oldComment = case (o, M.lookup s eaDeleteComment) of
        (GenericOrigin, _)     -> Nothing
        (Borrowed ed, Nothing) -> edComment ed
        (Borrowed _,  Just ()) -> Nothing
      desc0 = EntryDescription -- to write in local header
        { edVersionMadeBy    = zipVersion
        , edVersionNeeded    = zipVersion
        , edCompression      = compression
        , edModTime          = M.findWithDefault modTime s eaModTime
        , edCRC32            = 0 -- to be overwritten after streaming
        , edCompressedSize   = 0 -- ↑
        , edUncompressedSize = 0 -- ↑
        , edOffset           = fromIntegral offset
        , edComment          = M.lookup s eaEntryComment <|> oldComment
        , edExtraField       = extraField
        , edExternalFileAttrs = extFileAttr }
  B.hPut h (runPut (putHeader LocalHeader s desc0))
  DataDescriptor {..} <- C.runConduitRes $
    if recompression
        if compressed == Store
          then src .| sinkData h compression
          else src .| decompressingPipe compressed .| sinkData h compression
      else src .| sinkData h Store
  afterStreaming <- hTell h
  let desc1 = case o of
        GenericOrigin -> desc0
          { edCRC32            = ddCRC32
          , edCompressedSize   = ddCompressedSize
          , edUncompressedSize = ddUncompressedSize }
        Borrowed ed -> desc0
          { edCRC32            =
              bool (edCRC32 ed) ddCRC32 recompression
          , edCompressedSize   =
              bool (edCompressedSize ed) ddCompressedSize recompression
          , edUncompressedSize =
              bool (edUncompressedSize ed) ddUncompressedSize recompression }
      desc2 = desc1
        { edVersionNeeded =
          getZipVersion (needsZip64 desc1) (Just compression) }
  hSeek h AbsoluteSeek offset
  B.hPut h (runPut (putHeader LocalHeader s desc2))
  hSeek h AbsoluteSeek afterStreaming
  return (s, desc2)

-- | Create 'Sink' to stream data there. Once streaming is finished, return
-- 'DataDescriptor' for the streamed data. The action /does not/ close given
-- 'Handle'.

  :: Handle            -- ^ Opened 'Handle' of zip archive file
  -> CompressionMethod -- ^ Compression method to apply
  -> ConduitT ByteString Void (ResourceT IO) DataDescriptor
     -- ^ 'Sink' where to stream data
sinkData h compression = do
  let sizeSink  = CL.fold (\acc input -> fromIntegral (B.length input) + acc) 0
      dataSink  = getZipSink $
        ZipSink sizeSink <* ZipSink (CB.sinkHandle h)
      withCompression sink = getZipSink $
        (,,) <$> ZipSink sizeSink
             <*> ZipSink crc32Sink
             <*> ZipSink sink
  (uncompressedSize, crc32, compressedSize) <-
    case compression of
      Store   -> withCompression
      Deflate -> withCompression $
        Z.compress 9 (Z.WindowBits (-15)) .| dataSink
      BZip2   -> withCompression $
        BZ.bzip2 .| dataSink
      BZip2   -> throwM BZip2Unsupported
  return DataDescriptor
    { ddCRC32            = fromIntegral crc32
    , ddCompressedSize   = compressedSize
    , ddUncompressedSize = uncompressedSize }

-- | Append central directory entries and end of central directory record to
-- the file that given 'Handle' is associated with. Note that this
-- automatically writes Zip64 end of central directory record and Zip64 end
-- of central directory locator when necessary.

  :: Handle            -- ^ Opened handle of zip archive file
  -> Maybe Text        -- ^ Commentary to entire archive
  -> Map EntrySelector EntryDescription
  -- ^ Info about already written local headers and entry data
  -> IO ()
writeCD h comment m = do
  let cd = runPut (putCD m)
  cdOffset <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
  B.hPut h cd -- write central directory
  let totalCount = fromIntegral (M.size m)
      cdSize     = fromIntegral (B.length cd)
      needZip64  =
        totalCount  >= ffff
        || cdSize   >= ffffffff
        || cdOffset >= ffffffff
  when needZip64 $ do
    zip64ecdOffset <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
    (B.hPut h . runPut) (putZip64ECD totalCount cdSize cdOffset)
    (B.hPut h . runPut) (putZip64ECDLocator zip64ecdOffset)
  (B.hPut h . runPut) (putECD totalCount cdSize cdOffset comment)

-- Binary serialization

-- | Extract the number of bytes between start of file name in local header
-- and start of actual data.

getLocalHeaderGap :: Get Integer
getLocalHeaderGap = do
  getSignature 0x04034b50
  skip 2 -- version needed to extract
  skip 2 -- general purpose bit flag
  skip 2 -- compression method
  skip 2 -- last mod file time
  skip 2 -- last mod file date
  skip 4 -- crc-32 check sum
  skip 4 -- compressed size
  skip 4 -- uncompressed size
  fileNameSize   <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16le -- file name length
  extraFieldSize <- fromIntegral <$> getWord16le -- extra field length
  return (fileNameSize + extraFieldSize)

-- | Parse central directory file headers and put them into 'Map'.

getCD :: Get (Map EntrySelector EntryDescription)
getCD = M.fromList . catMaybes <$> many getCDHeader

-- | Parse a single central directory file header. If it's a directory or
-- file compressed with unsupported compression method, 'Nothing' is
-- returned.

getCDHeader :: Get (Maybe (EntrySelector, EntryDescription))
getCDHeader = do
  getSignature 0x02014b50 -- central file header signature
  versionMadeBy  <- toVersion <$> getWord16le -- version made by
  versionNeeded  <- toVersion <$> getWord16le -- version needed to extract
  when (versionNeeded > zipVersion) . fail $
    "Version required to extract the archive is "
    ++ showVersion versionNeeded ++ " (can do "
    ++ showVersion zipVersion ++ ")"
  bitFlag        <- getWord16le -- general purpose bit flag
  when (any (testBit bitFlag) [0,6,13]) . fail $
    "Encrypted archives are not supported"
  let needUnicode = testBit bitFlag 11
  mcompression   <- toCompressionMethod <$> getWord16le -- compression method
  modTime        <- getWord16le -- last mod file time
  modDate        <- getWord16le -- last mod file date
  crc32          <- getWord32le -- CRC32 check sum
  compressed     <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le -- compressed size
  uncompressed   <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le -- uncompressed size
  fileNameSize   <- getWord16le -- file name length
  extraFieldSize <- getWord16le -- extra field length
  commentSize    <- getWord16le -- file comment size
  skip 4 -- disk number start, internal file attributes
  externalFileAttrs <- getWord32le -- external file attributes
  offset         <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le -- offset of local header
  fileName       <- decodeText needUnicode <$>
    getBytes (fromIntegral fileNameSize) -- file name
  extraField     <- M.fromList <$>
    isolate (fromIntegral extraFieldSize) (many getExtraField)
  -- ↑ extra fields in their raw form
  comment <- decodeText needUnicode <$> getBytes (fromIntegral commentSize)
  -- ↑ file comment
  let dfltZip64 = Zip64ExtraField
        { z64efUncompressedSize = uncompressed
        , z64efCompressedSize   = compressed
        , z64efOffset           = offset }
      z64ef = case M.lookup 1 extraField of
        Nothing -> dfltZip64
        Just b  -> parseZip64ExtraField dfltZip64 b
  case mcompression of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just compression ->
      let desc = EntryDescription
            { edVersionMadeBy    = versionMadeBy
            , edVersionNeeded    = versionNeeded
            , edCompression      = compression
            , edModTime          = fromMsDosTime (MsDosTime modDate modTime)
            , edCRC32            = crc32
            , edCompressedSize   = z64efCompressedSize   z64ef
            , edUncompressedSize = z64efUncompressedSize z64ef
            , edOffset           = z64efOffset           z64ef
            , edComment = if commentSize == 0 then Nothing else comment
            , edExtraField       = extraField
            , edExternalFileAttrs = externalFileAttrs }
      in return $ (,desc) <$> (fileName >>= mkEntrySelector . T.unpack)

-- | Parse an extra-field.

getExtraField :: Get (Word16, ByteString)
getExtraField = do
  header <- getWord16le -- header id
  size   <- getWord16le -- data size
  body   <- getBytes (fromIntegral size) -- content
  return (header, body)

-- | Get signature. If the extracted data is not equal to provided
-- signature, fail.

getSignature :: Word32 -> Get ()
getSignature sig = do
  x <- getWord32le -- grab 4-byte signature
  unless (x == sig) . fail $
    "Expected signature " ++ show sig ++ ", but got: " ++ show x

-- | Parse 'Zip64ExtraField' from its binary representation.

  :: Zip64ExtraField   -- ^ What is read from central directory file header
  -> ByteString        -- ^ Actual binary representation
  -> Zip64ExtraField   -- ^ Result
parseZip64ExtraField dflt@Zip64ExtraField {..} b =
  either (const dflt) id . flip runGet b $ do
    let ifsat v = if v >= ffffffff
          then fromIntegral <$> getWord64le
          else return v
    uncompressed <- ifsat z64efUncompressedSize -- uncompressed size
    compressed   <- ifsat z64efCompressedSize -- compressed size
    offset       <- ifsat z64efOffset -- offset of local file header
    return (Zip64ExtraField uncompressed compressed offset)

-- | Produce binary representation of 'Zip64ExtraField'.

  :: HeaderType        -- ^ Is this for local or central directory header?
  -> Zip64ExtraField   -- ^ Zip64 extra field's data
  -> ByteString        -- ^ Resulting representation
makeZip64ExtraField c Zip64ExtraField {..} = runPut $ do
  when (c == LocalHeader || z64efUncompressedSize >= ffffffff) $
    putWord64le (fromIntegral z64efUncompressedSize) -- uncompressed size
  when (c == LocalHeader || z64efCompressedSize >= ffffffff) $
    putWord64le (fromIntegral z64efCompressedSize) -- compressed size
  when (c == CentralDirHeader && z64efOffset >= ffffffff) $
    putWord64le (fromIntegral z64efOffset) -- offset of local file header

-- | Create 'ByteString' representing an extra field.

putExtraField :: Map Word16 ByteString -> Put
putExtraField m = forM_ (M.keys m) $ \headerId -> do
  let b = B.take 0xffff (m ! headerId)
  putWord16le headerId
  putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length b)
  putByteString b

-- | Create 'ByteString' representing entire central directory.

putCD :: Map EntrySelector EntryDescription -> Put
putCD m = forM_ (M.keys m) $ \s ->
  putHeader CentralDirHeader s (m ! s)

-- | Create 'ByteString' representing local file header if the first
-- argument is 'False' and central directory file header otherwise.

  :: HeaderType        -- ^ Type of header to generate
  -> EntrySelector     -- ^ Name of entry to write
  -> EntryDescription  -- ^ Description of entry
  -> Put
putHeader c' s EntryDescription {..} = do
  let c = c' == CentralDirHeader
  putWord32le (bool 0x04034b50 0x02014b50 c)
  -- ↑ local/central file header signature
  when c $
    putWord16le (fromVersion edVersionMadeBy) -- version made by
  putWord16le (fromVersion edVersionNeeded) -- version needed to extract
  let entryName = getEntryName s
      rawName   = T.encodeUtf8 entryName
      comment   = B.take 0xffff (maybe B.empty T.encodeUtf8 edComment)
      unicode   = needsUnicode entryName
        || maybe False needsUnicode edComment
      modTime   = toMsDosTime edModTime
  putWord16le (if unicode then setBit 0 11 else 0)
  -- ↑ general purpose bit-flag
  putWord16le (fromCompressionMethod edCompression) -- compression method
  putWord16le (msDosTime modTime) -- last mod file time
  putWord16le (msDosDate modTime) -- last mod file date
  putWord32le edCRC32 -- CRC-32 checksum
  putWord32le (withSaturation edCompressedSize) -- compressed size
  putWord32le (withSaturation edUncompressedSize) -- uncompressed size
  putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length rawName) -- file name length
  let zip64ef = makeZip64ExtraField c' Zip64ExtraField
        { z64efUncompressedSize = edUncompressedSize
        , z64efCompressedSize   = edCompressedSize
        , z64efOffset           = edOffset }
      extraField = B.take 0xffff . runPut . putExtraField $
        M.insert 1 zip64ef edExtraField
  putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length extraField) -- extra field length
  when c $ do
    putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length comment) -- file comment length
    putWord16le 0 -- disk number start
    putWord16le 0 -- internal file attributes
    putWord32le edExternalFileAttrs -- external file attributes
    putWord32le (withSaturation edOffset) -- relative offset of local header
  putByteString rawName -- file name (variable size)
  putByteString extraField -- extra field (variable size)
  when c (putByteString comment) -- file comment (variable size)

-- | Create 'ByteString' representing Zip64 end of central directory record.

  :: Natural           -- ^ Total number of entries
  -> Natural           -- ^ Size of the central directory
  -> Natural           -- ^ Offset of central directory record
  -> Put
putZip64ECD totalCount cdSize cdOffset = do
  putWord32le 0x06064b50 -- zip64 end of central dir signature
  putWord64le 44 -- size of zip64 end of central dir record
  putWord16le (fromVersion zipVersion) -- version made by
  putWord16le (fromVersion $ getZipVersion True Nothing)
  -- ↑ version needed to extract
  putWord32le 0 -- number of this disk
  putWord32le 0 -- number of the disk with the start of the central directory
  putWord64le (fromIntegral totalCount) -- total number of entries (this disk)
  putWord64le (fromIntegral totalCount) -- total number of entries
  putWord64le (fromIntegral cdSize) -- size of the central directory
  putWord64le (fromIntegral cdOffset) -- offset of central directory

-- | Create 'ByteString' representing Zip64 end of central directory
-- locator.

  :: Natural           -- ^ Offset of Zip64 end of central directory
  -> Put
putZip64ECDLocator ecdOffset = do
  putWord32le 0x07064b50 -- zip64 end of central dir locator signature
  putWord32le 0 -- number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of
    -- central directory
  putWord64le (fromIntegral ecdOffset) -- relative offset of the zip64 end
    -- of central directory record
  putWord32le 1 -- total number of disks

-- | Parse end of central directory record or Zip64 end of central directory
-- record depending on signature binary data begins with.

getECD :: Get ArchiveDescription
getECD = do
  sig <- getWord32le -- end of central directory signature
  let zip64 = sig == 0x06064b50
  unless (sig == 0x06054b50 || sig == 0x06064b50) $
    fail "Cannot locate end of central directory"
  zip64size <- if zip64 then do
    x <- getWord64le -- size of zip64 end of central directory record
    skip 2 -- version made by
    skip 2 -- version needed to extract
    return (Just x)
    else return Nothing
  thisDisk <- bool (fromIntegral <$> getWord16le) getWord32le zip64
  -- ↑ number of this disk
  cdDisk   <- bool (fromIntegral <$> getWord16le) getWord32le zip64
  -- ↑ number of the disk with the start of the central directory
  unless (thisDisk == 0 && cdDisk == 0) $
    fail "No support for multi-disk archives"
  skip (bool 2 8 zip64)
  -- ↑ total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
  skip (bool 2 8 zip64)
  -- ↑ total number of entries in the central directory
  cdSize   <- bool (fromIntegral <$> getWord32le) getWord64le zip64
  -- ↑ size of the central directory
  cdOffset <- bool (fromIntegral <$> getWord32le) getWord64le zip64
  -- ↑ offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting
  -- disk number
  when zip64 . skip . fromIntegral $ fromJust zip64size - 4 -- obviously
  commentSize <- getWord16le -- .ZIP file comment length
  comment <- decodeText True <$> getBytes (fromIntegral commentSize)
  -- ↑ archive comment, it's uncertain how we should decide on encoding here
  return ArchiveDescription
    { adComment  = if commentSize == 0 then Nothing else comment
    , adCDOffset = fromIntegral cdOffset
    , adCDSize   = fromIntegral cdSize }

-- | Create 'ByteString' representing end of central directory record.

  :: Natural           -- ^ Total number of entries
  -> Natural           -- ^ Size of the central directory
  -> Natural           -- ^ Offset of central directory record
  -> Maybe Text        -- ^ Zip file comment
  -> Put
putECD totalCount cdSize cdOffset mcomment = do
  putWord32le 0x06054b50 -- end of central dir signature
  putWord16le 0 -- number of this disk
  putWord16le 0 -- number of the disk with the start of the central directory
  putWord16le (withSaturation totalCount)
  -- ↑ total number of entries on this disk
  putWord16le (withSaturation totalCount) -- total number of entries
  putWord32le (withSaturation cdSize) -- size of central directory
  putWord32le (withSaturation cdOffset) -- offset of start of central directory
  let comment = maybe B.empty T.encodeUtf8 mcomment
  putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length comment)
  putByteString comment

-- | Find absolute offset of end of central directory record or, if present,
-- Zip64 end of central directory record.

locateECD :: FilePath -> Handle -> IO (Maybe Integer)
locateECD path h = sizeCheck

    sizeCheck = do
      fsize    <- hFileSize h
      let limit = max 0 (fsize - 0xffff - 22)
      if fsize < 22
        then return Nothing
        else hSeek h SeekFromEnd (-22) >> loop limit

    loop limit = do
      sig <- getNum getWord32le 4
      pos <- subtract 4 <$> hTell h
      let again = hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (pos - 1) >> loop limit
          done  = pos <= limit
      if sig == 0x06054b50
        then do
          result <- runMaybeT $
            MaybeT (checkComment pos) >>=
            MaybeT . checkCDSig       >>=
            MaybeT . checkZip64
          case result of
            Nothing -> bool again (return Nothing) done
            Just ecd -> return (Just ecd)
        else bool again (return Nothing) done

    checkComment pos = do
      size <- hFileSize h
      hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (pos + 20)
      l <- fromIntegral <$> getNum getWord16le 2
      return $ if l + 22 == size - pos
        then Just pos
        else Nothing

    checkCDSig pos = do
      hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (pos + 16)
      sigPos <- fromIntegral <$> getNum getWord32le 4
      if sigPos == 0xffffffff -- Zip64 is probably used
        then return (Just pos)
        else do
          hSeek h AbsoluteSeek sigPos
          cdSig  <- getNum getWord32le 4
          return $ if cdSig == 0x02014b50 ||
            -- ↑ normal case: central directory file header signature
                      cdSig == 0x06064b50 ||
            -- ↑ happens when zip 64 archive is empty
                      cdSig == 0x06054b50
            -- ↑ happens when vanilla archive is empty
            then Just pos
            else Nothing

    checkZip64 pos =
      if pos < 20
        then return (Just pos)
        else do
          hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (pos - 20)
          zip64locatorSig <- getNum getWord32le 4
          if zip64locatorSig == 0x07064b50
            then do
              hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (pos - 12)
              Just . fromIntegral <$> getNum getWord64le 8
            else return (Just pos)

    getNum f n = do
      result <- runGet f <$> B.hGet h n
      case result of
        Left msg -> throwM (ParsingFailed path msg)
        Right val -> return val

-- Helpers

-- | Rename an entry (key) in a 'Map'.

renameKey :: Ord k => k -> k -> Map k a -> Map k a
renameKey ok nk m = case M.lookup ok m of
  Nothing -> m
  Just e -> M.insert nk e (M.delete ok m)

-- | Like 'fromIntegral', but with saturation when converting to bounded
-- types.

withSaturation :: forall a b. (Integral a, Integral b, Bounded b) => a -> b
withSaturation x =
  if (fromIntegral x :: Integer) > (fromIntegral bound :: Integer)
    then bound
    else fromIntegral x
  where bound = maxBound :: b

-- | Determine target entry of action.

targetEntry :: PendingAction -> Maybe EntrySelector
targetEntry (SinkEntry      _ _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (CopyEntry      _ _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (RenameEntry      s _) = Just s
targetEntry (DeleteEntry        s) = Just s
targetEntry (Recompress       _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (SetEntryComment  _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (DeleteEntryComment s) = Just s
targetEntry (SetModTime       _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (AddExtraField  _ _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (DeleteExtraField _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (SetExternalFileAttributes _ s) = Just s
targetEntry (SetArchiveComment  _) = Nothing
targetEntry DeleteArchiveComment   = Nothing

-- | Decode 'ByteString'. The first argument indicates whether we should
-- treat it as UTF-8 (in case bit 11 of general-purpose bit flag is set),
-- otherwise the function assumes CP437. Note that since not every stream of
-- bytes constitutes valid UTF-8 text, this function can fail. In that case
-- 'Nothing' is returned.

  :: Bool           -- ^ Whether bit 11 of general-purpose bit flag is set
  -> ByteString     -- ^ Binary data to decode
  -> Maybe Text     -- ^ Decoded 'Text' in case of success
decodeText False = Just . decodeCP437
decodeText True  = either (const Nothing) Just . T.decodeUtf8'

-- | Detect if the given text needs newer Unicode-aware features to be
-- properly encoded in archive.

needsUnicode :: Text -> Bool
needsUnicode = not . T.all validCP437
  where validCP437 x = ord x <= 127

-- | Convert numeric representation (as per .ZIP specification) of version
-- into 'Version'.

toVersion :: Word16 -> Version
toVersion x = makeVersion [major, minor]
  where (major, minor) = quotRem (fromIntegral $ x .&. 0x00ff) 10

-- | Covert 'Version' to its numeric representation as per .ZIP
-- specification.

fromVersion :: Version -> Word16
fromVersion v = fromIntegral ((ZIP_OS `shiftL` 8) .|. (major * 10 + minor))
  where (major,minor) =
          case versionBranch v of
            v0:v1:_ -> (v0, v1)
            v0:_    -> (v0, 0)
            []      -> (0,  0)

-- | Get compression method form its numeric representation.

toCompressionMethod :: Word16 -> Maybe CompressionMethod
toCompressionMethod 0  = Just Store
toCompressionMethod 8  = Just Deflate
toCompressionMethod 12 = Just BZip2
toCompressionMethod _  = Nothing

-- | Convert 'CompressionMethod' to its numeric representation as per .ZIP
-- specification.

fromCompressionMethod :: CompressionMethod -> Word16
fromCompressionMethod Store   = 0
fromCompressionMethod Deflate = 8
fromCompressionMethod BZip2   = 12

-- | Check if an entry with these parameters needs Zip64 extension.

needsZip64 :: EntryDescription -> Bool
needsZip64 EntryDescription {..} = any (>= ffffffff)
  [edOffset, edCompressedSize, edUncompressedSize]

-- | Determine “version needed to extract” that should be written to headers
-- given need of Zip64 feature and compression method.

getZipVersion :: Bool -> Maybe CompressionMethod -> Version
getZipVersion zip64 m = max zip64ver mver
  where zip64ver = makeVersion (if zip64 then [4,5] else [2,0])
        mver     = makeVersion $ case m of
          Nothing      -> [2,0]
          Just Store   -> [2,0]
          Just Deflate -> [2,0]
          Just BZip2   -> [4,6]

-- | Return decompressing 'Conduit' corresponding to the given compression
-- method.

  :: (PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m, MonadResource m)
  => CompressionMethod
  -> ConduitT ByteString ByteString m ()
decompressingPipe Store   = C.awaitForever C.yield
decompressingPipe Deflate = Z.decompress $ Z.WindowBits (-15)
decompressingPipe BZip2   = BZ.bunzip2
decompressingPipe BZip2   = throwM BZip2Unsupported

-- | Sink that calculates CRC32 check sum for incoming stream.

crc32Sink :: ConduitT ByteString Void (ResourceT IO) Word32
crc32Sink = CL.fold crc32Update 0

-- | Convert 'UTCTime' to MS-DOS time format.

toMsDosTime :: UTCTime -> MsDosTime
toMsDosTime UTCTime {..} = MsDosTime dosDate dosTime
    dosTime = fromIntegral (seconds + shiftL minutes 5 + shiftL hours 11)
    dosDate = fromIntegral (day     + shiftL month   5 + shiftL year  9)

    seconds =
      let (MkFixed x) = todSec tod
      in fromIntegral (x `quot` 2000000000000)
    minutes = todMin tod
    hours   = todHour tod
    tod     = timeToTimeOfDay utctDayTime

    year    = fromIntegral year' - 1980
    (year', month, day) = toGregorian utctDay

-- | Convert MS-DOS date-time to 'UTCTime'.

fromMsDosTime :: MsDosTime -> UTCTime
fromMsDosTime MsDosTime {..} = UTCTime
  (fromGregorian year month day)
  (secondsToDiffTime $ hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds)
    seconds = fromIntegral $ 2 * (msDosTime     .&. 0x1f)
    minutes = fromIntegral (shiftR msDosTime 5  .&. 0x3f)
    hours   = fromIntegral (shiftR msDosTime 11 .&. 0x1f)

    day     = fromIntegral (msDosDate .&. 0x1f)
    month   = fromIntegral $ shiftR msDosDate 5 .&. 0x0f
    year    = 1980 + fromIntegral (shiftR msDosDate 9)

-- We use the constants of the type 'Natural' instead of literals to protect
-- ourselves from overflows on 32 bit systems.
-- If we're in development mode, use lower values so the tests get a chance
-- to check all cases (otherwise we would need to generate way too big
-- archives on CI).

ffff, ffffffff :: Natural
ffff     = 200
ffffffff = 5000
ffff     = 0xffff
ffffffff = 0xffffffff