{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Zinza.Class (
    Zinza (..),
    ) where

import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Proxy    (Proxy (..))

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy      as Map
import qualified Data.Set           as Set
import qualified Data.Text          as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy     as LT

import Zinza.Type
import Zinza.Value
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric
-- >>> import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
-- >>> import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- >>> import Zinza

-- | 'Zinza' class tells how to convert the type into template parameters,
-- and their types.
-- Class can be auto-derived for product types.
-- >>> data R = R { recFoo :: String, recBar :: Char } deriving Generic
-- >>> instance Zinza R where toType = genericToTypeSFP; toValue = genericToValueSFP
-- >>> displayTy $ toType (Proxy :: Proxy R)
-- "{bar: String, foo: String}"
class Zinza a where
    toType     :: Proxy a -> Ty
    toTypeList :: Proxy a -> Ty
    toTypeList = TyList Nothing . toType

    toValue     :: a   -> Value
    toValueList :: [a] -> Value
    toValueList = VList . map toValue

instance Zinza () where
    toType _  = tyUnit
    toValue _ = VRecord mempty

instance Zinza Bool where
    toType _ = TyBool
    toValue = VBool

instance Zinza Char where
    toType     _ = TyString (Just "return")
    toTypeList _ = TyString Nothing

    toValue     = VString . return
    toValueList = VString

instance Zinza a => Zinza [a] where
    toType _ = toTypeList (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    toValue = toValueList

instance (Zinza a, Zinza b) => Zinza (a, b) where
    toType _ = TyRecord $ Map.fromList
        [ ("fst", ("fst", toType (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
        , ("snd", ("snd", toType (Proxy :: Proxy b)))

    toValue (a, b) = VRecord $ Map.fromList
        [ ("fst", toValue a)
        , ("snd", toValue b)

-- semigroups

instance Zinza a => Zinza (NE.NonEmpty a) where
    toType _ = TyList Nothing (toType (Proxy :: Proxy a))
    toValue  = VList . map toValue . toList

-- containers

instance Zinza a => Zinza (Set.Set a) where
    toType _ = TyList Nothing (toType (Proxy :: Proxy a))
    toValue  = VList . map toValue . toList

-- | Pairs are encoded as @{key: k, val: v }@
instance (Zinza k, Zinza v) => Zinza (Map.Map k v) where
    toType _ = TyList (Just "Map.toList") $ TyRecord $ Map.fromList
        [ ("key", ("fst", toType (Proxy :: Proxy k)))
        , ("val", ("snd", toType (Proxy :: Proxy v)))

    toValue m = VList
        [ VRecord $ Map.fromList
            [ ("key", toValue k)
            , ("val", toValue v)
        | (k, v) <- Map.toList m

-- text

instance Zinza T.Text where
    toType _ = TyString (Just "T.unpack")
    toValue  = VString . T.unpack

instance Zinza LT.Text where
    toType _ = TyString (Just "LT.unpack")
    toValue  = VString . LT.unpack