yi-0.12.6: The Haskell-Scriptable Editor

Safe HaskellNone
  • DeriveDataTypeable
  • NondecreasingIndentation



Working with blocks (units) of text.



data TextUnit Source #

Designate a given "unit" of text.



a single character


a line of text (between newlines)


a "vertical" line of text (area of text between two characters at the same column number)


the whole document


outsideUnit :: TextUnit -> TextUnit Source #

Turns a unit into its "negative" by inverting the boundaries. For example, outsideUnit unitViWord will be the unit of spaces between words. For units without boundaries (Character, Document, ...), this is the identity function.

leftBoundaryUnit :: TextUnit -> TextUnit Source #

Unit that have its left and right boundaries at the left boundary of the argument unit.

unitWord :: TextUnit Source #

a word as in use in Emacs (fundamental mode)

unitDelimited :: Char -> Char -> Bool -> TextUnit Source #

delimited on the left and right by given characters, boolean argument tells if whether those are included.

unitEmacsParagraph :: TextUnit Source #

Paragraph to implement emacs-like forward-paragraph/backward-paragraph

unitParagraph :: TextUnit Source #

Paragraph that begins and ends in the paragraph, not the empty lines surrounding it.

isAnySep :: Char -> Bool Source #

Separator characters (space, tab, unicode separators). Most of the units above attempt to identify "words" with various punctuation and symbols included or excluded. This set of units is a simple inverse: it is true for "whitespace" or "separators" and false for anything that is not (letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation, whatever).

unitSep :: TextUnit Source #

unitSep is true for any kind of whitespace/separator

unitSepThisLine :: TextUnit Source #

unitSepThisLine is true for any kind of whitespace/separator on this line only

moveB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM () Source #

Move to the next unit boundary

maybeMoveB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM () Source #

As moveB, unless the point is at a unit boundary

transformB :: (YiString -> YiString) -> TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM () Source #

Transforms the region given by TextUnit in the Direction with user-supplied function.

regionOfB :: TextUnit -> BufferM Region Source #

Region of the whole textunit where the current point is.

regionOfNonEmptyB :: TextUnit -> BufferM Region Source #

Non empty region of the whole textunit where the current point is.

regionOfPartB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM Region Source #

Region between the point and the next boundary. The region is empty if the point is at the boundary.

regionOfPartNonEmptyB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM Region Source #

Non empty region between the point and the next boundary, In fact the region can be empty if we are at the end of file.

regionOfPartNonEmptyAtB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> Point -> BufferM Region Source #

Non empty region at given point and the next boundary,

untilB :: BufferM Bool -> BufferM a -> BufferM [a] Source #

Repeat an action until the condition is fulfilled or the cursor stops moving. The Action may be performed zero times.

doIfCharB :: (Char -> Bool) -> BufferM a -> BufferM () Source #

Do an action if the current buffer character passes the predicate

deleteB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BufferM () Source #

Delete between point and next unit boundary, return the deleted region.

genMaybeMoveB :: TextUnit -> (Direction, BoundarySide) -> Direction -> BufferM () Source #

Generic maybe move operation. As genMoveB, but don't move if we are at boundary already.

genMoveB :: TextUnit -> (Direction, BoundarySide) -> Direction -> BufferM () Source #

Generic move operation Warning: moving To the (OutsideBound, Backward) bound of Document is impossible (offset -1!) genMoveB u b d: move in direction d until encountering boundary b or unit u. See genAtBoundaryB for boundary explanation.

genAtBoundaryB :: TextUnit -> Direction -> BoundarySide -> BufferM Bool Source #

genAtBoundaryB u d s returns whether the point is at a given boundary (d,s) . Boundary (d,s) , taking Word as example, means: Word ^^ ^^ 12 34 1: (Backward,OutsideBound) 2: (Backward,InsideBound) 3: (Forward,InsideBound) 4: (Forward,OutsideBound)

rules: genAtBoundaryB u Backward InsideBound = atBoundaryB u Backward genAtBoundaryB u Forward OutsideBound = atBoundaryB u Forward