yesod-session-persist- SQL session backend for Yesod
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



data StorageOperation result Source #


result ~ Maybe Session => GetSession SessionKey

Get the session for the given session key

Returns Nothing if the session is not found.

result ~ () => DeleteSession SessionKey

Delete the session with given session key

Does not do anything if the session is not found.

result ~ () => InsertSession Session

Insert a new session

Throws SessionAlreadyExists if there already exists a session with the same key. We only call this method after generating a fresh session key.

result ~ () => ReplaceSession Session

Replace the contents of a session

Throws SessionDoesNotExist if there is no session with the given session key. We only call this method when updating a session that is known to exist.


Instances details
Show (StorageOperation result) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yesod.Session.Storage.Operation


showsPrec :: Int -> StorageOperation result -> ShowS #

show :: StorageOperation result -> String #

showList :: [StorageOperation result] -> ShowS #

Eq (StorageOperation result) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Yesod.Session.Storage.Operation


(==) :: StorageOperation result -> StorageOperation result -> Bool #

(/=) :: StorageOperation result -> StorageOperation result -> Bool #