{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
module Yesod.ReCaptcha2
  ( YesodReCaptcha(..)
    -- * ReCaptcha V2
  , reCaptcha
  , mReCaptcha
    -- * Invisible ReCaptcha
    -- $invisibleReCaptcha
  , reCaptchaInvisible
  , mReCaptchaInvisible
  , reCaptchaInvisibleForm

import           ClassyPrelude
import           Data.Aeson
import           Network.HTTP.Simple
import           Yesod.Core
import           Yesod.Form.Functions
import           Yesod.Form.Types

-- | default key is testing. you should impl reCaptchaSiteKey and reCaptchaSecretKey
class YesodReCaptcha site where
  reCaptchaSiteKey :: HandlerFor site Text
  reCaptchaSiteKey = pure "6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI"
  reCaptchaSecretKey :: HandlerFor site Text
  reCaptchaSecretKey = pure "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe"
  -- | with specific language from
  -- <https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/language>
  -- > reCaptchaLanguage = pure (Just "ru")
  reCaptchaLanguage :: HandlerFor site (Maybe Text)
  reCaptchaLanguage = pure Nothing

newtype SiteverifyResponse
  = SiteverifyResponse
  { success :: Bool
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

-- | for Applicative style form
reCaptcha :: YesodReCaptcha site => AForm (HandlerFor site) ()
reCaptcha = formToAForm mReCaptcha

-- | for Monadic style form
  :: YesodReCaptcha site
  => MForm (HandlerFor site) (FormResult (), [FieldView site])
mReCaptcha = do
  result <- lift formResult
  return (result, [fieldViewSite])
  formResult = do
    postParam <- lookupPostParam "g-recaptcha-response"
    case postParam of
      Nothing       -> return FormMissing
      Just response -> do
        secret                         <- reCaptchaSecretKey
        SiteverifyResponse { success } <- liftIO $ do
          req <- parseRequest
            "POST https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"
          res <- httpJSON $ setRequestBodyURLEncoded
            [("secret", encodeUtf8 secret), ("response", encodeUtf8 response)]
          return $ getResponseBody res
        return $ if success
          then FormSuccess ()
          else FormFailure ["reCaptcha error"]
  fieldViewSite = FieldView
    { fvLabel    = mempty
    , fvTooltip  = Nothing
    , fvId       = ""
    , fvInput    = do
      mReCaptchaLanguage <- handlerToWidget reCaptchaLanguage
      case mReCaptchaLanguage of
        Nothing -> addScriptRemote "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"
        Just hl ->
          addScriptRemote $ "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=" <> hl
      siteKey <- handlerToWidget reCaptchaSiteKey
      [whamlet|<div .g-recaptcha data-sitekey=#{siteKey}>|]
    , fvErrors   = Nothing
    , fvRequired = True

-- $invisibleReCaptcha
-- The Invisible ReCaptcha is not as easy as the V2.
-- 1. Function to check the response: 'reCaptchaInvisible' or 'mReCaptchaInvisible'.
-- 2. Add the following to the code which creates the form:
--     > (reCaptchaFormId, reCaptchaWidget, reCaptchaButtonAttributes) <-
--     > reCaptchaInvisibleForm Nothing
-- 3. Add the id to the form, class and attributes to the button and the widget somewhere.
--    Example:
--     @
--     \<form \#\#{reCaptchaFormId} method=post action=@{route} enctype=#{enctype}\>
--       ^{widget}
--       ^{reCaptchaWidget}
--       \<button .g-recaptcha *{reCaptchaButtonAttributes}\>
--         Submit
--     @

-- | check for Applicative style form
reCaptchaInvisible :: YesodReCaptcha site => AForm (HandlerFor site) ()
reCaptchaInvisible = formToAForm ((, []) <$> mReCaptchaInvisible)

-- | check for Monadic style form
  :: YesodReCaptcha site => MForm (HandlerFor site) (FormResult ())
mReCaptchaInvisible = fst <$> mReCaptcha

-- | generate all required parts (except the check) for a Invisible ReCaptcha
  :: YesodReCaptcha site
  => Maybe Text -- ^ The id of the form, a new will be created when 'Nothing' is passed
  -> Maybe Text
    -- ^ The javascript to call after a successful captcha,
    -- it has to submit the form, a simple one will be generated when 'Nothing' is passed
  -> HandlerFor site (Text, WidgetFor site (), [(Text, Text)])
reCaptchaInvisibleForm mIdent mScript = do
  mReCaptchaLanguage <- reCaptchaLanguage
  siteKey            <- reCaptchaSiteKey
  identForm          <- maybe newIdent return mIdent
  scriptName <- maybe (("reCaptchaOnSubmit_" <>) <$> newIdent) return mScript
  let widget = do
        case mReCaptchaLanguage of
          Nothing -> addScriptRemote "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"
          Just hl ->
              $  "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl="
              <> hl
        when (isNothing mScript) $ toWidgetHead [hamlet|
<script>function #{scriptName}(token) { document.getElementById("#{identForm}").submit(); }
    ( identForm
    , widget
    , [("data-sitekey", siteKey), ("data-callback", scriptName)]