yesod-auth- Authentication for Yesod.

Safe HaskellNone





class (YesodAuth site, PathPiece (AuthEmailId site)) => YesodAuthEmail site whereSource

Associated Types

type AuthEmailId site Source


addUnverified :: Email -> VerKey -> HandlerT site IO (AuthEmailId site)Source

Add a new email address to the database, but indicate that the address has not yet been verified.

Since 1.1.0

sendVerifyEmail :: Email -> VerKey -> VerUrl -> HandlerT site IO ()Source

Send an email to the given address to verify ownership.

Since 1.1.0

getVerifyKey :: AuthEmailId site -> HandlerT site IO (Maybe VerKey)Source

Get the verification key for the given email ID.

Since 1.1.0

setVerifyKey :: AuthEmailId site -> VerKey -> HandlerT site IO ()Source

Set the verification key for the given email ID.

Since 1.1.0

verifyAccount :: AuthEmailId site -> HandlerT site IO (Maybe (AuthId site))Source

Verify the email address on the given account.

Since 1.1.0

getPassword :: AuthId site -> HandlerT site IO (Maybe SaltedPass)Source

Get the salted password for the given account.

Since 1.1.0

setPassword :: AuthId site -> SaltedPass -> HandlerT site IO ()Source

Set the salted password for the given account.

Since 1.1.0

getEmailCreds :: Identifier -> HandlerT site IO (Maybe (EmailCreds site))Source

Get the credentials for the given Identifier, which may be either an email address or some other identification (e.g., username).

Since 1.2.0

getEmail :: AuthEmailId site -> HandlerT site IO (Maybe Email)Source

Get the email address for the given email ID.

Since 1.1.0

randomKey :: site -> IO TextSource

Generate a random alphanumeric string.

Since 1.1.0

afterPasswordRoute :: site -> Route siteSource

Route to send user to after password has been set correctly.

Since 1.2.0

data EmailCreds site Source

Data stored in a database for each e-mail address.

saltPass :: Text -> IO TextSource

Salt a password with a randomly generated salt.




:: Text

cleartext password

-> SaltedPass

salted password

-> Bool 


type Identifier = TextSource

An Identifier generalizes an email address to allow users to log in with some other form of credentials (e.g., username).

Note that any of these other identifiers must not be valid email addresses.

Since 1.2.0