-- | Common algebras that are useful when folding.
module Yaya.Fold.Common where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Day
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Numeric.Natural

import Yaya.Pattern

-- | Converts the free monoid (a list) into some other `Monoid`.
lowerMonoid :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> XNor a m -> m
lowerMonoid f = \case
  Neither  -> mempty
  Both a b -> mappend (f a) b

-- | Converts the free semigroup (a non-empty list) into some other `Semigroup`.
lowerSemigroup :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> AndMaybe a m -> m
lowerSemigroup f = \case
  Only a     -> f a
  Indeed a b -> f a <> b

-- | Converts the free monad into some other `Monad`.
lowerMonad :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> FreeF f a (m a) -> m a
lowerMonad f = \case
  Pure a  -> pure a
  Free fm -> join (f fm)

-- | Provides equality over arbitrary pattern functors.
equal :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Eq1 f) => Day f f Bool -> Bool
equal (Day f1 f2 fn) =
  liftEq (==) (void f1) (void f2)
  && and (zipWith fn (toList f1) (toList f2))

-- TODO: Redefine this using `Natural`
-- | When folded, returns the height of the data structure.
height :: Foldable f => f Integer -> Integer
height = (+ 1) . foldr max (-1)

-- NB: It seems like this could be some more general notion of this, like
--        size :: (Foldable f, Semiring a) => f a -> a
--        size = foldr (+) one
-- | When folded, returns the number ef nodes in the data structure.
size :: Foldable f => f Natural -> Natural
size = foldr (+) 1

-- | Converts a provably infinite structure into a `Yaya.Zoo.Partial` one (that
--   will never terminate).
toRight :: Identity b -> Either a b
toRight = Right . runIdentity

-- | Returns the last 'Just' result.
while :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Either a a
while f a = maybe (Left a) Right $ f a

-- | Collapses a `Yaya.Zoo.Partial` structure to a value (probably requiring
--   unsafe instances).
fromEither :: Either a a -> a
fromEither = \case
  Left a  -> a
  Right a -> a

-- | Generates an infinite structure from an arbitrary seed.
never :: a -> Identity a
never = Identity

le :: Day Maybe Maybe Bool -> Bool
le = \case
  Day Nothing  _        _ -> True
  Day (Just a) (Just b) f -> f a b
  Day (Just _) Nothing  _ -> False

takeAnother :: Day Maybe ((,) a) b -> XNor a b
takeAnother = \case
  Day Nothing  _      _ -> Neither
  Day (Just x) (h, t) f -> Both h (f x t)

takeAvailable :: Day Maybe (XNor a) b -> XNor a b
takeAvailable = \case
  Day Nothing  _ _ -> Neither
  Day (Just x) t f -> fmap (f x) t

truncate' :: Functor f => Day Maybe f a -> FreeF f () a
truncate' = \case
  Day Nothing  _  _ -> Pure ()
  Day (Just n) fa f -> Free (fmap (f n) fa)

-- | Converts a single value into a tuple with the same value on both sides.
--   > x &&& y = (x *** y) . split
split :: a -> (a, a)
split x = (x, x)

-- * sequence generators
--   These functions are defined with different type parameters in order to
--   constrain the implementation, but to be used as coalgebras, all of the
--   parameters need to be specialized to the same type.

unarySequence :: (a -> b) -> a -> (a, b)
unarySequence f a = (a, f a)

binarySequence :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> (a, (b, c))
binarySequence f (a, b) = (a, (b, f a b))

ternarySequence :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, (b, c, d))
ternarySequence f (a, b, c) = (a, (b, c, f a b c))

lucasSequence' :: Integral i => i -> i -> (i, i) -> (i, (i, i))
lucasSequence' p q = binarySequence (\n2 n1 -> p * n1 - q * n2)