yampa-test-0.13.6: Testing library for Yampa.
Safe HaskellNone



Linear Temporal Logics based on SFs.

This module contains a definition of LTL with Next on top of Signal Functions.

LTL predicates are parameterized over an input. A basic proposition is a Signal Function that produces a boolean function.



data TPred a where Source #

Type representing future-time linear temporal logic predicates with until and next.


SP :: SF a Bool -> TPred a 
And :: TPred a -> TPred a -> TPred a 
Or :: TPred a -> TPred a -> TPred a 
Not :: TPred a -> TPred a 
Implies :: TPred a -> TPred a -> TPred a 
Always :: TPred a -> TPred a 
Eventually :: TPred a -> TPred a 
Next :: TPred a -> TPred a 
Until :: TPred a -> TPred a -> TPred a 

evalT :: TPred a -> SignalSampleStream a -> Bool Source #

Evaluates a temporal predicate at time t=0 with a concrete sample stream.

Returns True if the temporal proposition is currently true.