{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, PatternGuards #-}
module XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation (
windowNavigation, configurableNavigation,
Navigate(..), Direction2D(..),
navigateColor, navigateBrightness,
noNavigateBorders, defaultWNConfig, def,
WNConfig, WindowNavigation,
) where
import Data.List ( nub, sortBy, (\\) )
import XMonad hiding (Point)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
import XMonad.Util.Invisible
import XMonad.Util.Types (Direction2D(..))
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
data MoveWindowToWindow a = MoveWindowToWindow a a deriving ( Read, Show, Typeable )
instance Typeable a => Message (MoveWindowToWindow a)
data Navigate = Go Direction2D | Swap Direction2D | Move Direction2D
| Apply (Window -> X()) Direction2D
deriving ( Typeable )
instance Message Navigate
data WNConfig =
WNC { brightness :: Maybe Double
, upColor :: String
, downColor :: String
, leftColor :: String
, rightColor :: String
} deriving (Show, Read)
noNavigateBorders :: WNConfig
noNavigateBorders =
def {brightness = Just 0}
navigateColor :: String -> WNConfig
navigateColor c =
WNC Nothing c c c c
navigateBrightness :: Double -> WNConfig
navigateBrightness f = def { brightness = Just $ max 0 $ min 1 f }
instance Default WNConfig where def = WNC (Just 0.4) "#0000FF" "#00FFFF" "#FF0000" "#FF00FF"
{-# DEPRECATED defaultWNConfig "Use def (from Data.Default, and re-exported by XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation) instead." #-}
defaultWNConfig :: WNConfig
defaultWNConfig = def
data NavigationState a = NS Point [(a,Rectangle)]
data WindowNavigation a = WindowNavigation WNConfig (Invisible Maybe (NavigationState a)) deriving ( Read, Show )
windowNavigation :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> ModifiedLayout WindowNavigation l a
windowNavigation = ModifiedLayout (WindowNavigation def (I Nothing))
configurableNavigation :: LayoutClass l a => WNConfig -> l a -> ModifiedLayout WindowNavigation l a
configurableNavigation conf = ModifiedLayout (WindowNavigation conf (I Nothing))
instance LayoutModifier WindowNavigation Window where
redoLayout (WindowNavigation conf (I st)) rscr (Just s) origwrs =
do XConf { normalBorder = nbc, focusedBorder = fbc, display = dpy } <- ask
[uc,dc,lc,rc] <-
case brightness conf of
Just frac -> do myc <- averagePixels fbc nbc frac
return [myc,myc,myc,myc]
Nothing -> mapM (stringToPixel dpy) [upColor conf, downColor conf,
leftColor conf, rightColor conf]
let dirc U = uc
dirc D = dc
dirc L = lc
dirc R = rc
let w = W.focus s
r = case filter ((==w).fst) origwrs of ((_,x):_) -> x
[] -> rscr
pt = case st of Just (NS ptold _) | ptold `inrect` r -> ptold
_ -> center r
existing_wins = W.integrate s
wrs = filter ((`elem` existing_wins) . fst) $ filter ((/=r) . snd) $
filter ((/=w) . fst) origwrs
wnavigable = nub $ concatMap
(\d -> take 1 $ navigable d pt wrs) [U,D,R,L]
wnavigablec = nub $ concatMap
(\d -> map (\(win,_) -> (win,dirc d)) $
take 1 $ navigable d pt wrs) [U,D,R,L]
wothers = case st of Just (NS _ wo) -> map fst wo
_ -> []
mapM_ (sc nbc) (wothers \\ map fst wnavigable)
mapM_ (\(win,c) -> sc c win) wnavigablec
return (origwrs, Just $ WindowNavigation conf $ I $ Just $ NS pt wnavigable)
redoLayout _ _ _ origwrs = return (origwrs, Nothing)
handleMessOrMaybeModifyIt (WindowNavigation conf (I (Just (NS pt wrs)))) m
| Just (Go d) <- fromMessage m =
case navigable d pt wrs of
[] -> return Nothing
((w,r):_) -> do modify focusWindowHere
return $ Just $ Left $ WindowNavigation conf $ I $ Just $
NS (centerd d pt r) wrs
where focusWindowHere :: XState -> XState
focusWindowHere s
| Just w == W.peek (windowset s) = s
| has w $ W.stack $ W.workspace $ W.current $ windowset s =
s { windowset = until ((Just w ==) . W.peek)
W.focusUp $ windowset s }
| otherwise = s
has _ Nothing = False
has x (Just (W.Stack t l rr)) = x `elem` (t : l ++ rr)
| Just (Swap d) <- fromMessage m =
case navigable d pt wrs of
[] -> return Nothing
((w,_):_) -> do let swap st = unint (W.focus st) $ map (swapw (W.focus st)) $ W.integrate st
swapw y x | x == w = y
| x == y = w
| otherwise = x
unint f xs = case span (/= f) xs of
(u,_:dn) -> W.Stack { W.focus = f
, W.up = reverse u
, W.down = dn }
_ -> W.Stack { W.focus = f
, W.down = xs
, W.up = [] }
windows $ W.modify' swap
return Nothing
| Just (Move d) <- fromMessage m =
case navigable d pt wrs of
[] -> return Nothing
((w,_):_) -> do mst <- gets (W.stack . W.workspace . W.current . windowset)
return $ do st <- mst
Just $ Right $ SomeMessage $ MoveWindowToWindow (W.focus st) w
| Just (Apply f d) <- fromMessage m =
case navigable d pt wrs of
[] -> return Nothing
((w,_):_) -> f w >> return Nothing
| Just Hide <- fromMessage m =
do XConf { normalBorder = nbc } <- ask
mapM_ (sc nbc . fst) wrs
return $ Just $ Left $ WindowNavigation conf $ I $ Just $ NS pt []
| Just ReleaseResources <- fromMessage m =
handleMessOrMaybeModifyIt (WindowNavigation conf (I $ Just (NS pt wrs))) (SomeMessage Hide)
handleMessOrMaybeModifyIt _ _ = return Nothing
navigable :: Direction2D -> Point -> [(Window, Rectangle)] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
navigable d pt = sortby d . filter (inr d pt . snd)
sc :: Pixel -> Window -> X ()
sc c win = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
colorName <- io (pixelToString dpy c)
setWindowBorderWithFallback dpy win colorName c
center :: Rectangle -> Point
center (Rectangle x y w h) = P (fromIntegral x + fromIntegral w/2) (fromIntegral y + fromIntegral h/2)
centerd :: Direction2D -> Point -> Rectangle -> Point
centerd d (P xx yy) (Rectangle x y w h) | d == U || d == D = P xx (fromIntegral y + fromIntegral h/2)
| otherwise = P (fromIntegral x + fromIntegral w/2) yy
inr :: Direction2D -> Point -> Rectangle -> Bool
inr D (P x y) (Rectangle l yr w h) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w &&
y < fromIntegral yr + fromIntegral h
inr U (P x y) (Rectangle l yr w _) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w &&
y > fromIntegral yr
inr R (P a x) (Rectangle b l _ w) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w &&
a < fromIntegral b
inr L (P a x) (Rectangle b l c w) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w &&
a > fromIntegral b + fromIntegral c
inrect :: Point -> Rectangle -> Bool
inrect (P x y) (Rectangle a b w h) = x > fromIntegral a && x < fromIntegral a + fromIntegral w &&
y > fromIntegral b && y < fromIntegral b + fromIntegral h
sortby :: Direction2D -> [(a,Rectangle)] -> [(a,Rectangle)]
sortby U = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle _ y _ _) (_,Rectangle _ y' _ _) -> compare y' y)
sortby D = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle _ y _ _) (_,Rectangle _ y' _ _) -> compare y y')
sortby R = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle x _ _ _) (_,Rectangle x' _ _ _) -> compare x x')
sortby L = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle x _ _ _) (_,Rectangle x' _ _ _) -> compare x' x)
data Point = P Double Double