{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module XMonad.Layout.Spiral (
, spiralWithDir
, Rotation (..)
, Direction (..)
, SpiralWithDir
) where
import Data.Ratio
import XMonad hiding ( Rotation )
import XMonad.StackSet ( integrate )
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
mkRatios :: [Integer] -> [Rational]
mkRatios (x1:x2:xs) = (x1 % x2) : mkRatios (x2:xs)
mkRatios _ = []
data Rotation = CW | CCW deriving (Read, Show)
data Direction = East | South | West | North deriving (Eq, Enum, Read, Show)
blend :: Rational -> [Rational] -> [Rational]
blend scale ratios = zipWith (+) ratios scaleFactors
len = length ratios
step = (scale - (1 % 1)) / (fromIntegral len)
scaleFactors = map (* step) . reverse . take len $ [0..]
spiral :: Rational -> SpiralWithDir a
spiral = spiralWithDir East CW
spiralWithDir :: Direction -> Rotation -> Rational -> SpiralWithDir a
spiralWithDir = SpiralWithDir
data SpiralWithDir a = SpiralWithDir Direction Rotation Rational
deriving ( Read, Show )
instance LayoutClass SpiralWithDir a where
pureLayout (SpiralWithDir dir rot scale) sc stack = zip ws rects
where ws = integrate stack
ratios = blend scale . reverse . take (length ws - 1) . mkRatios $ tail fibs
rects = divideRects (zip ratios dirs) sc
dirs = dropWhile (/= dir) $ case rot of
CW -> cycle [East .. North]
CCW -> cycle [North, West, South, East]
handleMessage (SpiralWithDir dir rot scale) = return . fmap resize . fromMessage
where resize Expand = spiralWithDir dir rot $ (21 % 20) * scale
resize Shrink = spiralWithDir dir rot $ (20 % 21) * scale
description _ = "Spiral"
divideRects :: [(Rational, Direction)] -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
divideRects [] r = [r]
divideRects ((r,d):xs) rect = case divideRect r d rect of
(r1, r2) -> r1 : (divideRects xs r2)
data Rect = Rect Integer Integer Integer Integer
fromRect :: Rect -> Rectangle
fromRect (Rect x y w h) = Rectangle (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
toRect :: Rectangle -> Rect
toRect (Rectangle x y w h) = Rect (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
divideRect :: Rational -> Direction -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
divideRect r d rect = let (r1, r2) = divideRect' r d $ toRect rect in
(fromRect r1, fromRect r2)
divideRect' :: Rational -> Direction -> Rect -> (Rect, Rect)
divideRect' ratio dir (Rect x y w h) =
case dir of
East -> let (w1, w2) = chop ratio w in (Rect x y w1 h, Rect (x + w1) y w2 h)
South -> let (h1, h2) = chop ratio h in (Rect x y w h1, Rect x (y + h1) w h2)
West -> let (w1, w2) = chop (1 - ratio) w in (Rect (x + w1) y w2 h, Rect x y w1 h)
North -> let (h1, h2) = chop (1 - ratio) h in (Rect x (y + h1) w h2, Rect x y w h1)
chop :: Rational -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
chop rat n = let f = ((fromIntegral n) * (numerator rat)) `div` (denominator rat) in
(f, n - f)