module XMonad.Actions.MouseGestures (
) where
import XMonad
import XMonad.Util.Types (Direction2D(..))
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
type Pos = (Position, Position)
delta :: Pos -> Pos -> Position
delta (ax, ay) (bx, by) = max (d ax bx) (d ay by)
d a b = abs (a - b)
dir :: Pos -> Pos -> Direction2D
dir (ax, ay) (bx, by) = trans . (/ pi) $ atan2 (fromIntegral $ ay - by) (fromIntegral $ bx - ax)
trans :: Double -> Direction2D
trans x
| rg (-3/4) (-1/4) x = D
| rg (-1/4) (1/4) x = R
| rg (1/4) (3/4) x = U
| otherwise = L
rg a z x = a <= x && x < z
gauge :: (Direction2D -> X ()) -> Pos -> IORef (Maybe (Direction2D, Pos)) -> Position -> Position -> X ()
gauge hook op st nx ny = do
let np = (nx, ny)
stx <- io $ readIORef st
(~(Just od), pivot) = case stx of
Nothing -> (Nothing, op)
Just (d, zp) -> (Just d, zp)
cont = do
guard $ significant np pivot
return $ do
let d' = dir pivot np
when (isNothing stx || od /= d') $ hook d'
io $ writeIORef st (Just (d', np))
fromMaybe (return ()) cont
significant a b = delta a b >= 10
mouseGestureH :: (Direction2D -> X ()) -> X () -> X ()
mouseGestureH moveHook endHook = do
dpy <- asks display
root <- asks theRoot
(pos, acc) <- io $ do
(_, _, _, ix, iy, _, _, _) <- queryPointer dpy root
r <- newIORef Nothing
return ((fromIntegral ix, fromIntegral iy), r)
mouseDrag (gauge moveHook pos acc) endHook
mouseGesture :: Map [Direction2D] (Window -> X ()) -> Window -> X ()
mouseGesture tbl win = do
(mov, end) <- mkCollect
mouseGestureH (\d -> mov d >> return ()) $ end >>= \gest ->
case M.lookup gest tbl of
Nothing -> return ()
Just f -> f win
mkCollect :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO m') => m (Direction2D -> m' [Direction2D], m' [Direction2D])
mkCollect = liftIO $ do
acc <- newIORef []
mov d = liftIO $ do
ds <- readIORef acc
let ds' = d : ds
writeIORef acc ds'
return $ reverse ds'
end = liftIO $ do
ds <- readIORef acc
writeIORef acc []
return $ reverse ds
return (mov, end)