module XMonad.Actions.FloatSnap (
ifClick') where
import XMonad
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe,fromJust,isNothing)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified Data.Set as S
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (calcGap)
import XMonad.Util.Types (Direction2D(..))
import XMonad.Actions.AfterDrag
:: Rational
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Window
-> X ()
snapMagicMouseResize middle collidedist snapdist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
(_, _, _, px, py, _, _, _) <- io $ queryPointer d w
let x = (fromIntegral px - wx wa)/(ww wa)
y = (fromIntegral py - wy wa)/(wh wa)
ml = if x <= (0.5 - middle/2) then [L] else []
mr = if x > (0.5 + middle/2) then [R] else []
mu = if y <= (0.5 - middle/2) then [U] else []
md = if y > (0.5 + middle/2) then [D] else []
mdir = ml++mr++mu++md
dir = if mdir == []
then [L,R,U,D]
else mdir
snapMagicResize dir collidedist snapdist w
wx = fromIntegral.wa_x
wy = fromIntegral.wa_y
ww = fromIntegral.wa_width
wh = fromIntegral.wa_height
:: [Direction2D]
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Window
-> X ()
snapMagicResize dir collidedist snapdist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
(xbegin,xend) <- handleAxis True d wa
(ybegin,yend) <- handleAxis False d wa
let xbegin' = if L `elem` dir then xbegin else (wx wa)
xend' = if R `elem` dir then xend else (wx wa + ww wa)
ybegin' = if U `elem` dir then ybegin else (wy wa)
yend' = if D `elem` dir then yend else (wy wa + wh wa)
io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral $ xbegin') (fromIntegral $ ybegin')
io $ resizeWindow d w (fromIntegral $ xend' - xbegin') (fromIntegral $ yend' - ybegin')
float w
wx = fromIntegral.wa_x
wy = fromIntegral.wa_y
ww = fromIntegral.wa_width
wh = fromIntegral.wa_height
handleAxis horiz d wa = do
((mbl,mbr,bs),(mfl,mfr,fs)) <- getSnap horiz collidedist d w
let begin = if bs
then wpos wa
else case (mbl,mbr) of
(Just bl,Just br) -> if wpos wa - bl < br - wpos wa then bl else br
(Just bl,Nothing) -> bl
(Nothing,Just br) -> br
(Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa
end = if fs
then wpos wa + wdim wa
else case (if mfl==(Just begin) then Nothing else mfl,mfr) of
(Just fl,Just fr) -> if wpos wa + wdim wa - fl < fr - wpos wa - wdim wa then fl else fr
(Just fl,Nothing) -> fl
(Nothing,Just fr) -> fr
(Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa + wdim wa
begin' = if isNothing snapdist || abs (begin - wpos wa) <= fromJust snapdist then begin else (wpos wa)
end' = if isNothing snapdist || abs (end - wpos wa - wdim wa) <= fromJust snapdist then end else (wpos wa + wdim wa)
return (begin',end')
(wpos, wdim, _, _) = constructors horiz
:: Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
-> Window
-> X ()
snapMagicMove collidedist snapdist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
nx <- handleAxis True d wa
ny <- handleAxis False d wa
io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral nx) (fromIntegral ny)
float w
handleAxis horiz d wa = do
((mbl,mbr,bs),(mfl,mfr,fs)) <- getSnap horiz collidedist d w
return $ if bs || fs
then wpos wa
else let b = case (mbl,mbr) of
(Just bl,Just br) -> if wpos wa - bl < br - wpos wa then bl else br
(Just bl,Nothing) -> bl
(Nothing,Just br) -> br
(Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa
f = case (mfl,mfr) of
(Just fl,Just fr) -> if wpos wa + wdim wa - fl < fr - wpos wa - wdim wa then fl else fr
(Just fl,Nothing) -> fl
(Nothing,Just fr) -> fr
(Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa
newpos = if abs (b - wpos wa) <= abs (f - wpos wa - wdim wa) then b else (f - wdim wa)
in if isNothing snapdist || abs (newpos - wpos wa) <= fromJust snapdist then newpos else (wpos wa)
(wpos, wdim, _, _) = constructors horiz
:: Direction2D
-> Maybe Int
-> Window
-> X ()
snapMove L = doSnapMove True True
snapMove R = doSnapMove True False
snapMove U = doSnapMove False True
snapMove D = doSnapMove False False
doSnapMove :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> Window -> X ()
doSnapMove horiz rev collidedist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
((bl,br,_),(fl,fr,_)) <- getSnap horiz collidedist d w
let (mb,mf) = if rev then (bl,fl)
else (br,fr)
newpos = fromIntegral $ case (mb,mf) of
(Just b,Nothing) -> b
(Nothing,Just f) -> f - wdim wa
(Just b,Just f) -> if rev /= (b < f - wdim wa)
then b
else f - wdim wa
_ -> wpos wa
if horiz then io $ moveWindow d w newpos (fromIntegral $ wa_y wa)
else io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral $ wa_x wa) newpos
float w
(wpos, wdim, _, _) = constructors horiz
:: Direction2D
-> Maybe Int
-> Window
-> X ()
snapGrow = snapResize True
:: Direction2D
-> Maybe Int
-> Window
-> X ()
snapShrink = snapResize False
snapResize :: Bool -> Direction2D -> Maybe Int -> Window -> X ()
snapResize grow dir collidedist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
mr <- case dir of
L -> do ((mg,ms,_),(_,_,_)) <- getSnap True collidedist d w
return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
Just v -> Just (v, wy wa, ww wa + wx wa - v, wh wa)
_ -> Nothing
R -> do ((_,_,_),(ms,mg,_)) <- getSnap True collidedist d w
return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
Just v -> Just (wx wa, wy wa, v - wx wa, wh wa)
_ -> Nothing
U -> do ((mg,ms,_),(_,_,_)) <- getSnap False collidedist d w
return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
Just v -> Just (wx wa, v, ww wa, wh wa + wy wa - v)
_ -> Nothing
D -> do ((_,_,_),(ms,mg,_)) <- getSnap False collidedist d w
return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
Just v -> Just (wx wa, wy wa, ww wa, v - wy wa)
_ -> Nothing
case mr of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (nx,ny,nw,nh) -> if nw>0 && nh>0 then do io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral nx) (fromIntegral ny)
io $ resizeWindow d w (fromIntegral nw) (fromIntegral nh)
else return ()
float w
wx = fromIntegral.wa_x
wy = fromIntegral.wa_y
ww = fromIntegral.wa_width
wh = fromIntegral.wa_height
getSnap :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Display -> Window -> X ((Maybe Int,Maybe Int,Bool),(Maybe Int,Maybe Int,Bool))
getSnap horiz collidedist d w = do
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
screen <- W.current <$> gets windowset
let sr = screenRect $ W.screenDetail screen
wl = W.integrate' . W.stack $ W.workspace screen
gr <- fmap ($sr) $ calcGap $ S.fromList [minBound .. maxBound]
wla <- filter (collides wa) `fmap` (io $ mapM (getWindowAttributes d) $ filter (/=w) wl)
return ( neighbours (back wa sr gr wla) (wpos wa)
, neighbours (front wa sr gr wla) (wpos wa + wdim wa)
wborder = fromIntegral.wa_border_width
(wpos, wdim, rpos, rdim) = constructors horiz
(refwpos, refwdim, _, _) = constructors $ not horiz
back wa sr gr wla = dropWhile (< rpos sr) $
takeWhile (< rpos sr + rdim sr) $
sort $ (rpos sr):(rpos gr):(rpos gr + rdim gr):
foldr (\a as -> (wpos a):(wpos a + wdim a + wborder a + wborder wa):as) [] wla
front wa sr gr wla = dropWhile (<= rpos sr) $
takeWhile (<= rpos sr + rdim sr) $
sort $ (rpos gr - 2*wborder wa):(rpos gr + rdim gr - 2*wborder wa):(rpos sr + rdim sr - 2*wborder wa):
foldr (\a as -> (wpos a - wborder a - wborder wa):(wpos a + wdim a):as) [] wla
neighbours l v = ( listToMaybe $ reverse $ takeWhile (< v) l
, listToMaybe $ dropWhile (<= v) l
, v `elem` l
collides wa oa = case collidedist of
Nothing -> True
Just dist -> ( refwpos oa - wborder oa < refwpos wa + refwdim wa + wborder wa + dist
&& refwpos wa - wborder wa - dist < refwpos oa + refwdim oa + wborder oa )
constructors :: Bool -> (WindowAttributes -> Int, WindowAttributes -> Int, Rectangle -> Int, Rectangle -> Int)
constructors True = ( fromIntegral.wa_x
, fromIntegral.wa_width
, fromIntegral.rect_x
, fromIntegral.rect_width
constructors False = ( fromIntegral.wa_y
, fromIntegral.wa_height
, fromIntegral.rect_y
, fromIntegral.rect_height