xmonad-contrib-0.14: Third party extensions for xmonad

Copyright(c) Tom Smeets <tom.tsmeets@gmail.com>
LicenseBSD3-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerTom Smeets <tom.tsmeets@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




TreeSelect displays your workspaces or actions in a Tree-like format. You can select the desired workspace/action with the cursor or hjkl keys.

This module is fully configurable and very useful if you like to have a lot of workspaces.

Only the nodes up to the currently selected are displayed. This will be configurable in the near future by changing ts_hidechildren to False, this is not yet implemented.



These imports are used in the following example

import Data.Tree
import XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect
import XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W

For selecting Workspaces, you need to define them in a tree structure using Node instead of just a standard list

Here is an example workspace-tree

myWorkspaces :: Forest String
myWorkspaces = [ Node "Browser" [] -- a workspace for your browser
               , Node "Home"       -- for everyday activity's
                   [ Node "1" []   --  with 4 extra sub-workspaces, for even more activity's
                   , Node "2" []
                   , Node "3" []
                   , Node "4" []
               , Node "Programming" -- for all your programming needs
                   [ Node "Haskell" []
                   , Node "Docs"    [] -- documentation

Then add it to your workspaces using the toWorkspaces function.

Optionally, if you add workspaceHistoryHook to your logHook you can use the 'o' and 'i' keys to select from previously-visited workspaces

xmonad $ defaultConfig { ...
                       , workspaces = toWorkspaces myWorkspaces
                       , logHook = workspaceHistoryHook

After that you still need to bind buttons to treeselectWorkspace to start selecting a workspaces and moving windows

you could bind Mod-f to switch workspace

 , ((modMask, xK_f), treeselectWorkspace myTreeConf myWorkspaces W.greedyView)

and bind Mod-Shift-f to moving the focused windows to a workspace

 , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_f), treeselectWorkspace myTreeConf myWorkspaces W.shift)

treeselectWorkspace Source #


:: TSConfig WorkspaceId 
-> Forest String

your tree of workspace-names

-> (WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet)

the "view" function. Instances can be greedyView for switching to a workspace and/or shift for moving the focused window to a selected workspace.

These actions can also be combined by doing

\i -> W.greedyView i . W.shift i
-> X () 

Select a workspace and execute a "view" function from XMonad.StackSet on it.

toWorkspaces :: Forest String -> [WorkspaceId] Source #

Convert the workspace-tree to a flat list of paths such that XMonad can use them

The Nodes will be separated by a dot ('.') character

treeselectAction :: TSConfig (X a) -> Forest (TSNode (X a)) -> X () Source #

Select from a Tree of X actions

Each of these actions have to be specified inside a TSNode


treeselectAction myTreeConf
   [ Node (TSNode "Hello"    "displays hello"      (spawn "xmessage hello!")) []
   , Node (TSNode "Shutdown" "Poweroff the system" (spawn "shutdown")) []
   , Node (TSNode "Brightness" "Sets screen brightness using xbacklight" (return ()))
       [ Node (TSNode "Bright" "FULL POWER!!"            (spawn "xbacklight -set 100")) []
       , Node (TSNode "Normal" "Normal Brightness (50%)" (spawn "xbacklight -set 50"))  []
       , Node (TSNode "Dim"    "Quite dark"              (spawn "xbacklight -set 10"))  []


The selection menu is very configurable, you can change the font, all colors and the sizes of the boxes.

The default config defined as tsDefaultConfig

tsDefaultConfig = TSConfig { ts_hidechildren = True
                           , ts_background   = 0xc0c0c0c0
                           , ts_font         = "xft:Sans-16"
                           , ts_node         = (0xff000000, 0xff50d0db)
                           , ts_nodealt      = (0xff000000, 0xff10b8d6)
                           , ts_highlight    = (0xffffffff, 0xffff0000)
                           , ts_extra        = 0xff000000
                           , ts_node_width   = 200
                           , ts_node_height  = 30
                           , ts_originX      = 0
                           , ts_originY      = 0
                           , ts_indent       = 80
                           , ts_navigate     = defaultNavigation

type Pixel = Word64 #

The Pixel Color format is in the form of 0xaarrggbb

Note that transparency is only supported if you have a window compositor running like compton

Some Examples:

white       = 0xffffffff
black       = 0xff000000
red         = 0xffff0000
blue        = 0xff00ff00
green       = 0xff0000ff
transparent = 0x00000000

data TSConfig a Source #

Extensive configuration for displaying the tree.

This class also has a Default instance




Default (TSConfig a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect


def :: TSConfig a #

tsDefaultConfig :: TSConfig a Source #

Default configuration.

Using nice alternating blue nodes


Keybindings for navigations can also be modified

This is the definition of defaultNavigation

defaultNavigation :: M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (TreeSelect a (Maybe a))
defaultNavigation = M.fromList
    [ ((0, xK_Escape), cancel)
    , ((0, xK_Return), select)
    , ((0, xK_space),  select)
    , ((0, xK_Up),     movePrev)
    , ((0, xK_Down),   moveNext)
    , ((0, xK_Left),   moveParent)
    , ((0, xK_Right),  moveChild)
    , ((0, xK_k),      movePrev)
    , ((0, xK_j),      moveNext)
    , ((0, xK_h),      moveParent)
    , ((0, xK_l),      moveChild)
    , ((0, xK_o),      moveHistBack)
    , ((0, xK_i),      moveHistForward)

defaultNavigation :: Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (TreeSelect a (Maybe a)) Source #

Default navigation

  • navigation using either arrow key or vi style hjkl
  • Return or Space to confirm
  • Escape or Backspace to cancel to

select :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Quit returning the currently selected node

cancel :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Quit without returning anything

moveParent :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Move the cursor to its parent node

moveChild :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Move the cursor one level down, highlighting its first child-node

moveNext :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Move the cursor to the next child-node

movePrev :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Move the cursor to the previous child-node

moveHistBack :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Move backwards in history

moveHistForward :: TreeSelect a (Maybe a) Source #

Move forward in history

moveTo Source #


:: [String]

path, always starting from the top

-> TreeSelect a (Maybe a) 

Move to a specific node

Advanced usage

This module can also be used to select any other action

data TSNode a Source #

Tree Node With a name and extra text




treeselect Source #


:: TSConfig a

config file

-> Forest (TSNode a)

a list of Trees to select from.

-> X (Maybe a) 

Run Treeselect with a given config and tree. This can be used for selectiong anything

treeselectAt Source #


:: TSConfig a

config file

-> TreeZipper (TSNode a)

tree structure with a cursor position (starting node)

-> [[String]]

list of paths that can be navigated with moveHistBack and moveHistForward (bound to the o and i keys)

-> X (Maybe a) 

Same as treeselect but ad a specific starting position