xml-enumerator-combinators-0.1: Parser combinators for xml-enumerator and compatible XML parsers.




tags :: Monad m => (a -> Name -> Maybe (AttrParser b, b -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe (a, Maybe c)))) -> (a -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe (a, Maybe c))) -> a -> Iteratee Event m (a, [c])Source

Statefully and efficiently parse a list of tags.

The first parameter is a function that, given state and an element name, returns either Nothing, to indicate that the element is invalid, or a pair of attribute and element content parsers in Just.

The second parameter is a function that, given the current state, returns a fallback parser to be executed when no valid element has been found.

The third parameter is the initial state.

This function updates the state as it goes along, but it also accumulates a list of elements as they occur.

tagsPermute :: (Monad m, Ord k) => (Name -> k) -> Map k (AttrParser a, a -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe b)) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe (Maybe b)) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe [b])Source

Parse a permutation of tags.

The first parameter is a function to preprocess Names for equality testing, because sometimes XML documents contain inconsistent naming. This allows the user to deal with it.

The second parameter is a map of tags to attribute and element content parsers.

The third parameter is a fallback parser. The outer Maybe indicates whether it succeeds, and the inner Maybe whether an element should be added to the output list.

This function accumulates a list of elements for each step that produces one.

data Repetition Source

Specifies how often an element may repeat.

repeatNever :: RepetitionSource

Element may never occur.

repeatOnce :: RepetitionSource

Element may occur exactly once.

repeatOptional :: RepetitionSource

Element may occur up to once.

repeatMany :: RepetitionSource

Element may occur any number of times.

repeatSome :: RepetitionSource

Element may occur at least once.

tagsPermuteRepetition :: (Monad m, Ord k) => (Name -> k) -> Map k (Repetition, AttrParser b, b -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe t)) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe (Maybe (k, t))) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe [(k, t)])Source

Parse a permutation of tags, with some repeating elements.

The first parameter is a function to preprocess Names for equality testing, because sometimes XML documents contain inconsistent naming. This allows the user to deal with it.

The second parameter is a map of tags to attribute and element content parsers. It also specifies how often elements may repeat.

The third parameter is a fallback parser. The outer Maybe indicates whether it succeeds, and the inner Maybe whether an element should be added to the output list.

This function accumulates a list of elements for each step that produces one.