xfconf- FFI bindings to xfconf

Safe HaskellNone




Xfconf-GObject Binding -- Functions to bind Xfconf properties to GObject properties.

Note that this haskell API follows closely the original C API. Object properties should be given using their string name from the C API and not their Haskell name deriving from ReadWriteAttr.

For more information, see: http://docs.xfce.org/api/xfconf/xfconf-xfconf-binding.html



Often it may be useful to bind an Xfconf property to a GObject property. Settings dialogs often display the current value of an Xfconf property, and a user may edit the value to change the value in the Xfconf store. If the Xfconf property changes outside the settings dialog, the user will usually want to see the settings dialog automatically update to reflect the new value. With a single line of code, Xfconf's binding functionality can automate all this.


From the demo program in "Tests/Demo.hs"

 chan <- channelGet "Demo"
 check0 <- checkButtonNewWithLabel "Check me !"
 label0 <- labelNew (Just "<null>")
 check1 <- checkButtonNewWithLabel "Check me !"
 let xfconf_property = "/check"
     obj_property = "active"    -- toggleButtonActive attribute
 -- Signals voodoo \o/
 -- * bind check buttons from/to xfconfd
 -- * thus, their "active" state will remain synchronized
 xfsig0 <- xfconfBind chan xfconf_property bool check0 obj_property
 xfsig1 <- xfconfBind chan xfconf_property bool check1 obj_property
 -- * monitor xfconfd and update the label accordingly
 onPropertyChanged chan $ \key maybeValue -> do
   if key /= xfconf_property
    then return ()
    else case maybeValue of
      Just (XfconfBool True) -> labelSetText label0 "checked !"
      Just (XfconfBool False) -> labelSetText label0 "unchecked !"
      _ -> labelSetText label0 "UNKNOWN"
 -- Who cares about memory management nowadays ?
 onDestroy window $ do
         putStrLn "ByeBye"


data XfconfBindingID Source

ID number that can be used to later remove corresponding bindings.




:: (XfconfChannelClass conf, GObjectClass obj) 
=> conf


-> String

xfconf property

-> GType

xfconf property type

-> obj


-> String

object property

-> IO XfconfBindingID

Xfconf binding ID

Binds an Xfconf property to a GObject property. If the property is changed via either the GObject or Xfconf, the corresponding property will also be updated.

Note that xfconf property type is required since xfconf property may or may not already exist in the Xfconf store. The type of object property will be determined automatically. If the two types do not match, a conversion will be attempted.



:: (XfconfChannelClass conf, GObjectClass obj) 
=> conf


-> String

xfconf property

-> obj


-> String

object property

-> IO XfconfBindingID 

Binds an Xfconf property to a GObject property of type GDK_TYPE_COLOR (aka a GdkColor struct or simply Color in Haskell Pango library). If the property is changed via either the GObject or Xfconf, the corresponding property will also be updated.

This is a special-case binding; the GdkColor struct is not ideal as-is for binding to a property, so it is stored in the Xfconf store as four 16-bit unsigned ints (red, green, blue, alpha). Since GdkColor (currently) only supports RGB and not RGBA, the last value will always be set to 0xFFFF.

xfconfUnbind :: XfconfBindingID -> IO ()Source

Removes an Xfconf/GObject property binding based on the binding XfconfBindingID number. See xfconfBind.

xfconfUnbindAll :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> IO ()Source

Unbinds all Xfconf channel bindings (see xfconfBind) to object. If object is an XfconfChannel, it will unbind all xfconf properties on that channel. If object is a regular GObject with properties bound to a channel, all those bindings will be removed.



:: (XfconfChannelClass conf, GObjectClass obj) 
=> conf


-> String

channel property

-> obj


-> String

object property

-> IO () 

Causes an Xfconf channel previously bound to a GObject property (see xfconfBind) to no longer be bound.