{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module What4.Protocol.SMTWriter
, ArrayConstantFn
, SMTWriter(..)
, SMTReadWriter (..)
, SMTEvalBVArrayFn
, SMTEvalBVArrayWrapper(..)
, Term
, app
, app_list
, builder_list
, WriterConn( supportFunctionDefs
, supportFunctionArguments
, supportQuantifiers
, supportedFeatures
, connHandle
, connInputHandle
, smtWriterName
, connState
, newWriterConn
, resetEntryStack
, popEntryStackToTop
, entryStackHeight
, pushEntryStack
, popEntryStack
, Command
, addCommand
, addCommandNoAck
, addCommands
, mkFreeVar
, bindVarAsFree
, TypeMap(..)
, typeMap
, freshBoundVarName
, assumeFormula
, assumeFormulaWithName
, assumeFormulaWithFreshName
, DefineStyle(..)
, AcknowledgementAction(..)
, nullAcknowledgementAction
, assume
, mkSMTTerm
, mkFormula
, mkAtomicFormula
, SMTEvalFunctions(..)
, smtExprGroundEvalFn
, CollectorResults(..)
, mkBaseExpr
, runInSandbox
, What4.Interface.RoundingMode(..)
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens hiding ((.>))
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Kind
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Parameterized.Classes (ShowF(..))
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Parameterized.HashTable as PH
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce (Nonce)
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Builder (decimal)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Word
import LibBF (BigFloat, bfFromBits)
import Numeric.Natural
import Prettyprinter hiding (Unbounded)
import System.IO.Streams (OutputStream, InputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import What4.BaseTypes
import What4.Interface (RoundingMode(..), stringInfo)
import What4.ProblemFeatures
import qualified What4.Expr.ArrayUpdateMap as AUM
import qualified What4.Expr.BoolMap as BM
import What4.Expr.Builder
import What4.Expr.GroundEval
import qualified What4.Expr.StringSeq as SSeq
import qualified What4.Expr.WeightedSum as WSum
import qualified What4.Expr.UnaryBV as UnaryBV
import What4.ProgramLoc
import What4.SatResult
import qualified What4.SemiRing as SR
import What4.Symbol
import What4.Utils.AbstractDomains
import qualified What4.Utils.BVDomain as BVD
import What4.Utils.Complex
import What4.Utils.FloatHelpers
import What4.Utils.StringLiteral
data TypeMap (tp::BaseType) where
BoolTypeMap :: TypeMap BaseBoolType
IntegerTypeMap :: TypeMap BaseIntegerType
RealTypeMap :: TypeMap BaseRealType
BVTypeMap :: (1 <= w) => !(NatRepr w) -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
FloatTypeMap :: !(FloatPrecisionRepr fpp) -> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
Char8TypeMap :: TypeMap (BaseStringType Char8)
ComplexToStructTypeMap:: TypeMap BaseComplexType
ComplexToArrayTypeMap :: TypeMap BaseComplexType
PrimArrayTypeMap :: !(Ctx.Assignment TypeMap (idxl Ctx.::> idx))
-> !(TypeMap tp)
-> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idxl Ctx.::> idx) tp)
FnArrayTypeMap :: !(Ctx.Assignment TypeMap (idxl Ctx.::> idx))
-> TypeMap tp
-> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idxl Ctx.::> idx) tp)
StructTypeMap :: !(Ctx.Assignment TypeMap idx)
-> TypeMap (BaseStructType idx)
instance ShowF TypeMap
instance Show (TypeMap a) where
show :: TypeMap a -> String
show TypeMap a
BoolTypeMap = String
show TypeMap a
IntegerTypeMap = String
show TypeMap a
RealTypeMap = String
show (BVTypeMap NatRepr w
n) = String
"BVTypeMap " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ NatRepr w -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show NatRepr w
show (FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
x) = String
"FloatTypeMap " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
show TypeMap a
Char8TypeMap = String
show (TypeMap a
ComplexToStructTypeMap) = String
show TypeMap a
ComplexToArrayTypeMap = String
show (PrimArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
ctx TypeMap tp
a) = String
"PrimArrayTypeMap " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx) -> String
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: k). ShowF f => f tp -> String
showF Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
ctx String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ TypeMap tp -> String
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: k). ShowF f => f tp -> String
showF TypeMap tp
show (FnArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
ctx TypeMap tp
a) = String
"FnArrayTypeMap " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx) -> String
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: k). ShowF f => f tp -> String
showF Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
ctx String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ TypeMap tp -> String
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: k). ShowF f => f tp -> String
showF TypeMap tp
show (StructTypeMap Assignment TypeMap idx
ctx) = String
"StructTypeMap " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Assignment TypeMap idx -> String
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (tp :: k). ShowF f => f tp -> String
showF Assignment TypeMap idx
instance Eq (TypeMap tp) where
TypeMap tp
x == :: TypeMap tp -> TypeMap tp -> Bool
== TypeMap tp
y = Maybe (tp :~: tp) -> Bool
forall a. Maybe a -> Bool
isJust (TypeMap tp -> TypeMap tp -> Maybe (tp :~: tp)
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality TypeMap tp
x TypeMap tp
instance TestEquality TypeMap where
testEquality :: TypeMap a -> TypeMap b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality TypeMap a
BoolTypeMap TypeMap b
BoolTypeMap = (a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality TypeMap a
IntegerTypeMap TypeMap b
IntegerTypeMap = (a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality TypeMap a
RealTypeMap TypeMap b
RealTypeMap = (a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality TypeMap a
Char8TypeMap TypeMap b
Char8TypeMap = (a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality (FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
x) (FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
y) = do
fpp :~: fpp
Refl <- FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
-> FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> Maybe (fpp :~: fpp)
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
x FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality (BVTypeMap NatRepr w
x) (BVTypeMap NatRepr w
y) = do
w :~: w
Refl <- NatRepr w -> NatRepr w -> Maybe (w :~: w)
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality NatRepr w
x NatRepr w
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality TypeMap a
ComplexToStructTypeMap TypeMap b
ComplexToStructTypeMap =
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality TypeMap a
ComplexToArrayTypeMap TypeMap b
ComplexToArrayTypeMap =
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality (PrimArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
xa TypeMap tp
xr) (PrimArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
ya TypeMap tp
yr) = do
(idxl ::> idx) :~: (idxl ::> idx)
Refl <- Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> Maybe ((idxl ::> idx) :~: (idxl ::> idx))
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
xa Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
tp :~: tp
Refl <- TypeMap tp -> TypeMap tp -> Maybe (tp :~: tp)
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality TypeMap tp
xr TypeMap tp
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality (FnArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
xa TypeMap tp
xr) (FnArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
ya TypeMap tp
yr) = do
(idxl ::> idx) :~: (idxl ::> idx)
Refl <- Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> Maybe ((idxl ::> idx) :~: (idxl ::> idx))
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
xa Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
tp :~: tp
Refl <- TypeMap tp -> TypeMap tp -> Maybe (tp :~: tp)
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality TypeMap tp
xr TypeMap tp
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality (StructTypeMap Assignment TypeMap idx
x) (StructTypeMap Assignment TypeMap idx
y) = do
idx :~: idx
Refl <- Assignment TypeMap idx
-> Assignment TypeMap idx -> Maybe (idx :~: idx)
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k).
TestEquality f =>
f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
testEquality Assignment TypeMap idx
x Assignment TypeMap idx
(a :~: a) -> Maybe (a :~: a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a :~: a
forall k (a :: k). a :~: a
testEquality TypeMap a
_ TypeMap b
_ = Maybe (a :~: b)
forall a. Maybe a
semiRingTypeMap :: SR.SemiRingRepr sr -> TypeMap (SR.SemiRingBase sr)
semiRingTypeMap :: SemiRingRepr sr -> TypeMap (SemiRingBase sr)
semiRingTypeMap SemiRingRepr sr
SR.SemiRingIntegerRepr = TypeMap BaseIntegerType
TypeMap (SemiRingBase sr)
semiRingTypeMap SemiRingRepr sr
SR.SemiRingRealRepr = TypeMap BaseRealType
TypeMap (SemiRingBase sr)
semiRingTypeMap (SR.SemiRingBVRepr BVFlavorRepr fv
_flv NatRepr w
w) = NatRepr w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
forall (w :: Nat). (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
BVTypeMap NatRepr w
type ArrayConstantFn v
= [Some TypeMap]
-> Some TypeMap
-> v
-> v
class Num v => SupportTermOps v where
boolExpr :: Bool -> v
notExpr :: v -> v
andAll :: [v] -> v
orAll :: [v] -> v
(.&&) :: v -> v -> v
x .&& v
y = [v] -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v
andAll [v
x, v
(.||) :: v -> v -> v
x .|| v
y = [v] -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v
orAll [v
x, v
(.==) :: v -> v -> v
(./=) :: v -> v -> v
x ./= v
y = v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v
notExpr (v
x v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.== v
impliesExpr :: v -> v -> v
impliesExpr v
x v
y = v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v
notExpr v
x v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.|| v
letExpr :: [(Text, v)] -> v -> v
ite :: v -> v -> v -> v
sumExpr :: [v] -> v
sumExpr [] = v
sumExpr (v
r) = (v -> v -> v) -> v -> [v] -> v
forall (t :: Type -> Type) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl v -> v -> v
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
(+) v
h [v]
termIntegerToReal :: v -> v
termRealToInteger :: v -> v
integerTerm :: Integer -> v
rationalTerm :: Rational -> v
(.<=) :: v -> v -> v
(.<) :: v -> v -> v
x .< v
y = v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v
notExpr (v
y v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= v
(.>) :: v -> v -> v
x .> v
y = v
y v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.< v
(.>=) :: v -> v -> v
x .>= v
y = v
y v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= v
intAbs :: v -> v
intDiv :: v -> v -> v
intMod :: v -> v -> v
intDivisible :: v -> Natural -> v
bvTerm :: NatRepr w -> BV.BV w -> v
bvNeg :: v -> v
bvAdd :: v -> v -> v
bvSub :: v -> v -> v
bvMul :: v -> v -> v
bvSLe :: v -> v -> v
bvULe :: v -> v -> v
bvSLt :: v -> v -> v
bvULt :: v -> v -> v
bvUDiv :: v -> v -> v
bvURem :: v -> v -> v
bvSDiv :: v -> v -> v
bvSRem :: v -> v -> v
bvAnd :: v -> v -> v
bvOr :: v -> v -> v
bvXor :: v -> v -> v
bvNot :: v -> v
bvShl :: v -> v -> v
bvLshr :: v -> v -> v
bvAshr :: v -> v -> v
bvConcat :: v -> v -> v
:: NatRepr w -> Natural -> Natural -> v -> v
bvTestBit :: NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
bvTestBit NatRepr w
w Natural
i v
x = (NatRepr w -> Natural -> Natural -> v -> v
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> Natural -> Natural -> v -> v
bvExtract NatRepr w
w Natural
i Natural
1 v
x v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.== NatRepr 1 -> BV 1 -> v
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr 1
w1 (NatRepr 1 -> BV 1
forall (w :: Nat). (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> BV w
BV.one NatRepr 1
where w1 :: NatRepr 1
w1 :: NatRepr 1
w1 = NatRepr 1
forall (n :: Nat). KnownNat n => NatRepr n
bvSumExpr :: NatRepr w -> [v] -> v
bvSumExpr NatRepr w
w [] = NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w (NatRepr w -> BV w
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> BV w
BV.zero NatRepr w
bvSumExpr NatRepr w
_ (v
r) = (v -> v -> v) -> v -> [v] -> v
forall (t :: Type -> Type) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
bvAdd v
h [v]
floatTerm :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> BigFloat -> v
floatNeg :: v -> v
floatAbs :: v -> v
floatSqrt :: RoundingMode -> v -> v
floatAdd :: RoundingMode -> v -> v -> v
floatSub :: RoundingMode -> v -> v -> v
floatMul :: RoundingMode -> v -> v -> v
floatDiv :: RoundingMode -> v -> v -> v
floatRem :: v -> v -> v
floatFMA :: RoundingMode -> v -> v -> v -> v
floatEq :: v -> v -> v
floatFpEq :: v -> v -> v
floatLe :: v -> v -> v
floatLt :: v -> v -> v
floatIsNaN :: v -> v
floatIsInf :: v -> v
floatIsZero :: v -> v
floatIsPos :: v -> v
floatIsNeg :: v -> v
floatIsSubnorm :: v -> v
floatIsNorm :: v -> v
floatCast :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> v -> v
floatRound :: RoundingMode -> v -> v
floatFromBinary :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> v -> v
bvToFloat :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> v -> v
sbvToFloat :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> v -> v
realToFloat :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> RoundingMode -> v -> v
floatToBV :: Natural -> RoundingMode -> v -> v
floatToSBV :: Natural -> RoundingMode -> v -> v
floatToReal :: v -> v
realIsInteger :: v -> v
realDiv :: v -> v -> v
realSin :: v -> v
realCos :: v -> v
realATan2 :: v -> v -> v
realSinh :: v -> v
realCosh :: v -> v
realExp :: v -> v
realLog :: v -> v
smtFnApp :: v -> [v] -> v
smtFnUpdate :: Maybe (v -> [v] -> v -> v)
smtFnUpdate = Maybe (v -> [v] -> v -> v)
forall a. Maybe a
lambdaTerm :: Maybe ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v)
lambdaTerm = Maybe ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v)
forall a. Maybe a
fromText :: Text -> v
infixr 3 .&&
infixr 2 .||
infix 4 .==
infix 4 ./=
infix 4 .>
infix 4 .>=
infix 4 .<
infix 4 .<=
structComplexRealPart :: forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
structComplexRealPart :: Term h -> Term h
structComplexRealPart Term h
c = Assignment TypeMap ((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType)
-> Index
((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType) BaseRealType
-> Term h
-> Term h
forall h (args :: Ctx BaseType) (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
Assignment TypeMap args -> Index args tp -> Term h -> Term h
structProj @h (Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (ctx :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type).
(ctx ~ EmptyCtx) =>
Assignment f ctx
Ctx.Empty Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Assignment TypeMap (EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType)
forall k (ctx' :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
(ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp)) =>
Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx'
Ctx.:> TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType)
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Assignment
TypeMap ((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType)
forall k (ctx' :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
(ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp)) =>
Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx'
Ctx.:> TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap) (forall k (n :: Nat) (ctx :: Ctx k) (r :: k).
Idx n ctx r =>
Index ctx r
forall (ctx :: Ctx BaseType) (r :: BaseType).
Idx 0 ctx r =>
Index ctx r
Ctx.natIndex @0) Term h
structComplexImagPart :: forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
structComplexImagPart :: Term h -> Term h
structComplexImagPart Term h
c = Assignment TypeMap ((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType)
-> Index
((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType) BaseRealType
-> Term h
-> Term h
forall h (args :: Ctx BaseType) (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
Assignment TypeMap args -> Index args tp -> Term h -> Term h
structProj @h (Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (ctx :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type).
(ctx ~ EmptyCtx) =>
Assignment f ctx
Ctx.Empty Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Assignment TypeMap (EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType)
forall k (ctx' :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
(ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp)) =>
Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx'
Ctx.:> TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType)
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Assignment
TypeMap ((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType)
forall k (ctx' :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
(ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp)) =>
Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx'
Ctx.:> TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap) (forall k (n :: Nat) (ctx :: Ctx k) (r :: k).
Idx n ctx r =>
Index ctx r
forall (ctx :: Ctx BaseType) (r :: BaseType).
Idx 1 ctx r =>
Index ctx r
Ctx.natIndex @1) Term h
arrayComplexRealPart :: forall h . SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexRealPart :: Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexRealPart Term h
c = Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
arraySelect @h Term h
c [Bool -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Bool -> v
boolExpr Bool
arrayComplexImagPart :: forall h . SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexImagPart :: Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexImagPart Term h
c = Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
arraySelect @h Term h
c [Bool -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Bool -> v
boolExpr Bool
app :: Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder
app :: Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder
app Builder
o [] = Builder
app Builder
o [Builder]
args = Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder
app_list Builder
o [Builder]
app_list :: Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder
app_list :: Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder
app_list Builder
o [Builder]
args = Builder
"(" Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Builder
o Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [Builder] -> Builder
forall p. (IsString p, Semigroup p) => [p] -> p
go [Builder]
where go :: [p] -> p
go [] = p
go (p
r) = p
" " p -> p -> p
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> p
f p -> p -> p
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [p] -> p
go [p]
builder_list :: [Builder] -> Builder
builder_list :: [Builder] -> Builder
builder_list [] = Builder
builder_list (Builder
l) = Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder
app_list Builder
h [Builder]
type family Term (h :: Type) :: Type
data SMTExpr h (tp :: BaseType) where
SMTName :: !(TypeMap tp) -> !Text -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr :: !(TypeMap tp) -> !(Term h) -> SMTExpr h tp
asBase :: SupportTermOps (Term h)
=> SMTExpr h tp
-> Term h
asBase :: SMTExpr h tp -> Term h
asBase (SMTName TypeMap tp
_ Text
n) = Text -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Text -> v
fromText Text
asBase (SMTExpr TypeMap tp
_ Term h
e) = Term h
smtExprType :: SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
smtExprType :: SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
smtExprType (SMTName TypeMap tp
tp Text
_) = TypeMap tp
smtExprType (SMTExpr TypeMap tp
tp Term h
_) = TypeMap tp
data WriterState = WriterState { WriterState -> Word64
_nextTermIdx :: !Word64
, WriterState -> Position
_lastPosition :: !Position
, WriterState -> Position
_position :: !Position
nextTermIdx :: Lens' WriterState Word64
nextTermIdx :: (Word64 -> f Word64) -> WriterState -> f WriterState
nextTermIdx = (WriterState -> Word64)
-> (WriterState -> Word64 -> WriterState)
-> Lens WriterState WriterState Word64 Word64
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens WriterState -> Word64
_nextTermIdx (\WriterState
s Word64
v -> WriterState
s { _nextTermIdx :: Word64
_nextTermIdx = Word64
v })
lastPosition :: Lens' WriterState Position
lastPosition :: (Position -> f Position) -> WriterState -> f WriterState
lastPosition = (WriterState -> Position)
-> (WriterState -> Position -> WriterState)
-> Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens WriterState -> Position
_lastPosition (\WriterState
s Position
v -> WriterState
s { _lastPosition :: Position
_lastPosition = Position
v })
position :: Lens' WriterState Position
position :: (Position -> f Position) -> WriterState -> f WriterState
position = (WriterState -> Position)
-> (WriterState -> Position -> WriterState)
-> Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens WriterState -> Position
_position (\WriterState
s Position
v -> WriterState
s { _position :: Position
_position = Position
v })
emptyState :: WriterState
emptyState :: WriterState
emptyState = WriterState :: Word64 -> Position -> Position -> WriterState
WriterState { _nextTermIdx :: Word64
_nextTermIdx = Word64
, _lastPosition :: Position
_lastPosition = Position
, _position :: Position
_position = Position
freshVarName :: State WriterState Text
freshVarName :: State WriterState Text
freshVarName = Builder -> State WriterState Text
freshVarName' Builder
freshVarName' :: Builder -> State WriterState Text
freshVarName' :: Builder -> State WriterState Text
freshVarName' Builder
prefix = do
n <- Getting Word64 WriterState Word64
-> StateT WriterState Identity Word64
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a.
MonadState s m =>
Getting a s a -> m a
use Getting Word64 WriterState Word64
Lens WriterState WriterState Word64 Word64
(Word64 -> Identity Word64) -> WriterState -> Identity WriterState
Lens WriterState WriterState Word64 Word64
nextTermIdx ((Word64 -> Identity Word64)
-> WriterState -> Identity WriterState)
-> Word64 -> StateT WriterState Identity ()
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a.
(MonadState s m, Num a) =>
ASetter' s a -> a -> m ()
+= Word64
Text -> State WriterState Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Text -> State WriterState Text) -> Text -> State WriterState Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! (Text -> Text
Lazy.toStrict (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Builder -> Text
Builder.toLazyText (Builder -> Text) -> Builder -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Builder
prefix Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Word64 -> Builder
forall a. Integral a => a -> Builder
Builder.decimal Word64
data SMTSymFn ctx where
SMTSymFn :: !Text
-> !(Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args)
-> !(TypeMap ret)
-> SMTSymFn (args Ctx.::> ret)
data StackEntry t (h :: Type) = StackEntry
{ StackEntry t h -> IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
symExprCache :: !(IdxCache t (SMTExpr h))
, StackEntry t h -> HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
symFnCache :: !(PH.HashTable PH.RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
data WriterConn t (h :: Type) =
WriterConn { WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName :: !String
, WriterConn t h -> OutputStream Text
connHandle :: !(OutputStream Text)
, WriterConn t h -> InputStream Text
connInputHandle :: !(InputStream Text)
, WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportFunctionDefs :: !Bool
, WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportFunctionArguments :: !Bool
, WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportQuantifiers :: !Bool
, WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures :: !ProblemFeatures
, WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack :: !(IORef [StackEntry t h])
, WriterConn t h -> IORef WriterState
stateRef :: !(IORef WriterState)
, WriterConn t h -> SymbolVarBimap t
varBindings :: !(SymbolVarBimap t)
, WriterConn t h -> h
connState :: !h
, WriterConn t h -> AcknowledgementAction t h
consumeAcknowledgement :: AcknowledgementAction t h
newtype AcknowledgementAction t h =
AckAction { AcknowledgementAction t h -> WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
runAckAction :: WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO () }
nullAcknowledgementAction :: AcknowledgementAction t h
nullAcknowledgementAction :: AcknowledgementAction t h
nullAcknowledgementAction = (WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()) -> AcknowledgementAction t h
forall t h.
(WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()) -> AcknowledgementAction t h
AckAction (\WriterConn t h
_ Command h
_ -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ())
newStackEntry :: IO (StackEntry t h)
newStackEntry :: IO (StackEntry t h)
newStackEntry = do
IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
exprCache <- IO (IdxCache t (SMTExpr h))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t (f :: BaseType -> Type).
MonadIO m =>
m (IdxCache t f)
HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
fnCache <- ST RealWorld (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
-> IO (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
forall a. ST RealWorld a -> IO a
stToIO (ST RealWorld (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
-> IO (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn))
-> ST RealWorld (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
-> IO (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ST RealWorld (HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn)
forall k s (key :: k -> Type) (val :: k -> Type).
ST s (HashTable s key val)
StackEntry t h -> IO (StackEntry t h)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return StackEntry :: forall t h.
IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
-> HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn -> StackEntry t h
{ symExprCache :: IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
symExprCache = IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
, symFnCache :: HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
symFnCache = HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
resetEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
resetEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
resetEntryStack WriterConn t h
c = do
StackEntry t h
entry <- IO (StackEntry t h)
forall t h. IO (StackEntry t h)
IORef [StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h] -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
c) [StackEntry t h
popEntryStackToTop :: WriterConn t h -> IO Int
popEntryStackToTop :: WriterConn t h -> IO Int
popEntryStackToTop WriterConn t h
c = do
[StackEntry t h]
stk <- IORef [StackEntry t h] -> IO [StackEntry t h]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
if [StackEntry t h] -> Bool
forall (t :: Type -> Type) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null [StackEntry t h]
stk then
do StackEntry t h
entry <- IO (StackEntry t h)
forall t h. IO (StackEntry t h)
IORef [StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h] -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
c) [StackEntry t h
Int -> IO Int
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Int
do IORef [StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h] -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
c) [[StackEntry t h] -> StackEntry t h
forall a. [a] -> a
last [StackEntry t h]
Int -> IO Int
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ([StackEntry t h] -> Int
forall (t :: Type -> Type) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [StackEntry t h]
entryStackHeight :: WriterConn t h -> IO Int
entryStackHeight :: WriterConn t h -> IO Int
entryStackHeight WriterConn t h
c =
do [StackEntry t h]
es <- IORef [StackEntry t h] -> IO [StackEntry t h]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
Int -> IO Int
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ([StackEntry t h] -> Int
forall (t :: Type -> Type) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [StackEntry t h]
es Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
pushEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
pushEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
pushEntryStack WriterConn t h
c = do
StackEntry t h
entry <- IO (StackEntry t h)
forall t h. IO (StackEntry t h)
IORef [StackEntry t h]
-> ([StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h]) -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modifyIORef' (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
c) (([StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h]) -> IO ())
-> ([StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h]) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (StackEntry t h
entryStackEntry t h -> [StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
popEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
popEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
popEntryStack WriterConn t h
c = do
[StackEntry t h]
stk <- IORef [StackEntry t h] -> IO [StackEntry t h]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
case [StackEntry t h]
stk of
[] -> String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"Could not pop from empty entry stack."
[StackEntry t h
_] -> String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"Could not pop from empty entry stack."
(StackEntry t h
_:[StackEntry t h]
r) -> IORef [StackEntry t h] -> [StackEntry t h] -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
c) [StackEntry t h]
newWriterConn :: OutputStream Text
-> InputStream Text
-> AcknowledgementAction t cs
-> String
-> ProblemFeatures
-> SymbolVarBimap t
-> cs
-> IO (WriterConn t cs)
newWriterConn :: OutputStream Text
-> InputStream Text
-> AcknowledgementAction t cs
-> String
-> ProblemFeatures
-> SymbolVarBimap t
-> cs
-> IO (WriterConn t cs)
newWriterConn OutputStream Text
h InputStream Text
in_h AcknowledgementAction t cs
ack String
solver_name ProblemFeatures
features SymbolVarBimap t
bindings cs
cs = do
StackEntry t cs
entry <- IO (StackEntry t cs)
forall t h. IO (StackEntry t h)
IORef [StackEntry t cs]
stk_ref <- [StackEntry t cs] -> IO (IORef [StackEntry t cs])
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef [StackEntry t cs
IORef WriterState
r <- WriterState -> IO (IORef WriterState)
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef WriterState
WriterConn t cs -> IO (WriterConn t cs)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (WriterConn t cs -> IO (WriterConn t cs))
-> WriterConn t cs -> IO (WriterConn t cs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! WriterConn :: forall t h.
-> OutputStream Text
-> InputStream Text
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> ProblemFeatures
-> IORef [StackEntry t h]
-> IORef WriterState
-> SymbolVarBimap t
-> h
-> AcknowledgementAction t h
-> WriterConn t h
WriterConn { smtWriterName :: String
smtWriterName = String
, connHandle :: OutputStream Text
connHandle = OutputStream Text
, connInputHandle :: InputStream Text
connInputHandle = InputStream Text
, supportFunctionDefs :: Bool
supportFunctionDefs = Bool
, supportFunctionArguments :: Bool
supportFunctionArguments = Bool
, supportQuantifiers :: Bool
supportQuantifiers = Bool
, supportedFeatures :: ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures = ProblemFeatures
, entryStack :: IORef [StackEntry t cs]
entryStack = IORef [StackEntry t cs]
, stateRef :: IORef WriterState
stateRef = IORef WriterState
, varBindings :: SymbolVarBimap t
varBindings = SymbolVarBimap t
, connState :: cs
connState = cs
, consumeAcknowledgement :: AcknowledgementAction t cs
consumeAcknowledgement = AcknowledgementAction t cs
data TermLifetime
= DeleteNever
| DeleteOnPop
deriving (TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool
(TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool)
-> (TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool) -> Eq TermLifetime
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool
$c/= :: TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool
== :: TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool
$c== :: TermLifetime -> TermLifetime -> Bool
:: WriterConn t h
-> TermLifetime
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO ())
-> IO ()
cacheValue :: WriterConn t h
-> TermLifetime -> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
cacheValue WriterConn t h
conn TermLifetime
lifetime StackEntry t h -> IO ()
insert_action =
IORef [StackEntry t h] -> IO [StackEntry t h]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
conn) IO [StackEntry t h] -> ([StackEntry t h] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
s :: [StackEntry t h]
s@(StackEntry t h
h:[StackEntry t h]
_) -> case TermLifetime
lifetime of
DeleteOnPop -> StackEntry t h -> IO ()
insert_action StackEntry t h
DeleteNever -> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> [StackEntry t h] -> IO ()
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ StackEntry t h -> IO ()
insert_action [StackEntry t h]
[] -> String -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"cacheValue: empty cache stack!"
:: WriterConn t h
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a))
-> IO (Maybe a)
cacheLookup :: WriterConn t h -> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Maybe a)
cacheLookup WriterConn t h
conn StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a)
lookup_action =
IORef [StackEntry t h] -> IO [StackEntry t h]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef [StackEntry t h]
entryStack WriterConn t h
conn) IO [StackEntry t h]
-> ([StackEntry t h] -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Maybe a)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a))
-> [StackEntry t h] -> IO (Maybe a)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
firstJustM StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a)
cacheLookupExpr :: WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
cacheLookupExpr :: WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
cacheLookupExpr WriterConn t h
c Nonce t tp
n = WriterConn t h
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall t h a.
WriterConn t h -> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Maybe a)
cacheLookup WriterConn t h
c ((StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)))
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \StackEntry t h
entry ->
IdxCache t (SMTExpr h) -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t (f :: BaseType -> Type)
(tp :: BaseType).
MonadIO m =>
IdxCache t f -> Nonce t tp -> m (Maybe (f tp))
lookupIdx (StackEntry t h -> IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
forall t h. StackEntry t h -> IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
symExprCache StackEntry t h
entry) Nonce t tp
cacheLookupFn :: WriterConn t h -> Nonce t ctx -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
cacheLookupFn :: WriterConn t h -> Nonce t ctx -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
cacheLookupFn WriterConn t h
c Nonce t ctx
n = WriterConn t h
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
forall t h a.
WriterConn t h -> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Maybe a)
cacheLookup WriterConn t h
c ((StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)))
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \StackEntry t h
entry ->
ST RealWorld (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)) -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
forall a. ST RealWorld a -> IO a
stToIO (ST RealWorld (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)) -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)))
-> ST RealWorld (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx)) -> IO (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
-> Nonce t ctx -> ST RealWorld (Maybe (SMTSymFn ctx))
forall k (key :: k -> Type) s (val :: k -> Type) (tp :: k).
(HashableF key, TestEquality key) =>
HashTable s key val -> key tp -> ST s (Maybe (val tp))
PH.lookup (StackEntry t h -> HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
forall t h.
StackEntry t h -> HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
symFnCache StackEntry t h
entry) Nonce t ctx
:: WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
cacheValueExpr :: WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
cacheValueExpr WriterConn t h
conn Nonce t tp
n TermLifetime
lifetime SMTExpr h tp
value = WriterConn t h
-> TermLifetime -> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall t h.
WriterConn t h
-> TermLifetime -> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
cacheValue WriterConn t h
conn TermLifetime
lifetime ((StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ())
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \StackEntry t h
entry ->
IdxCache t (SMTExpr h) -> Nonce t tp -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t (f :: BaseType -> Type)
(tp :: BaseType).
MonadIO m =>
IdxCache t f -> Nonce t tp -> f tp -> m ()
insertIdxValue (StackEntry t h -> IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
forall t h. StackEntry t h -> IdxCache t (SMTExpr h)
symExprCache StackEntry t h
entry) Nonce t tp
n SMTExpr h tp
:: WriterConn t h -> Nonce t ctx -> TermLifetime -> SMTSymFn ctx -> IO ()
cacheValueFn :: WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t ctx -> TermLifetime -> SMTSymFn ctx -> IO ()
cacheValueFn WriterConn t h
conn Nonce t ctx
n TermLifetime
lifetime SMTSymFn ctx
value = WriterConn t h
-> TermLifetime -> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall t h.
WriterConn t h
-> TermLifetime -> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
cacheValue WriterConn t h
conn TermLifetime
lifetime ((StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ())
-> (StackEntry t h -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \StackEntry t h
entry ->
ST RealWorld () -> IO ()
forall a. ST RealWorld a -> IO a
stToIO (ST RealWorld () -> IO ()) -> ST RealWorld () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
-> Nonce t ctx -> SMTSymFn ctx -> ST RealWorld ()
forall k (key :: k -> Type) s (val :: k -> Type) (tp :: k).
(HashableF key, TestEquality key) =>
HashTable s key val -> key tp -> val tp -> ST s ()
PH.insert (StackEntry t h -> HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
forall t h.
StackEntry t h -> HashTable RealWorld (Nonce t) SMTSymFn
symFnCache StackEntry t h
entry) Nonce t ctx
n SMTSymFn ctx
withWriterState :: WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState :: WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
c State WriterState a
m = do
s0 <- IORef WriterState -> IO WriterState
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef WriterState
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef WriterState
stateRef WriterConn t h
let (a
s) = State WriterState a -> WriterState -> (a, WriterState)
forall s a. State s a -> s -> (a, s)
runState State WriterState a
m WriterState
IORef WriterState -> WriterState -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef (WriterConn t h -> IORef WriterState
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IORef WriterState
stateRef WriterConn t h
c) (WriterState -> IO ()) -> WriterState -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! WriterState
a -> IO a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return a
updateProgramLoc :: WriterConn t h -> ProgramLoc -> IO ()
updateProgramLoc :: WriterConn t h -> ProgramLoc -> IO ()
updateProgramLoc WriterConn t h
c ProgramLoc
l = WriterConn t h -> StateT WriterState Identity () -> IO ()
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
c (StateT WriterState Identity () -> IO ())
-> StateT WriterState Identity () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Position -> Identity Position)
-> WriterState -> Identity WriterState
Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
position ((Position -> Identity Position)
-> WriterState -> Identity WriterState)
-> Position -> StateT WriterState Identity ()
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
MonadState s m =>
ASetter s s a b -> b -> m ()
.= ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc ProgramLoc
type family Command (h :: Type) :: Type
class (SupportTermOps (Term h)) => SMTWriter h where
forallExpr :: [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Term h -> Term h
existsExpr :: [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Term h -> Term h
arrayConstant :: Maybe (ArrayConstantFn (Term h))
arrayConstant = Maybe (ArrayConstantFn (Term h))
forall a. Maybe a
arraySelect :: Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
arrayUpdate :: Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h -> Term h
commentCommand :: f h -> Builder -> Command h
assertCommand :: f h -> Term h -> Command h
assertNamedCommand :: f h -> Term h -> Text -> Command h
pushCommand :: f h -> Command h
popCommand :: f h -> Command h
popManyCommands :: f h -> Int -> [Command h]
popManyCommands f h
w Int
n = Int -> Command h -> [Command h]
forall a. Int -> a -> [a]
replicate Int
n (f h -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type). SMTWriter h => f h -> Command h
popCommand f h
resetCommand :: f h -> Command h
checkCommands :: f h -> [Command h]
checkWithAssumptionsCommands :: f h -> [Text] -> [Command h]
getUnsatAssumptionsCommand :: f h -> Command h
getUnsatCoreCommand :: f h -> Command h
setOptCommand :: f h -> Text -> Text -> Command h
declareCommand :: f h
-> Text
-> Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Command h
defineCommand :: f h
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> Command h
declareStructDatatype :: WriterConn t h -> Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args -> IO ()
structCtor :: Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args -> [Term h] -> Term h
structProj :: Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args -> Ctx.Index args tp -> Term h -> Term h
stringTerm :: ByteString -> Term h
stringLength :: Term h -> Term h
stringIndexOf :: Term h -> Term h -> Term h -> Term h
stringContains :: Term h -> Term h -> Term h
stringIsPrefixOf :: Term h -> Term h -> Term h
stringIsSuffixOf :: Term h -> Term h -> Term h
stringSubstring :: Term h -> Term h -> Term h -> Term h
stringAppend :: [Term h] -> Term h
resetDeclaredStructs :: WriterConn t h -> IO ()
writeCommand :: WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand :: WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn Command h
cmd = do
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommandNoAck WriterConn t h
conn Command h
AcknowledgementAction t h -> WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall t h.
AcknowledgementAction t h -> WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
runAckAction (WriterConn t h -> AcknowledgementAction t h
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> AcknowledgementAction t h
consumeAcknowledgement WriterConn t h
conn) WriterConn t h
conn Command h
addCommandNoAck :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommandNoAck :: WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommandNoAck WriterConn t h
conn Command h
cmd = do
las <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Position -> IO Position)
-> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Getting Position WriterState Position -> State WriterState Position
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a.
MonadState s m =>
Getting a s a -> m a
use Getting Position WriterState Position
Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
cur <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Position -> IO Position)
-> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Getting Position WriterState Position -> State WriterState Position
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a.
MonadState s m =>
Getting a s a -> m a
use Getting Position WriterState Position
Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Position
las Position -> Position -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Position
cur) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
writeCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Command h -> IO ()) -> Command h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h -> Builder -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Builder -> Command h
commentCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Builder -> Command h) -> Builder -> Command h
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> Builder
Builder.fromText (Text -> Builder) -> Text -> Builder
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Text
Text.pack (String -> Text) -> String -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc Any -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Doc Any -> String) -> Doc Any -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Position -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty Position
WriterConn t h -> StateT WriterState Identity () -> IO ()
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (StateT WriterState Identity () -> IO ())
-> StateT WriterState Identity () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Position -> Identity Position)
-> WriterState -> Identity WriterState
Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
lastPosition ((Position -> Identity Position)
-> WriterState -> Identity WriterState)
-> Position -> StateT WriterState Identity ()
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
MonadState s m =>
ASetter s s a b -> b -> m ()
.= Position
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
writeCommand WriterConn t h
conn Command h
addCommands :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> [Command h] -> IO ()
addCommands :: WriterConn t h -> [Command h] -> IO ()
addCommands WriterConn t h
_ [] = String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"internal: empty list in addCommands"
addCommands WriterConn t h
conn [Command h]
cmds = do
(Command h -> IO ()) -> [Command h] -> IO ()
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ (WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn) ([Command h] -> [Command h]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
init [Command h]
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommandNoAck WriterConn t h
conn ([Command h] -> Command h
forall a. [a] -> a
last [Command h]
mkFreeVar :: SMTWriter h
=> WriterConn t h
-> Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args
-> TypeMap rtp
-> IO Text
mkFreeVar :: WriterConn t h -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> IO Text
mkFreeVar WriterConn t h
conn Assignment TypeMap args
arg_types TypeMap rtp
return_type = do
var <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ State WriterState Text
(forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ())
-> Assignment TypeMap args -> IO ()
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: k -> Type) a.
(FoldableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m a) -> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m ()
traverseFC_ (WriterConn t h -> TypeMap x -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment TypeMap args
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap rtp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap rtp
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Command h -> IO ()) -> Command h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h
-> Text -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type) (args :: Ctx BaseType)
(rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Text -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> Command h
declareCommand WriterConn t h
conn Text
var Assignment TypeMap args
arg_types TypeMap rtp
Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text
mkFreeVar' :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
mkFreeVar' :: WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
mkFreeVar' WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap tp
tp = TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTName TypeMap tp
tp (Text -> SMTExpr h tp) -> IO Text -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> WriterConn t h
-> Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx -> TypeMap tp -> IO Text
forall h t (args :: Ctx BaseType) (rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> IO Text
mkFreeVar WriterConn t h
conn Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (f :: k -> Type). Assignment f EmptyCtx
Ctx.empty TypeMap tp
bindVarAsFree :: SMTWriter h
=> WriterConn t h
-> ExprBoundVar t tp
-> IO ()
bindVarAsFree :: WriterConn t h -> ExprBoundVar t tp -> IO ()
bindVarAsFree WriterConn t h
conn ExprBoundVar t tp
var = do
WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
cacheLookupExpr WriterConn t h
conn (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
var) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
Just SMTExpr h tp
_ -> String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Internal error in SMTLIB exporter: bound variables cannot be made free."
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Nonce t tp -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
var) String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" defined at "
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Position -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc (ExprBoundVar t tp -> ProgramLoc
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> ProgramLoc
bvarLoc ExprBoundVar t tp
var)) String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)
Nothing -> do
TypeMap tp
smt_type <- WriterConn t h -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp) -> IO (TypeMap tp)
forall h t a.
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> SMTCollector t h a -> IO a
runOnLiveConnection WriterConn t h
conn (SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp) -> IO (TypeMap tp))
-> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp) -> IO (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall n (tp :: BaseType) h.
ExprBoundVar n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
checkVarTypeSupport ExprBoundVar t tp
ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h.
ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
getBaseSMT_Type ExprBoundVar t tp
var_name <- WriterConn t h -> SymbolBinding t -> IO Text
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> SymbolBinding t -> IO Text
getSymbolName WriterConn t h
conn (ExprBoundVar t tp -> SymbolBinding t
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> SymbolBinding t
VarSymbolBinding ExprBoundVar t tp
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap tp
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Command h -> IO ()) -> Command h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h
-> Text -> Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx -> TypeMap tp -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type) (args :: Ctx BaseType)
(rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Text -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> Command h
declareCommand WriterConn t h
conn Text
var_name Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (f :: k -> Type). Assignment f EmptyCtx
Ctx.empty TypeMap tp
WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
cacheValueExpr WriterConn t h
conn (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
var) TermLifetime
DeleteOnPop (SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()) -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTName TypeMap tp
smt_type Text
assumeFormula :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO ()
assumeFormula :: WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO ()
assumeFormula WriterConn t h
c Term h
p = WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
c (WriterConn t h -> Term h -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Term h -> Command h
assertCommand WriterConn t h
c Term h
assumeFormulaWithName :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Term h -> Text -> IO ()
assumeFormulaWithName :: WriterConn t h -> Term h -> Text -> IO ()
assumeFormulaWithName WriterConn t h
conn Term h
p Text
nm =
do Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useUnsatCores) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc Any -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Doc Any -> String) -> Doc Any -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (WriterConn t h -> String
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName WriterConn t h
conn) Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Doc Any
"is not configured to produce UNSAT cores"
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn (WriterConn t h -> Term h -> Text -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Term h -> Text -> Command h
assertNamedCommand WriterConn t h
conn Term h
p Text
assumeFormulaWithFreshName :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO Text
assumeFormulaWithFreshName :: WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO Text
assumeFormulaWithFreshName WriterConn t h
conn Term h
p =
do Text
var <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ State WriterState Text
WriterConn t h -> Term h -> Text -> IO ()
forall h t.
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> Term h -> Text -> IO ()
assumeFormulaWithName WriterConn t h
conn Term h
p Text
Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text
declareTypes ::
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h ->
TypeMap tp ->
IO ()
declareTypes :: WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn = \case
TypeMap tp
BoolTypeMap -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
TypeMap tp
IntegerTypeMap -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
TypeMap tp
RealTypeMap -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
BVTypeMap NatRepr w
_ -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
_ -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
TypeMap tp
Char8TypeMap -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
TypeMap tp
ComplexToStructTypeMap -> WriterConn t h
-> Assignment
TypeMap ((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType)
-> IO ()
forall h t (args :: Ctx BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> Assignment TypeMap args -> IO ()
declareStructDatatype WriterConn t h
conn (Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (ctx :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type).
(ctx ~ EmptyCtx) =>
Assignment f ctx
Ctx.Empty Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Assignment TypeMap (EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType)
forall k (ctx' :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
(ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp)) =>
Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx'
Ctx.:> TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType)
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Assignment
TypeMap ((EmptyCtx ::> BaseRealType) ::> BaseRealType)
forall k (ctx' :: Ctx k) (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
(ctx' ~ (ctx ::> tp)) =>
Assignment f ctx -> f tp -> Assignment f ctx'
Ctx.:> TypeMap BaseRealType
TypeMap tp
ComplexToArrayTypeMap -> () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
PrimArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
args TypeMap tp
ret ->
do (forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ())
-> Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx) -> IO ()
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: k -> Type) a.
(FoldableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m a) -> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m ()
traverseFC_ (WriterConn t h -> TypeMap x -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap tp
FnArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
args TypeMap tp
ret ->
do (forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ())
-> Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx) -> IO ()
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: k -> Type) a.
(FoldableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m a) -> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m ()
traverseFC_ (WriterConn t h -> TypeMap x -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap tp
StructTypeMap Assignment TypeMap idx
flds ->
do (forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ())
-> Assignment TypeMap idx -> IO ()
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: k -> Type) a.
(FoldableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m a) -> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m ()
traverseFC_ (WriterConn t h -> TypeMap x -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment TypeMap idx
WriterConn t h -> Assignment TypeMap idx -> IO ()
forall h t (args :: Ctx BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> Assignment TypeMap args -> IO ()
declareStructDatatype WriterConn t h
conn Assignment TypeMap idx
data DefineStyle
= FunctionDefinition
| EqualityDefinition
deriving (DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool
(DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool)
-> (DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool) -> Eq DefineStyle
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool
$c/= :: DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool
== :: DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool
$c== :: DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool
Eq, Int -> DefineStyle -> String -> String
[DefineStyle] -> String -> String
DefineStyle -> String
(Int -> DefineStyle -> String -> String)
-> (DefineStyle -> String)
-> ([DefineStyle] -> String -> String)
-> Show DefineStyle
forall a.
(Int -> a -> String -> String)
-> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> String -> String) -> Show a
showList :: [DefineStyle] -> String -> String
$cshowList :: [DefineStyle] -> String -> String
show :: DefineStyle -> String
$cshow :: DefineStyle -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> DefineStyle -> String -> String
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> DefineStyle -> String -> String
defineSMTVar :: SMTWriter h
=> WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
defineSMTVar :: WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
defineSMTVar WriterConn t h
conn DefineStyle
defSty Text
var [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
return_type Term h
| WriterConn t h -> Bool
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportFunctionDefs WriterConn t h
conn Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& DefineStyle
defSty DefineStyle -> DefineStyle -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== DefineStyle
FunctionDefinition = do
((Text, Some TypeMap) -> IO ()) -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO ()
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ ((forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ())
-> Some TypeMap -> IO ()
forall k (f :: k -> Type) r.
(forall (tp :: k). f tp -> r) -> Some f -> r
viewSome (WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn) (Some TypeMap -> IO ())
-> ((Text, Some TypeMap) -> Some TypeMap)
-> (Text, Some TypeMap)
-> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Text, Some TypeMap) -> Some TypeMap
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd) [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap rtp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap rtp
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Command h -> IO ()) -> Command h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type) (rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
f h
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> Command h
defineCommand WriterConn t h
conn Text
var [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
return_type Term h
| Bool
otherwise = do
Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Bool -> Bool
not ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Bool
forall (t :: Type -> Type) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args)) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h -> String
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName WriterConn t h
conn String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" interface does not support defined functions."
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap rtp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap rtp
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Command h -> IO ()) -> Command h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h
-> Text -> Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx -> TypeMap rtp -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type) (args :: Ctx BaseType)
(rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Text -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> Command h
declareCommand WriterConn t h
conn Text
var Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (f :: k -> Type). Assignment f EmptyCtx
Ctx.empty TypeMap rtp
WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO ()
assumeFormula WriterConn t h
conn (Term h -> IO ()) -> Term h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Text -> v
fromText Text
var Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.== Term h
freshBoundVarName :: SMTWriter h
=> WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO Text
freshBoundVarName :: WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO Text
freshBoundVarName WriterConn t h
conn DefineStyle
defSty [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
return_type Term h
expr = do
var <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ State WriterState Text
WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
forall h t (rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
defineSMTVar WriterConn t h
conn DefineStyle
defSty Text
var [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
return_type Term h
Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text
data FreshVarFn h = FreshVarFn (forall tp . TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
data SMTCollectorState t h
= SMTCollectorState
{ SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
scConn :: !(WriterConn t h)
, SMTCollectorState t h
-> forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
freshBoundTermFn :: !(forall rtp . Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ())
, SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
freshConstantFn :: !(Maybe (FreshVarFn h))
, SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
recordSideCondFn :: !(Maybe (Term h -> IO ()))
type SMTCollector t h = ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO
freshConstant :: String
-> TypeMap tp
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
freshConstant :: String -> TypeMap tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
freshConstant String
nm TypeMap tp
tpr = do
Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
mf <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (FreshVarFn h))
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
case Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
mf of
Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
Nothing -> do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
IO (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> IO (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
loc <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Position -> IO Position)
-> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Getting Position WriterState Position -> State WriterState Position
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a.
MonadState s m =>
Getting a s a -> m a
use Getting Position WriterState Position
Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
String -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)) -> String -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Cannot create the free constant within a function needed to define the "
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
nm String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" term created at " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Position -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Position
loc String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
Just (FreshVarFn forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
f) ->
IO (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> IO (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
f TypeMap tp
data BaseTypeError = ComplexTypeUnsupported
| ArrayUnsupported
| StringTypeUnsupported (Some StringInfoRepr)
typeMap :: WriterConn t h -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMap :: WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMap WriterConn t h
conn BaseTypeRepr tp
tp0 = do
case WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn BaseTypeRepr tp
tp0 of
Right TypeMap tp
tm -> TypeMap tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap tp
Left BaseTypeError
| WriterConn t h -> Bool
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportFunctionDefs WriterConn t h
, BaseArrayRepr Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp)
idxTp BaseTypeRepr xs
eltTp <- BaseTypeRepr tp
tp0 ->
Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs)
forall (idxl :: Ctx BaseType) (idx :: BaseType) (tp :: BaseType).
Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> TypeMap tp -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
FnArrayTypeMap (Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
-> Either BaseTypeError (Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp))
-> Either
(TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (forall (x :: BaseType).
BaseTypeRepr x -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap x))
-> Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp)
-> Either BaseTypeError (Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp))
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
(g :: k -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type).
(TraversableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m (g x))
-> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m (t g x)
traverseFC (WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr x -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap x)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp)
(TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap xs)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b.
Applicative f =>
f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr xs -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap xs)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn BaseTypeRepr xs
Left BaseTypeError
e -> BaseTypeError -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left BaseTypeError
typeMapFirstClass :: WriterConn t h -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass :: WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn BaseTypeRepr tp
tp0 = do
let feat :: ProblemFeatures
feat = WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
case BaseTypeRepr tp
tp0 of
BaseTypeRepr tp
BaseBoolRepr -> TypeMap BaseBoolType -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap BaseBoolType)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap BaseBoolType
BaseBVRepr NatRepr w
w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseBVType w))
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseBVType w)))
-> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseBVType w))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! NatRepr w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
forall (w :: Nat). (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
BVTypeMap NatRepr w
BaseFloatRepr FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
fpp -> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp))
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)))
-> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
forall (fpp :: FloatPrecision).
FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
BaseTypeRepr tp
BaseRealRepr -> TypeMap BaseRealType -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap BaseRealType)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap BaseRealType
BaseTypeRepr tp
BaseIntegerRepr -> TypeMap BaseIntegerType
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap BaseIntegerType)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap BaseIntegerType
BaseStringRepr StringInfoRepr si
Char8Repr -> TypeMap (BaseStringType Char8)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseStringType Char8))
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap (BaseStringType Char8)
BaseStringRepr StringInfoRepr si
si -> BaseTypeError -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (Some StringInfoRepr -> BaseTypeError
StringTypeUnsupported (StringInfoRepr si -> Some StringInfoRepr
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (x :: k). f x -> Some f
Some StringInfoRepr si
BaseTypeRepr tp
| ProblemFeatures
feat ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useStructs -> TypeMap BaseComplexType
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap BaseComplexType)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap BaseComplexType
| ProblemFeatures
feat ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useSymbolicArrays -> TypeMap BaseComplexType
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap BaseComplexType)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right TypeMap BaseComplexType
| Bool
otherwise -> BaseTypeError -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left BaseTypeError
BaseArrayRepr Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp)
idxTp BaseTypeRepr xs
eltTp -> do
let mkArray :: Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs)
mkArray = if ProblemFeatures
feat ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
then Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs)
forall (idxl :: Ctx BaseType) (idx :: BaseType) (tp :: BaseType).
Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> TypeMap tp -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
else Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs)
forall (idxl :: Ctx BaseType) (idx :: BaseType) (tp :: BaseType).
Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
-> TypeMap tp -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs)
mkArray (Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp)
-> TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
-> Either BaseTypeError (Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp))
-> Either
(TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (forall (x :: BaseType).
BaseTypeRepr x -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap x))
-> Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp)
-> Either BaseTypeError (Assignment TypeMap (idx ::> tp))
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
(g :: k -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type).
(TraversableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m (g x))
-> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m (t g x)
traverseFC (WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr x -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap x)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment BaseTypeRepr (idx ::> tp)
(TypeMap xs -> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap xs)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idx ::> tp) xs))
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b.
Applicative f =>
f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr xs -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap xs)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn BaseTypeRepr xs
BaseStructRepr Assignment BaseTypeRepr ctx
flds ->
Assignment TypeMap ctx -> TypeMap (BaseStructType ctx)
forall (idx :: Ctx BaseType).
Assignment TypeMap idx -> TypeMap (BaseStructType idx)
StructTypeMap (Assignment TypeMap ctx -> TypeMap (BaseStructType ctx))
-> Either BaseTypeError (Assignment TypeMap ctx)
-> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap (BaseStructType ctx))
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (forall (x :: BaseType).
BaseTypeRepr x -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap x))
-> Assignment BaseTypeRepr ctx
-> Either BaseTypeError (Assignment TypeMap ctx)
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
(g :: k -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type).
(TraversableFC t, Applicative m) =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> m (g x))
-> forall (x :: l). t f x -> m (t g x)
traverseFC (WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr x -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap x)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn) Assignment BaseTypeRepr ctx
getBaseSMT_Type :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
getBaseSMT_Type :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
getBaseSMT_Type ExprBoundVar t tp
v = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
let errMsg :: String -> String
errMsg String
typename =
Doc Any -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
(Doc Any -> String) -> Doc Any -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SolverSymbol -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Show a => a -> Doc ann
viaShow (ExprBoundVar t tp -> SolverSymbol
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> SolverSymbol
bvarName ExprBoundVar t tp
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Doc Any
"is a"
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> String -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty String
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Doc Any
"variable, and we do not support this with"
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> String -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (WriterConn t h -> String
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName WriterConn t h
conn String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
case WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMap WriterConn t h
conn (ExprBoundVar t tp -> BaseTypeRepr tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> BaseTypeRepr tp
bvarType ExprBoundVar t tp
v) of
Left (StringTypeUnsupported (Some StringInfoRepr x
si)) -> String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp))
-> String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> String
errMsg (String
"string " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ StringInfoRepr x -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show StringInfoRepr x
Left BaseTypeError
ComplexTypeUnsupported -> String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp))
-> String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> String
errMsg String
Left BaseTypeError
ArrayUnsupported -> String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp))
-> String -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> String
errMsg String
Right TypeMap tp
smtType -> TypeMap tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return TypeMap tp
freshBoundFn :: [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> SMTCollector t h Text
freshBoundFn :: [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h Text
freshBoundFn [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
tp Term h
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
f <- (SMTCollectorState t h
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ())
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h)
(Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ())
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h
-> Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
forall t h.
SMTCollectorState t h
-> forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
IO Text -> SMTCollector t h Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Text -> SMTCollector t h Text)
-> IO Text -> SMTCollector t h Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
var <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ State WriterState Text
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
f Text
var [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
tp Term h
Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Text
freshBoundTerm :: TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
freshBoundTerm :: TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
freshBoundTerm TypeMap tp
tp Term h
t = TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTName TypeMap tp
tp (Text -> SMTExpr h tp)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap tp -> Term h -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text
forall (rtp :: BaseType) h t.
[(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h Text
freshBoundFn [] TypeMap tp
tp Term h
freshBoundTerm' :: SupportTermOps (Term h) => SMTExpr h tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
freshBoundTerm' :: SMTExpr h tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
freshBoundTerm' SMTExpr h tp
t = TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTName TypeMap tp
tp (Text -> SMTExpr h tp)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap tp -> Term h -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text
forall (rtp :: BaseType) h t.
[(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h Text
freshBoundFn [] TypeMap tp
tp (SMTExpr h tp -> Term h
forall h (tp :: BaseType).
SupportTermOps (Term h) =>
SMTExpr h tp -> Term h
asBase SMTExpr h tp
where tp :: TypeMap tp
tp = SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
forall h (tp :: BaseType). SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
smtExprType SMTExpr h tp
addSideCondition ::
String ->
Term h ->
SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition :: String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
nm Term h
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
mf <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ()))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (Term h -> IO ()))
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
loc <- IO Position -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Position
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Position -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Position)
-> IO Position -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Position
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Position -> IO Position)
-> State WriterState Position -> IO Position
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Getting Position WriterState Position -> State WriterState Position
forall s (m :: Type -> Type) a.
MonadState s m =>
Getting a s a -> m a
use Getting Position WriterState Position
Lens WriterState WriterState Position Position
case Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
mf of
Just Term h -> IO ()
f ->
IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h -> IO ()
f Term h
Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
Nothing -> do
String -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> String -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Cannot add a side condition within a function needed to define the "
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
nm String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" term created at " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Position -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Position
loc String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
addPartialSideCond ::
forall t h tp.
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h ->
Term h ->
TypeMap tp ->
Maybe (AbstractValue tp) ->
SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond :: WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
_ TypeMap tp
_ Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
Nothing = () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
_ TypeMap tp
BoolTypeMap (Just AbstractValue tp
Nothing) = () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
t TypeMap tp
BoolTypeMap (Just (Just b)) =
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"bool_val" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h
t Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.== Bool -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Bool -> v
boolExpr Bool
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
t TypeMap tp
IntegerTypeMap (Just AbstractValue tp
rng) =
do case ValueRange Integer -> ValueBound Integer
forall tp. ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp
rangeLowBound AbstractValue tp
ValueRange Integer
rng of
ValueBound Integer
Unbounded -> () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
Inclusive Integer
lo -> String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"int_range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h
t Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.>= Integer -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Integer -> v
integerTerm Integer
case ValueRange Integer -> ValueBound Integer
forall tp. ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp
rangeHiBound AbstractValue tp
ValueRange Integer
rng of
ValueBound Integer
Unbounded -> () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
Inclusive Integer
hi -> String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"int_range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h
t Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= Integer -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Integer -> v
integerTerm Integer
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
t TypeMap tp
RealTypeMap (Just AbstractValue tp
rng) =
do case ValueRange Rational -> ValueBound Rational
forall tp. ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp
rangeLowBound (RealAbstractValue -> ValueRange Rational
ravRange AbstractValue tp
rng) of
ValueBound Rational
Unbounded -> () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
Inclusive Rational
lo -> String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"real_range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h
t Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.>= Rational -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Rational -> v
rationalTerm Rational
case ValueRange Rational -> ValueBound Rational
forall tp. ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp
rangeHiBound (RealAbstractValue -> ValueRange Rational
ravRange AbstractValue tp
rng) of
ValueBound Rational
Unbounded -> () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
Inclusive Rational
hi -> String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"real_range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h
t Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= Rational -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Rational -> v
rationalTerm Rational
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
t (BVTypeMap NatRepr w
w) (Just (BVD.BVDArith rng)) = Maybe (Integer, Integer) -> SMTCollector t h ()
assertRange (Domain w -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
forall (w :: Nat). Domain w -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
BVD.arithDomainData Domain w
assertRange :: Maybe (Integer, Integer) -> SMTCollector t h ()
assertRange Maybe (Integer, Integer)
Nothing = () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
assertRange (Just (Integer
lo, Integer
sz)) =
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"bv_range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
bvULe (Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
bvSub Term h
t (NatRepr w -> BV w -> Term h
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w (NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
BV.mkBV NatRepr w
w Integer
lo))) (NatRepr w -> BV w -> Term h
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w (NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
BV.mkBV NatRepr w
w Integer
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
t (BVTypeMap NatRepr w
w) (Just (BVD.BVDBitwise rng)) = (Integer, Integer) -> SMTCollector t h ()
assertBitRange (Domain w -> (Integer, Integer)
forall (w :: Nat). Domain w -> (Integer, Integer)
BVD.bitbounds Domain w
assertBitRange :: (Integer, Integer) -> SMTCollector t h ()
assertBitRange (Integer
lo, Integer
hi) = do
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Integer
lo Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Integer
0) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"bv_bitrange" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
bvOr (NatRepr w -> BV w -> Term h
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w (NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
BV.mkBV NatRepr w
w Integer
lo)) Term h
t) Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.== Term h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Integer
hi Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< NatRepr w -> Integer
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> Integer
maxUnsigned NatRepr w
w) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"bv_bitrange" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
bvOr Term h
t (NatRepr w -> BV w -> Term h
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w (NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
BV.mkBV NatRepr w
w Integer
hi))) Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.== (NatRepr w -> BV w -> Term h
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w (NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
forall (w :: Nat). NatRepr w -> Integer -> BV w
BV.mkBV NatRepr w
w Integer
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
t (TypeMap tp
Char8TypeMap) (Just (StringAbs len)) =
do case ValueRange Integer -> ValueBound Integer
forall tp. ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp
rangeLowBound ValueRange Integer
len of
Inclusive Integer
lo ->
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"string length low range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Integer -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Integer -> v
integerTerm (Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
max Integer
0 Integer
lo) Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
stringLength @h Term h
ValueBound Integer
Unbounded ->
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"string length low range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Integer -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Integer -> v
integerTerm Integer
0 Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
stringLength @h Term h
case ValueRange Integer -> ValueBound Integer
forall tp. ValueRange tp -> ValueBound tp
rangeHiBound ValueRange Integer
len of
ValueBound Integer
Unbounded -> () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
Inclusive Integer
hi ->
String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall h t. String -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
addSideCondition String
"string length high range" (Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> Term h -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
stringLength @h Term h
t Term h -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v
.<= Integer -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Integer -> v
integerTerm Integer
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
_ (FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
_) (Just ()) = () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
t TypeMap tp
ComplexToStructTypeMap (Just (realRng :+ imagRng)) =
do let r :: Term h
r = Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexRealPart @h Term h
let i :: Term h
i = Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexImagPart @h Term h
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Maybe (AbstractValue BaseRealType)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
r TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap (RealAbstractValue -> Maybe RealAbstractValue
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just RealAbstractValue
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Maybe (AbstractValue BaseRealType)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
i TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap (RealAbstractValue -> Maybe RealAbstractValue
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just RealAbstractValue
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
t TypeMap tp
ComplexToArrayTypeMap (Just (realRng :+ imagRng)) =
do let r :: Term h
r = Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexRealPart @h Term h
let i :: Term h
i = Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> Term h
arrayComplexImagPart @h Term h
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Maybe (AbstractValue BaseRealType)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
r TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap (RealAbstractValue -> Maybe RealAbstractValue
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just RealAbstractValue
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap BaseRealType
-> Maybe (AbstractValue BaseRealType)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
i TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap (RealAbstractValue -> Maybe RealAbstractValue
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just RealAbstractValue
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn Term h
t (StructTypeMap Assignment TypeMap idx
ctx) (Just AbstractValue tp
abvs) =
Size idx
-> (forall (tp :: BaseType).
SMTCollector t h () -> Index idx tp -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h ()
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall k (ctx :: Ctx k) r.
Size ctx -> (forall (tp :: k). r -> Index ctx tp -> r) -> r -> r
Ctx.forIndex (Assignment TypeMap idx -> Size idx
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k).
Assignment f ctx -> Size ctx
Ctx.size Assignment TypeMap idx
(\SMTCollector t h ()
start Index idx tp
i ->
do SMTCollector t h ()
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
(Assignment TypeMap idx -> Index idx tp -> Term h -> Term h
forall h (args :: Ctx BaseType) (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
Assignment TypeMap args -> Index args tp -> Term h -> Term h
structProj @h Assignment TypeMap idx
ctx Index idx tp
i Term h
(Assignment TypeMap idx
ctx Assignment TypeMap idx -> Index idx tp -> TypeMap tp
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
Assignment f ctx -> Index ctx tp -> f tp
Ctx.! Index idx tp
(AbstractValue tp -> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (AbstractValueWrapper tp -> AbstractValue tp
forall (tp :: BaseType).
AbstractValueWrapper tp -> AbstractValue tp
unwrapAV (Assignment AbstractValueWrapper idx
AbstractValue tp
abvs Assignment AbstractValueWrapper idx
-> Index idx tp -> AbstractValueWrapper tp
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx k) (tp :: k).
Assignment f ctx -> Index ctx tp -> f tp
Ctx.! Index idx tp
(() -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ())
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
_t (PrimArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
_idxTp TypeMap tp
_resTp) (Just AbstractValue tp
_abv) =
String -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"SMTWriter.addPartialSideCond: bounds on array values not supported"
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
_ Term h
_t (FnArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
_idxTp TypeMap tp
_resTp) (Just AbstractValue tp
_abv) =
String -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"SMTWriter.addPartialSideCond: bounds on array values not supported"
runOnLiveConnection :: SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> SMTCollector t h a -> IO a
runOnLiveConnection :: WriterConn t h -> SMTCollector t h a -> IO a
runOnLiveConnection WriterConn t h
conn SMTCollector t h a
coll = SMTCollector t h a -> SMTCollectorState t h -> IO a
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. ReaderT r m a -> r -> m a
runReaderT SMTCollector t h a
coll SMTCollectorState t h
where s :: SMTCollectorState t h
s = SMTCollectorState :: forall t h.
WriterConn t h
-> (forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ())
-> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
-> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
-> SMTCollectorState t h
{ scConn :: WriterConn t h
scConn = WriterConn t h
, freshBoundTermFn :: forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
freshBoundTermFn = WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
forall h t (rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
defineSMTVar WriterConn t h
conn DefineStyle
, freshConstantFn :: Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
freshConstantFn = FreshVarFn h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (FreshVarFn h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h))
-> FreshVarFn h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! (forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> FreshVarFn h
forall h.
(forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> FreshVarFn h
FreshVarFn (WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
mkFreeVar' WriterConn t h
, recordSideCondFn :: Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
recordSideCondFn = (Term h -> IO ()) -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ((Term h -> IO ()) -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ()))
-> (Term h -> IO ()) -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Term h -> IO ()
assumeFormula WriterConn t h
prependToRefList :: IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
prependToRefList :: IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
prependToRefList IORef [a]
r a
a = a -> IO () -> IO ()
seq a
a (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IORef [a] -> ([a] -> [a]) -> IO ()
forall a. IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modifyIORef' IORef [a]
r (a
aa -> [a] -> [a]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
freshSandboxBoundTerm :: SupportTermOps v
=> IORef [(Text, v)]
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> v
-> IO ()
freshSandboxBoundTerm :: IORef [(Text, v)]
-> Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> v -> IO ()
freshSandboxBoundTerm IORef [(Text, v)]
ref Text
var [] TypeMap rtp
_ v
t = do
IORef [(Text, v)] -> (Text, v) -> IO ()
forall a. IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
prependToRefList IORef [(Text, v)]
ref (Text
freshSandboxBoundTerm IORef [(Text, v)]
ref Text
var [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args TypeMap rtp
_ v
t = do
case Maybe ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v)
forall v.
SupportTermOps v =>
Maybe ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v)
lambdaTerm of
Maybe ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v)
Nothing -> do
String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Cannot create terms with arguments inside defined functions."
Just [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v
lambdaFn -> do
let r :: v
r = [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> v -> v
lambdaFn [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args v
v -> IO () -> IO ()
seq v
r (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IORef [(Text, v)] -> (Text, v) -> IO ()
forall a. IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
prependToRefList IORef [(Text, v)]
ref (Text
var, v
freshSandboxConstant :: WriterConn t h
-> IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap tp
-> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
freshSandboxConstant :: WriterConn t h
-> IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
freshSandboxConstant WriterConn t h
conn IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
ref TypeMap tp
tp = do
var <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ State WriterState Text
IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> (Text, Some TypeMap) -> IO ()
forall a. IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
prependToRefList IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
ref (Text
var, TypeMap tp -> Some TypeMap
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (x :: k). f x -> Some f
Some TypeMap tp
SMTExpr h tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SMTExpr h tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> SMTExpr h tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Text -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTName TypeMap tp
tp Text
data CollectorResults h a =
CollectorResults { CollectorResults h a -> a
crResult :: !a
, CollectorResults h a -> [(Text, Term h)]
crBindings :: !([(Text, Term h)])
, CollectorResults h a -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
crFreeConstants :: !([(Text, Some TypeMap)])
, CollectorResults h a -> [Term h]
crSideConds :: !([Term h])
forallResult :: forall h
. SMTWriter h
=> CollectorResults h (Term h)
-> Term h
forallResult :: CollectorResults h (Term h) -> Term h
forallResult CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr =
[(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Term h -> Term h
forallExpr @h (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
crFreeConstants CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr) (Term h -> Term h) -> Term h -> Term h
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[(Text, Term h)] -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [(Text, v)] -> v -> v
letExpr (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> [(Text, Term h)]
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> [(Text, Term h)]
crBindings CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr) (Term h -> Term h) -> Term h -> Term h
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Term h] -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v -> v
impliesAllExpr (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> [Term h]
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> [Term h]
crSideConds CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr) (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> Term h
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> a
crResult CollectorResults h (Term h)
impliesAllExpr :: SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v -> v
impliesAllExpr :: [v] -> v -> v
impliesAllExpr [v]
l v
r = [v] -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v
orAll ((v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v
notExpr (v -> v) -> [v] -> [v]
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [v]
l) [v] -> [v] -> [v]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [v
existsResult :: forall h
. SMTWriter h
=> CollectorResults h (Term h)
-> Term h
existsResult :: CollectorResults h (Term h) -> Term h
existsResult CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr =
[(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Term h -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> Term h -> Term h
existsExpr @h (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
crFreeConstants CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr) (Term h -> Term h) -> Term h -> Term h
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[(Text, Term h)] -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [(Text, v)] -> v -> v
letExpr (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> [(Text, Term h)]
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> [(Text, Term h)]
crBindings CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr) (Term h -> Term h) -> Term h -> Term h
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Term h] -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v
andAll (CollectorResults h (Term h) -> [Term h]
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> [Term h]
crSideConds CollectorResults h (Term h)
cr [Term h] -> [Term h] -> [Term h]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [CollectorResults h (Term h) -> Term h
forall h a. CollectorResults h a -> a
crResult CollectorResults h (Term h)
runInSandbox :: SupportTermOps (Term h)
=> WriterConn t h
-> SMTCollector t h a
-> IO (CollectorResults h a)
runInSandbox :: WriterConn t h -> SMTCollector t h a -> IO (CollectorResults h a)
runInSandbox WriterConn t h
conn SMTCollector t h a
sc = do
IORef [(Text, Term h)]
boundTermRef <- [(Text, Term h)] -> IO (IORef [(Text, Term h)])
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef []
IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
freeConstantRef <- ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO (IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)])
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef [] :: IO (IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]))
IORef [Term h]
sideCondRef <- [Term h] -> IO (IORef [Term h])
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef []
let s :: SMTCollectorState t h
s = SMTCollectorState :: forall t h.
WriterConn t h
-> (forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ())
-> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
-> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
-> SMTCollectorState t h
{ scConn :: WriterConn t h
scConn = WriterConn t h
, freshBoundTermFn :: forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
freshBoundTermFn = IORef [(Text, Term h)]
-> Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
forall v (rtp :: BaseType).
SupportTermOps v =>
IORef [(Text, v)]
-> Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> v -> IO ()
freshSandboxBoundTerm IORef [(Text, Term h)]
, freshConstantFn :: Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
freshConstantFn = FreshVarFn h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (FreshVarFn h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h))
-> FreshVarFn h -> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! (forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> FreshVarFn h
forall h.
(forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> FreshVarFn h
FreshVarFn (WriterConn t h
-> IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
freshSandboxConstant WriterConn t h
conn IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
, recordSideCondFn :: Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
recordSideCondFn = (Term h -> IO ()) -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ((Term h -> IO ()) -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ()))
-> (Term h -> IO ()) -> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! IORef [Term h] -> Term h -> IO ()
forall a. IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
prependToRefList IORef [Term h]
r <- SMTCollector t h a -> SMTCollectorState t h -> IO a
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. ReaderT r m a -> r -> m a
runReaderT SMTCollector t h a
sc SMTCollectorState t h
[(Text, Term h)]
boundTerms <- IORef [(Text, Term h)] -> IO [(Text, Term h)]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef IORef [(Text, Term h)]
[(Text, Some TypeMap)]
freeConstants <- IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
[Term h]
sideConds <- IORef [Term h] -> IO [Term h]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef IORef [Term h]
CollectorResults h a -> IO (CollectorResults h a)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (CollectorResults h a -> IO (CollectorResults h a))
-> CollectorResults h a -> IO (CollectorResults h a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! CollectorResults :: forall h a.
-> [(Text, Term h)]
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> [Term h]
-> CollectorResults h a
CollectorResults { crResult :: a
crResult = a
, crBindings :: [(Text, Term h)]
crBindings = [(Text, Term h)] -> [(Text, Term h)]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [(Text, Term h)]
, crFreeConstants :: [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
crFreeConstants = [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
, crSideConds :: [Term h]
crSideConds = [Term h] -> [Term h]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [Term h]
cacheWriterResult :: Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
cacheWriterResult :: Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
cacheWriterResult Nonce t tp
n TermLifetime
lifetime SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
fallback = do
WriterConn t h
c <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
(IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
cacheLookupExpr WriterConn t h
c Nonce t tp
n) ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp) -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
Just SMTExpr h tp
x -> SMTExpr h tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return SMTExpr h tp
Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)
Nothing -> do
SMTExpr h tp
x <- SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
IO () -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO ())
-> IO () -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
cacheValueExpr WriterConn t h
c Nonce t tp
n TermLifetime
lifetime SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr h tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return SMTExpr h tp
bindVar :: ExprBoundVar t tp
-> SMTExpr h tp
-> SMTCollector t h ()
bindVar :: ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTExpr h tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
bindVar ExprBoundVar t tp
v SMTExpr h tp
x = do
let n :: Nonce t tp
n = ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
WriterConn t h
c <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
IO Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type). Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whenM (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp) -> Bool
forall a. Maybe a -> Bool
isJust (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp) -> Bool)
-> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)) -> IO Bool
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
cacheLookupExpr WriterConn t h
c Nonce t tp
n) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"Variable is already bound."
WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> Nonce t tp -> TermLifetime -> SMTExpr h tp -> IO ()
cacheValueExpr WriterConn t h
c Nonce t tp
n TermLifetime
DeleteOnPop SMTExpr h tp
bvIntTerm :: forall v w
. (SupportTermOps v, 1 <= w)
=> NatRepr w
-> v
-> v
bvIntTerm :: NatRepr w -> v -> v
bvIntTerm NatRepr w
w v
x = [v] -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v
sumExpr ((\Natural
i -> Natural -> v
digit (Natural
iNatural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1)) (Natural -> v) -> [Natural] -> [v]
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [Natural
1..NatRepr w -> Natural
forall (n :: Nat). NatRepr n -> Natural
natValue NatRepr w
where digit :: Natural -> v
digit :: Natural -> v
digit Natural
d = v -> v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v -> v
ite (NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
bvTestBit NatRepr w
w Natural
d v
(Integer -> v
forall a. Num a => Integer -> a
fromInteger (Integer
2Integer -> Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
sbvIntTerm :: SupportTermOps v
=> NatRepr w
-> v
-> v
sbvIntTerm :: NatRepr w -> v -> v
sbvIntTerm NatRepr w
w0 v
x0 = [v] -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [v] -> v
sumExpr (v
signed_offset v -> [v] -> [v]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> [v]
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> [v]
go NatRepr w
w0 v
x0 (NatRepr w -> Natural
forall (n :: Nat). NatRepr n -> Natural
natValue NatRepr w
w0 Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Natural
where signed_offset :: v
signed_offset = v -> v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v -> v
ite (NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
bvTestBit NatRepr w
w0 (NatRepr w -> Natural
forall (n :: Nat). NatRepr n -> Natural
natValue NatRepr w
w0 Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Natural
1) v
(Integer -> v
forall a. Num a => Integer -> a
fromInteger (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
negate (Integer
2Integer -> Int -> Integer
forall a b. (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
^(NatRepr w -> Int
forall (n :: Nat). NatRepr n -> Int
widthVal NatRepr w
w0 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
go :: SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> [v]
go :: NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> [v]
go NatRepr w
w v
x Natural
| Natural
n Natural -> Natural -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Natural
0 = NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> v
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> v
digit NatRepr w
w v
x Natural
n v -> [v] -> [v]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> [v]
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> [v]
go NatRepr w
w v
x (Natural
nNatural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
| Natural
n Natural -> Natural -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Natural
0 = [NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> v
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> v
digit NatRepr w
w v
x Natural
| Bool
otherwise = []
digit :: SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> v
digit :: NatRepr w -> v -> Natural -> v
digit NatRepr w
w v
x Natural
d = v -> v -> v -> v
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> v -> v -> v
ite (NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
forall v (w :: Nat).
SupportTermOps v =>
NatRepr w -> Natural -> v -> v
bvTestBit NatRepr w
w Natural
d v
(Integer -> v
forall a. Num a => Integer -> a
fromInteger (Integer
2Integer -> Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
unsupportedTerm :: MonadFail m => Expr t tp -> m a
unsupportedTerm :: Expr t tp -> m a
unsupportedTerm Expr t tp
e =
String -> m a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> m a) -> String -> m a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc Any -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Doc Any -> String) -> Doc Any -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Doc Any] -> Doc Any
forall ann. [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
[ Doc Any
"Cannot generate solver output for term generated at"
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Position -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc (Expr t tp -> ProgramLoc
forall t (tp :: BaseType). Expr t tp -> ProgramLoc
exprLoc Expr t tp
e)) Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc Any
, Int -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Int -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
indent Int
2 (Expr t tp -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty Expr t tp
checkVarTypeSupport :: ExprBoundVar n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
checkVarTypeSupport :: ExprBoundVar n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
checkVarTypeSupport ExprBoundVar n tp
var = do
let t :: Expr n tp
t = ExprBoundVar n tp -> Expr n tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Expr t tp
BoundVarExpr ExprBoundVar n tp
case ExprBoundVar n tp -> BaseTypeRepr tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> BaseTypeRepr tp
bvarType ExprBoundVar n tp
var of
BaseTypeRepr tp
BaseIntegerRepr -> Expr n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkIntegerSupport Expr n tp
BaseTypeRepr tp
BaseRealRepr -> Expr n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkLinearSupport Expr n tp
BaseTypeRepr tp
BaseComplexRepr -> Expr n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkLinearSupport Expr n tp
BaseStringRepr StringInfoRepr si
_ -> Expr n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkStringSupport Expr n tp
BaseFloatRepr FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
_ -> Expr n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkFloatSupport Expr n tp
BaseBVRepr NatRepr w
_ -> Expr n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkBitvectorSupport Expr n tp
BaseTypeRepr tp
_ -> () -> SMTCollector n h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
theoryUnsupported :: MonadFail m => WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported :: WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
theory_name Expr t tp
t =
String -> m a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> m a) -> String -> m a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc Any -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Doc Any -> String) -> Doc Any -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
String -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (WriterConn t h -> String
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName WriterConn t h
conn) Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Doc Any
"does not support the" Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> String -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty String
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Doc Any
"term generated at" Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Position -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc (Expr t tp -> ProgramLoc
forall t (tp :: BaseType). Expr t tp -> ProgramLoc
exprLoc Expr t tp
checkIntegerSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkIntegerSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkIntegerSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useIntegerArithmetic) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"integer arithmetic" Expr t tp
checkStringSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkStringSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkStringSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useStrings) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"string" Expr t tp
checkBitvectorSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkBitvectorSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkBitvectorSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useBitvectors) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"bitvector" Expr t tp
checkFloatSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkFloatSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkFloatSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useFloatingPoint) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"floating-point arithmetic" Expr t tp
checkLinearSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkLinearSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkLinearSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useLinearArithmetic) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"linear arithmetic" Expr t tp
checkNonlinearSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkNonlinearSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkNonlinearSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useNonlinearArithmetic) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"non-linear arithmetic" Expr t tp
checkComputableSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkComputableSupport :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkComputableSupport Expr t tp
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> ProblemFeatures
supportedFeatures WriterConn t h
conn ProblemFeatures -> ProblemFeatures -> Bool
`hasProblemFeature` ProblemFeatures
useComputableReals) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
"computable arithmetic" Expr t tp
checkQuantifierSupport :: String -> Expr t p -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkQuantifierSupport :: String -> Expr t p -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkQuantifierSupport String
nm Expr t p
t = do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Bool -> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (WriterConn t h -> Bool
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportQuantifiers WriterConn t h
conn Bool -> Bool -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Bool
False) (SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ())
-> SMTCollector t h () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t p -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn String
nm Expr t p
checkArgumentTypes :: WriterConn t h -> Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args -> IO ()
checkArgumentTypes :: WriterConn t h -> Assignment TypeMap args -> IO ()
checkArgumentTypes WriterConn t h
conn Assignment TypeMap args
types = do
Assignment TypeMap args
-> (forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: k -> Type) (c :: l) a.
(FoldableFC t, Applicative m) =>
t f c -> (forall (x :: k). f x -> m a) -> m ()
forFC_ Assignment TypeMap args
types ((forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TypeMap x
tp -> do
case TypeMap x
tp of
FnArrayTypeMap{} | WriterConn t h -> Bool
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> Bool
supportFunctionArguments WriterConn t h
conn Bool -> Bool -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Bool
False -> do
String -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc Any -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Doc Any -> String) -> Doc Any -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (WriterConn t h -> String
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName WriterConn t h
Doc Any -> Doc Any -> Doc Any
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Doc Any
"does not allow arrays encoded as functions to be function arguments."
TypeMap x
_ ->
() -> IO ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
type SMTSource ann = String -> BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
ppBaseTypeError :: BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
ppBaseTypeError :: BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
ppBaseTypeError BaseTypeError
ComplexTypeUnsupported = Doc ann
"complex values"
ppBaseTypeError BaseTypeError
ArrayUnsupported = Doc ann
"arrays encoded as a functions"
ppBaseTypeError (StringTypeUnsupported (Some StringInfoRepr x
si)) = Doc ann
"string values" Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> StringInfoRepr x -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Show a => a -> Doc ann
viaShow StringInfoRepr x
eltSource :: Expr t tp -> SMTSource ann
eltSource :: Expr t tp -> SMTSource ann
eltSource Expr t tp
e String
solver_name BaseTypeError
cause =
[Doc ann] -> Doc ann
forall ann. [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
[ String -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty String
solver_name Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
Doc ann
"does not support" Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
forall ann. BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
ppBaseTypeError BaseTypeError
cause Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
Doc ann
", and cannot interpret the term generated at" Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
Position -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc (Expr t tp -> ProgramLoc
forall t (tp :: BaseType). Expr t tp -> ProgramLoc
exprLoc Expr t tp
e)) Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc ann
, Int -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Int -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
indent Int
2 (Expr t tp -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty Expr t tp
e) Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc ann
fnSource :: SolverSymbol -> ProgramLoc -> SMTSource ann
fnSource :: SolverSymbol -> ProgramLoc -> SMTSource ann
fnSource SolverSymbol
fn_name ProgramLoc
loc String
solver_name BaseTypeError
cause =
String -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty String
solver_name Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
Doc ann
"does not support" Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
forall ann. BaseTypeError -> Doc ann
ppBaseTypeError BaseTypeError
cause Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
Doc ann
", and cannot interpret the function" Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> SolverSymbol -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Show a => a -> Doc ann
viaShow SolverSymbol
fn_name Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
Doc ann
"generated at" Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
<+> Position -> Doc ann
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
pretty (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc ProgramLoc
loc) Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc ann
evalFirstClassTypeRepr :: MonadFail m
=> WriterConn t h
-> SMTSource ann
-> BaseTypeRepr tp
-> m (TypeMap tp)
evalFirstClassTypeRepr :: WriterConn t h
-> SMTSource ann -> BaseTypeRepr tp -> m (TypeMap tp)
evalFirstClassTypeRepr WriterConn t h
conn SMTSource ann
src BaseTypeRepr tp
base_tp =
case WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> BaseTypeRepr tp -> Either BaseTypeError (TypeMap tp)
typeMapFirstClass WriterConn t h
conn BaseTypeRepr tp
base_tp of
Left BaseTypeError
e -> String -> m (TypeMap tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> m (TypeMap tp)) -> String -> m (TypeMap tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc ann -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Doc ann -> String) -> Doc ann -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SMTSource ann
src (WriterConn t h -> String
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> String
smtWriterName WriterConn t h
conn) BaseTypeError
Right TypeMap tp
smt_ret -> TypeMap tp -> m (TypeMap tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return TypeMap tp
withConnEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO a -> IO a
withConnEntryStack :: WriterConn t h -> IO a -> IO a
withConnEntryStack WriterConn t h
conn = IO () -> IO () -> IO a -> IO a
forall a b c. IO a -> IO b -> IO c -> IO c
bracket_ (WriterConn t h -> IO ()
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IO ()
pushEntryStack WriterConn t h
conn) (WriterConn t h -> IO ()
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> IO ()
popEntryStack WriterConn t h
mkIndexLitTerm :: SupportTermOps v
=> IndexLit tp
-> v
mkIndexLitTerm :: IndexLit tp -> v
mkIndexLitTerm (IntIndexLit Integer
i) = Integer -> v
forall a. Num a => Integer -> a
fromInteger Integer
mkIndexLitTerm (BVIndexLit NatRepr w
w BV w
i) = NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w BV w
mkIndexLitTerms :: SupportTermOps v
=> Ctx.Assignment IndexLit ctx
-> [v]
mkIndexLitTerms :: Assignment IndexLit ctx -> [v]
mkIndexLitTerms = (forall (x :: BaseType). IndexLit x -> v)
-> forall (x :: Ctx BaseType). Assignment IndexLit x -> [v]
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) a.
FoldableFC t =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> a) -> forall (x :: l). t f x -> [a]
toListFC forall v (tp :: BaseType). SupportTermOps v => IndexLit tp -> v
forall (x :: BaseType). IndexLit x -> v
createTypeMapArgsForArray :: forall t h args
. WriterConn t h
-> Ctx.Assignment TypeMap args
-> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
createTypeMapArgsForArray :: WriterConn t h
-> Assignment TypeMap args -> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
createTypeMapArgsForArray WriterConn t h
conn Assignment TypeMap args
types = do
let mkIndexVar :: TypeMap utp -> IO (Text, Some TypeMap)
mkIndexVar :: TypeMap utp -> IO (Text, Some TypeMap)
mkIndexVar TypeMap utp
base_tp = do
i_nm <- WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Builder -> State WriterState Text
freshVarName' Builder
(Text, Some TypeMap) -> IO (Text, Some TypeMap)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Text
i_nm, TypeMap utp -> Some TypeMap
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (x :: k). f x -> Some f
Some TypeMap utp
[IO (Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m (t a)
sequence ([IO (Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)])
-> [IO (Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO (Text, Some TypeMap))
-> Assignment TypeMap args -> [IO (Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall k l (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) a.
FoldableFC t =>
(forall (x :: k). f x -> a) -> forall (x :: l). t f x -> [a]
toListFC forall (x :: BaseType). TypeMap x -> IO (Text, Some TypeMap)
mkIndexVar Assignment TypeMap args
smt_array_select :: forall h idxl idx tp
. SMTWriter h
=> SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl Ctx.::> idx) tp)
-> [Term h]
-> SMTExpr h tp
smt_array_select :: SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
-> [Term h] -> SMTExpr h tp
smt_array_select SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
aexpr [Term h]
idxl =
case SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
-> TypeMap (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
forall h (tp :: BaseType). SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
smtExprType SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
aexpr of
PrimArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
_ TypeMap tp
res_type ->
TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr TypeMap tp
res_type (Term h -> SMTExpr h tp) -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
arraySelect @h (SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp) -> Term h
forall h (tp :: BaseType).
SupportTermOps (Term h) =>
SMTExpr h tp -> Term h
asBase SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
aexpr) [Term h]
FnArrayTypeMap Assignment TypeMap (idxl ::> idx)
_ TypeMap tp
res_type ->
TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr TypeMap tp
res_type (Term h -> SMTExpr h tp) -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term h -> [Term h] -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => v -> [v] -> v
smtFnApp (SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp) -> Term h
forall h (tp :: BaseType).
SupportTermOps (Term h) =>
SMTExpr h tp -> Term h
asBase SMTExpr h (BaseArrayType (idxl ::> idx) tp)
aexpr) [Term h]
getSymbolName :: WriterConn t h -> SymbolBinding t -> IO Text
getSymbolName :: WriterConn t h -> SymbolBinding t -> IO Text
getSymbolName WriterConn t h
conn SymbolBinding t
b =
case SymbolBinding t -> SymbolVarBimap t -> Maybe SolverSymbol
forall t. SymbolBinding t -> SymbolVarBimap t -> Maybe SolverSymbol
lookupSymbolOfBinding SymbolBinding t
b (WriterConn t h -> SymbolVarBimap t
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> SymbolVarBimap t
varBindings WriterConn t h
conn) of
Just SolverSymbol
sym -> Text -> IO Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Text -> IO Text) -> Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! SolverSymbol -> Text
solverSymbolAsText SolverSymbol
Maybe SolverSymbol
Nothing -> WriterConn t h -> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> State WriterState a -> IO a
withWriterState WriterConn t h
conn (State WriterState Text -> IO Text)
-> State WriterState Text -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ State WriterState Text
defineSMTFunction :: SMTWriter h
=> WriterConn t h
-> Text
-> (FreshVarFn h -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret))
-> IO (TypeMap ret)
defineSMTFunction :: WriterConn t h
-> Text
-> (FreshVarFn h -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret))
-> IO (TypeMap ret)
defineSMTFunction WriterConn t h
conn Text
var FreshVarFn h -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret)
action =
WriterConn t h -> IO (TypeMap ret) -> IO (TypeMap ret)
forall t h a. WriterConn t h -> IO a -> IO a
withConnEntryStack WriterConn t h
conn (IO (TypeMap ret) -> IO (TypeMap ret))
-> IO (TypeMap ret) -> IO (TypeMap ret)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
freeConstantRef <- ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO (IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)])
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef [] :: IO (IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]))
IORef [(Text, Term h)]
boundTermRef <- [(Text, Term h)] -> IO (IORef [(Text, Term h)])
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef []
let s :: SMTCollectorState t h
s = SMTCollectorState :: forall t h.
WriterConn t h
-> (forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ())
-> Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
-> Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
-> SMTCollectorState t h
SMTCollectorState { scConn :: WriterConn t h
scConn = WriterConn t h
, freshBoundTermFn :: forall (rtp :: BaseType).
Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
freshBoundTermFn = IORef [(Text, Term h)]
-> Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> Term h -> IO ()
forall v (rtp :: BaseType).
SupportTermOps v =>
IORef [(Text, v)]
-> Text -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap rtp -> v -> IO ()
freshSandboxBoundTerm IORef [(Text, Term h)]
, freshConstantFn :: Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
freshConstantFn = Maybe (FreshVarFn h)
forall a. Maybe a
, recordSideCondFn :: Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
recordSideCondFn = Maybe (Term h -> IO ())
forall a. Maybe a
let varFn :: FreshVarFn h
varFn = (forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> FreshVarFn h
forall h.
(forall (tp :: BaseType). TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp))
-> FreshVarFn h
FreshVarFn (WriterConn t h
-> IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h
-> IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> TypeMap tp -> IO (SMTExpr h tp)
freshSandboxConstant WriterConn t h
conn IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
SMTExpr h ret
pair <- (SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret)
-> SMTCollectorState t h -> IO (SMTExpr h ret))
-> SMTCollectorState t h
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret)
-> IO (SMTExpr h ret)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret)
-> SMTCollectorState t h -> IO (SMTExpr h ret)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. ReaderT r m a -> r -> m a
runReaderT SMTCollectorState t h
s (FreshVarFn h -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h ret)
action FreshVarFn h
[(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args <- IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> IO [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef IORef [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
[(Text, Term h)]
boundTerms <- IORef [(Text, Term h)] -> IO [(Text, Term h)]
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef IORef [(Text, Term h)]
let res :: Term h
res = [(Text, Term h)] -> Term h -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => [(Text, v)] -> v -> v
letExpr ([(Text, Term h)] -> [(Text, Term h)]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [(Text, Term h)]
boundTerms) (SMTExpr h ret -> Term h
forall h (tp :: BaseType).
SupportTermOps (Term h) =>
SMTExpr h tp -> Term h
asBase SMTExpr h ret
WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap ret
-> Term h
-> IO ()
forall h t (rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> DefineStyle
-> Text
-> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
-> TypeMap rtp
-> Term h
-> IO ()
defineSMTVar WriterConn t h
conn DefineStyle
FunctionDefinition Text
var ([(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [(Text, Some TypeMap)]
args) (SMTExpr h ret -> TypeMap ret
forall h (tp :: BaseType). SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
smtExprType SMTExpr h ret
pair) Term h
TypeMap ret -> IO (TypeMap ret)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (TypeMap ret -> IO (TypeMap ret))
-> TypeMap ret -> IO (TypeMap ret)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! SMTExpr h ret -> TypeMap ret
forall h (tp :: BaseType). SMTExpr h tp -> TypeMap tp
smtExprType SMTExpr h ret
mkExpr :: forall h t tp. SMTWriter h => Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
mkExpr :: Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
mkExpr (BoolExpr Bool
b ProgramLoc
_) =
SMTExpr h BaseBoolType
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h BaseBoolType)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (TypeMap BaseBoolType -> Term h -> SMTExpr h BaseBoolType
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr TypeMap BaseBoolType
BoolTypeMap (Bool -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Bool -> v
boolExpr Bool
mkExpr t :: Expr t tp
t@(SemiRingLiteral SemiRingRepr sr
SR.SemiRingIntegerRepr Coefficient sr
i ProgramLoc
_) = do
Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkLinearSupport Expr t tp
SMTExpr h BaseIntegerType
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h BaseIntegerType)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (TypeMap BaseIntegerType -> Term h -> SMTExpr h BaseIntegerType
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr TypeMap BaseIntegerType
IntegerTypeMap (Integer -> Term h
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Integer
Coefficient sr
mkExpr t :: Expr t tp
t@(SemiRingLiteral SemiRingRepr sr
SR.SemiRingRealRepr Coefficient sr
r ProgramLoc
_) = do
Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkLinearSupport Expr t tp
SMTExpr h BaseRealType
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h BaseRealType)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (TypeMap BaseRealType -> Term h -> SMTExpr h BaseRealType
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr TypeMap BaseRealType
RealTypeMap (Rational -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Rational -> v
rationalTerm Rational
Coefficient sr
mkExpr t :: Expr t tp
t@(SemiRingLiteral (SR.SemiRingBVRepr BVFlavorRepr fv
_flv NatRepr w
w) Coefficient sr
x ProgramLoc
_) = do
Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkBitvectorSupport Expr t tp
SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w)))
-> SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeMap (BaseBVType w) -> Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w)
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr (NatRepr w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
forall (w :: Nat). (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> TypeMap (BaseBVType w)
BVTypeMap NatRepr w
w) (Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w))
-> Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseBVType w)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NatRepr w -> BV w -> Term h
forall v (w :: Nat). SupportTermOps v => NatRepr w -> BV w -> v
bvTerm NatRepr w
w BV w
Coefficient sr
mkExpr t :: Expr t tp
t@(FloatExpr FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
fpp BigFloat
f ProgramLoc
_) = do
Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkFloatSupport Expr t tp
SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp)))
-> SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
-> Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp)
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr (FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
forall (fpp :: FloatPrecision).
FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> TypeMap (BaseFloatType fpp)
FloatTypeMap FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
fpp) (Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp))
-> Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseFloatType fpp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> BigFloat -> Term h
forall v (fpp :: FloatPrecision).
SupportTermOps v =>
FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> BigFloat -> v
floatTerm FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
fpp BigFloat
mkExpr t :: Expr t tp
t@(StringExpr StringLiteral si
l ProgramLoc
_) =
case StringLiteral si
l of
Char8Literal ByteString
bs -> do
Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h. Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
checkStringSupport Expr t tp
SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8)
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8)
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8)))
-> SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8)
-> ReaderT
(SMTCollectorState t h) IO (SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeMap (BaseStringType Char8)
-> Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8)
forall (tp :: BaseType) h. TypeMap tp -> Term h -> SMTExpr h tp
SMTExpr TypeMap (BaseStringType Char8)
Char8TypeMap (Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8))
-> Term h -> SMTExpr h (BaseStringType Char8)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> Term h
forall h. SMTWriter h => ByteString -> Term h
stringTerm @h ByteString
StringLiteral si
_ -> do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
WriterConn t h
-> String -> Expr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) t h (tp :: BaseType) a.
MonadFail m =>
WriterConn t h -> String -> Expr t tp -> m a
theoryUnsupported WriterConn t h
conn (String
"strings " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ StringInfoRepr si -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (StringLiteral si -> StringInfoRepr si
forall (si :: StringInfo). StringLiteral si -> StringInfoRepr si
stringLiteralInfo StringLiteral si
l)) Expr t tp
mkExpr (NonceAppExpr NonceAppExpr t tp
ea) =
Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h.
Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
cacheWriterResult (NonceAppExpr t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). NonceAppExpr t tp -> Nonce t tp
nonceExprId NonceAppExpr t tp
ea) TermLifetime
DeleteOnPop (SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
NonceAppExpr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
NonceAppExpr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
predSMTExpr NonceAppExpr t tp
mkExpr (AppExpr AppExpr t tp
ea) =
Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h.
Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
cacheWriterResult (AppExpr t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). AppExpr t tp -> Nonce t tp
appExprId AppExpr t tp
ea) TermLifetime
DeleteOnPop (SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
AppExpr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
AppExpr t tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
appSMTExpr AppExpr t tp
mkExpr (BoundVarExpr ExprBoundVar t tp
var) = do
case ExprBoundVar t tp -> VarKind
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> VarKind
bvarKind ExprBoundVar t tp
var of
QuantifierVarKind -> do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)
mr <- IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)))
-> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
WriterConn t h -> Nonce t tp -> IO (Maybe (SMTExpr h tp))
cacheLookupExpr WriterConn t h
conn (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
case Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)
mr of
Just SMTExpr h tp
x -> SMTExpr h tp -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return SMTExpr h tp
Maybe (SMTExpr h tp)
Nothing -> do
String -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> String -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Internal error in SMTLIB exporter due to unbound variable "
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Nonce t tp -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
var) String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" defined at "
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Position -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc (ExprBoundVar t tp -> ProgramLoc
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> ProgramLoc
bvarLoc ExprBoundVar t tp
var)) String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
LatchVarKind ->
String -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> String -> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"SMTLib exporter does not support the latch defined at "
String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Position -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ProgramLoc -> Position
plSourceLoc (ExprBoundVar t tp -> ProgramLoc
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> ProgramLoc
bvarLoc ExprBoundVar t tp
var)) String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
UninterpVarKind -> do
WriterConn t h
conn <- (SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h)
-> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO (WriterConn t h)
forall r (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
asks SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
forall t h. SMTCollectorState t h -> WriterConn t h
Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h.
Nonce t tp
-> TermLifetime
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
cacheWriterResult (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> Nonce t tp
bvarId ExprBoundVar t tp
var) TermLifetime
DeleteNever (SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp))
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
-> SMTCollector t h (SMTExpr h tp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall n (tp :: BaseType) h.
ExprBoundVar n tp -> SMTCollector n h ()
checkVarTypeSupport ExprBoundVar t tp
var_name <- IO Text -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Text -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text)
-> IO Text -> ReaderT (SMTCollectorState t h) IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h -> SymbolBinding t -> IO Text
forall t h. WriterConn t h -> SymbolBinding t -> IO Text
getSymbolName WriterConn t h
conn (ExprBoundVar t tp -> SymbolBinding t
forall t (tp :: BaseType). ExprBoundVar t tp -> SymbolBinding t
VarSymbolBinding ExprBoundVar t tp
TypeMap tp
smt_type <- ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
forall t (tp :: BaseType) h.
ExprBoundVar t tp -> SMTCollector t h (TypeMap tp)
getBaseSMT_Type ExprBoundVar t tp
IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()) -> IO () -> SMTCollector t h ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
do WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
forall h t (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h -> TypeMap tp -> IO ()
declareTypes WriterConn t h
conn TypeMap tp
WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
forall h t. SMTWriter h => WriterConn t h -> Command h -> IO ()
addCommand WriterConn t h
conn (Command h -> IO ()) -> Command h -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WriterConn t h
-> Text -> Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx -> TypeMap tp -> Command h
forall h (f :: Type -> Type) (args :: Ctx BaseType)
(rtp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
f h -> Text -> Assignment TypeMap args -> TypeMap rtp -> Command h
declareCommand WriterConn t h
conn Text
var_name Assignment TypeMap EmptyCtx
forall k (f :: k -> Type). Assignment f EmptyCtx
Ctx.empty TypeMap tp
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
forall t h (tp :: BaseType).
SMTWriter h =>
WriterConn t h
-> Term h
-> TypeMap tp
-> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
-> SMTCollector t h ()
addPartialSideCond WriterConn t h
conn (Text -> Term h
forall v. SupportTermOps v => Text -> v
fromText Text
var_name) TypeMap tp
smt_type (ExprBoundVar t tp -> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)
forall t (tp :: BaseType).
ExprBoundVar t tp -> Maybe (AbstractValue tp)