-- |
-- Module           : What4.Protocol.SMTLib2
-- Description      : Interface for solvers that consume SMTLib2
-- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2020
-- License          : BSD3
-- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
-- Stability        : provisional
-- This module defines operations for producing SMTLib2-compatible
-- queries useful for interfacing with solvers that accecpt SMTLib2 as
-- an input language.
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module What4.Protocol.SMTLib2
  ( -- SMTLib special purpose exports
  , SMTLib2Tweaks(..)
  , newWriter
  , writeCheckSat
  , writeExit
  , writeGetValue
  , runCheckSat
  , asSMT2Type
  , setOption
  , getVersion
  , versionResult
  , getName
  , nameResult
  , setProduceModels
    -- * Logic
  , SMT2.Logic(..)
  , SMT2.qf_bv
  , SMT2.allSupported
  , all_supported
  , setLogic
    -- * Type
  , SMT2.Sort(..)
  , SMT2.arraySort
    -- * Term
  , Term(..)
  , arrayConst
  , What4.Protocol.SMTLib2.arraySelect
  , arrayStore
    -- * Solvers and External interface
  , Session(..)
  , SMTLib2GenericSolver(..)
  , writeDefaultSMT2
  , startSolver
  , shutdownSolver
  , smtAckResult
  , SMTLib2Exception(..)
    -- * Solver version
  , ppSolverVersionCheckError
  , ppSolverVersionError
  , checkSolverVersion
  , checkSolverVersion'
  , queryErrorBehavior
    -- * Re-exports
  , SMTWriter.WriterConn
  , SMTWriter.assume
  , SMTWriter.supportedFeatures
  , SMTWriter.nullAcknowledgementAction
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import           Data.Char (digitToInt, isPrint, isAscii)
import           Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import           Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import           Data.Parameterized.Pair
import           Data.Parameterized.Some
import           Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import           Data.Ratio
import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.String
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Builder

import           Numeric (readDec, readHex, readInt, showHex)
import           Numeric.Natural
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec.Text as Streams
import           Data.Versions (Version(..))
import qualified Data.Versions as Versions
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP

import           Prelude hiding (writeFile)

import           What4.BaseTypes
import qualified What4.Expr.Builder as B
import           What4.Expr.GroundEval
import qualified What4.Interface as I
import           What4.ProblemFeatures
import           What4.Protocol.Online
import           What4.Protocol.ReadDecimal
import           What4.Protocol.SExp
import           What4.Protocol.SMTLib2.Syntax (Term, term_app, un_app, bin_app)

import qualified What4.Protocol.SMTLib2.Syntax as SMT2 hiding (Term)
import qualified What4.Protocol.SMTWriter as SMTWriter
import           What4.Protocol.SMTWriter hiding (assume, Term)
import           What4.SatResult
import           What4.Utils.HandleReader
import           What4.Utils.Process
import           What4.Solver.Adapter

-- | Set the logic to all supported logics.
all_supported :: SMT2.Logic
all_supported = SMT2.allSupported
{-# DEPRECATED all_supported "Use allSupported" #-}

-- Floating point

data SMTFloatPrecision =
  SMTFloatPrecision { smtFloatExponentBits :: !Natural
                      -- ^ Number of bits in exponent
                    , smtFloatSignificandBits :: !Natural
                      -- ^ Number of bits in the significand.
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

asSMTFloatPrecision :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> SMTFloatPrecision
asSMTFloatPrecision (FloatingPointPrecisionRepr eb sb) =
  SMTFloatPrecision { smtFloatExponentBits = natValue eb
                    , smtFloatSignificandBits = natValue sb

mkFloatSymbol :: Builder -> SMTFloatPrecision -> Builder
mkFloatSymbol nm (SMTFloatPrecision eb sb) =
  "(_ "
    <> nm
    <> " "
    <> fromString (show eb)
    <> " "
    <> fromString (show sb)
    <> ")"

-- SMTLib2Tweaks

-- | Select a valued from a nested array
nestedArrayUpdate :: Term
                  -> (Term, [Term])
                  -> Term
                  -> Term
nestedArrayUpdate a (h,[]) v  = SMT2.store a h v
nestedArrayUpdate a (h,i:l) v = SMT2.store a h sub_a'
  where sub_a' = nestedArrayUpdate (SMT2.select a h) (i,l) v

arrayConst :: SMT2.Sort -> SMT2.Sort -> Term -> Term
arrayConst = SMT2.arrayConst

arraySelect :: Term -> Term -> Term
arraySelect = SMT2.select

arrayStore :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Term
arrayStore = SMT2.store

byteStringTerm :: ByteString -> Term
byteStringTerm bs = SMT2.T ("\"" <> BS.foldr f "\"" bs)
 f w x
   | '\"' == c = "\"\"" <> x
   | isPrint c = Builder.singleton c <> x
   | otherwise = "\\x" <> h1 <> h2  <> x
  h1 = Builder.fromString (showHex (w `Bits.shiftR` 4) "")
  h2 = Builder.fromString (showHex (w Bits..&. 0xF) "")

  c :: Char
  c = toEnum (fromEnum w)

unescapeText :: Text -> Maybe ByteString
unescapeText = go mempty
 go bs t =
   case Text.uncons t of
     Nothing -> Just bs
     Just (c, t')
       | not (isAscii c) -> Nothing
       | c == '\\'       -> readEscape bs t'
       | otherwise       -> continue bs c t'

 continue bs c t = go (BS.snoc bs (toEnum (fromEnum c))) t

 readEscape bs t =
   case Text.uncons t of
     Nothing -> Nothing
     Just (c, t')
       | c == 'a'  -> continue bs '\a' t'
       | c == 'b'  -> continue bs '\b' t'
       | c == 'e'  -> continue bs '\x1B' t'
       | c == 'f'  -> continue bs '\f' t'
       | c == 'n'  -> continue bs '\n' t'
       | c == 'r'  -> continue bs '\r' t'
       | c == 't'  -> continue bs '\t' t'
       | c == 'v'  -> continue bs '\v' t'
       | c == 'x'  -> readHexEscape bs t'
       | otherwise -> continue bs c t'

 readHexEscape bs t =
   case readHex (Text.unpack (Text.take 2 t)) of
     (n, []):_ | 0 <= n && n < 256 -> go (BS.snoc bs (toEnum n)) (Text.drop 2 t)
     _ -> Nothing

-- | This class exists so that solvers supporting the SMTLib2 format can support
--   features that go slightly beyond the standard.
-- In particular, there is no standardized syntax for constant arrays (arrays
-- which map every index to the same value).  Solvers that support the theory of
-- arrays and have custom syntax for constant arrays should implement
-- `smtlib2arrayConstant`.  In addition, solvers may override the default
-- representation of complex numbers if necessary.  The default is to represent
-- complex numbers as "(Array Bool Real)" and to build instances by updating a
-- constant array.
class Show a => SMTLib2Tweaks a where
  smtlib2tweaks :: a

  -- | Return a representation of the type associated with a (multi-dimensional) symbolic
  -- array.
  -- By default, we encode symbolic arrays using a nested representation.  If the solver,
  -- supports tuples/structs it may wish to change this.
  smtlib2arrayType :: [SMT2.Sort] -> SMT2.Sort -> SMT2.Sort
  smtlib2arrayType l r = foldr (\i v -> SMT2.arraySort i v) r l

  smtlib2arrayConstant :: Maybe ([SMT2.Sort] -> SMT2.Sort -> Term -> Term)
  smtlib2arrayConstant = Nothing

  smtlib2arraySelect :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
  smtlib2arraySelect a [] = a
  smtlib2arraySelect a (h:l) = smtlib2arraySelect @a (What4.Protocol.SMTLib2.arraySelect a h) l

  smtlib2arrayUpdate :: Term -> [Term] -> Term -> Term
  smtlib2arrayUpdate a i v =
    case i of
      [] -> error "arrayUpdate given empty list"
      i1:ir -> nestedArrayUpdate a (i1, ir) v

  smtlib2StringSort :: SMT2.Sort
  smtlib2StringSort = SMT2.Sort "String"

  smtlib2StringTerm :: ByteString -> Term
  smtlib2StringTerm = byteStringTerm

  smtlib2StringLength :: Term -> Term
  smtlib2StringLength = SMT2.un_app "str.len"

  smtlib2StringAppend :: [Term] -> Term
  smtlib2StringAppend = SMT2.term_app "str.++"

  smtlib2StringContains :: Term -> Term -> Term
  smtlib2StringContains = SMT2.bin_app "str.contains"

  smtlib2StringIndexOf :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Term
  smtlib2StringIndexOf s t i = SMT2.term_app "str.indexof" [s,t,i]

  smtlib2StringIsPrefixOf :: Term -> Term -> Term
  smtlib2StringIsPrefixOf = SMT2.bin_app "str.prefixof"

  smtlib2StringIsSuffixOf :: Term -> Term -> Term
  smtlib2StringIsSuffixOf = SMT2.bin_app "str.suffixof"

  smtlib2StringSubstring :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Term
  smtlib2StringSubstring x off len = SMT2.term_app "str.substr" [x,off,len]

  -- | The sort of structs with the given field types.
  -- By default, this uses SMTLIB2 datatypes and are not primitive to the language.
  smtlib2StructSort :: [SMT2.Sort] -> SMT2.Sort
  smtlib2StructSort [] = SMT2.Sort "Struct0"
  smtlib2StructSort flds = SMT2.Sort $ "(Struct" <> Builder.decimal n <> foldMap f flds <> ")"
       where f :: SMT2.Sort -> Builder
             f (SMT2.Sort s) = " " <> s
             n = length flds

  -- | Construct a struct value from the given field values
  smtlib2StructCtor :: [Term] -> Term
  smtlib2StructCtor args = term_app nm args
    where nm = "mk-struct" <> Builder.decimal (length args)

  -- | Construct a struct field projection term
  smtlib2StructProj ::
    Int {- ^ number of fields in the struct -} ->
    Int {- ^ 0-based index of the struct field -} ->
    Term {- ^ struct term to project from -} ->
  smtlib2StructProj n i a = term_app nm [a]
    where nm = "struct" <> Builder.decimal n <> "-proj" <> Builder.decimal i

  -- By default, this uses the SMTLib 2.6 standard version of the declare-datatype command.
  smtlib2declareStructCmd :: Int -> Maybe SMT2.Command
  smtlib2declareStructCmd 0 = Just $
    SMT2.Cmd $ app "declare-datatype" [ fromString "Struct0", builder_list [ builder_list ["mk-struct0"]]]
  smtlib2declareStructCmd n = Just $
    let n_str = fromString (show n)
        tp = "Struct" <> n_str
        cnstr = "mk-struct" <> n_str
        idxes = map (fromString . show) [0 .. n-1]
        tp_names = [ "T" <> i_str
                   | i_str <- idxes
        flds = [ app ("struct" <> n_str <> "-proj" <> i_str) [ "T" <> i_str ]
               | i_str <- idxes
     in SMT2.Cmd $ app "declare-datatype" [ tp, app "par" [ builder_list tp_names, builder_list [app cnstr flds]]]

asSMT2Type :: forall a tp . SMTLib2Tweaks a => TypeMap tp -> SMT2.Sort
asSMT2Type BoolTypeMap    = SMT2.boolSort
asSMT2Type NatTypeMap     = SMT2.intSort
asSMT2Type IntegerTypeMap = SMT2.intSort
asSMT2Type RealTypeMap    = SMT2.realSort
asSMT2Type (BVTypeMap w)  = SMT2.bvSort (natValue w)
asSMT2Type (FloatTypeMap fpp) = SMT2.Sort $ mkFloatSymbol "FloatingPoint" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)
asSMT2Type Char8TypeMap = smtlib2StringSort @a
asSMT2Type ComplexToStructTypeMap =
  smtlib2StructSort @a [ SMT2.realSort, SMT2.realSort ]
asSMT2Type ComplexToArrayTypeMap =
  smtlib2arrayType @a [SMT2.boolSort] SMT2.realSort
asSMT2Type (PrimArrayTypeMap i r) =
  smtlib2arrayType @a (toListFC (asSMT2Type @a) i) (asSMT2Type @a r)
asSMT2Type (FnArrayTypeMap _ _) =
  error "SMTLIB backend does not support function types as first class."
asSMT2Type (StructTypeMap f) =
  smtlib2StructSort @a (toListFC (asSMT2Type @a) f)

-- Default instance.
instance SMTLib2Tweaks () where
  smtlib2tweaks = ()

readBin :: Num a => ReadS a
readBin = readInt 2 (`elem` ("01" :: String)) digitToInt

-- Type

mkRoundingOp :: Builder -> RoundingMode -> Builder
mkRoundingOp op r = op <> " " <> fromString (show r)

-- Writer

newtype Writer a = Writer { declaredTuples :: IORef (Set Int) }

type instance SMTWriter.Term (Writer a) = Term

instance Num Term where
  x + y = SMT2.add [x, y]
  x - y = SMT2.sub x [y]
  x * y = SMT2.mul [x, y]
  negate x = SMT2.negate x
  abs x    = SMT2.ite (SMT2.ge [x, SMT2.numeral 0]) x (SMT2.negate x)
  signum x =
    SMT2.ite (SMT2.ge [x, SMT2.numeral 0])
             (SMT2.ite (SMT2.eq [x, SMT2.numeral 0]) (SMT2.numeral 0) (SMT2.numeral 1))
             (SMT2.negate (SMT2.numeral 1))
  fromInteger = SMT2.numeral

varBinding :: forall a . SMTLib2Tweaks a => (Text, Some TypeMap) -> (Text, SMT2.Sort)
varBinding (nm, Some tp) = (nm, asSMT2Type @a tp)

-- The SMTLIB2 exporter uses the datatypes theory for representing structures.
-- Note about structs:
-- For each length XX associated to some structure with that length in the
-- formula, the SMTLIB2 backend defines a datatype "StructXX" with the
-- constructor "mk-structXX", and projection operations "structXX-projII"
-- for II an natural number less than XX.
instance SupportTermOps Term where
  boolExpr b = if b then SMT2.true else SMT2.false
  notExpr = SMT2.not

  andAll = SMT2.and
  orAll  = SMT2.or

  x .== y = SMT2.eq [x,y]
  x ./= y = SMT2.distinct [x,y]

  -- NB: SMT2.letBinder defines a "parallel" let, and
  -- we want the semantics of a "sequential" let, so expand
  -- to a series of nested lets.
  letExpr vs t = foldr (\v -> SMT2.letBinder [v]) t vs

  ite = SMT2.ite

  sumExpr = SMT2.add

  termIntegerToReal = SMT2.toReal
  termRealToInteger = SMT2.toInt

  integerTerm = SMT2.numeral
  intDiv x y = SMT2.div x [y]
  intMod = SMT2.mod
  intAbs     = SMT2.abs

  intDivisible x 0 = x .== integerTerm 0
  intDivisible x k = intMod x (integerTerm (toInteger k)) .== 0

  rationalTerm r | d == 1    = SMT2.decimal n
                 | otherwise = (SMT2.decimal n) SMT2../ [SMT2.decimal d]
    where n = numerator r
          d = denominator r

  x .<  y = SMT2.lt [x,y]
  x .<= y = SMT2.le [x,y]
  x .>  y = SMT2.gt [x,y]
  x .>= y = SMT2.ge [x,y]

  bvTerm w u = case isZeroOrGT1 w of
    Left Refl -> error "Cannot construct BV term with 0 width"
    Right LeqProof -> SMT2.bvdecimal w u

  bvNeg = SMT2.bvneg
  bvAdd x y = SMT2.bvadd x [y]
  bvSub = SMT2.bvsub
  bvMul x y = SMT2.bvmul x [y]

  bvSLe = SMT2.bvsle
  bvULe = SMT2.bvule

  bvSLt = SMT2.bvslt
  bvULt = SMT2.bvult

  bvUDiv = SMT2.bvudiv
  bvURem = SMT2.bvurem
  bvSDiv = SMT2.bvsdiv
  bvSRem = SMT2.bvsrem

  bvNot = SMT2.bvnot
  bvAnd x y = SMT2.bvand x [y]
  bvOr  x y = SMT2.bvor  x [y]
  bvXor x y = SMT2.bvxor x [y]

  bvShl  = SMT2.bvshl
  bvLshr = SMT2.bvlshr
  bvAshr = SMT2.bvashr

  bvConcat = SMT2.concat

  bvExtract _ b n x | n > 0 = SMT2.extract (b+n-1) b x
                    | otherwise = error $ "bvExtract given non-positive width " ++ show n

  floatPZero fpp = term_app (mkFloatSymbol "+zero" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) []
  floatNZero fpp = term_app (mkFloatSymbol "-zero" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) []
  floatNaN fpp   = term_app (mkFloatSymbol "NaN"   (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) []
  floatPInf fpp  = term_app (mkFloatSymbol "+oo"   (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) []
  floatNInf fpp  = term_app (mkFloatSymbol "-oo"   (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) []

  floatNeg  = un_app "fp.neg"
  floatAbs  = un_app "fp.abs"
  floatSqrt r = un_app $ mkRoundingOp "fp.sqrt " r

  floatAdd r = bin_app $ mkRoundingOp "fp.add" r
  floatSub r = bin_app $ mkRoundingOp "fp.sub" r
  floatMul r = bin_app $ mkRoundingOp "fp.mul" r
  floatDiv r = bin_app $ mkRoundingOp "fp.div" r
  floatRem = bin_app "fp.rem"
  floatMin = bin_app "fp.min"
  floatMax = bin_app "fp.max"

  floatFMA r x y z = term_app (mkRoundingOp "fp.fma" r) [x, y, z]

  floatEq x y  = SMT2.eq [x,y]
  floatFpEq = bin_app "fp.eq"
  floatLe   = bin_app "fp.leq"
  floatLt   = bin_app "fp.lt"

  floatIsNaN      = un_app "fp.isNaN"
  floatIsInf      = un_app "fp.isInfinite"
  floatIsZero     = un_app "fp.isZero"
  floatIsPos      = un_app "fp.isPositive"
  floatIsNeg      = un_app "fp.isNegative"
  floatIsSubnorm  = un_app "fp.isSubnormal"
  floatIsNorm     = un_app "fp.isNormal"

  floatCast fpp r = un_app $ mkRoundingOp (mkFloatSymbol "to_fp" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) r
  floatRound r = un_app $ mkRoundingOp "fp.roundToIntegral" r
  floatFromBinary fpp = un_app $ mkFloatSymbol "to_fp" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)
  bvToFloat fpp r =
    un_app $ mkRoundingOp (mkFloatSymbol "to_fp_unsigned" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) r
  sbvToFloat fpp r = un_app $ mkRoundingOp (mkFloatSymbol "to_fp" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) r
  realToFloat fpp r = un_app $ mkRoundingOp (mkFloatSymbol "to_fp" (asSMTFloatPrecision fpp)) r

  floatToBV w r =
    un_app $ mkRoundingOp ("(_ fp.to_ubv " <> fromString (show w) <> ")") r
  floatToSBV w r =
    un_app $ mkRoundingOp ("(_ fp.to_sbv " <> fromString (show w) <> ")") r

  floatToReal = un_app "fp.to_real"

  realIsInteger = SMT2.isInt

  realDiv x y = x SMT2../ [y]
  realSin = un_app "sin"
  realCos = un_app "cos"
  realATan2 = bin_app "atan2"
  realSinh = un_app "sinh"
  realCosh = un_app "cosh"
  realExp = un_app "exp"
  realLog = un_app "log"

  smtFnApp nm args = term_app (SMT2.renderTerm nm) args

  fromText t = SMT2.T (Builder.fromText t)

-- Writer

newWriter :: a
          -> Streams.OutputStream Text
             -- ^ Stream to write queries onto
          -> Streams.InputStream Text
              -- ^ Input stream to read responses from
              --   (may be the @nullInput@ stream if no responses are expected)
          -> AcknowledgementAction t (Writer a)
             -- ^ Action to run for consuming acknowledgement messages
          -> String
             -- ^ Name of solver for reporting purposes.
          -> Bool
             -- ^ Flag indicating if it is permitted to use
             -- "define-fun" when generating SMTLIB
          -> ProblemFeatures
             -- ^ Indicates what features are supported by the solver
          -> Bool
             -- ^ Indicates if quantifiers are supported.
          -> B.SymbolVarBimap t
             -- ^ Variable bindings for names.
          -> IO (WriterConn t (Writer a))
newWriter _ h in_h ack solver_name permitDefineFun arithOption quantSupport bindings = do
  r <- newIORef Set.empty
  let initWriter =
        { declaredTuples = r
  conn <- newWriterConn h in_h ack solver_name arithOption bindings initWriter
  return $! conn { supportFunctionDefs = permitDefineFun
                 , supportQuantifiers = quantSupport

type instance Command (Writer a) = SMT2.Command

instance SMTLib2Tweaks a => SMTWriter (Writer a) where
  forallExpr vars t = SMT2.forall (varBinding @a <$> vars) t
  existsExpr vars t = SMT2.exists (varBinding @a <$> vars) t

  arrayConstant =
    case smtlib2arrayConstant @a of
      Just f -> Just $ \idxTypes (Some retType) c ->
        f ((\(Some itp) -> asSMT2Type @a itp) <$> idxTypes) (asSMT2Type @a retType) c
      Nothing -> Nothing
  arraySelect = smtlib2arraySelect @a
  arrayUpdate = smtlib2arrayUpdate @a

  commentCommand _ b = SMT2.Cmd ("; " <> b)

  assertCommand _ e = SMT2.assert e

  assertNamedCommand _ e nm = SMT2.assertNamed e nm

  pushCommand _  = SMT2.push 1
  popCommand _   = SMT2.pop 1
  resetCommand _ = SMT2.resetAssertions
  popManyCommands _ n = [SMT2.pop (toInteger n)]

  checkCommands _ = [SMT2.checkSat]
  checkWithAssumptionsCommands _ nms = [SMT2.checkSatWithAssumptions nms]

  getUnsatAssumptionsCommand _ = SMT2.getUnsatAssumptions
  getUnsatCoreCommand _ = SMT2.getUnsatCore
  setOptCommand _ = SMT2.setOption

  declareCommand _proxy v argTypes retType =
    SMT2.declareFun v (toListFC (asSMT2Type @a) argTypes) (asSMT2Type @a retType)

  defineCommand _proxy f args return_type e =
    let resolveArg (var, Some tp) = (var, asSMT2Type @a tp)
     in SMT2.defineFun f (resolveArg <$> args) (asSMT2Type @a return_type) e

  stringTerm bs = smtlib2StringTerm @a bs
  stringLength x = smtlib2StringLength @a x
  stringAppend xs = smtlib2StringAppend @a xs
  stringContains x y = smtlib2StringContains @a x y
  stringIsPrefixOf x y = smtlib2StringIsPrefixOf @a x y
  stringIsSuffixOf x y = smtlib2StringIsSuffixOf @a x y
  stringIndexOf x y k = smtlib2StringIndexOf @a x y k
  stringSubstring x off len = smtlib2StringSubstring @a x off len

  structCtor _tps vals = smtlib2StructCtor @a vals

  structProj tps idx v =
    let n = Ctx.sizeInt (Ctx.size tps)
        i = Ctx.indexVal idx
     in smtlib2StructProj @a n i v

  resetDeclaredStructs conn = do
    let r = declaredTuples (connState conn)
    writeIORef r mempty

  declareStructDatatype conn flds = do
    let n = Ctx.sizeInt (Ctx.size flds)
    let r = declaredTuples (connState conn)
    s <- readIORef r
    when (Set.notMember n s) $ do
      case smtlib2declareStructCmd @a n of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just cmd -> addCommand conn cmd
      writeIORef r $! Set.insert n s

  writeCommand conn (SMT2.Cmd cmd) =
    do let cmdout = Lazy.toStrict (Builder.toLazyText cmd)
       Streams.write (Just (cmdout <> "\n")) (connHandle conn)
       -- force a flush
       Streams.write (Just "") (connHandle conn)

-- | Write check sat command
writeCheckSat :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> IO ()
writeCheckSat w = addCommandNoAck w SMT2.checkSat

writeExit :: forall a t. SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> IO ()
writeExit w = addCommand w SMT2.exit

setLogic :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> SMT2.Logic -> IO ()
setLogic w l = addCommand w $ SMT2.setLogic l

setOption :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> Text -> Text -> IO ()
setOption w nm val = addCommand w $ SMT2.setOption nm val

getVersion :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> IO ()
getVersion w = writeCommand w $ SMT2.getVersion

getName :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> IO ()
getName w = writeCommand w $ SMT2.getName

-- | Set the produce models option (We typically want this)
setProduceModels :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> Bool -> IO ()
setProduceModels w b = addCommand w $ SMT2.setProduceModels b

writeGetValue :: SMTLib2Tweaks a => WriterConn t (Writer a) -> [Term] -> IO ()
writeGetValue w l = addCommandNoAck w $ SMT2.getValue l

parseBoolSolverValue :: MonadFail m => SExp -> m Bool
parseBoolSolverValue (SAtom "true")  = return True
parseBoolSolverValue (SAtom "false") = return False
parseBoolSolverValue s =
  do v <- parseBvSolverValue (knownNat @1) s
     return (if v == BV.zero knownNat then False else True)

parseRealSolverValue :: MonadFail m => SExp -> m Rational
parseRealSolverValue (SAtom v) | Just (r,"") <- readDecimal (Text.unpack v) =
  return r
parseRealSolverValue (SApp ["-", x]) = do
  negate <$> parseRealSolverValue x
parseRealSolverValue (SApp ["/", x , y]) = do
  (/) <$> parseRealSolverValue x
      <*> parseRealSolverValue y
parseRealSolverValue s = fail $ "Could not parse solver value: " ++ show s

parseBvSolverValue :: MonadFail m => NatRepr w -> SExp -> m (BV.BV w)
parseBvSolverValue w s
  | Pair w' bv <- parseBVLitHelper s = case w' `testEquality` w of
      Just Refl -> return bv
      Nothing -> fail $ "Solver value parsed with width " ++
                 show w' ++ ", but should have width " ++ show w

natBV :: Natural
      -- ^ width
      -> Integer
      -- ^ BV value
      -> Pair NatRepr BV.BV
natBV wNatural x = case mkNatRepr wNatural of
  Some w -> Pair w (BV.mkBV w x)

-- | Parse an s-expression and return a bitvector and its width
parseBVLitHelper :: SExp -> Pair NatRepr BV.BV
parseBVLitHelper (SAtom (Text.unpack -> ('#' : 'b' : n_str))) | [(n, "")] <- readBin n_str =
  natBV (fromIntegral (length n_str)) n
parseBVLitHelper (SAtom (Text.unpack -> ('#' : 'x' : n_str))) | [(n, "")] <- readHex n_str =
  natBV (fromIntegral (length n_str * 4)) n
parseBVLitHelper (SApp ["_", SAtom (Text.unpack -> ('b' : 'v' : n_str)), SAtom (Text.unpack -> w_str)])
  | [(n, "")] <- readDec n_str, [(w, "")] <- readDec w_str = natBV w n
-- BGS: Is this correct?
parseBVLitHelper _ = natBV 0 0

parseStringSolverValue :: MonadFail m => SExp -> m ByteString
parseStringSolverValue (SString t) | Just bs <- unescapeText t = return bs
parseStringSolverValue x = fail ("Could not parse string solver value:\n  " ++ show x)

parseFloatSolverValue :: MonadFail m => FloatPrecisionRepr fpp
                      -> SExp
                      -> m (BV.BV (FloatPrecisionBits fpp))
parseFloatSolverValue (FloatingPointPrecisionRepr eb sb) s = do
  ParsedFloatResult sgn eb' expt sb' sig <- parseFloatLitHelper s
  case (eb `testEquality` eb',
        sb `testEquality` ((knownNat @1) `addNat` sb')) of
    (Just Refl, Just Refl) -> do
      -- eb' + 1 ~ 1 + eb'
      Refl <- return $ plusComm eb' (knownNat @1)
      -- (eb' + 1) + sb' ~ eb' + (1 + sb') 
      Refl <- return $ plusAssoc eb' (knownNat @1) sb'
      return bv
        where bv = BV.concat (addNat (knownNat @1) eb) sb' (BV.concat knownNat eb sgn expt) sig
    _ -> fail $ "Unexpected float precision: " <> show eb' <> ", " <> show sb'

data ParsedFloatResult = forall eb sb . ParsedFloatResult
  (BV.BV 1)    -- sign
  (NatRepr eb) -- exponent width
  (BV.BV eb)   -- exponent
  (NatRepr sb) -- significand bit width
  (BV.BV sb)   -- significand bit

parseFloatLitHelper :: MonadFail m => SExp -> m ParsedFloatResult
parseFloatLitHelper (SApp ["fp", sign_s, expt_s, scand_s])
  | Pair sign_w sign <- parseBVLitHelper sign_s
  , Just Refl <- sign_w `testEquality` (knownNat @1)
  , Pair eb expt <- parseBVLitHelper expt_s
  , Pair sb scand <- parseBVLitHelper scand_s
  = return $ ParsedFloatResult sign eb expt sb scand
  s@(SApp ["_", SAtom (Text.unpack -> nm), SAtom (Text.unpack -> eb_s), SAtom (Text.unpack -> sb_s)])
  | [(eb_n, "")] <- readDec eb_s, [(sb_n, "")] <- readDec sb_s
  , Some eb <- mkNatRepr eb_n
  , Some sb <- mkNatRepr (sb_n-1)
  = case nm of
      "+oo"   -> return $ ParsedFloatResult (BV.zero knownNat) eb (BV.maxUnsigned eb) sb (BV.zero sb)
      "-oo"   -> return $ ParsedFloatResult (BV.one knownNat)  eb (BV.maxUnsigned eb) sb (BV.zero sb)
      "+zero" -> return $ ParsedFloatResult (BV.zero knownNat) eb (BV.zero eb)        sb (BV.zero sb)
      "-zero" -> return $ ParsedFloatResult (BV.one knownNat)  eb (BV.zero eb)        sb (BV.zero sb)
      "NaN"   -> return $ ParsedFloatResult (BV.zero knownNat) eb (BV.maxUnsigned eb) sb (BV.maxUnsigned sb)
      _       -> fail $ "Could not parse float solver value: " ++ show s
parseFloatLitHelper s = fail $ "Could not parse float solver value: " ++ show s

parseBvArraySolverValue :: (MonadFail m,
                            1 <= w,
                            1 <= v)
                        => NatRepr w
                        -> NatRepr v
                        -> SExp
                        -> m (Maybe (GroundArray (Ctx.SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType v)))
parseBvArraySolverValue _ v (SApp [SApp ["as", "const", _], c]) = do
  c' <- parseBvSolverValue v c
  return . Just $ ArrayConcrete c' Map.empty
parseBvArraySolverValue w v (SApp ["store", arr, idx, val]) = do
  arr' <- parseBvArraySolverValue w v arr
  case arr' of
    Just (ArrayConcrete base m) -> do
      idx' <- B.BVIndexLit w <$> parseBvSolverValue w idx
      val' <- parseBvSolverValue v val
      return . Just $ ArrayConcrete base (Map.insert (Ctx.empty Ctx.:> idx') val' m)
    _ -> return Nothing
parseBvArraySolverValue _ _ _ = return Nothing

-- Session

-- | This is an interactive session with an SMT solver
data Session t a = Session
  { sessionWriter   :: !(WriterConn t (Writer a))
  , sessionResponse :: !(Streams.InputStream Text)

parseSMTLib2String :: AT.Parser Text
parseSMTLib2String = AT.char '\"' >> go
 go :: AT.Parser Text
 go = do xs <- AT.takeWhile (not . (=='\"'))
         _ <- AT.char '\"'
         (do _ <- AT.char '\"'
             ys <- go
             return (xs <> "\"" <> ys)
          ) <|> return xs

-- | Get a value from a solver (must be called after checkSat)
runGetValue :: SMTLib2Tweaks a
            => Session t a
            -> Term
            -> IO SExp
runGetValue s e = do
  writeGetValue (sessionWriter s) [ e ]
  msexp <- try $ Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) (sessionResponse s)
  case msexp of
    Left Streams.ParseException{} -> fail $ "Could not parse solver value."
    Right (SApp [SApp [_, b]]) -> return b
    Right sexp -> fail $ "Could not parse solver value:\n  " ++ show sexp

-- | This function runs a check sat command
runCheckSat :: forall b t a.
               SMTLib2Tweaks b
            => Session t b
            -> (SatResult (GroundEvalFn t, Maybe (ExprRangeBindings t)) () -> IO a)
               -- ^ Function for evaluating model.
               -- The evaluation should be complete before
            -> IO a
runCheckSat s doEval =
  do let w = sessionWriter s
         r = sessionResponse s
     addCommands w (checkCommands w)
     res <- smtSatResult w r
     case res of
       Unsat x -> doEval (Unsat x)
       Unknown -> doEval Unknown
       Sat _ ->
         do evalFn <- smtExprGroundEvalFn w (smtEvalFuns w r)
            doEval (Sat (evalFn, Nothing))

-- | Called when methods in the following instance encounter an exception
throwSMTLib2ParseError :: (Exception e) => Text -> SMT2.Command -> e -> m a
throwSMTLib2ParseError what cmd e =
  throw $ SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] $ Text.unlines
    [ Text.unwords ["Could not parse result from", what, "."]
    , "*** Exception: " <> Text.pack (displayException e)

instance SMTLib2Tweaks a => SMTReadWriter (Writer a) where
  smtEvalFuns w s = smtLibEvalFuns Session { sessionWriter = w
                                           , sessionResponse = s }

  smtSatResult p s =
    do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) s)
       case mb of
         Left (SomeException e) ->
            fail $ unlines [ "Could not parse check_sat result."
                           , "*** Exception: " ++ displayException e
         Right (SAtom "unsat") -> return (Unsat ())
         Right (SAtom "sat") -> return (Sat ())
         Right (SAtom "unknown") -> return Unknown
         Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (SMTLib2Error (head $ reverse (checkCommands p)) msg)
         Right res -> throw $ SMTLib2ParseError (checkCommands p) (Text.pack (show res))

  smtUnsatAssumptionsResult p s =
    do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) s)
       let cmd = getUnsatAssumptionsCommand p
       case mb of
         Right (asNegAtomList -> Just as) -> return as
         Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (SMTLib2Error cmd msg)
         Right res -> throw (SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] (Text.pack (show res)))
         Left (SomeException e) ->
           throwSMTLib2ParseError "unsat assumptions" cmd e

  smtUnsatCoreResult p s =
    do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) s)
       let cmd = getUnsatCoreCommand p
       case mb of
         Right (asAtomList -> Just nms) -> return nms
         Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (SMTLib2Error cmd msg)
         Right res -> throw (SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] (Text.pack (show res)))
         Left (SomeException e) ->
           throwSMTLib2ParseError "unsat core" cmd e

data SMTLib2Exception
  = SMTLib2Unsupported SMT2.Command
  | SMTLib2Error SMT2.Command Text
  | SMTLib2ParseError [SMT2.Command] Text

instance Show SMTLib2Exception where
  show (SMTLib2Unsupported (SMT2.Cmd cmd)) =
       [ "unsupported command:"
       , "  " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmd)
  show (SMTLib2Error (SMT2.Cmd cmd) msg) =
       [ "Solver reported an error:"
       , "  " ++ Text.unpack msg
       , "in response to command:"
       , "  " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmd)
  show (SMTLib2ParseError cmds msg) =
     unlines $
       [ "Could not parse solver response:"
       , "  " ++ Text.unpack msg
       , "in response to commands:"
       ] ++ map cmdToString cmds
       where cmdToString (SMT2.Cmd cmd) =
               "  " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmd)

instance Exception SMTLib2Exception

smtAckResult :: AcknowledgementAction t (Writer a)
smtAckResult = AckAction $ \conn cmd ->
  do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) (connInputHandle conn))
     case mb of
       Right (SAtom "success") -> return ()
       Right (SAtom "unsupported") -> throw (SMTLib2Unsupported cmd)
       Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (SMTLib2Error cmd msg)
       Right res -> throw (SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] (Text.pack (show res)))
       Left (SomeException e) -> throw $ SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] $ Text.pack $
               unlines [ "Could not parse acknowledgement result."
                       , "*** Exception: " ++ displayException e

smtLibEvalFuns ::
  forall t a. SMTLib2Tweaks a => Session t a -> SMTEvalFunctions (Writer a)
smtLibEvalFuns s = SMTEvalFunctions
                  { smtEvalBool = evalBool
                  , smtEvalBV = evalBV
                  , smtEvalReal = evalReal
                  , smtEvalFloat = evalFloat
                  , smtEvalBvArray = Just (SMTEvalBVArrayWrapper evalBvArray)
                  , smtEvalString = evalStr
  evalBool tm = parseBoolSolverValue =<< runGetValue s tm
  evalReal tm = parseRealSolverValue =<< runGetValue s tm
  evalStr tm = parseStringSolverValue =<< runGetValue s tm

  evalBV :: NatRepr w -> Term -> IO (BV.BV w)
  evalBV w tm = parseBvSolverValue w =<< runGetValue s tm

  evalFloat :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> Term -> IO (BV.BV (FloatPrecisionBits fpp))
  evalFloat fpp tm = parseFloatSolverValue fpp =<< runGetValue s tm

  evalBvArray :: SMTEvalBVArrayFn (Writer a) w v
  evalBvArray w v tm = parseBvArraySolverValue w v =<< runGetValue s tm

class (SMTLib2Tweaks a, Show a) => SMTLib2GenericSolver a where
  defaultSolverPath :: a -> B.ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO FilePath

  defaultSolverArgs :: a -> B.ExprBuilder t st fs -> IO [String]

  defaultFeatures :: a -> ProblemFeatures

  getErrorBehavior :: a -> WriterConn t (Writer a) -> Streams.InputStream Text -> IO ErrorBehavior
  getErrorBehavior _ _ _ = return ImmediateExit

  supportsResetAssertions :: a -> Bool
  supportsResetAssertions _ = False

  setDefaultLogicAndOptions :: WriterConn t (Writer a) -> IO()

    :: a ->
       AcknowledgementAction t (Writer a) ->
       ProblemFeatures ->
       B.ExprBuilder t st fs ->
       Streams.OutputStream Text ->
       Streams.InputStream Text ->
       IO (WriterConn t (Writer a))
  newDefaultWriter solver ack feats sym h in_h =
    newWriter solver h in_h ack (show solver) True feats True
      =<< B.getSymbolVarBimap sym

  -- | Run the solver in a session.
    :: a
    -> AcknowledgementAction t (Writer a)
    -> ProblemFeatures
    -> B.ExprBuilder t st fs
    -> FilePath
      -- ^ Path to solver executable
    -> LogData
    -> (Session t a -> IO b)
      -- ^ Action to run
    -> IO b
  withSolver solver ack feats sym path logData action = do
    args <- defaultSolverArgs solver sym
    withProcessHandles path args Nothing $
      \hdls@(in_h, out_h, err_h, _ph) -> do

        (in_stream, out_stream, err_reader) <-
          demuxProcessHandles in_h out_h err_h
            (fmap (\x -> ("; ", x)) $ logHandle logData)

        writer <- newDefaultWriter solver ack feats sym in_stream out_stream
        let s = Session
              { sessionWriter   = writer
              , sessionResponse = out_stream

        -- Set solver logic and solver-specific options
        setDefaultLogicAndOptions writer

        -- Run action with session.
        r <- action s
        -- Tell solver to exit
        writeExit writer

        stopHandleReader err_reader

        ec <- cleanupProcess hdls
        case ec of
          Exit.ExitSuccess -> return r
          Exit.ExitFailure exit_code -> fail $
            show solver ++ " exited with unexpected code: " ++ show exit_code

    :: a
    -> AcknowledgementAction t (Writer a)
    -> ProblemFeatures
    -> B.ExprBuilder t st fs
    -> LogData
    -> [B.BoolExpr t]
    -> (SatResult (GroundEvalFn t, Maybe (ExprRangeBindings t)) () -> IO b)
    -> IO b
  runSolverInOverride solver ack feats sym logData predicates cont = do
    I.logSolverEvent sym
        { I.satQuerySolverName = show solver
        , I.satQueryReason     = logReason logData
    path <- defaultSolverPath solver sym
    withSolver solver ack feats sym path (logData{logVerbosity=2}) $ \session -> do
      -- Assume the predicates hold.
      forM_ predicates (SMTWriter.assume (sessionWriter session))
      -- Run check SAT and get the model back.
      runCheckSat session $ \result -> do
        I.logSolverEvent sym
            { I.satQueryResult = forgetModelAndCore result
            , I.satQueryError  = Nothing
        cont result

-- | A default method for writing SMTLib2 problems without any
--   solver-specific tweaks.
writeDefaultSMT2 :: SMTLib2Tweaks a
                 => a
                 -> String
                    -- ^ Name of solver for reporting.
                 -> ProblemFeatures
                    -- ^ Features supported by solver
                 -> B.ExprBuilder t st fs
                 -> IO.Handle
                 -> [B.BoolExpr t]
                 -> IO ()
writeDefaultSMT2 a nm feat sym h ps = do
  bindings <- B.getSymbolVarBimap sym
  str <- Streams.encodeUtf8 =<< Streams.handleToOutputStream h
  null_in <- Streams.nullInput
  c <- newWriter a str null_in nullAcknowledgementAction nm True feat True bindings
  setProduceModels c True
  forM_ ps (SMTWriter.assume c)
  writeCheckSat c
  writeExit c

  :: SMTLib2GenericSolver a
  => a
  -> AcknowledgementAction t (Writer a)
        -- ^ Action for acknowledging command responses
  -> (WriterConn t (Writer a) -> IO ()) -- ^ Action for setting start-up-time options and logic
  -> ProblemFeatures
  -> Maybe IO.Handle
  -> B.ExprBuilder t st fs
  -> IO (SolverProcess t (Writer a))
startSolver solver ack setup feats auxOutput sym = do
  path <- defaultSolverPath solver sym
  args <- defaultSolverArgs solver sym
  hdls@(in_h, out_h, err_h, ph) <- startProcess path args Nothing

  (in_stream, out_stream, err_reader) <-
     demuxProcessHandles in_h out_h err_h
       (fmap (\x -> ("; ", x)) auxOutput)

  -- Create writer
  writer <- newDefaultWriter solver ack feats sym in_stream out_stream

  -- Set solver logic and solver-specific options
  setup writer

  -- Query the solver for it's error behavior
  errBeh <- getErrorBehavior solver writer out_stream

  earlyUnsatRef <- newIORef Nothing

  -- push an initial frame for solvers that don't support reset
  unless (supportsResetAssertions solver) (addCommand writer (SMT2.push 1))

  return $! SolverProcess
            { solverConn     = writer
            , solverCleanupCallback = cleanupProcess hdls
            , solverStdin    = in_stream
            , solverStderr   = err_reader
            , solverHandle   = ph
            , solverErrorBehavior = errBeh
            , solverResponse = out_stream
            , solverEvalFuns = smtEvalFuns writer out_stream
            , solverLogFn    = I.logSolverEvent sym
            , solverName     = show solver
            , solverEarlyUnsat = earlyUnsatRef
            , solverSupportsResetAssertions = supportsResetAssertions solver

  :: SMTLib2GenericSolver a => a -> SolverProcess t (Writer a) -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, Lazy.Text)
shutdownSolver _solver p = do
  -- Tell solver to exit
  writeExit (solverConn p)
  txt <- readAllLines (solverStderr p)
  stopHandleReader (solverStderr p)
  ec <- solverCleanupCallback p
  return (ec,txt)

-- Checking solver version bounds

mkChunks :: [Word] -> [Versions.VChunk]
mkChunks = map ((:[]) . Versions.Digits)

-- | The minimum (inclusive) version bound for a given solver.
-- The keys come from @'smtWriterName'@ in @'WriterConn'@.
-- See also https://github.com/GaloisInc/crucible/issues/194
solverMinVersions :: Map String Version
solverMinVersions =
  [ -- TODO: Why is this verion required?
    ( "Yices"
    , Version { _vEpoch = Nothing, _vChunks = mkChunks [2, 6, 1], _vRel = []}

-- | The maximum (non-inclusive) version bound for a given solver.
-- The keys come from @'smtWriterName'@ in @'WriterConn'@.
solverMaxVersions :: Map String Version
solverMaxVersions = []

-- | Things that can go wrong while checking which solver version we've got
data SolverVersionCheckError =
  UnparseableVersion Versions.ParsingError

ppSolverVersionCheckError :: SolverVersionCheckError -> PP.Doc
ppSolverVersionCheckError =
  (PP.text "Unexpected error while checking solver version: " PP.<$$>) .
    UnparseableVersion parseErr -> PP.cat $ map PP.text
      [ "Couldn't parse solver version number: "
      , show parseErr

data SolverVersionError =
  { vMin :: Maybe Version
  , vMax :: Maybe Version
  , vActual :: Version
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

ppSolverVersionError :: SolverVersionError -> PP.Doc
ppSolverVersionError err = PP.vcat $ map PP.text
  [ "Solver did not meet version bound restrictions: "
  , "Lower bound (inclusive): " ++ na (show <$> vMin err)
  , "Upper bound (non-inclusive): " ++ na (show <$> vMax err)
  , "Actual version: " ++ show (vActual err)
  where na (Just s) = s
        na Nothing  = "n/a"

-- | Get the result of a version query
nameResult :: SMTReadWriter h => f h -> Streams.InputStream Text -> IO Text
nameResult _ s =
  let cmd = SMT2.getName
    tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) s) >>=
        Right (SApp [SAtom ":name", SString nm]) -> pure nm
        Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (SMTLib2Error cmd msg)
        Right res -> throw (SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] (Text.pack (show res)))
        Left (SomeException e) ->
          throwSMTLib2ParseError "name query" cmd e

-- | Query the solver's error behavior setting
queryErrorBehavior :: SMTLib2Tweaks a =>
  WriterConn t (Writer a) -> Streams.InputStream Text -> IO ErrorBehavior
queryErrorBehavior conn resp =
  do let cmd = SMT2.getErrorBehavior
     writeCommand conn cmd
     tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) resp) >>=
         Right (SApp [SAtom ":error-behavior", SAtom "continued-execution"]) -> return ContinueOnError
         Right (SApp [SAtom ":error-behavior", SAtom "immediate-exit"]) -> return ImmediateExit
         Right res -> throw (SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] (Text.pack (show res)))
         Left (SomeException e) -> throwSMTLib2ParseError "error behavior query" cmd e

-- | Get the result of a version query
versionResult :: SMTReadWriter h => f h -> Streams.InputStream Text -> IO Text
versionResult _ s =
  let cmd = SMT2.getVersion
    tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseSMTLib2String) s) >>=
        Right (SApp [SAtom ":version", SString ver]) -> pure ver
        Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (SMTLib2Error cmd msg)
        Right res -> throw (SMTLib2ParseError [cmd] (Text.pack (show res)))
        Left (SomeException e) ->
          throwSMTLib2ParseError "version query" cmd e

-- | Ensure the solver's version falls within a known-good range.
checkSolverVersion' :: SMTLib2Tweaks solver =>
  Map String Version {- ^ min version bounds (inclusive) -} ->
  Map String Version {- ^ max version bounds (non-inclusive) -} ->
  SolverProcess scope (Writer solver) ->
  IO (Either SolverVersionCheckError (Maybe SolverVersionError))
checkSolverVersion' mins maxes proc =
  let conn = solverConn proc
      name = smtWriterName conn
      min0 = Map.lookup name mins
      max0 = Map.lookup name maxes
      verr = pure . Right . Just . SolverVersionError min0 max0
      done = pure (Right Nothing)
    case (min0, max0) of
      (Nothing, Nothing) -> done
      (p, q) -> do
        getVersion conn
        res <- versionResult conn (solverResponse proc)
        case Versions.version res of
          Left e -> pure (Left (UnparseableVersion e))
          Right actualVer ->
            case (p, q) of
              -- This case is handled in the above case block
              (Nothing, Nothing) -> error "What4/SMTLIB2: Impossible"
              (Nothing, Just maxVer) ->
                if actualVer < maxVer then done else verr actualVer
              (Just minVer, Nothing) ->
                if minVer <= actualVer then done else verr actualVer
              (Just minVer, Just maxVer) ->
                if minVer <= actualVer && actualVer < maxVer
                then done
                else verr actualVer

-- | Ensure the solver's version falls within a known-good range.
checkSolverVersion :: SMTLib2Tweaks solver =>
  SolverProcess scope (Writer solver) ->
  IO (Either SolverVersionCheckError (Maybe SolverVersionError))
checkSolverVersion =
  checkSolverVersion' solverMinVersions solverMaxVersions