This module defines types and operations for parsing results from SMTLIB2.

It does not depend on the rest of What4 so that it can be used
directly by clients interested in generating SMTLIB without depending
on the What4 formula interface.  All the type constructors are exposed
so that clients can generate new values that are not exposed through
this interface.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module What4.Protocol.SMTLib2.Parse
  ( -- * CheckSatResponse
  , readCheckSatResponse
    -- * GetModelResonse
  , GetModelResponse
  , readGetModelResponse
  , ModelResponse(..)
  , DefineFun(..)
  , Symbol
    -- ** Sorts
  , Sort(..)
  , pattern Bool
  , pattern Int
  , pattern Real
  , pattern RoundingMode
  , pattern Array
    -- ** Terms
  , Term(..)
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail

import           Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import           Data.Char
import           Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
import           Data.Ratio
import           Data.String
import           Data.Word
import           System.IO

c2b :: Char -> Word8
c2b = fromIntegral . fromEnum

-- Parser definitions

-- | A parser monad that just reads from a handle.
-- We use our own parser rather than Attoparsec or some other library
-- so that we can incrementally request characters.
-- We likely could replace this with Attoparsec by assuming that
-- SMTLIB solvers always end their output responses with newlines, or
-- feeding output one character at a time.
newtype Parser a = Parser { unParser :: ReaderT Handle IO a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative)

instance Monad Parser where
  Parser m >>= h = Parser $ m >>= unParser . h
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
  fail = Control.Monad.Fail.fail

instance MonadFail Parser where
  fail = error

runParser :: Handle -> Parser a -> IO a
runParser h (Parser f) = runReaderT f h

parseChar :: Parser Char
parseChar = Parser $ ReaderT $ hGetChar

-- | Peek ahead to get the next character.
peekChar :: Parser Char
peekChar = Parser $ ReaderT $ hLookAhead

dropChar :: Parser ()
dropChar = Parser $ ReaderT $ \h -> hGetChar h *> pure ()

-- | Drop characters until we get a non-whitespace character.
dropWhitespace :: Parser ()
dropWhitespace = do
  c <- peekChar
  if isSpace c then do
    dropChar >> dropWhitespace
    pure ()

-- | Drop whitespace, and if next character matches expected return,
-- otherwise fail.
matchChar :: Char -> Parser ()
matchChar expected = do
  c <- parseChar
  if c == expected then
    pure ()
   else if isSpace c then
    matchChar expected
    fail $ "Unexpected input char " ++ show c ++ "(expected " ++ show expected ++ ")"

-- | Drop whitespace until we reach the given string.
matchString :: BS.ByteString -> Parser ()
matchString expected = do
  found <- Parser $ ReaderT $ \h -> BS.hGet h (BS.length expected)
  when (found /= expected) $ do
    fail $ "Unexpected string " ++ show found ++ "(expected " ++ show expected ++ ")"

parseUntilCloseParen' :: [a] -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
parseUntilCloseParen' prev p = do
  c <- peekChar
  if isSpace c then
    dropChar >> parseUntilCloseParen' prev p
   else if c == ')' then
    dropChar *> pure (reverse prev)
   else do
    p >>= \n -> parseUntilCloseParen' (n:prev) p

-- | @parseUntilCloseParen p@ will drop whitespace characters, and
-- run @p@
parseUntilCloseParen :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
parseUntilCloseParen = parseUntilCloseParen' []

-- | @takeChars' p prev h@ prepends characters read from @h@ to @prev@
-- until @p@ is false, and returns the resulting string.
takeChars' :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Word8] -> Parser [Word8]
takeChars' p prev = do
  c <- peekChar
  if p c then do
    _ <- parseChar
    takeChars' p (c2b c:prev)
   else do
    pure $! prev

-- | @takeChars p@ returns the bytestring formed by reading
-- characters until @p@ is false.
takeChars :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser BS.ByteString
takeChars p = do
  l <- takeChars' p []
  pure $! BS.pack (reverse l)

instance IsString (Parser ()) where
  fromString = matchString . fromString

-- | Parse a quoted string.
parseQuotedString :: Parser String
parseQuotedString = do
  matchChar '"'
  l <- takeChars (/= '"')
  matchChar '"'
  pure $ UTF8.toString l

-- | Defines common operations for parsing SMTLIB results.
class CanParse a where
  -- | Parser for values of this type.
  parse :: Parser a

  -- | Read from a handle.
  readFromHandle :: Handle -> IO a
  readFromHandle h = runParser h parse

-- Parse check-sat definitions

-- | Result of check-sat and check-sat-assuming
data CheckSatResponse
   = SatResponse
   | UnsatResponse
   | UnknownResponse
   | CheckSatUnsupported
   | CheckSatError !String

instance CanParse CheckSatResponse where
  parse = do
    isParen <- checkParen
    if isParen then do
      matchString "error"
      msg <- parseQuotedString
      pure (CheckSatError msg)
      matchApp [ ("sat",     pure SatResponse)
               , ("unsat",   pure UnsatResponse)
               , ("unknown", pure UnknownResponse)
               , ("unsupported", pure CheckSatUnsupported)

-- | Read the results of a @(check-sat)@ request.
readCheckSatResponse :: Handle -> IO CheckSatResponse
readCheckSatResponse = readFromHandle

-- Parse get-model definitions

-- | An SMT symbol
newtype Symbol = Symbol BS.ByteString
  deriving (Eq)

instance Show Symbol where
  show (Symbol s) = show s

instance IsString Symbol where
  fromString = Symbol . fromString

symbolCharSet :: HashSet Char
symbolCharSet = HSet.fromList
  $  ['A'..'Z']
  ++ ['a'..'z']
  ++ ['0'..'9']
  ++ ['~', '!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '_', '-', '+', '=', '<', '>', '.', '?', '/']

initialSymbolCharSet :: HashSet Char
initialSymbolCharSet = symbolCharSet `HSet.difference` (HSet.fromList ['0'..'9'])

generalReservedWords :: HashSet BS.ByteString
generalReservedWords = HSet.fromList $
  [ "!"
  , "_"
  , "as"
  , "BINARY"
  , "exists"
  , "forall"
  , "let"
  , "match"
  , "par"
  , "STRING"

commandNames :: HashSet BS.ByteString
commandNames = HSet.fromList $
  [ "assert"
  , "check-sat"
  , "check-sat-assuming"
  , "declare-const"
  , "declare-datatype"
  , "declare-datatypes"
  , "declare-fun"
  , "declare-sort"
  , "define-fun"
  , "define-fun-rec"
  , "define-sort"
  , "echo"
  , "exit"
  , "get-assertions"
  , "get-assignment"
  , "get-info"
  , "get-model"
  , "get-option"
  , "get-proof"
  , "get-unsat-assumptions"
  , "get-unsat-core"
  , "get-value"
  , "pop"
  , "push"
  , "reset"
  , "reset-assertions"
  , "set-info"
  , "set-logic"
  , "set-option"

reservedWords :: HashSet BS.ByteString
reservedWords = HSet.union generalReservedWords commandNames

instance CanParse Symbol where
  parse = do
    c0 <- peekChar
    if c0 == '|' then do
      r <- takeChars' (`notElem` ['|', '/']) [c2b c0]
      ce <- peekChar
      when (ce /= '|') $ do
        fail $ "Unexpected character " ++ show ce ++ " inside symbol."
      pure $! Symbol (BS.pack $ reverse (c2b ce:r))
     else if HSet.member c0 initialSymbolCharSet then do
      r <- BS.pack . reverse <$> takeChars' (`HSet.member` symbolCharSet) [c2b c0]
      when (HSet.member r reservedWords) $ do
        fail $ "Symbol cannot be reserved word " ++ show r
      pure $! Symbol r
     else do
      fail $ "Unexpected character " ++ show c0 ++ " starting symbol."

-- | This skips whitespace than reads in the next alphabetic or dash
-- characters.
matchApp :: [(BS.ByteString, Parser a)] -> Parser a
matchApp actions = do
  let allowedChar c = 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || c == '-'
  w <- takeChars allowedChar
  case filter (\(m,_p) -> m == w) actions of
    [] -> do
      w' <- takeChars (\c -> c `notElem` ['\r', '\n'])
      fail $ "Unsupported keyword: " ++ UTF8.toString (w <> w')
    [(_,p)] -> p
    _:_:_ -> fail $ "internal error: Duplicate keywords " ++ show w

openParen :: Parser ()
openParen = matchChar '('

closeParen :: Parser ()
closeParen = matchChar ')'

-- | Read in whitespace, and then if next character is a paren
checkParen :: Parser Bool
checkParen = do
  c <- peekChar
  if c == '(' then
    dropChar >> pure True
   else if isSpace c then
    parseChar >> checkParen
    pure False

-- | An SMT sort.
data Sort
  = Sort Symbol [Sort]
    -- ^ A named sort with the given arguments.
  | BitVec !Integer
    -- ^ A bitvector with the given width.
  | FloatingPoint !Integer !Integer
    -- ^ floating point with exponent bits followed by significand bit.

pattern Bool :: Sort
pattern Bool = Sort "Bool" []

pattern Int :: Sort
pattern Int = Sort "Int" []

pattern Real :: Sort
pattern Real = Sort "Real" []

pattern RoundingMode :: Sort
pattern RoundingMode = Sort "RoundingMode" []

pattern Array :: Sort -> Sort -> Sort
pattern Array x y = Sort "Array" [x,y]

parseDecimal' :: Integer -> Parser Integer
parseDecimal' cur = do
  c <- peekChar
  if '0' <= c && c <= '9' then do
    parseDecimal' $! 10 * cur + toInteger (fromEnum c - fromEnum '0')
    pure cur

-- | Parse the next characters as a decimal number.
-- Note. No whitespace may proceed the number.
parseDecimal ::Parser Integer
parseDecimal = parseDecimal' 0

instance CanParse Integer where
  parse = dropWhitespace *> parseDecimal

instance CanParse Sort where
  parse = do
    isParen <- checkParen
    if isParen then do
      sym <- parse
      if sym == "_" then do
        r <- matchApp [ (,) "BitVec" (BitVec <$> parse)
                      , (,) "FloatingPoint" (FloatingPoint <$> parse <*> parse)
        pure r
        Sort sym <$> parseUntilCloseParen parse
     else do
      sym <- parse
      pure $! Sort sym []

-- | This denotes an SMTLIB term over a fixed vocabulary.
data Term
   = SymbolTerm !Symbol
   | AsConst !Sort !Term
   | BVTerm !Integer !Integer
   | IntTerm !Integer
     -- ^ @IntTerm v@ denotes the SMTLIB expression @v@ if @v >= 0@ and @(- `(negate v))
     -- otherwise.
   | RatTerm !Rational
     -- ^ @RatTerm r@ denotes the SMTLIB expression @(/ `(numerator r) `(denomator r))@.
   | StoreTerm !Term !Term !Term
     -- ^ @StoreTerm a i v@ denotes the SMTLIB expression @(store a i v)@.
   | IfEqTerm !Symbol !Term !Term !Term
     -- ^ @IfEqTerm v c t f@ denotes the SMTLIB expression @(ite (= v c) t f)@.

parseIntegerTerm :: Parser Integer
parseIntegerTerm = do
  isParen <- checkParen
  if isParen then do
    matchString "-"
    r <- parse
    pure $! negate r
   else do

parseEq :: Parser (Symbol, Term)
parseEq = do
  matchString "="
  var <- parse
  val <- parse
  pure (var,val)

parseTermApp :: Parser Term
parseTermApp = do
  -- Look for (as const tp) as argument
  isParen <- checkParen
  if isParen then do
    matchString "as"
    matchString "const"
    r <- AsConst <$> parse <*> parse
    pure $! r
   else do
    op <- parse :: Parser Symbol
    case op of
      "_" -> do
        matchString "bv"
        BVTerm <$> parseDecimal <*> parse
      "/" -> do
        num <- parseIntegerTerm
        den <- parse
        when (den == 0) $ fail $ "Model contains divide-by-zero"
        pure $ RatTerm (num % den)
      "-" -> do
        IntTerm . negate <$> parse
      "store" ->
        StoreTerm <$> parse <*> parse <*> parse
      "ite" -> do
        (var,val) <- parseEq
        t <- parse
        f <- parse
        pure $ IfEqTerm var val t f
      _ -> do
        fail $ "Unsupported operator symbol " ++ show op

instance CanParse Term where
  parse = do
    c <- peekChar
    if c == '(' then do
      t <- parseTermApp
      pure $! t
     else if isDigit c then
      IntTerm <$> parseDecimal
     else if c == '@' then
      SymbolTerm <$> parse
      fail $ "Could not parse term"

data DefineFun = DefineFun { funSymbol :: !Symbol
                           , funArgs :: ![(Symbol, Sort)]
                           , funResultSort :: !Sort
                           , funDef :: !Term

-- | A line in the model response
data ModelResponse
   = DeclareSortResponse !Symbol !Integer
   | DefineFunResponse !DefineFun

parseSortedVar :: Parser (Symbol, Sort)
parseSortedVar = openParen *> ((,) <$> parse <*> parse) <* closeParen

-- | Parses ⟨symbol⟩ ( ⟨sorted_var⟩* ) ⟨sort⟩ ⟨term⟩
parseDefineFun :: Parser DefineFun
parseDefineFun = do
  sym <- parse
  args <- openParen *> parseUntilCloseParen parseSortedVar
  res <- parse
  def <- parse
  pure $! DefineFun { funSymbol = sym
                    , funArgs = args
                    , funResultSort = res
                    , funDef = def

instance CanParse ModelResponse where
  parse = do
    r <- matchApp [ (,) "declare-sort"    $ DeclareSortResponse <$> parse <*> parse
                  , (,) "define-fun"      $ DefineFunResponse <$> parseDefineFun
                  , (,) "define-fun-rec"  $ fail "Do not yet support define-fun-rec"
                  , (,) "define-funs-rec" $ fail "Do not yet support define-funs-rec"
    pure $! r

-- | The parsed declarations and definitions returned by "(get-model)"
type GetModelResponse = [ModelResponse]

-- | This reads the model response from a "(get-model)" request.
readGetModelResponse :: Handle -> IO GetModelResponse
readGetModelResponse h =
  runParser h $
    openParen *> parseUntilCloseParen parse