waterfall-cad- Declarative CAD/Solid Modeling Library
Safe HaskellNone




data Solid Source #

The Boundary Representation of a solid object.

Alternatively, a region of 3d Space.

Under the hood, this is represented by an OpenCascade Shape. The underlying shape should either be a Solid, or a CompSolid.

While you shouldn't need to know what this means to use the library, please feel free to report a bug if you're able to construct a Solid where this isnt' the case (without using internal functions).


Instances details
Monoid Solid Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Internal.Solid


mempty :: Solid #

mappend :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid #

mconcat :: [Solid] -> Solid #

Semigroup Solid Source #

While Solid could form a Semigroup via either union or intersection. the default Semigroup is from union.

The Semigroup from intersection can be obtained using Meet from the lattices package.

Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Internal.Solid


(<>) :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Solid -> Solid #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Solid -> Solid #

BoundedJoinSemiLattice Solid Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Internal.Solid


bottom :: Solid #

Lattice Solid Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Internal.Solid


(\/) :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid #

(/\) :: Solid -> Solid -> Solid #

Transformable Solid Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Transforms

nowhere :: Solid Source #

An empty solid

Be warned that complement nowhere does not appear to work correctly.

unitCube :: Solid Source #

A cube with side lengths of 1, one vertex on the origin, another on \( (1, 1, 1) \)

centeredCube :: Solid Source #

A cube with side lengths of 1, centered on the origin

box :: V3 Double -> Solid Source #

A cuboid, one vertex on the origin, another on a given point

unitSphere :: Solid Source #

A sphere with radius of 1, centered on the origin

unitCylinder :: Solid Source #

A cylinder with radius 1, length 1, one of it's circular faces centered on the origin, the other centered on \( (0, 0, 1) \)

centeredCylinder :: Solid Source #

A cylinder with radius 1, length 1, centered on the origin,

unitCone :: Solid Source #

A cone With a point at the origin and a circular face with Radius 1, centered on \( (0, 1, 1) \)

prism :: Double -> Shape -> Solid Source #

Extruded a 2D face into a prism with a given length \(len\).

One of the prisms faces lies on the plane \(z = 0\), the other on the plane \(z = len\).