waterfall-cad- Declarative CAD/Solid Modeling Library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




class Transformable2D a Source #

Typeclass for objects that can be manipulated in 2D space

Minimal complete definition

rotate2D, scale2D, uScale2D, translate2D

rotate2D :: Transformable2D a => Double -> a -> a Source #

Rotate by an angle (in radians) about the origin

scale2D :: Transformable2D a => V2 Double -> a -> a Source #

Scale by different amounts along the x and y axes

uScale2D :: Transformable2D a => Double -> a -> a Source #

Scale uniformally along both axes

translate2D :: Transformable2D a => V2 Double -> a -> a Source #

Translate by a distance in 2D space