wai-slack-middleware-0.2.0: A Slack middleware for WAI

Safe HaskellNone





Settings are controlled via the type SlackConfig:

import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
let slackConfig = SlackConfig {
    webHookUrl = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxx/xxxxxxxx",
    httpManager = appHttpManager foundation,
    responseFilter = \resp -> status400 == responseStatus resp,
    requestFilter = \_ -> True

The above configuration will send slack notification for all 400 http status code.

Integration with Yesod Scaffolding templates

Go to Application.hs and change the makeApplication function to something like this:

makeApplication :: App -> IO Application
makeApplication foundation = do
  logWare <- makeLogWare foundation
  let slackConfig = SlackConfig {
                               webHookUrl = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxxxxxx",
                               httpManager = appHttpManager foundation,
                               responseFilter = \resp -> status400 == responseStatus resp,
                               requestFilter = \_ -> True
  -- Create the WAI application and apply middlewares
  appPlain <- toWaiAppPlain foundation
  return $ slack slackConfig $ logWare $ defaultMiddlewaresNoLogging appPlain

data SlackConfig Source #

Slack configuration for the middleware. Slack notification will be emitted only if this evaluates to True: responseFilter && requestFilter. This comes handy in situations where you don't want to send notifications for certain Requests even if responseFilter results in True.




slack :: SlackConfig -> Middleware Source #

Slack middleware for Wai. Use the logStatus to control on which status you want to log the request information in Slack.