{-# language Strict #-}
{-# language CPP #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group_creation
  , vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups
  , VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties(..)
  , VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo(..)
  ) where

import Data.Vector.Storable.Sized
  ( Vector
import Data.Word
  ( Word32
import Foreign.Ptr
  ( Ptr
  , plusPtr
import Foreign.Storable
  ( Storable
  , Storable(..)
import Graphics.Vulkan.NamedType
  ( (:::)

import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core
  ( VkBool32(..)
  , VkResult(..)
  , VkStructureType(..)
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization
  ( VkMemoryHeapFlagBits(..)
  , VkInstance
  , VkPhysicalDevice

-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_GROUP_PROPERTIES"
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_GROUP_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO"
-- | @VK_MEMORY_HEAP_MULTI_INSTANCE_BIT@ specifies that in a logical device
-- representing more than one physical device, there is a per-physical
-- device instance of the heap memory. By default, an allocation from such
-- a heap will be replicated to each physical device’s instance of the
-- heap.
pattern VK_MEMORY_HEAP_MULTI_INSTANCE_BIT = VkMemoryHeapFlagBits 0x00000002
-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE"
-- No documentation found for Nested "Integral a => a" "VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE"
pattern VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE :: Integral a => a
-- | vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups - Enumerates groups of physical devices
-- that can be used to create a single logical device
-- = Parameters
-- -   @instance@ is a handle to a Vulkan instance previously created with
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.vkCreateInstance'.
-- -   @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ is a pointer to an integer related to
--     the number of device groups available or queried, as described
--     below.
-- -   @pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@ is either @NULL@ or a pointer to an
--     array of 'VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties' structures.
-- = Description
-- If @pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@ is @NULL@, then the number of device
-- groups available is returned in @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@. Otherwise,
-- @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ /must/ point to a variable set by the user
-- to the number of elements in the @pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@ array,
-- and on return the variable is overwritten with the number of structures
-- actually written to @pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@. If
-- @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ is less than the number of device groups
-- available, at most @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ structures will be
-- written. If @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ is smaller than the number of
-- device groups available, @VK_INCOMPLETE@ will be returned instead of
-- @VK_SUCCESS@, to indicate that not all the available device groups were
-- returned.
-- Every physical device /must/ be in exactly one device group.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @instance@ /must/ be a valid @VkInstance@ handle
-- -   @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a
--     @uint32_t@ value
-- -   If the value referenced by @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@ is not @0@,
--     and @pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@ is not @NULL@,
--     @pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@ /must/ be a valid pointer to an
--     array of @pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount@
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties@ structures
-- == Return Codes
-- [[Success](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-successcodes)]
--     -   @VK_SUCCESS@
--     -   @VK_INCOMPLETE@
-- [[Failure](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-errorcodes)]
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkInstance',
-- 'VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties'
foreign import ccall
#if !defined(SAFE_FOREIGN_CALLS)
  "vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups" vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups :: ("instance" ::: VkInstance) -> ("pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount" ::: Ptr Word32) -> ("pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties" ::: Ptr VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties) -> IO VkResult
-- | VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties - Structure specifying physical device
-- group properties
-- = See Also
-- @VkBool32@,
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkPhysicalDevice',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType',
-- 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_device_group_creation.vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR'
data VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties = VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @physicalDeviceCount@ is the number of physical devices in the group.
  vkPhysicalDeviceCount :: Word32
  , -- | @physicalDevices@ is an array of physical device handles representing
  -- all physical devices in the group. The first @physicalDeviceCount@
  -- elements of the array will be valid.
  vkPhysicalDevices :: Vector VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE VkPhysicalDevice
  , -- | @subsetAllocation@ specifies whether logical devices created from the
  -- group support allocating device memory on a subset of devices, via the
  -- @deviceMask@ member of the
  -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group.VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo'.
  -- If this is @VK_FALSE@, then all device memory allocations are made
  -- across all physical devices in the group. If @physicalDeviceCount@ is
  -- @1@, then @subsetAllocation@ /must/ be @VK_FALSE@.
  vkSubsetAllocation :: VkBool32
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties where
  sizeOf ~_ = 288
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                             <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                             <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                             <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24)
                                             <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 280)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkPhysicalDeviceCount (poked :: VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkPhysicalDevices (poked :: VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 280) (vkSubsetAllocation (poked :: VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties))
-- | VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo - Create a logical device from multiple
-- physical devices
-- = Description
-- The elements of the @pPhysicalDevices@ array are an ordered list of the
-- physical devices that the logical device represents. These /must/ be a
-- subset of a single device group, and need not be in the same order as
-- they were enumerated. The order of the physical devices in the
-- @pPhysicalDevices@ array determines the /device index/ of each physical
-- device, with element i being assigned a device index of i. Certain
-- commands and structures refer to one or more physical devices by using
-- device indices or /device masks/ formed using device indices.
-- A logical device created without using @VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo@,
-- or with @physicalDeviceCount@ equal to zero, is equivalent to a
-- @physicalDeviceCount@ of one and @pPhysicalDevices@ pointing to the
-- @physicalDevice@ parameter to
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Device.vkCreateDevice'. In particular, the
-- device index of that physical device is zero.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   Each element of @pPhysicalDevices@ /must/ be unique
-- -   All elements of @pPhysicalDevices@ /must/ be in the same device
--     group as enumerated by 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups'
-- -   If @physicalDeviceCount@ is not @0@, the @physicalDevice@ parameter
--     of 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Device.vkCreateDevice' /must/ be an
--     element of @pPhysicalDevices@.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @sType@ /must/ be
-- -   If @physicalDeviceCount@ is not @0@, @pPhysicalDevices@ /must/ be a
--     valid pointer to an array of @physicalDeviceCount@ valid
--     @VkPhysicalDevice@ handles
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkPhysicalDevice',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType'
data VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo = VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @physicalDeviceCount@ is the number of elements in the
  -- @pPhysicalDevices@ array.
  vkPhysicalDeviceCount :: Word32
  , -- | @pPhysicalDevices@ is an array of physical device handles belonging to
  -- the same device group.
  vkPPhysicalDevices :: Ptr VkPhysicalDevice
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo where
  sizeOf ~_ = 32
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                           <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                           <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                           <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkPhysicalDeviceCount (poked :: VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkPPhysicalDevices (poked :: VkDeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo))