{-# language Strict #-}
{-# language CPP #-}
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group
  ( VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits(..)
  , VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits(..)
  , vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures
  , vkCmdSetDeviceMask
  , vkCmdDispatchBase
  , VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo(..)
  , VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo(..)
  , VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo(..)
  , VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo(..)
  , VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo(..)
  , VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags
  , VkMemoryAllocateFlags
  ) where

import Data.Bits
  ( Bits
  , FiniteBits
import Data.Word
  ( Word32
import Foreign.Ptr
  ( plusPtr
  , Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
  ( Storable(..)
  , Storable
import GHC.Read
  ( expectP
  , choose
import Graphics.Vulkan.NamedType
  ( (:::)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec
  ( (+++)
  , prec
  , step
import Text.Read
  ( Read(..)
  , parens
import Text.Read.Lex
  ( Lexeme(Ident)

import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core
  ( VkStructureType(..)
  , VkFlags
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization
  ( VkDevice
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Pass
  ( VkDependencyFlagBits(..)
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Pipeline
  ( VkRect2D(..)
  , VkPipelineCreateFlagBits(..)
import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue
  ( VkCommandBuffer

-- ** VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits

-- | VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits - Bitmask specifying supported peer memory
-- features
-- = Description
-- -   @VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_SRC_BIT@ specifies that the memory
--     /can/ be accessed as the source of a @vkCmdCopyBuffer@,
--     @vkCmdCopyImage@, @vkCmdCopyBufferToImage@, or
--     @vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer@ command.
-- -   @VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_DST_BIT@ specifies that the memory
--     /can/ be accessed as the destination of a @vkCmdCopyBuffer@,
--     @vkCmdCopyImage@, @vkCmdCopyBufferToImage@, or
--     @vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer@ command.
-- -   @VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_SRC_BIT@ specifies that the memory
--     /can/ be read as any memory access type.
-- -   @VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_DST_BIT@ specifies that the memory
--     /can/ be written as any memory access type. Shader atomics are
--     considered to be writes.
-- __Note__
-- The peer memory features of a memory heap also apply to any accesses
-- that /may/ be performed during [image layout
-- transitions](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-image-layout-transitions).
-- @VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_DST_BIT@ /must/ be supported for all host
-- local heaps and for at least one device local heap.
-- If a device does not support a peer memory feature, it is still valid to
-- use a resource that includes both local and peer memory bindings with
-- the corresponding access type as long as only the local bindings are
-- actually accessed. For example, an application doing split-frame
-- rendering would use framebuffer attachments that include both local and
-- peer memory bindings, but would scissor the rendering to only update
-- local memory.
-- = See Also
-- 'VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags'
newtype VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits VkFlags
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Storable, Bits, FiniteBits)

instance Show VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits where
  showsPrec p (VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits x) = showParen (p >= 11) (showString "VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits " . showsPrec 11 x)

instance Read VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits where
                             ] +++
                      prec 10 (do
                        expectP (Ident "VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits")
                        v <- step readPrec
                        pure (VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits v)

-- No documentation found for Nested "VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits" "VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_SRC_BIT"
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_SRC_BIT :: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_SRC_BIT = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits 0x00000001

-- No documentation found for Nested "VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits" "VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_DST_BIT"
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_DST_BIT :: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_COPY_DST_BIT = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits 0x00000002

-- No documentation found for Nested "VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits" "VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_SRC_BIT"
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_SRC_BIT :: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_SRC_BIT = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits 0x00000004

-- No documentation found for Nested "VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits" "VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_DST_BIT"
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_DST_BIT :: VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
pattern VK_PEER_MEMORY_FEATURE_GENERIC_DST_BIT = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits 0x00000008
-- ** VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits

-- | VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits - Bitmask specifying flags for a device memory
-- allocation
-- = See Also
-- 'VkMemoryAllocateFlags'
newtype VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits = VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits VkFlags
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Storable, Bits, FiniteBits)

instance Show VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits where
  showsPrec p (VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits x) = showParen (p >= 11) (showString "VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits " . showsPrec 11 x)

instance Read VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits where
                             ] +++
                      prec 10 (do
                        expectP (Ident "VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits")
                        v <- step readPrec
                        pure (VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits v)

-- | @VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT@ specifies that memory will be
-- allocated for the devices in 'VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo'::@deviceMask@.
pattern VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT :: VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits
pattern VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT = VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits 0x00000001
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_FLAGS_INFO"
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_GROUP_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO"
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_GROUP_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO"
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_GROUP_SUBMIT_INFO"
pattern VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_GROUP_SUBMIT_INFO = VkStructureType 1000060005
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkStructureType" "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_GROUP_BIND_SPARSE_INFO"
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineCreateFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_VIEW_INDEX_FROM_DEVICE_INDEX_BIT"
pattern VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_VIEW_INDEX_FROM_DEVICE_INDEX_BIT = VkPipelineCreateFlagBits 0x00000008
-- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineCreateFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISPATCH_BASE"
pattern VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISPATCH_BASE :: VkPipelineCreateFlagBits
pattern VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DISPATCH_BASE = VkPipelineCreateFlagBits 0x00000010
-- | @VK_DEPENDENCY_DEVICE_GROUP_BIT@ specifies that dependencies are
-- [non-device-local
-- dependency](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-device-local-dependencies).
pattern VK_DEPENDENCY_DEVICE_GROUP_BIT :: VkDependencyFlagBits
pattern VK_DEPENDENCY_DEVICE_GROUP_BIT = VkDependencyFlagBits 0x00000004
-- | vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures - Query supported peer memory
-- features of a device
-- = Parameters
-- -   @device@ is the logical device that owns the memory.
-- -   @heapIndex@ is the index of the memory heap from which the memory is
--     allocated.
-- -   @localDeviceIndex@ is the device index of the physical device that
--     performs the memory access.
-- -   @remoteDeviceIndex@ is the device index of the physical device that
--     the memory is allocated for.
-- -   @pPeerMemoryFeatures@ is a pointer to a bitmask of
--     'VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits' indicating which types of memory
--     accesses are supported for the combination of heap, local, and
--     remote devices.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @heapIndex@ /must/ be less than @memoryHeapCount@
-- -   @localDeviceIndex@ /must/ be a valid device index
-- -   @remoteDeviceIndex@ /must/ be a valid device index
-- -   @localDeviceIndex@ /must/ not equal remoteDeviceIndex
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @device@ /must/ be a valid @VkDevice@ handle
-- -   @pPeerMemoryFeatures@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a
--     'VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags' value
-- -   @pPeerMemoryFeatures@ /must/ not be @0@
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkDevice',
-- 'VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags'
foreign import ccall "vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures" vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures :: ("device" ::: VkDevice) -> ("heapIndex" ::: Word32) -> ("localDeviceIndex" ::: Word32) -> ("remoteDeviceIndex" ::: Word32) -> ("pPeerMemoryFeatures" ::: Ptr VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags) -> IO ()
-- | vkCmdSetDeviceMask - Modify device mask of a command buffer
-- = Parameters
-- -   @commandBuffer@ is command buffer whose current device mask is
--     modified.
-- -   @deviceMask@ is the new value of the current device mask.
-- = Description
-- @deviceMask@ is used to filter out subsequent commands from executing on
-- all physical devices whose bit indices are not set in the mask.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ be a valid device mask value
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ not be zero
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ not include any set bits that were not in the
--     'VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo'::@deviceMask@ value when the
--     command buffer began recording.
-- -   If @vkCmdSetDeviceMask@ is called inside a render pass instance,
--     @deviceMask@ /must/ not include any set bits that were not in the
--     'VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo'::@deviceMask@ value when the
--     render pass instance began recording.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @commandBuffer@ /must/ be a valid @VkCommandBuffer@ handle
-- -   @commandBuffer@ /must/ be in the [recording
--     state](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#commandbuffers-lifecycle)
-- -   The @VkCommandPool@ that @commandBuffer@ was allocated from /must/
--     support graphics, compute, or transfer operations
-- == Host Synchronization
-- -   Host access to @commandBuffer@ /must/ be externally synchronized
-- -   Host access to the @VkCommandPool@ that @commandBuffer@ was
--     allocated from /must/ be externally synchronized
-- == Command Properties
-- \'
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | [Command Buffer                                                                                             | [Render Pass                                                                                               | [Supported Queue                                                                                      | [Pipeline                                                                                                                  |
-- | Levels](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VkCommandBufferLevel) | Scope](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#vkCmdBeginRenderPass) | Types](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VkQueueFlagBits) | Type](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-pipeline-stages-types) |
-- +=============================================================================================================+============================================================================================================+=======================================================================================================+============================================================================================================================+
-- | Primary                                                                                                     | Both                                                                                                       | Graphics                                                                                              |                                                                                                                            |
-- | Secondary                                                                                                   |                                                                                                            | Compute                                                                                               |                                                                                                                            |
-- |                                                                                                             |                                                                                                            | Transfer                                                                                              |                                                                                                                            |
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkCommandBuffer'
foreign import ccall "vkCmdSetDeviceMask" vkCmdSetDeviceMask :: ("commandBuffer" ::: VkCommandBuffer) -> ("deviceMask" ::: Word32) -> IO ()
-- | vkCmdDispatchBase - Dispatch compute work items
-- = Parameters
-- -   @commandBuffer@ is the command buffer into which the command will be
--     recorded.
-- -   @baseGroupX@ is the start value for the X component of
--     @WorkgroupId@.
-- -   @baseGroupY@ is the start value for the Y component of
--     @WorkgroupId@.
-- -   @baseGroupZ@ is the start value for the Z component of
--     @WorkgroupId@.
-- -   @groupCountX@ is the number of local workgroups to dispatch in the X
--     dimension.
-- -   @groupCountY@ is the number of local workgroups to dispatch in the Y
--     dimension.
-- -   @groupCountZ@ is the number of local workgroups to dispatch in the Z
--     dimension.
-- = Description
-- When the command is executed, a global workgroup consisting of
-- groupCountX × groupCountY × groupCountZ local workgroups is assembled,
-- with @WorkgroupId@ values ranging from [baseGroup, baseGroup +
-- groupCount) in each component.
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDispatch' is
-- equivalent to
-- vkCmdDispatchBase(0,0,0,groupCountX,groupCountY,groupCountZ).
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   All valid usage rules from
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDispatch' apply
-- -   @baseGroupX@ /must/ be less than
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceLimits@::@maxComputeWorkGroupCount@[0]
-- -   @baseGroupX@ /must/ be less than
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceLimits@::@maxComputeWorkGroupCount@[1]
-- -   @baseGroupZ@ /must/ be less than
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceLimits@::@maxComputeWorkGroupCount@[2]
-- -   @groupCountX@ /must/ be less than or equal to
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceLimits@::@maxComputeWorkGroupCount@[0] minus
--     @baseGroupX@
-- -   @groupCountY@ /must/ be less than or equal to
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceLimits@::@maxComputeWorkGroupCount@[1] minus
--     @baseGroupY@
-- -   @groupCountZ@ /must/ be less than or equal to
--     @VkPhysicalDeviceLimits@::@maxComputeWorkGroupCount@[2] minus
--     @baseGroupZ@
-- -   If any of @baseGroupX@, @baseGroupY@, or @baseGroupZ@ are not zero,
--     then the bound compute pipeline /must/ have been created with the
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @commandBuffer@ /must/ be a valid @VkCommandBuffer@ handle
-- -   @commandBuffer@ /must/ be in the [recording
--     state](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#commandbuffers-lifecycle)
-- -   The @VkCommandPool@ that @commandBuffer@ was allocated from /must/
--     support compute operations
-- -   This command /must/ only be called outside of a render pass instance
-- == Host Synchronization
-- -   Host access to @commandBuffer@ /must/ be externally synchronized
-- -   Host access to the @VkCommandPool@ that @commandBuffer@ was
--     allocated from /must/ be externally synchronized
-- == Command Properties
-- \'
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | [Command Buffer                                                                                             | [Render Pass                                                                                               | [Supported Queue                                                                                      | [Pipeline                                                                                                                  |
-- | Levels](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VkCommandBufferLevel) | Scope](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#vkCmdBeginRenderPass) | Types](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VkQueueFlagBits) | Type](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-pipeline-stages-types) |
-- +=============================================================================================================+============================================================================================================+=======================================================================================================+============================================================================================================================+
-- | Primary                                                                                                     | Outside                                                                                                    | Compute                                                                                               |                                                                                                                            |
-- | Secondary                                                                                                   |                                                                                                            |                                                                                                       |                                                                                                                            |
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkCommandBuffer'
foreign import ccall "vkCmdDispatchBase" vkCmdDispatchBase :: ("commandBuffer" ::: VkCommandBuffer) -> ("baseGroupX" ::: Word32) -> ("baseGroupY" ::: Word32) -> ("baseGroupZ" ::: Word32) -> ("groupCountX" ::: Word32) -> ("groupCountY" ::: Word32) -> ("groupCountZ" ::: Word32) -> IO ()
-- | VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo - Structure controlling how many instances of
-- memory will be allocated
-- = Description
-- If @VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT@ is not set, the number of
-- instances allocated depends on whether
-- @VK_MEMORY_HEAP_MULTI_INSTANCE_BIT@ is set in the memory heap. If
-- @VK_MEMORY_HEAP_MULTI_INSTANCE_BIT@ is set, then memory is allocated for
-- every physical device in the logical device (as if @deviceMask@ has bits
-- set for all device indices). If @VK_MEMORY_HEAP_MULTI_INSTANCE_BIT@ is
-- not set, then a single instance of memory is allocated (as if
-- @deviceMask@ is set to one).
-- On some implementations, allocations from a multi-instance heap /may/
-- consume memory on all physical devices even if the @deviceMask@ excludes
-- some devices. If
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group_creation.VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties'::@subsetAllocation@
-- is @VK_TRUE@, then memory is only consumed for the devices in the device
-- mask.
-- __Note__
-- In practice, most allocations on a multi-instance heap will be allocated
-- across all physical devices. Unicast allocation support is an optional
-- optimization for a minority of allocations.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   If @VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT@ is set, @deviceMask@ /must/
--     be a valid device mask.
-- -   If @VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT@ is set, @deviceMask@ /must/
--     not be zero
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @flags@ /must/ be a valid combination of 'VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits'
--     values
-- = See Also
-- 'VkMemoryAllocateFlags', 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType'
data VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo = VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @flags@ is a bitmask of 'VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits' controlling the
  -- allocation.
  vkFlags :: VkMemoryAllocateFlags
  , -- | @deviceMask@ is a mask of physical devices in the logical device,
  -- indicating that memory /must/ be allocated on each device in the mask,
  -- if @VK_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MASK_BIT@ is set in @flags@.
  vkDeviceMask :: Word32
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo where
  sizeOf ~_ = 24
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                       <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                       <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                       <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 20)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkFlags (poked :: VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 20) (vkDeviceMask (poked :: VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo))
-- | VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo - Set the initial device mask and
-- render areas for a render pass instance
-- = Description
-- The @deviceMask@ serves several purposes. It is an upper bound on the
-- set of physical devices that /can/ be used during the render pass
-- instance, and the initial device mask when the render pass instance
-- begins. Render pass attachment load, store, and resolve operations only
-- apply to physical devices included in the device mask. Subpass
-- dependencies only apply to the physical devices in the device mask.
-- If @deviceRenderAreaCount@ is not zero, then the elements of
-- @pDeviceRenderAreas@ override the value of
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.VkRenderPassBeginInfo'::@renderArea@,
-- and provide a render area specific to each physical device. These render
-- areas serve the same purpose as
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.VkRenderPassBeginInfo'::@renderArea@,
-- including controlling the region of attachments that are cleared by
-- @VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR@ and that are resolved into resolve
-- attachments.
-- If this structure is not present, the render pass instance’s device mask
-- is the value of 'VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo'::@deviceMask@. If
-- this structure is not present or if @deviceRenderAreaCount@ is zero,
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.VkRenderPassBeginInfo'::@renderArea@
-- is used for all physical devices.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ be a valid device mask value
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ not be zero
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ be a subset of the command buffer’s initial
--     device mask
-- -   @deviceRenderAreaCount@ /must/ either be zero or equal to the number
--     of physical devices in the logical device.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @sType@ /must/ be
-- -   If @deviceRenderAreaCount@ is not @0@, @pDeviceRenderAreas@ /must/
--     be a valid pointer to an array of @deviceRenderAreaCount@ @VkRect2D@
--     structures
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Pipeline.VkRect2D',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType'
data VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo = VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @deviceMask@ is the device mask for the render pass instance.
  vkDeviceMask :: Word32
  , -- | @deviceRenderAreaCount@ is the number of elements in the
  -- @pDeviceRenderAreas@ array.
  vkDeviceRenderAreaCount :: Word32
  , -- | @pDeviceRenderAreas@ is an array of structures of type
  -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Pipeline.VkRect2D' defining the render area for
  -- each physical device.
  vkPDeviceRenderAreas :: Ptr VkRect2D
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo where
  sizeOf ~_ = 32
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                              <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                              <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                              <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 20)
                                              <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkDeviceMask (poked :: VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 20) (vkDeviceRenderAreaCount (poked :: VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkPDeviceRenderAreas (poked :: VkDeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo))
-- | VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo - Set the initial device mask for a
-- command buffer
-- = Description
-- The initial device mask also acts as an upper bound on the set of
-- devices that /can/ ever be in the device mask in the command buffer.
-- If this structure is not present, the initial value of a command
-- buffer’s device mask is set to include all physical devices in the
-- logical device when the command buffer begins recording.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ be a valid device mask value
-- -   @deviceMask@ /must/ not be zero
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   @sType@ /must/ be
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType'
data VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo = VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @deviceMask@ is the initial value of the command buffer’s device mask.
  vkDeviceMask :: Word32
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo where
  sizeOf ~_ = 24
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                                 <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                                 <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkDeviceMask (poked :: VkDeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo))
-- | VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo - Structure indicating which physical devices
-- execute semaphore operations and command buffers
-- = Description
-- If this structure is not present, semaphore operations and command
-- buffers execute on device index zero.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @waitSemaphoreCount@ /must/ equal
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSubmitInfo'::@waitSemaphoreCount@
-- -   @commandBufferCount@ /must/ equal
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSubmitInfo'::@commandBufferCount@
-- -   @signalSemaphoreCount@ /must/ equal
--     'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSubmitInfo'::@signalSemaphoreCount@
-- -   All elements of @pWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ and
--     @pSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ /must/ be valid device indices
-- -   All elements of @pCommandBufferDeviceMasks@ /must/ be valid device
--     masks
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   If @waitSemaphoreCount@ is not @0@, @pWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices@
--     /must/ be a valid pointer to an array of @waitSemaphoreCount@
--     @uint32_t@ values
-- -   If @commandBufferCount@ is not @0@, @pCommandBufferDeviceMasks@
--     /must/ be a valid pointer to an array of @commandBufferCount@
--     @uint32_t@ values
-- -   If @signalSemaphoreCount@ is not @0@,
--     @pSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ /must/ be a valid pointer to an
--     array of @signalSemaphoreCount@ @uint32_t@ values
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType'
data VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo = VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @waitSemaphoreCount@ is the number of elements in the
  -- @pWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ array.
  vkWaitSemaphoreCount :: Word32
  , -- | @pWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ is an array of device indices indicating
  -- which physical device executes the semaphore wait operation in the
  -- corresponding element of
  -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSubmitInfo'::@pWaitSemaphores@.
  vkPWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices :: Ptr Word32
  , -- | @commandBufferCount@ is the number of elements in the
  -- @pCommandBufferDeviceMasks@ array.
  vkCommandBufferCount :: Word32
  , -- | @pCommandBufferDeviceMasks@ is an array of device masks indicating which
  -- physical devices execute the command buffer in the corresponding element
  -- of 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSubmitInfo'::@pCommandBuffers@. A
  -- physical device executes the command buffer if the corresponding bit is
  -- set in the mask.
  vkPCommandBufferDeviceMasks :: Ptr Word32
  , -- | @signalSemaphoreCount@ is the number of elements in the
  -- @pSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ array.
  vkSignalSemaphoreCount :: Word32
  , -- | @pSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices@ is an array of device indices indicating
  -- which physical device executes the semaphore signal operation in the
  -- corresponding element of
  -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue.VkSubmitInfo'::@pSignalSemaphores@.
  vkPSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices :: Ptr Word32
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo where
  sizeOf ~_ = 64
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 32)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 40)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 48)
                                     <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 56)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkWaitSemaphoreCount (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkPWaitSemaphoreDeviceIndices (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 32) (vkCommandBufferCount (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 40) (vkPCommandBufferDeviceMasks (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 48) (vkSignalSemaphoreCount (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 56) (vkPSignalSemaphoreDeviceIndices (poked :: VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo))
-- | VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo - Structure indicating which instances are
-- bound
-- = Description
-- These device indices apply to all buffer and image memory binds included
-- in the batch that points to this structure. The semaphore waits and
-- signals for the batch are executed only by the physical device specified
-- by the @resourceDeviceIndex@.
-- If this structure is not present, @resourceDeviceIndex@ and
-- @memoryDeviceIndex@ are assumed to be zero.
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   @resourceDeviceIndex@ and @memoryDeviceIndex@ /must/ both be valid
--     device indices.
-- -   Each memory allocation bound in this batch /must/ have allocated an
--     instance for @memoryDeviceIndex@.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- = See Also
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType'
data VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo = VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo
  { -- | @sType@ is the type of this structure.
  vkSType :: VkStructureType
  , -- | @pNext@ is @NULL@ or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
  vkPNext :: Ptr ()
  , -- | @resourceDeviceIndex@ is a device index indicating which instance of the
  -- resource is bound.
  vkResourceDeviceIndex :: Word32
  , -- | @memoryDeviceIndex@ is a device index indicating which instance of the
  -- memory the resource instance is bound to.
  vkMemoryDeviceIndex :: Word32
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo where
  sizeOf ~_ = 24
  alignment ~_ = 8
  peek ptr = VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0)
                                         <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8)
                                         <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16)
                                         <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 20)
  poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkResourceDeviceIndex (poked :: VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo))
                *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 20) (vkMemoryDeviceIndex (poked :: VkDeviceGroupBindSparseInfo))
-- | VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags - Bitmask of VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
-- = Description
-- @VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags@ is a bitmask type for setting a mask of zero
-- or more 'VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits'.
-- = See Also
-- 'VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits', 'vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures',
-- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_device_group.vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesKHR'
type VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags = VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits
-- | VkMemoryAllocateFlags - Bitmask of VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits
-- = Description
-- @VkMemoryAllocateFlags@ is a bitmask type for setting a mask of zero or
-- more 'VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits'.
-- = See Also
-- 'VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits', 'VkMemoryAllocateFlagsInfo'
type VkMemoryAllocateFlags = VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits