Module      : Verismith.Tool.Yosys
Description : Yosys simulator implementation.
Copyright   : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Yosys simulator implementation.

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

module Verismith.Tool.Yosys
    ( Yosys(..)
    , defaultYosys
    , runEquiv
    , runEquivYosys

import           Control.DeepSeq           (NFData, rnf, rwhnf)
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad             (void)
import           Data.Either               (fromRight)
import           Data.Text                 (Text, unpack)
import           Prelude                   hiding (FilePath)
import           Shelly                    (FilePath, (</>))
import qualified Shelly                    as S
import           Shelly.Lifted             (liftSh, readfile)
import           Text.Shakespeare.Text     (st)
import           Verismith.CounterEg       (parseCounterEg)
import           Verismith.Result
import           Verismith.Tool.Internal
import           Verismith.Tool.Template
import           Verismith.Verilog.AST
import           Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen
import           Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

data Yosys = Yosys { yosysBin    :: !(Maybe FilePath)
                   , yosysDesc   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
                   , yosysOutput :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
              deriving (Eq)

instance Tool Yosys where
    toText (Yosys _ t _) = t

instance Show Yosys where
    show t = unpack $ toText t

instance Synthesiser Yosys where
  runSynth = runSynthYosys
  synthOutput = yosysOutput
  setSynthOutput (Yosys a b _) = Yosys a b

instance NFData Yosys where
    rnf = rwhnf

defaultYosys :: Yosys
defaultYosys = Yosys Nothing "yosys" "syn_yosys.v"

yosysPath :: Yosys -> FilePath
yosysPath sim = maybe (S.fromText "yosys") (</> S.fromText "yosys") $ yosysBin sim

runSynthYosys :: Yosys -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
runSynthYosys sim (SourceInfo _ src) = do
    dir <- liftSh $ do
        dir' <- S.pwd
        S.writefile inpf $ genSource src
        return dir'
        (yosysPath sim)
        [ "-p"
        , "read_verilog " <> inp <> "; synth; write_verilog -noattr " <> out
    inpf = "rtl.v"
    inp  = S.toTextIgnore inpf
    out  = S.toTextIgnore $ synthOutput sim

    :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b)
    => Yosys
    -> a
    -> b
    -> SourceInfo
    -> ResultSh ()
runEquivYosys yosys sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
    liftSh $ do
        S.writefile "top.v"
            .  genSource
            .  initMod
            .  makeTop 2
            $  srcInfo
            ^. mainModule
        S.writefile checkFile $ yosysSatConfig sim1 sim2 srcInfo
    runSynth sim1 srcInfo
    runSynth sim2 srcInfo
    liftSh $ S.run_ (yosysPath yosys) [S.toTextIgnore checkFile]
    where checkFile = S.fromText [st|test.#{toText sim1}.#{toText sim2}.ys|]

    :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b) => Maybe Text -> FilePath -> a -> b -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
runEquiv mt datadir sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
    dir <- liftSh S.pwd
    liftSh $ do
        S.writefile "top.v"
            .  genSource
            .  initMod
            .  makeTopAssert
            $  srcInfo
            ^. mainModule
        replaceMods (synthOutput sim1) "_1" srcInfo
        replaceMods (synthOutput sim2) "_2" srcInfo
        S.writefile "proof.sby" $ sbyConfig mt datadir sim1 sim2 srcInfo
    e <- liftSh $ do
        exe dir "symbiyosys" "sby" ["-f", "proof.sby"]
    case e of
        0   -> ResultT . return $ Pass ()
        2   -> case mt of
                   Nothing -> ResultT . return . Fail $ EquivFail Nothing
                   Just _ -> ResultT $ Fail . EquivFail . Just . fromRight mempty
                             . parseCounterEg <$> readfile "proof/engine_0/trace.smtc"
        124 -> ResultT . return $ Fail TimeoutError
        _   -> ResultT . return $ Fail EquivError
    exe dir name e = void . S.errExit False . logCommand dir name . timeout e