Module      : Verismith.Circuit.Random
Description : Random generation for DAG
Copyright   : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Define the random generation for the directed acyclic graph.

module Verismith.Circuit.Random
    ( rDups
    , rDupsCirc
    , randomDAG
    , genRandomDAG

import           Data.Graph.Inductive              (Context)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive              as G
import           Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import           Data.List                         (nub)
import           Hedgehog                          (Gen)
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen                      as Hog
import qualified Hedgehog.Range                    as Hog
import           Verismith.Circuit.Base

dupFolder :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Context a b -> [Context a b] -> [Context a b]
dupFolder cont ns = unique cont : ns
    where unique (a, b, c, d) = (nub a, b, c, nub d)

-- | Remove duplicates.
rDups :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Gr a b -> Gr a b
rDups g = G.buildGr $ G.ufold dupFolder [] g

-- | Remove duplicates.
rDupsCirc :: Circuit -> Circuit
rDupsCirc = Circuit . rDups . getCircuit

-- | Gen instance to create an arbitrary edge, where the edges are limited by
-- `n` that is passed to it.
arbitraryEdge :: Hog.Size -> Gen CEdge
arbitraryEdge n = do
    x <- with $ \a -> a < n && a > 0 && a /= n - 1
    y <- with $ \a -> x < a && a < n && a > 0
    return $ CEdge (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y, ())
    with = flip Hog.filter $ fromIntegral <$> Hog.resize
        (Hog.int (Hog.linear 0 100))

-- | Gen instance for a random acyclic DAG.
randomDAG :: Gen Circuit -- ^ The generated graph. It uses Arbitrary to generate
                         -- random instances of each node
randomDAG = do
    list <- Hog.list (Hog.linear 1 100) $ Hog.enum minBound maxBound
    l    <- Hog.list (Hog.linear 10 1000) aE
    return . Circuit $ G.mkGraph (nodes list) l
    nodes l = zip [0 .. length l - 1] l
    aE = getCEdge <$> Hog.sized arbitraryEdge

-- | Generate a random acyclic DAG with an IO instance.
genRandomDAG :: IO Circuit
genRandomDAG = Hog.sample randomDAG