-- |
-- Module:     Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort
-- Copyright:  (c) Sergey Vinokurov 2023
-- License:    Apache-2.0 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer: serg.foo@gmail.com
-- This module provides reasonable default sorting algorithm with no parallelisation.
-- To get parallelisation please use 'Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort.Parameterised'.
-- === Example
-- Vanilla vectors:
-- >>> import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as U
-- >>> sort $ U.fromList @Int [20, 19 .. 0]
-- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
-- Mutable vectors:
-- >>> import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
-- >>> import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as U
-- >>> :{
-- runST $ do
--   xs <- U.unsafeThaw $ U.fromList @Int [20, 19 .. 0]
--   sortInplace xs
--   U.unsafeFreeze xs
-- :}
-- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
-- With 'U.modify':
-- >>> import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as U
-- >>> U.modify sortInplace $ U.fromList @Int [20, 19 .. 0]
-- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
-- === Performance considerations
-- For best performance it's recommended to keep a close eye on core
-- to make sure that this function doesn't take any class
-- dictionaries. If it does then performance will be very bad since
-- either comparisons will go via indirection, vector reads/writes,
-- monadic bind, or any combination of those will go through
-- dictionary indirection. This can be avoided either by compiling
-- with @-fspecialise-aggressively@ flag or by issuing @SPECIALIZE@
-- pragmas manually, like so:
-- > -- Either use the flag to specialize everything, ...
-- > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fspecialise-aggressively #-}
-- >
-- > -- ... or the pragmas for specific functions
-- > import Data.Vector.Algorithms.FixedSort
-- > import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Heapsort
-- > import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort
-- > import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as U
-- >
-- > -- If sorting in ST
-- > -- These are fallback sorts and their performance is important
-- > {-# SPECIALIZE heapSort    :: U.MVector s Int -> ST s ()        #-}
-- > {-# SPECIALIZE bitonicSort :: Int -> U.MVector s Int -> ST s () #-}
-- > -- Main sort entry point
-- > {-# SPECIALIZE sort        :: U.MVector s Int -> ST s ()        #-}
-- >
-- > -- If sorting in IO
-- > {-# SPECIALIZE heapSort    :: U.MVector RealWorld Int -> IO ()        #-}
-- > {-# SPECIALIZE bitonicSort :: Int -> U.MVector RealWorld Int -> IO () #-}
-- > {-# SPECIALIZE sort        :: U.MVector RealWorld Int -> IO ()        #-}
-- Please note that since GHC 9.6 SPECIALIZE may not do anything for
-- the @ST@ monad unless -fpolymorphic-specialisation flag is also
-- enabled.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort
  ( sort
  , sortInplace
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (last, pi)

import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as G
import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable qualified as GM

import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort.Parameterised

{-# INLINE sort #-}
-- | Good default sort. Returns sorted copy.
-- This function takes generic vectors so will work with any vectors
-- from the @vector@ package.
  :: forall a v.
     (Ord a, G.Vector v a)
  => v a
  -> v a
sort :: forall a (v :: * -> *). (Ord a, Vector v a) => v a -> v a
sort v a
xs = (forall s. ST s (v a)) -> v a
forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST ((forall s. ST s (v a)) -> v a) -> (forall s. ST s (v a)) -> v a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  Mutable v s a
ys <- v a -> ST s (Mutable v (PrimState (ST s)) a)
forall (m :: * -> *) (v :: * -> *) a.
(PrimMonad m, Vector v a) =>
v a -> m (Mutable v (PrimState m) a)
G.thaw v a
-> Median3or5 a -> Mutable v (PrimState (ST s)) a -> ST s ()
forall p med x (m :: * -> *) a (v :: * -> * -> *).
(Fork2 p x m, Median med a m (PrimState m), PrimMonad m, Ord a,
 MVector v a) =>
p -> med -> v (PrimState m) a -> m ()
sortInplaceFM Sequential
Sequential (forall a. Median3or5 a
forall {k} (a :: k). Median3or5 a
Median3or5 @a) Mutable v s a
Mutable v (PrimState (ST s)) a
  Mutable v (PrimState (ST s)) a -> ST s (v a)
forall (m :: * -> *) (v :: * -> *) a.
(PrimMonad m, Vector v a) =>
Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> m (v a)
G.unsafeFreeze Mutable v s a
Mutable v (PrimState (ST s)) a

{-# INLINE sortInplace #-}
-- | Good default sort for mutable vectors.
-- This function takes generic mutable vectors so will work with any
-- vectors from the @vector@ package.
-- Could be run on immutable vectors with 'G.modify'.
  :: forall m a v.
     (PrimMonad m, Ord a, GM.MVector v a)
  => v (PrimState m) a
  -> m ()
sortInplace :: forall (m :: * -> *) a (v :: * -> * -> *).
(PrimMonad m, Ord a, MVector v a) =>
v (PrimState m) a -> m ()
sortInplace = Sequential -> Median3or5 a -> v (PrimState m) a -> m ()
forall p med x (m :: * -> *) a (v :: * -> * -> *).
(Fork2 p x m, Median med a m (PrimState m), PrimMonad m, Ord a,
 MVector v a) =>
p -> med -> v (PrimState m) a -> m ()
sortInplaceFM Sequential
Sequential (forall a. Median3or5 a
forall {k} (a :: k). Median3or5 a
Median3or5 @a)