{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances,
GADTs, PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables,
EmptyCase, CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances,
InstanceSigs, FlexibleContexts #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_singletons
#define MIN_VERSION_singletons(a,b,c) 1
module Data.Metrology.Z (
#if MIN_VERSION_singletons(2,6,0)
Sing, SZ(..),
Sing(..), SZ,
#if MIN_VERSION_singletons(1,0,0)
ZeroSym0, SSym0, SSym1, PSym0, PSym1,
zToInt, szToInt,
Succ, Pred, Negate, type (#+), type (#-), type (#*), type (#/),
sSucc, sPred, sNegate,
type (Data.Metrology.Z.<), NonNegative,
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, MOne, MTwo, MThree, MFour, MFive,
sZero, sOne, sTwo, sThree, sFour, sFive, sMOne, sMTwo, sMThree, sMFour, sMFive,
pZero, pOne, pTwo, pThree, pFour, pFive, pMOne, pMTwo, pMThree, pMFour, pMFive,
pSucc, pPred
) where
import Data.Singletons.TH
#if MIN_VERSION_singletons(3,0,0)
import Data.Singletons.Base.TH hiding ( Negate, sNegate, NegateSym0, NegateSym1 )
import GHC.Exts ( Constraint )
$(singletons [d| data Z = Zero | S Z | P Z deriving Eq |])
zToInt :: Z -> Int
zToInt :: Z -> Int
zToInt Z
Zero = Int
zToInt (S Z
z) = Z -> Int
zToInt Z
z Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
zToInt (P Z
z) = Z -> Int
zToInt Z
z Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
type family Succ (z :: Z) :: Z where
Succ Zero = S Zero
Succ (P z) = z
Succ (S z) = S (S z)
type family Pred (z :: Z) :: Z where
Pred Zero = P Zero
Pred (P z) = P (P z)
Pred (S z) = z
infixl 6 #+
type family (a :: Z) #+ (b :: Z) :: Z where
Zero #+ z = z
(S z1) #+ (S z2) = S (S (z1 #+ z2))
(S z1) #+ Zero = S z1
(S z1) #+ (P z2) = z1 #+ z2
(P z1) #+ (S z2) = z1 #+ z2
(P z1) #+ Zero = P z1
(P z1) #+ (P z2) = P (P (z1 #+ z2))
infixl 6 #-
type family (a :: Z) #- (b :: Z) :: Z where
z #- Zero = z
(S z1) #- (S z2) = z1 #- z2
Zero #- (S z2) = P (Zero #- z2)
(P z1) #- (S z2) = P (P (z1 #- z2))
(S z1) #- (P z2) = S (S (z1 #- z2))
Zero #- (P z2) = S (Zero #- z2)
(P z1) #- (P z2) = z1 #- z2
infixl 7 #*
type family (a :: Z) #* (b :: Z) :: Z where
Zero #* z = Zero
(S z1) #* z2 = (z1 #* z2) #+ z2
(P z1) #* z2 = (z1 #* z2) #- z2
type family Negate (z :: Z) :: Z where
Negate Zero = Zero
Negate (S z) = P (Negate z)
Negate (P z) = S (Negate z)
type family (a :: Z) #/ (b :: Z) :: Z where
Zero #/ b = Zero
a #/ (P b') = Negate (a #/ (Negate (P b')))
a #/ b = ZDiv b b a
type family ZDiv (counter :: Z) (n :: Z) (z :: Z) :: Z where
ZDiv One n (S z') = S (z' #/ n)
ZDiv One n (P z') = P (z' #/ n)
ZDiv (S count') n (S z') = ZDiv count' n z'
ZDiv (S count') n (P z') = ZDiv count' n z'
type family (a :: Z) < (b :: Z) :: Bool where
Zero Data.Metrology.Z.< Zero = False
Zero Data.Metrology.Z.< (S n) = True
Zero Data.Metrology.Z.< (P n) = False
(S n) Data.Metrology.Z.< Zero = False
(S n) Data.Metrology.Z.< (S n') = n Data.Metrology.Z.< n'
(S n) Data.Metrology.Z.< (P n') = False
(P n) Data.Metrology.Z.< Zero = True
(P n) Data.Metrology.Z.< (S n') = True
(P n) Data.Metrology.Z.< (P n') = n Data.Metrology.Z.< n'
type family NonNegative z :: Constraint where
NonNegative Zero = ()
NonNegative (S z) = ()
type One = S Zero
type Two = S One
type Three = S Two
type Four = S Three
type Five = S Four
type MOne = P Zero
type MTwo = P MOne
type MThree = P MTwo
type MFour = P MThree
type MFive = P MFour
sZero :: SZ 'Zero
sZero = SZ 'Zero
sOne :: SZ ('S 'Zero)
sOne = Sing 'Zero -> SZ ('S 'Zero)
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS Sing 'Zero
SZ 'Zero
sTwo :: SZ ('S ('S 'Zero))
sTwo = Sing ('S 'Zero) -> SZ ('S ('S 'Zero))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS Sing ('S 'Zero)
SZ ('S 'Zero)
sThree :: SZ ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))
sThree = Sing ('S ('S 'Zero)) -> SZ ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS Sing ('S ('S 'Zero))
SZ ('S ('S 'Zero))
sFour :: SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))))
sFour = Sing ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))) -> SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS Sing ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))
SZ ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))
sFive :: SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))))
sFive = Sing ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))) -> SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS Sing ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))))
SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))))
sMOne :: SZ ('P 'Zero)
sMOne = Sing 'Zero -> SZ ('P 'Zero)
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP Sing 'Zero
SZ 'Zero
sMTwo :: SZ ('P ('P 'Zero))
sMTwo = Sing ('P 'Zero) -> SZ ('P ('P 'Zero))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP Sing ('P 'Zero)
SZ ('P 'Zero)
sMThree :: SZ ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))
sMThree = Sing ('P ('P 'Zero)) -> SZ ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP Sing ('P ('P 'Zero))
SZ ('P ('P 'Zero))
sMFour :: SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))))
sMFour = Sing ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))) -> SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP Sing ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))
SZ ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))
sMFive :: SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))))
sMFive = Sing ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))) -> SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP Sing ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))))
SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))))
sSucc :: Sing z -> Sing (Succ z)
sSucc :: Sing z -> Sing (Succ z)
sSucc Sing z
SZero = Sing (Succ z)
SZ ('S 'Zero)
sSucc (SS z') = Sing ('S n) -> SZ ('S ('S n))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS (Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS Sing n
sSucc (SP z') = Sing n
Sing (Succ z)
sPred :: Sing z -> Sing (Pred z)
sPred :: Sing z -> Sing (Pred z)
sPred Sing z
SZero = Sing (Pred z)
SZ ('P 'Zero)
sPred (SS z') = Sing n
Sing (Pred z)
sPred (SP z') = Sing ('P n) -> SZ ('P ('P n))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP (Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP Sing n
sNegate :: Sing z -> Sing (Negate z)
sNegate :: Sing z -> Sing (Negate z)
sNegate Sing z
SZero = Sing (Negate z)
SZ 'Zero
sNegate (SS z') = Sing (Negate n) -> SZ ('P (Negate n))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('P n)
SP (Sing n -> Sing (Negate n)
forall (z :: Z). Sing z -> Sing (Negate z)
sNegate Sing n
sNegate (SP z') = Sing (Negate n) -> SZ ('S (Negate n))
forall (n :: Z). Sing n -> SZ ('S n)
SS (Sing n -> Sing (Negate n)
forall (z :: Z). Sing z -> Sing (Negate z)
sNegate Sing n
szToInt :: Sing (z :: Z) -> Int
szToInt :: Sing z -> Int
szToInt = Z -> Int
zToInt (Z -> Int) -> (SZ z -> Z) -> SZ z -> Int
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SZ z -> Z
forall k (a :: k). SingKind k => Sing a -> Demote k
{-# DEPRECATED pZero, pOne, pTwo, pThree, pFour, pFive, pMOne, pMTwo, pMThree, pMFour, pMFive, pSucc, pPred "The singleton prefix is changing from 'p' to 's'. The 'p' versions will be removed in a future release." #-}
pZero :: SZ 'Zero
pZero = SZ 'Zero
pOne :: SZ ('S 'Zero)
pOne = SZ ('S 'Zero)
pTwo :: SZ ('S ('S 'Zero))
pTwo = SZ ('S ('S 'Zero))
pThree :: SZ ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))
pThree = SZ ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))
pFour :: SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))))
pFour = SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero))))
pFive :: SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))))
pFive = SZ ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Zero)))))
pMOne :: SZ ('P 'Zero)
pMOne = SZ ('P 'Zero)
pMTwo :: SZ ('P ('P 'Zero))
pMTwo = SZ ('P ('P 'Zero))
pMThree :: SZ ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))
pMThree = SZ ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))
pMFour :: SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))))
pMFour = SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero))))
pMFive :: SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))))
pMFive = SZ ('P ('P ('P ('P ('P 'Zero)))))
pSucc :: Sing z -> Sing (Succ z)
pSucc = Sing z -> Sing (Succ z)
forall (z :: Z). Sing z -> Sing (Succ z)
pPred :: Sing z -> Sing (Pred z)
pPred = Sing z -> Sing (Pred z)
forall (z :: Z). Sing z -> Sing (Pred z)