{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

Module      : Data.Char.Number.Duodecimal
Description : A module used to render duodecimal numbers.
Maintainer  : hapytexeu+gh@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

The <https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2150.pdf 2150 unicode block> contains two characters for duodecimal numbers: numbers with base 12.

In order to represent digits for 10 and 11, unicode has two codepoints: @TURNED DIGIT TWO@, and @TURNED DIGIT THREE@. This module makes it
more convenient to convert an 'Integral' number to these digits, as well as converting a number to its duodecimal representation.

module Data.Char.Number.Duodecimal (
    -- * Characters used for duodecimal numbers
    char10, char11
    -- * Convert values to digits
  , duodecimalDigit, duodecimalDigit'
    -- * Convert value to a sequence of digits
  , duodecimalNumber, duodecimalNumber'
  ) where

import Data.Bits((.|.))
import Data.Char(chr)
import Data.Char.Core(PlusStyle, positionalNumberSystem)
import Data.Default(def)
import Data.Text(Text)

-- | The character used to denote 10: @ↀ@.
char10 :: Char -- ^ A character used in duodecimal numbers to denote 10.
char10 = '\x2180'

-- | The character used to denote 11: @ↁ@.
char11 :: Char -- ^ A character used in duodecimal numbers to denote 11.
char11 = '\x2181'

_duodecimalDigit :: Int -> Char
_duodecimalDigit n
    | n < 10 = chr (0x30 .|. n)
    | otherwise = chr (0x2180 .|. n)

-- | Convert the given 'Integral' number to its unicode character. In case the
-- value is less than @0@, or greater than @11@, the behavior is unspecified.
duodecimalDigit' :: Integral i
  => i -- ^ The given number to convert.
  -> Char -- ^ A unicode character that represents this digit.
duodecimalDigit' = _duodecimalDigit . fromIntegral

-- | Convert the given 'Integral' number to its unicode character wrapped in a
-- 'Just' data constructor. In case the value is less than @0@ or greater than
-- @11@, 'Nothing' is returned.
duodecimalDigit :: Integral i => i -> Maybe Char
duodecimalDigit n
    | n >= 0 && n < 12 = Just (duodecimalDigit' n)
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Convert the given 'Integral' number to a 'Text' object that contains
-- a sequence of duodecimal digits that represent that number. The given
-- 'PlusStyle' specifies if the number is prefixed with @+@ if it is positive.
duodecimalNumber :: Integral i
  => PlusStyle -- ^ The given 'PlusStyle' to use.
  -> i -- ^ The given number to convert.
  -> Text -- ^ A string of unicode characters representing the value in duodecimal notation.
duodecimalNumber = positionalNumberSystem 12 _duodecimalDigit '+' '-'

-- | Convert the given 'Integral' number to a 'Text' object that contains
-- sequence of duodecimal digits that represent that number.
duodecimalNumber' :: Integral i
  => i -- ^ The given number to convert.
  -> Text -- ^ A string of unicode characters representing the value in duodecimal notation.
duodecimalNumber' = duodecimalNumber def