type-safe-avl- Type safe BST and AVL trees
Copyright(c) Nicolás Rodríguez 2021
MaintainerNicolás Rodríguez
Safe HaskellSafe



Implementation of the insertion algorithm over internalist BST trees, along with the necessary proofs to ensure (at compile time) that the key ordering still holds.



class Insertable (x :: Nat) (a :: Type) (t :: Tree) where Source #

This type class provides the functionality to insert a node with key x and value type a in a BST t. The insertion is defined at the value level and the type level. The returned tree verifies the BST restrictions.

Associated Types

type Insert (x :: Nat) (a :: Type) (t :: Tree) :: Tree Source #


insert :: Node x a -> BST t -> BST (Insert x a t) Source #


Instances details
Show a => Insertable x a 'EmptyTree Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree.BST.Intern.Insert

Associated Types

type Insert x a 'EmptyTree :: Tree Source #


insert :: Node x a -> BST 'EmptyTree -> BST (Insert x a 'EmptyTree) Source #

(o ~ CmpNat x n, Insertable' x a ('ForkTree l (Node n a1) r) o) => Insertable x a ('ForkTree l (Node n a1) r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tree.BST.Intern.Insert

Associated Types

type Insert x a ('ForkTree l (Node n a1) r) :: Tree Source #


insert :: Node x a -> BST ('ForkTree l (Node n a1) r) -> BST (Insert x a ('ForkTree l (Node n a1) r)) Source #

class Insertable' (x :: Nat) (a :: Type) (t :: Tree) (o :: Ordering) where Source #

This type class provides the functionality to insert a node with key x and value type a in a non empty BST t. It's only used by the Insertable class and it has one extra parameter o, which is the type level comparison of x with the key value of the root node. The o parameter guides the insertion.

Associated Types

type Insert' (x :: Nat) (a :: Type) (t :: Tree) (o :: Ordering) :: Tree Source #


insert' :: Node x a -> BST t -> Proxy o -> BST (Insert' x a t o) Source #

class ProofLtNInsert' (x :: Nat) (a :: Type) (t :: Tree) (n :: Nat) (o :: Ordering) where Source #

Prove that inserting a node with key x (lower than n) and element value a in a BST t which verifies LtN t n ~ 'True preserves the LtN invariant, given that the comparison between x and the root key of the tree equals o. The o parameter guides the proof.


proofLtNInsert' :: (CmpNat x n ~ 'LT, LtN t n ~ 'True) => Node x a -> BST t -> Proxy n -> Proxy o -> LtN (Insert x a t) n :~: 'True Source #

class ProofGtNInsert' (x :: Nat) (a :: Type) (t :: Tree) (n :: Nat) (o :: Ordering) where Source #

Prove that inserting a node with key x (greater than n) and element value a in a BST t which verifies GtN t n ~ 'True preserves the GtN invariant, given that the comparison between x and the root key of the tree equals o. The o parameter guides the proof.


proofGtNInsert' :: (CmpNat x n ~ 'GT, GtN t n ~ 'True) => Node x a -> BST t -> Proxy n -> Proxy o -> GtN (Insert x a t) n :~: 'True Source #