{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                  #-}

module Html.Convert
  ( Converted(..)
  , Convert(..)
  ) where

import Html.Type.Internal

import Data.Word
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Double.Conversion.ByteString
import Numeric.Natural
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Prim (Addr#, ord#, indexCharOffAddr#)
import GHC.CString (unpackCString#, unpackCStringUtf8#, unpackFoldrCString#)
import GHC.Base (build)

import qualified Data.Semigroup                   as S
import qualified Data.Monoid                      as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder          as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim     as BP
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal as U
import qualified Data.Text                        as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding               as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                   as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding          as TL

newtype Converted = Converted {unConv :: B.Builder} deriving (M.Monoid)
instance S.Semigroup Converted where
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
  Converted x <> Converted y = Converted (inline x S.<> inline y)

instance IsString Converted where fromString = convert

{-| Convert a type efficienctly to a renderable representation.  Add
  instances if you want use custom types in your document.

{\-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-\}
{\-\# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   \#-\}

module Main where

import Html

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid

data Person
  = Person
  { name :: Text
  , age :: Int
  , vegetarian :: Bool

-- | This is already very efficient.
-- Wrap the Strings in Raw if you don't want to escape them.
instance Convert Person where
  convert (Person{..})
    =  convert name
    <> " is "
    <> convert age
    <> " years old and likes "
    <> if vegetarian then "oranges." else "meat."

john :: Person
john = Person {name = \"John\", age = 52, vegetarian = True}

main :: IO ()
main = print (div_ john)
class Convert a where
  convert :: a -> Converted

instance KnownSymbol a => Convert (Proxy a) where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . U.byteStringCopy . fromString . symbolVal

instance Convert ()              where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = const mempty
instance Convert (Raw Char)      where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . B.charUtf8 . fromRaw
instance Convert (Raw String)    where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = stringConvRaw . fromRaw
instance Convert (Raw T.Text)    where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . T.encodeUtf8Builder . fromRaw
instance Convert (Raw TL.Text)   where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . TL.encodeUtf8Builder . fromRaw
instance Convert (Raw B.Builder) where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . fromRaw
instance Convert Char            where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . BP.primBounded escapeUtf8
instance Convert String          where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = stringConv
instance Convert T.Text          where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . T.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped escape
instance Convert TL.Text         where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . TL.encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped escape
instance Convert Int             where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . B.intDec
instance Convert Integer         where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . B.integerDec
instance Convert Natural         where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . B.integerDec . fromIntegral
instance Convert Float           where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . U.byteStringCopy . toShortest . realToFrac
instance Convert Double          where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . U.byteStringCopy . toShortest
instance Convert Word            where {-# INLINE convert #-}; convert = Converted . B.wordDec

{-# INLINE builderCString# #-}
builderCString# :: BP.BoundedPrim Word8 -> Addr# -> Converted
builderCString# bp addr = Converted $ BP.primUnfoldrBounded bp go 0
    go !i | b /= 0 = Just (fromIntegral b, i+1)
          | otherwise = Nothing
        !b = I# (ord# (at# i))
    at# (I# i#) = indexCharOffAddr# addr i#

{-# INLINE [0] stringConv #-}
stringConv :: String -> Converted
stringConv = Converted . BP.primMapListBounded escapeUtf8

{-# INLINE [0] stringConvRaw #-}
stringConvRaw :: String -> Converted
stringConvRaw = Converted . B.stringUtf8

escapeUtf8 :: BP.BoundedPrim Char
  = BP.condB (>  '>' ) BP.charUtf8
  . BP.condB (== '<' ) (fixed4 ('&',('l',('t',';'))))
  . BP.condB (== '>' ) (fixed4 ('&',('g',('t',';'))))
  . BP.condB (== '&' ) (fixed5 ('&',('a',('m',('p',';')))))
  . BP.condB (== '"' ) (fixed5 ('&',('#',('3',('4',';')))))
  . BP.condB (== '\'') (fixed5 ('&',('#',('3',('9',';')))))
  $ BP.liftFixedToBounded BP.char7
    {-# INLINE fixed4 #-}
    fixed4 x = BP.liftFixedToBounded $ const x BP.>$<
      BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7

    {-# INLINE fixed5 #-}
    fixed5 x = BP.liftFixedToBounded $ const x BP.>$<
      BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7 BP.>*< BP.char7

escape :: BP.BoundedPrim Word8
  = BP.condB (>  c2w '>' ) (BP.liftFixedToBounded BP.word8)
  . BP.condB (== c2w '<' ) (fixed4 (c2w '&',(c2w 'l',(c2w 't',c2w ';'))))
  . BP.condB (== c2w '>' ) (fixed4 (c2w '&',(c2w 'g',(c2w 't',c2w ';'))))
  . BP.condB (== c2w '&' ) (fixed5 (c2w '&',(c2w 'a',(c2w 'm',(c2w 'p',c2w ';')))))
  . BP.condB (== c2w '"' ) (fixed5 (c2w '&',(c2w '#',(c2w '3',(c2w '4',c2w ';')))))
  . BP.condB (== c2w '\'') (fixed5 (c2w '&',(c2w '#',(c2w '3',(c2w '9',c2w ';')))))
  $ BP.liftFixedToBounded BP.word8
    c2w = fromIntegral . ord

    {-# INLINE fixed4 #-}
    fixed4 x = BP.liftFixedToBounded $ const x BP.>$<
      BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8

    {-# INLINE fixed5 #-}
    fixed5 x = BP.liftFixedToBounded $ const x BP.>$<
      BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8 BP.>*< BP.word8

{-# RULES "CONVERTED literal" forall a.
    stringConv (unpackCString# a) = builderCString# escape a #-}

{-# RULES "CONVERTED foldr literal" forall a.
    stringConv (build (unpackFoldrCString# a)) = builderCString# escape a #-}

{-# RULES "CONVERTED literal raw" forall a.
    stringConvRaw (unpackCString# a) = builderCString# (BP.liftFixedToBounded BP.word8) a #-}

{-# RULES "CONVERTED foldr literal raw" forall a.
    stringConvRaw (build (unpackFoldrCString# a)) = builderCString# (BP.liftFixedToBounded BP.word8) a #-}

{-# RULES "CONVERTED literal utf8" forall a.
    stringConv (unpackCStringUtf8# a) = convert (T.pack (unpackCStringUtf8# a)) #-}

{-# RULES "CONVERTED literal utf8 raw" forall a.
    stringConvRaw (unpackCStringUtf8# a) = convert (Raw (T.pack (unpackCStringUtf8# a))) #-}