-- |
-- Module       : Data.TPTP.Parse.Text
-- Description  : An attoparsec-based parser for the TPTP language.
-- Copyright    : (c) Evgenii Kotelnikov, 2019
-- License      : GPL-3
-- Maintainer   : evgeny.kotelnikov@gmail.com
-- Stability    : experimental

module Data.TPTP.Parse.Text (
  -- * Runners of parsers for TPTP units

  -- * Runners of parsers for TPTP inputs
) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<*))

import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Result, parse, parseOnly, parseWith, endOfInput)
import Data.Text (Text)

import Data.TPTP (Unit, TPTP)
import Data.TPTP.Parse.Combinators (whitespace, unit, tptp)

-- | Run a parser for a single TPTP unit on 'Text'.
parseUnit :: Text -> Result Unit
parseUnit = parse (whitespace *> unit <* endOfInput)

-- | Run a parser for a single TPTP unit that cannot be resupplied
-- via a 'Data.Attoparsec.Text.Partial' result.
parseUnitOnly :: Text -> Either String Unit
parseUnitOnly = parseOnly (whitespace *> unit <* endOfInput)

-- | Run a parser for a single TPTP unit with an initial input string,
-- and a monadic action that can supply more input if needed.
parseUnitWith :: Monad m => m Text -> Text -> m (Result Unit)
parseUnitWith m = parseWith m (whitespace *> unit <* endOfInput)

-- | Run a parser for a TPTP input on 'Text'.
parseTPTP :: Text -> Result TPTP
parseTPTP = parse (whitespace *> tptp <* endOfInput)

-- | Run a parser for a TPTP input that cannot be resupplied
-- via a 'Data.Attoparsec.Text.Partial' result.
parseTPTPOnly :: Text -> Either String TPTP
parseTPTPOnly = parseOnly (whitespace *> tptp <* endOfInput)

-- | Run a parser for a TPTP input with an initial input string,
-- and a monadic action that can supply more input if needed.
parseTPTPWith :: Monad m => m Text -> Text -> m (Result TPTP)
parseTPTPWith m = parseWith m (whitespace *> tptp <* endOfInput)