-- | construct data object from XML tree.

{-# language NoMonomorphismRestriction, PatternSignatures, OverloadedStrings #-}

module TPDB.XTC.Read (readProblemF, readProblemT ) where

import TPDB.Data
import TPDB.Data.Attributes

import Text.XML
import Text.XML.Cursor
import qualified Data.Text as ST
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT
import Data.String
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

readProblemF :: FilePath -> IO ( Problem Identifier Identifier )
readProblemF file = do
  doc <- Text.XML.readFile Text.XML.def file
  case getProblem $ fromDocument doc of
    [] -> error "input contains no XTC problem"
    [p] -> return p
    ps -> error "input contains more than one XTC problem"

readProblemT :: LT.Text -> Either SomeException (Problem Identifier Identifier)
readProblemT t = do
  [p] <- ( getProblem . fromDocument ) <$> Text.XML.parseText Text.XML.def t
  return p

getProblem = element "problem" >=> \ c -> do
    let ! ty = case c $| attribute "type" of
         [ "termination" ] -> Termination
         [ "complexity"  ] -> Complexity
         _ -> error "type"
    let ! st = case c $/ element "strategy" &/ content of
         [ "FULL" ]      -> Just Full
         [ "INNERMOST" ] -> Just Innermost
         [ "OUTERMOST" ] -> Just Outermost
         [] -> Nothing
         _ -> error "strategy"
    rs <- c $/ element "trs" >=> getTRS
    let stt = c $/ element "startterm" &/ getStartterm
    sig <- c $/ element "trs" >=> getSignature
    return $ Problem { trs = rs
                        , TPDB.Data.strategy = st
                        , TPDB.Data.full_signature = sig
                        , type_ = ty
                        , startterm = case stt of
                             [] -> Nothing
                             [x] -> Just x
                        , attributes = compute_attributes $ rules rs

getTerm :: Cursor -> [ Term Identifier Identifier ]
getTerm = getVar <> getFunApp

getVar :: Cursor -> [ Term Identifier Identifier ]
getVar = element "var" &/ \ c -> ( Var . mk 0 ) <$> content c

getFunApp :: Cursor -> [ Term Identifier Identifier ]
getFunApp = element "funapp" >=> \ c -> do
  nm <- c $/ element "name" &/ content
  let args = c $/ element "arg" &/ getTerm
      f = mk (length args) $ nm
  return $ Node f args

getStartterm =
     (element "constructor-based" &| const  Startterm_Constructor_based )
  <> (element "full" &| const Startterm_Full   )

getTRS c = do
    sig <- getSignature c
    let str   = c $/ element "rules" >=> getRulesWith Strict
        nostr = c $/ element "rules" &/ ( element "relrules" >=> getRulesWith Weak )
    -- FIXME: check that symbols are use with correct arity
    return $ RS { signature = case sig of
                       Signature fs -> do f <- fs ; return $ mk (fs_arity f) ( fs_name f)
                       HigherOrderSignature {} -> []
                  , rules = concat str ++ concat nostr
                  , separate = False -- for TRS, don't need comma between rules

getSignature c =  ( c $/ element "signature" >=> getFOSignature  )
  <> ( c $/ element "higherOrderSignature" &| const HigherOrderSignature )

getFOSignature c =
  return $ Signature ( c $/ element "funcsym" >=> getFuncsym )

getFuncsym c = do
    nm <- c $/ element "name" &/ content
    ar <- c $/ element "arity" &/ read_content
    let th = c $/ element "theory" &/ read_content
        rm = c $/ element "replacementmap" >=> \ c ->
          return $ c $/ element "entry" &/ read_content
    return $ Funcsym  { fs_name = nm
                        , fs_arity = ar
                        , fs_theory = case th of [] -> Nothing ; [t] -> Just t
                        , fs_replacementmap = case rm of [] -> Nothing ; [r] -> Just (Replacementmap r)

read_content c = (read . ST.unpack) <$> content c

getRulesWith s c =
  return ( c $/ ( element "rule" >=> getRule s ) )

getRule :: Relation -> Cursor -> [ Rule (Term Identifier Identifier) ]
getRule s c =
  ( \ l r -> Rule {lhs=l,relation=s,rhs=r,top=False})
    <$> (c $/ element "lhs" &/ getTerm) <*> (c $/ element "rhs" &/ getTerm)