-- | the "old" TPDB format 
-- cf. <http://www.lri.fr/~marche/tpdb/format.html>

{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}

module TPDB.Plain.Write where

import TPDB.Data
import TPDB.Pretty

import Data.List ( nub )
import Data.String ( fromString )
import qualified Data.Text as T

instance Pretty Identifier where
    pretty i = pretty $ name i

instance ( Pretty v, Pretty s ) => Pretty ( Term v s ) where
    pretty t = case t of
        Var v -> pretty v
        Node f xs -> case xs of
            [] -> pretty f 
            _  -> pretty f <+> ( parens $ fsep $ punctuate comma $ map pretty xs )

class PrettyTerm a where 
    prettyTerm :: a -> Doc ann

instance PrettyTerm a => Pretty ( Rule a ) where
    pretty u = sep [ prettyTerm $ lhs u
                   , ( case relation u of 
                         Strict -> "->" 
                         Weak -> "->="
                         Equal -> "=" 
                   -- FIXME: implement "top" annotation
                     ) <+> prettyTerm ( rhs u )

instance Pretty s => PrettyTerm [s] where    
    prettyTerm xs = hsep $ map pretty xs

instance ( Pretty v, Pretty s ) => PrettyTerm ( Term v s ) where
    prettyTerm = pretty

instance ( Pretty s, PrettyTerm r ) => Pretty ( RS s r ) where
    pretty sys = vcat 
        [ parens $ "RULES" <+>
          vcat ( ( if separate sys then punctuate comma else id )
                 $ map pretty $ rules sys 
        -- FIXME: variables are not shown (and it is impossible to compute
        -- them here, this is actually a TPDB format design error, 
        -- since variables should be local (per rule), not global)
        -- FIXME: output strategy, theory

instance ( Pretty s, Pretty r ) => Pretty ( Problem s r ) where
    pretty p = vcat
       [ pretty $ trs p 
       , case strategy p of  
             Nothing -> empty
             Just s -> sep [ "strategy"
                            , fromString ( show s ) ]
       , case startterm p of  
             Nothing -> empty
             Just s -> sep [ "startterm"
                            , fromString ( show s ) ] 