{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.Converter.PB2IP
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011-2015
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
module ToySolver.Converter.PB2IP
  ( pb2ip
  , PB2IPInfo
  , wbo2ip
  , WBO2IPInfo

  , sat2ip
  , SAT2IPInfo
  , maxsat2ip
  , MaxSAT2IPInfo
  ) where

import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import qualified Data.PseudoBoolean as PBFile
import ToySolver.Converter.Base
import ToySolver.Converter.PB
import qualified ToySolver.Data.MIP as MIP
import ToySolver.Data.MIP ((.==.), (.<=.), (.>=.))
import qualified ToySolver.FileFormat.CNF as CNF
import qualified ToySolver.SAT.Types as SAT

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

newtype PB2IPInfo = PB2IPInfo Int
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Transformer PB2IPInfo where
  type Source PB2IPInfo = SAT.Model
  type Target PB2IPInfo = Map MIP.Var Rational

instance ForwardTransformer PB2IPInfo where
  transformForward _ m =
    Map.fromList [(convVar v, if val then 1 else 0) | (v,val) <- assocs m]

instance BackwardTransformer PB2IPInfo where
  transformBackward (PB2IPInfo nv) = mtrans nv

pb2ip :: PBFile.Formula -> (MIP.Problem Integer, PB2IPInfo)
pb2ip formula = (mip, PB2IPInfo (PBFile.pbNumVars formula))
    mip = def
      { MIP.objectiveFunction = obj2
      , MIP.constraints = cs2
      , MIP.varType = Map.fromList [(v, MIP.IntegerVariable) | v <- vs]
      , MIP.varBounds = Map.fromList [(v, (0,1)) | v <- vs]

    vs = [convVar v | v <- [1..PBFile.pbNumVars formula]]

    obj2 =
      case PBFile.pbObjectiveFunction formula of
        Just obj' -> def{ MIP.objDir = MIP.OptMin, MIP.objExpr = convExpr obj' }
        Nothing   -> def{ MIP.objDir = MIP.OptMin, MIP.objExpr = 0 }

    cs2 = do
      (lhs,op,rhs) <- PBFile.pbConstraints formula
      let (lhs2,c) = splitConst $ convExpr lhs
          rhs2 = rhs - c
      return $ case op of
        PBFile.Ge -> def{ MIP.constrExpr = lhs2, MIP.constrLB = MIP.Finite rhs2 }
        PBFile.Eq -> def{ MIP.constrExpr = lhs2, MIP.constrLB = MIP.Finite rhs2, MIP.constrUB = MIP.Finite rhs2 }

convExpr :: PBFile.Sum -> MIP.Expr Integer
convExpr s = sum [product (fromIntegral w : map f tm) | (w,tm) <- s]
    f :: PBFile.Lit -> MIP.Expr Integer
    f x
      | x > 0     = MIP.varExpr (convVar x)
      | otherwise = 1 - MIP.varExpr (convVar (abs x))

convVar :: PBFile.Var -> MIP.Var
convVar x = MIP.toVar ("x" ++ show x)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

data WBO2IPInfo = WBO2IPInfo !Int [(MIP.Var, PBFile.SoftConstraint)]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Transformer WBO2IPInfo where
  type Source WBO2IPInfo = SAT.Model
  type Target WBO2IPInfo = Map MIP.Var Rational

instance ForwardTransformer WBO2IPInfo where
  transformForward (WBO2IPInfo _nv relaxVariables) m = Map.union m1 m2
        m1 = Map.fromList $ [(convVar v, if val then 1 else 0) | (v,val) <- assocs m]
        m2 = Map.fromList $ [(v, if SAT.evalPBConstraint m c then 0 else 1) | (v, (Just _, c)) <- relaxVariables]

instance BackwardTransformer WBO2IPInfo where
  transformBackward (WBO2IPInfo nv _relaxVariables) = mtrans nv

wbo2ip :: Bool -> PBFile.SoftFormula -> (MIP.Problem Integer, WBO2IPInfo)
wbo2ip useIndicator formula = (mip, WBO2IPInfo (PBFile.wboNumVars formula) relaxVariables)
    mip = def
      { MIP.objectiveFunction = obj2
      , MIP.constraints = topConstr ++ map snd cs2
      , MIP.varType = Map.fromList [(v, MIP.IntegerVariable) | v <- vs]
      , MIP.varBounds = Map.fromList [(v, (0,1)) | v <- vs]

    vs = [convVar v | v <- [1..PBFile.wboNumVars formula]] ++ [v | (ts, _) <- cs2, (_, v) <- ts]

    obj2 = def
      { MIP.objDir = MIP.OptMin
      , MIP.objExpr = MIP.Expr [MIP.Term w [v] | (ts, _) <- cs2, (w, v) <- ts]

    topConstr :: [MIP.Constraint Integer]
    topConstr =
     case PBFile.wboTopCost formula of
       Nothing -> []
       Just t ->
          [ def{ MIP.constrExpr = MIP.objExpr obj2, MIP.constrUB = MIP.Finite (fromInteger t - 1) } ]

    relaxVariables :: [(MIP.Var, PBFile.SoftConstraint)]
    relaxVariables = [(MIP.toVar ("r" ++ show n), c) | (n, c) <- zip [(0::Int)..] (PBFile.wboConstraints formula)]

    cs2 :: [([(Integer, MIP.Var)], MIP.Constraint Integer)]
    cs2 = do
      (v, (w, (lhs,op,rhs))) <- relaxVariables
      let (lhs2,c) = splitConst $ convExpr lhs
          rhs2 = rhs - c
          (ts,ind) =
            case w of
              Nothing -> ([], Nothing)
              Just w2 -> ([(w2,v)], Just (v,0))
      if isNothing w || useIndicator then do
         let c =
               case op of
                 PBFile.Ge -> (lhs2 .>=. MIP.constExpr rhs2) { MIP.constrIndicator = ind }
                 PBFile.Eq -> (lhs2 .==. MIP.constExpr rhs2) { MIP.constrIndicator = ind }
         return (ts, c)
      else do
         let (lhsGE,rhsGE) = relaxGE v (lhs2,rhs2)
             c1 = lhsGE .>=. MIP.constExpr rhsGE
         case op of
           PBFile.Ge -> do
             return (ts, c1)
           PBFile.Eq -> do
             let (lhsLE,rhsLE) = relaxLE v (lhs2,rhs2)
                 c2 = lhsLE .<=. MIP.constExpr rhsLE
             [ (ts, c1), ([], c2) ]

splitConst :: MIP.Expr Integer -> (MIP.Expr Integer, Integer)
splitConst e = (e2, c)
    e2 = MIP.Expr [t | t@(MIP.Term _ (_:_)) <- MIP.terms e]
    c = sum [c | MIP.Term c [] <- MIP.terms e]

relaxGE :: MIP.Var -> (MIP.Expr Integer, Integer) -> (MIP.Expr Integer, Integer)
relaxGE v (lhs, rhs) = (MIP.constExpr (rhs - lhs_lb) * MIP.varExpr v + lhs, rhs)
    lhs_lb = sum [min c 0 | MIP.Term c _ <- MIP.terms lhs]

relaxLE :: MIP.Var -> (MIP.Expr Integer, Integer) -> (MIP.Expr Integer, Integer)
relaxLE v (lhs, rhs) = (MIP.constExpr (rhs - lhs_ub) * MIP.varExpr v + lhs, rhs)
    lhs_ub = sum [max c 0 | MIP.Term c _ <- MIP.terms lhs]

mtrans :: Int -> Map MIP.Var Rational -> SAT.Model
mtrans nvar m =
  array (1, nvar)
    [ (i, val)
    | i <- [1 .. nvar]
    , let val =
            case Map.findWithDefault 0 (convVar i) m of
              0  -> False
              1  -> True
              v0 -> error (show v0 ++ " is neither 0 nor 1")

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

type SAT2IPInfo = ComposedTransformer SAT2PBInfo PB2IPInfo

sat2ip :: CNF.CNF -> (MIP.Problem Integer, SAT2IPInfo)
sat2ip cnf = (ip, ComposedTransformer info1 info2)
    (pb,info1) = sat2pb cnf
    (ip,info2) = pb2ip pb

type MaxSAT2IPInfo = ComposedTransformer MaxSAT2WBOInfo WBO2IPInfo

maxsat2ip :: Bool -> CNF.WCNF -> (MIP.Problem Integer, MaxSAT2IPInfo)
maxsat2ip useIndicator wcnf = (ip, ComposedTransformer info1 info2)
    (wbo, info1) = maxsat2wbo wcnf
    (ip, info2) = wbo2ip useIndicator wbo

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------