{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

{- |
Module      :  Compare.Compare
Description :  Compare two phylogenies
Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2019
License     :  GPL-3

Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
Stability   :  unstable
Portability :  portable

Creation date: Thu Sep 19 15:01:52 2019.


module Compare.Compare
  ( compareCmd
  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Logger
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8        as L
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                          as M
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set                          as S
import qualified Data.Text                         as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                as E
import qualified Data.Text.IO                      as T

import           Data.Tree
import           System.IO
import           Text.Printf

import           Compare.Options

import           ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.BranchSupportTree as BS
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.Distance
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.MeasurableTree
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.NamedTree
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.PhyloTree
import           ELynx.Data.Tree.Tree
import           ELynx.Export.Tree.Newick          (toNewick)
import           ELynx.Import.Tree.Newick
import           ELynx.Tools.InputOutput

treesOneFile :: FilePath
             -> Compare (Tree (PhyloLabel L.ByteString), Tree (PhyloLabel L.ByteString))
treesOneFile tf = do
  a <- lift ask
  let nw = if argsNewickIqTree a then manyNewickIqTree else manyNewick
  $(logInfo) $ T.pack $ "Parse file '" ++ tf ++ "'."
  ts <- liftIO $ parseFileWith nw tf
  let n = length ts
  case compare n 2 of
    LT -> error "Not enough trees in file."
    GT -> error "Too many trees in file."
    EQ -> return (head ts, head . tail $ ts)

treesTwoFiles :: FilePath -> FilePath
              -> Compare (Tree (PhyloLabel L.ByteString), Tree (PhyloLabel L.ByteString))
treesTwoFiles tf1 tf2 = do
  a <- lift ask
  let nw = if argsNewickIqTree a then oneNewickIqTree else oneNewick
  $(logInfo) $ T.pack $ "Parse first tree file '" ++ tf1 ++ "'."
  t1 <- liftIO $ parseFileWith nw tf1
  $(logInfo) $ T.pack $ "Parse second tree file '" ++ tf2 ++ "'."
  t2 <- liftIO $ parseFileWith nw tf2
  return (t1, t2)

-- | More detailed comparison of two trees.
compareCmd :: Maybe FilePath -> Compare ()
compareCmd outFile = do
  a <- lift ask
  -- Determine output handle (stdout or file).
  let outFn = (++ ".out") <$> outFile
  outH <- outHandle "results" outFn
  -- liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""

  -- Read input.
  let inFiles = argsInFiles a
      nFiles  = length inFiles
  (t1, t2) <- case nFiles of
    1 -> treesOneFile (head inFiles)
    2 -> treesTwoFiles (head inFiles) (head . tail $ inFiles)
    _ -> error "Need two input files with one tree each or one input file with two trees."
  -- liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""

  liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Tree 1:"
  liftIO $ L.hPutStrLn outH $ toNewick t1
  -- liftIO $ hPrint outH t1
  liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Tree 2:"
  liftIO $ L.hPutStrLn outH $ toNewick t2
  -- liftIO $ hPrint outH t2
  liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""

  -- Check input.
  let lvs1  = leaves t1
      lvs2  = leaves t2
      lfns1 = map getName lvs1
      lfns2 = map getName lvs2
      s1    = S.fromList lfns1
      s2    = S.fromList lfns2
  if s1 == s2
    then liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Trees have the same set of leaf names."
    else liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Trees do not have the same set of leaf names."
  liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""

  -- Distances.
  let formatD str val = T.justifyLeft 25 ' ' str <> "  " <> val
  liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Distances."
  liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Symmetric"
    (T.pack $ show $ symmetric t1 t2)
  liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Branch score"
    (T.pack $ show $ branchScoreWith getName getLen t1 t2)
  let t1' = BS.normalize t1
      t2' = BS.normalize t2
  $(logDebug) "Trees with normalized branch support values:"
  $(logDebug) $ E.decodeUtf8 $ L.toStrict $ toNewick t1'
  $(logDebug) $ E.decodeUtf8 $ L.toStrict $ toNewick t2'
  liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (0.10)"
    (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 0.1 t1') (collapse 0.1 t2'))
  liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (0.50)"
    (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 0.5 t1') (collapse 0.5 t2'))
  -- liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (0.60)"
  --   (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 0.6 t1') (collapse 0.6 t2'))
  -- liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (0.70)"
  --   (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 0.7 t1') (collapse 0.7 t2'))
  liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (0.80)"
    (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 0.8 t1') (collapse 0.8 t2'))
  liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (0.90)"
    (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 0.9 t1') (collapse 0.9 t2'))
  -- liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn outH $ formatD "Incompatible split (1.01)"
  --   (T.pack $ show $ incompatibleSplits (collapse 1.01 t1') (collapse 1.01 t2'))
  -- liftIO $ L.hPutStrLn outH $ toNewick (collapse 1.01 t1')

  -- Bipartitions.
  when (argsBipartitions a) (do
    let bp1 = bipartitions (fmap getName t1)
        bp2 = bipartitions (fmap getName t2)
        bp1Only = bp1 S.\\ bp2
        bp2Only = bp2 S.\\ bp1
    unless (S.null bp1Only)
          liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""
          liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Bipartitions in Tree 1 that are not in Tree 2."
          -- let bp1Strs = map (bphuman L.unpack . bpmap getName) (S.toList bp1Only)
          forM_ bp1Only (liftIO . hPutStrLn outH . bphuman L.unpack))
          -- let bp1Strs = map (bphuman L.unpack) (S.toList bp1Only)
          -- liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH $ intercalate "\n" bp1Strs)
    unless (S.null bp2Only)
          liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""
          liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Bipartitions in Tree 2 that are not in Tree 1."
          forM_ bp2Only (liftIO . hPutStrLn outH . bphuman L.unpack))

    -- Common bipartitions and their respective differences in branch lengths.
    liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH ""
    let bpCommon = bp1 `S.intersection` bp2
    if S.null bpCommon
      then liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "There are no common bipartitions."
      else do
      let bpToBrLen1 = M.map getSum $ bipartitionToBranchLength getName (Sum . getLen) t1
          bpToBrLen2 = M.map getSum $ bipartitionToBranchLength getName (Sum . getLen) t2
      liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH "Common bipartitions and their respective differences in branch lengths."
      -- Header.
      liftIO $ hPutStrLn outH header
      forM_ bpCommon (liftIO . hPutStrLn outH . getCommonBpStr L.unpack bpToBrLen1 bpToBrLen2))

  liftIO $ hClose outH
  -- TODO. Plot using haskell-chart.
  -- See https://github.com/timbod7/haskell-chart/wiki.

header :: String
header = intercalate "  " $ cols ++ ["Bipartition"]
  where cols = map (T.unpack . T.justifyRight 12 ' ')
               [ "Length 1", "Length 2", "Delta", "Relative [%]"]

getCommonBpStr :: (Ord a, Fractional b, PrintfArg b)
               => (a -> String)
               -> M.Map (Bipartition a) b -> M.Map (Bipartition a) b
               -> Bipartition a -> String
getCommonBpStr f m1 m2 p = intercalate "  "
  [ printf "% 12.7f" l1
  , printf "% 12.7f" l2
  , printf "% 12.7f" d
  , printf "% 12.7f" rd
  , s ]
  where l1 = m1 M.! p
        l2 = m2 M.! p
        d  = l1 - l2
        rd = 2 * d / (l1 + l2)
        s  = bphuman f p