tilings-0.1: substitution tilings




Substitution tiling API.



class Tiling t whereSource

Substitution tilings. Instances must obey the following laws:

 parent root == Nothing
 all (== Just t) . map parent . children $ t
 t `inside`   exterior t
 t `encloses` interior t
 interior t `insideR` exterior t
 t `inside` r  ==>  t `overlaps` r
 t `encloses` r  ==>  t `overlaps` r
 t `overlaps` r  ==> not (t `outside` r)
 t `encloses` r && n >= 0  ==>  not $ any (`outside` r) (tile t r n)

Minimal complete definition: all except tile.


root :: tSource

The largest tile to start from.

children :: t -> [t]Source

The smaller children of a tile.

parent :: t -> Maybe tSource

The unique parent of a tile.

exterior :: t -> RectangleSource

A rectangle that completely encloses the tile.

interior :: t -> RectangleSource

A rectangle that is completely enclosed by the tile.

inside :: t -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Test if a rectangle completely encloses the tile.

encloses :: t -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Test if a rectangle is completely enclosed by the tile.

outside :: t -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Test if a rectangle is completely disjoint from the tile.

overlaps :: t -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Test if a rectangle has any overlap with the tile.

tile :: t -> Rectangle -> Int -> [t]Source

Generate a tiling that completely fills the given rectangle.


 t `encloses` r
 n >= 0


Tiling Quad

Substitution tiling for square tiles.

tileDefault :: Tiling t => t -> Rectangle -> Int -> [t]Source

Default implementation for tile.

data Rectangle Source

An axis-aligned rectangle with Rational coordinates.


 westEdge r <= eastEdge r && southEdge r <= northEdge r

For substitution tilings that contain irrational lengths and/or scale factors, the intention is that the implementations of exterior and interior provide reasonably tight bounds, within a percent or two, say, while the data type maintains full precision internally (perhaps using algebraic field extensions over Rational).



:: Rational


-> Rational


-> Rational


-> Rational


-> Rectangle


Create a valid rectangle, sorting the edges to meet the invariant.

insideR :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Check if a rectangle is inside another rectangle. The comparison is not strict, so that a rectangle is inside itself.

outsideR :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Check if a rectangle is disjoint from another rectangle. The comparison is strict, so that neighbouring rectangles that share an edge will not be outside each other.

overlapsR :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> BoolSource

Check if a rectangle overlaps with another rectangle. The comparison is not strict, so that neighbouring rectangles that share an edge will overlap each other.